IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2012-05-27

Estel_backupmenu backups and restore Your rootfs form nand and optfs *exactly* like it wa sin moment of doing backup00:00
tadzikwhich is not too bad I guess, if I can easily backup my /home and then bring it back00:00
Estel_generally, experienced people are Ok to restore rootfs or optfs only00:00
Estel_if Yuo knwo how to handle de-sync between rootfs and optfs (i.e. things one expect to exist but lacking in another)00:00
tadziknow that I listen to you I don't think I can handle it :)00:01
tadzikso I guess the easiest way to go is: 1) restore backup from backupmenu 2) install cssu again 3) bring back my apps00:01
Estel_;) if you don't have anything important00:01
tadzikwell, I do00:01
tadzikbut it's all in /home I guess00:01
Estel_...outside maemo's backup from backup program00:01
Estel_the most bulletproof apporoach would be to flash FIASCO00:02
Estel_as backupmenu is backuping /home/ alongside optfs00:02
Estel_which is, probably, only one drawback of this program00:02
Estel_I've suggested to split it to 2 optional backups, as, for example, I've preenv games in /home/games and backuping them alongside optfs, made bgackup # Gb in size00:02
infobotEstel_ meant: I've suggested to split it to 2 optional backups, as, for example, I've preenv games in /home/games and backuping them alongside optfs, made bgackup 3 Gb in size00:03
tadzikokay, let's get this straight. I want to reinstall the whole system, but somehow keep my smses, contacts, calendar, wolfenstein saves and so on00:03
Estel_I don't know about wolfenstein save,s but rest should be in your backup from osso-backup00:03
Estel_so, screw backupmenu backup this time, backup Your game's saves manually...00:03
Estel_then reflash FIASCO00:03
Estel_install CSSU00:03
Estel_restore backup00:03
Estel_and prepare proper backup with backupmenu00:04
Estel_now, you're free to mess with whatever You want :p00:04
tadzikbefore I google FIASCO, I think I could just backup whole /home/user00:04
Estel_don't google fiasco, just check article in's Wiki "Updating the firmware"00:04
tadzikdoes that sound sane? tar.gz it and then unpack it again after restoring backup and reinstalling CSSU00:04
Estel_I know, tricky name00:04
Estel_You could, although, in home user, there are also hidden files like ".configsomething", and I'm not sure if You need it00:05
tadzikyeah, I'm aware of them00:05
tadzikok, backupmenu goes first00:05
Estel_so why not00:05
tadzikand while I'm going full crazy, how stable is cssu-testing? :)00:05
Estel_very stable.00:06
Estel_Only once in history there was a small mistake-update that amde people's device unbootable, but now, we have cssu-devel too00:07
tadzikoh, I didn't know about that one00:07
Estel_Unles you perfectly know what You're doing, stick to cssu-testing and You'll be OK00:08
tadzikoh crap, seems that bootmenu's broken00:08
Estel_BTw, welcome in our little Community :)00:09
tadzikhey, thanks :)00:09
Estel_how come?00:09
tadzikno eye deer. "Error with: cp /usr/bin/evkey bla bla bla", No Such File Or Directory, Press Any Key To Continue00:09
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tadzikand it hangs00:09
tadzikeven the led hanged00:09
Estel_I know wtf00:10
Estel_I hoped they fixed it already00:10
Estel_if You can boot to device, just do00:10
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Estel_as root00:10
tadzikhold on, I removed the battery and now rebooting00:10
Estel_wont help00:10
tadzikI hope it will, otherwise I have a bricked phone00:11
Estel_Youre sure that it is "Error with: cp /usr/bin/evkey", and not /usr/sbin/evkey?00:11
tadzikcould've been sbin00:11
Estel_why broken?00:11
Estel_can't boot normally to Maemo again?00:11
tadzikwell, if you say "reboot wont help"... ;)00:11
tadzikMaemo has just booted00:11
Estel_reboot won't help bootmenu00:11
tadzikI see00:11
Estel_now go back to device turned off00:12
Estel_and re-check error message :p00:12
Estel_as it's important to fix00:12
tadzikoh wtf00:12
Estel_if it's /usr/sbin/evkey00:12
Estel_You need to, from Maemo, as root:00:12
Estel_cp /usr/bin/evkey /usr/sbin/evkey00:12
Estel_otherwise, just turn it upside down00:12
tadzikhold on, something sensemaking seems to happen00:13
Estel_You can also ln -s it00:13
tadzikmaemo now wants to update stuff, and qtm-blabla is on the list00:13
tadzikI'll see what happens00:13
Estel_sure thing00:13
tadzikI don't expect success, as I tried installing CSSU-Testing once CSSU-Stable didn't want to reinstall00:14
tadzikso thing might've gone crazy00:14
Estel_updating from cssu-stable to testing is ok00:14
Estel_won't work other way00:14
tadzikI know what you mean, I tried downgrading debian testing to debian stable once00:15
tadzikwas an...interesting experience, to say it gently00:15
tadzikokay, that didn't fix anything. Back to bootmenu00:22
tadzikit's the sbin one that's missing00:23
tadzik oh wait00:26
tadzikEstel_: if I create a new backup using bootmenu, the old one will go away?00:26
Estel_no, it's saved with data appended to it00:26
tadzikas in, There Can Be Only One?00:26
infobotEstel_ meant: no, it's saved with date appended to it00:27
Estel_+ time00:27
Estel_you just need to keep and eye on it, or you can lose orientation which backup is which easily00:27
tadzikI'll backup /home/user first, Justin Case00:27
tadzikEstel_: hmm. Does restoring rootfs and opts touch /home/user at all?00:39
Estel_as I've said, backupmenu optf contain /home/user too00:41
Estel_for reasons unknown, honestly00:41
Estel_it doesn't touch MyDocs only00:41
tadzikoh, ok00:41
tadzikI'm now creating a new backup in bootmenu, in case that in an hour I'd be even in worse situation that I'm in now :)00:42
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tadzikEstel_: seems that everything works, with cssu-testing onboard :)01:41
tadzikthank you very much for your help01:41
Estel_nice to hear :)01:41
Estel_no problem, yw.01:41
Estel_don't forget to prepare full rtootfs and optfs backup01:41
Estel_so you can always go back to current situation01:41
tadzikoh, and it actually did preserve my dotfiles, those in /home/user but not in MyDocs01:43
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rzs19hello, i have upgraded to the latest stable version of maemo cssu and now i get a segmentation fault, when i try to start camera-ui.01:49
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rzs19okay, i got it, fcam driverswas the problem, i removed itand now everything is fine :)02:05
rzs19creating groups i nthe contact app would be nice.02:06
rzs19is there a way to disable all the 3dstuff?02:22
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int_uaanyone online?03:16
rzs19yeah :D03:39
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tadzikis there a way to disable portrait mode for the main screen only?13:01
tadzikAs in, the desktop, with widgets13:01
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freemangordonarcean, ping13:35
Estel_tadzik,  yes, there is13:36
Estel_via some gconf command13:36
Estel_although I agree it should be configurable via menu13:36
freemangordonwhich is described on CSSU wiki AFAIK13:36
Estel_unf., You should search for this command in TMO13:36
Estel_so it's better13:37
tadzikgconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/desktop_orientation_lock -t bool true13:37
tadzikright, it was on the wiki13:37
freemangordontadzik, don't think that is the correct command13:37
Estel_morning freemangordon ;)13:37
freemangordonthere should be another value13:37
tadzikit's described as Disable rotation of desktop13:37
freemangordonEstel_, morning13:37
tadzikI'll just run it and see what blows up ;)13:37
Estel_freemangordon,  why another value?13:38
freemangordongconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/ui_can_rotate -t bool false13:38
Estel_smth instead of true/false13:38
Estel_hm, but he want to kill only desktop rotation13:39
tadzikseems to have worked13:39
Estel_and keep rotating everything else13:39
Estel_freemangordon  is right13:39
tadziknow I have desktop still, and application list rotating, which is what I wanted13:39
Estel_tadzik,  what You've achieved is just like pishing on button in status menu13:39
Estel_"orientation lock"13:39
tadzikthat's where I'm looking13:40
freemangordonhere ^^^13:40
tadzikDisable rotation of Task Switcher, Launcher and desktop -- that's what I not want13:40
tadzikDisable rotation of desktop -- that's what I meand13:40
freemangordonbut,but... no application willrotate13:40
infobottadzik meant: Disable rotation of desktop -- that's what I meant13:40
tadzikno, conboy rotates as well13:40
Estel_strange, when I use orientation lock, my program's list doesn't rotate13:41
tadzikso does fapman13:41
Estel_bug? :D13:41
freemangordontadzik, do what you want, you've been warned :P13:41
* Estel_ investigates13:41
tadzikwell, I did that and have everything working as I wanted13:41
freemangordongconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/desktop_orientation_lock -t bool true13:41
tadzikplease allow me to keep that for the sake of bug-wards compatibility :P13:41
freemangordonsorry, my fault13:42
tadzikthat's desktop-only, and sounds like so13:42
freemangordonI misread the value you're changing13:42
Estel_orientation_lock seems misguiding13:43
freemangordonPali, ping13:43
Palifreemangordon, pong13:43
tadzikwell, it's specifically desktop_orientation_lock13:43
Estel_tadzik,  right, everything is ok13:43
freemangordonPali, my question why your HAM is not in -devel repo was not a joke13:43
Estel_rest assured :D13:43
tadzikbut that's odd that it's called orientation-lock in the menu, and ui_can_rotate in gconf13:43
tadzikcan be confusing13:43
freemangordonthat is the very reason we have it after all13:43
Palifreemangordon, because I forgot to upload it :)13:44
Estel_Pali,  nice to see You here - I've got interesting response in bug report13:44
povbotBug 12415: Missing source code of osso-backup13:44
freemangordonJust merge your changes back to master, build the .debs and but them on the -devel repo13:44
Estel_see what Jaffa is implying there13:44
povbotBug 12415: Missing source code of osso-backup13:44
PaliEstel_ I read it, but I do not have time to write other mail/request/... to other nokia people13:44
Estel_Pali,  AFAIK You got sources on dvd from Nokia13:45
Estel_is it there?13:45
freemangordonPali, check for powertop too :)13:45
Estel_wasn't it proper request?13:45
Palifreemangordon, Estel_ that DVD is only dump of maemo513:46
PaliI check it no other maemo5 source code13:46
Estel_so what is "proper" way of requesting code that Jaffa is reffering to?13:46
freemangordonEstel_, check your "About"13:46
Estel_seen that13:46
freemangordonthere is a mail there13:46
freemangordonthat's it13:47
Estel_honestly, I don't think bug is bad place for that, it seems like forgotten code by mistake13:47
Estel_we can try it if nothing else helps13:47
Paliit is not proper way - it is better for nokia people "ask someone else, I do not have time to do it myself"13:47
arceanfreemangordon, Pali: there's some kind of character encoding problem in ke-recv,
Estel_but I doubt we will get any answer, and way of "enforcing" code for it is rather not-efficient13:47
Estel_Pali,  but Jaffa isn't Nokia employee, he just play wise there ;)13:48
freemangordonarcean, how to reproduce that?13:48
Estel_let's wait for qgil response, after all hes Nokia contact for us for a reason13:48
Paliarcean, on parition names was working freemangordon13:48
arceanfreemangordon: install cssu-testing and change language to PL :)13:48
Estel_hey, I have it13:49
Estel_where should I find bug?13:49
freemangordongood, now arcean will guide you :P13:49
freemangordonarcean, is it possible that the translation is screwed up?13:49
Estel_well, I got total mess there13:49
arceani don't think so13:50
freemangordonEstel_, arcean, install the latest freom cssu-devel, there a poile of bugfixes13:50
* freemangordon think that he needs another coffee13:50
freemangordonarcean, ke-recv in -testing (along with several other related packages) is screwed up13:51
PaliEstel_, so Jaffa cannot resolve that bug, so he wrote that we should ask someone else (eg. people in nokia)13:51
Estel_honestly, I've never expected it to show properly polish chars, so I'm using other names anyway13:52
tadzikodd, the Ä™ below is fine13:52
freemangordonarcean, enable -devel repo, upgrade, and report if the bug is still reproducible13:52
Estel_Pali,  Jaffa is just user commenting13:52
Estel_he wasn't address of this bug13:52
tadzikheh, Estel_ you're Polish too?13:52
Estel_it's just random user comment13:52
Estel_yea. Expected, that You're polish tadzik13:52
Estel_for obvious reasons13:52
tadzikright. 'tis a small world13:52
Paliok, so we need to wait until someone from nokia write answer13:52
freemangordonthe name?13:52
Estel_Pali,  yea13:53
Palior if you want you can start writting letters to nokia (to nokia finland post address) :D13:53
Estel_freemangordon,  but it's correctly displaying proper char in "UdostÄ™pnione multimedia"13:53
Estel_btw, I remember how surprised I was, when stumbled upon arcean in polish Maemo forum, while searching for something13:54
freemangordonEstel_, once again, ke-recv is screwed up in -testing, do apt-get upgrade with -devel enabled.13:54
Estel_and plentora of other names from TMO13:54
tadzikseems that we could organize a hackathon or such :)13:54
Estel_tadzik,  why not... + arrange some striptizers to attacrt kernel devs :(13:55
infobotEstel_ meant: tadzik,  why not... + arrange some striptizers to attract kernel devs :(13:55
arceantadzik, IIRC there was a week ago13:56
Estel_tadzik,  if You know any polish kernel dev, try to attract her/him into hacking N900 kernel alongside freemangordon and Pali - we can even think about donating device :P13:56
tadzikthere was, but it was not meant to be a technical meeting of any sort13:56
tadzikat least that's what the organizer claimed, and it was just as he said13:57
tadzikEstel_: well, Stskeeps is in Poland for some time now :)13:57
tadziknot sure how much kernel hacking he's doing, but he's the Mer guy13:57
Estel_yea, but he failed to Mer'd oomcrack ;)13:57
Estel_seriously, Mer is ok13:57
tadzikdidn't try it yet13:57
Estel_but I rather though about someone from outside13:58
freemangordonhmm, I am note sure Stskeeps has any interests in Maemo13:58
tadzikstill in the phase of "yeah, I'll order my sdcard tomorrow"13:58
Estel_I'm sure he don't have any :D (interest)13:58
Estel_well, some lucky people will be able to install it in N950's/N9's in ~5 weeks time13:59
Estel_so they're saving on buying sd card ;P13:59
Estel_freemangordon,  decided already if You're going to apply for N950 without microS card reader and fmtx? :P14:00
PaliEstel_, see
Palipage 12714:00
freemangordonEstel_, I already answered that question :P14:00
Estel_ouh? Sorry, memories fade, I don't remember14:01
Estel_except for fact that it's yes14:01
freemangordonin short: "yes, but the only way it could become my primary device, is to find a way to connect fmtx to anthenna"14:02
Estel_Pali,  there is stated that it should be available via maemo.org14:02
arceanfreemangordon, the creepy bug is still there14:02
freemangordonarcean, did you name memory card by hand?14:03
Estel_could You post this quotation from manual as response to jaffa's comment?14:03
freemangordonarcean, then it is some translation bug14:03
Estel_strange, I got "memory card" there14:04
Estel_and I'm using polish too ;)14:04
freemangordonarcean, could you try to name it manually (8 chars max), using that missing character?14:05
freemangordonarcean, BTW which char should be there, a legular "t", or crossed "t"14:06
freemangordonaah, damn14:07
Estel_hey, BTW, why Jaffa have Maemo's sign next to his name in bugzilla?14:07
Estel_it's missleading14:07
freemangordonEstel_, better ask him directly14:08
Estel_Pali though hes someone from Maemo' infrastructure14:08
Estel_will do.14:08
Estel_as soon as I manage to contact X-Fade, who is contactable as... always.14:08
freemangordonEstel_, did yoiu try to PM him?14:08
arceanfreemangordon, it's not possible to type special PL char when renaming mem card14:09
Estel_yea, hopeless case. I'm almost determined to open bug "Niels breet, who is assigned to:<> is not contactable"14:09
freemangordonarcean, I see, VFAT shit14:09
Palialso what about kernel-power repository bug? :P14:10
Estel_it still exist?!14:10
freemangordonarcean, could you check your osso-filemanager-plpl or whatever is the translation14:10
Estel_I thought it have been wiped out?14:10
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arcean_freemangordon: np14:10
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Estel_Pali,  what's still non-working re kernel-power and repositories?14:11
freemangordonarcean_, as even if there is a bug, it is not in ke-recv, but in osso-gnome-vfs or in osso-filemanager14:11
freemangordonEstel_, KP cannot be promoted to extras14:11
Palineed to remove old version from extras14:12
freemangordonbecause one of its dependencies (KPS) cannot be promoted IIRC14:12
freemangordonaah, yeah14:12
freemangordonarcean_, I saw you've cloned h-d, another bug?14:14
arcean_no :). I'm going to implement support for catalogs, creating removeing etc14:15
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freemangordonarcean_, great14:15
freemangordonyou mean grouping applications?14:16
freemangordonin app launcher?14:16
freemangordonBTW could you implement some "mark" when application is closed from within tasknav? I.e when "x" is clicked thumbnail to be kade darker, or something like that, it does not really matter14:17
* freemangordon wonders what is wrong with his fingers these days14:18
Estel_I'm going to fill bug report, so it's matter of clearing old version from extras or ptomotion of kernel-power-settings?14:19
Estel_arcean_,  yea, such marking would help a lot14:19
arcean_yeah, i like the idea14:21
freemangordonBTW a big red X accross the thumbnail will do the job and I think it will be very easy to be implemented using clutter14:22
freemangordonjust two crossing lines14:22
freemangordonas adjusting the brigtness will be a bit harder AFAIK14:22
freemangordonthe other option is to draw a mesh, but NFC how hard will be that14:23
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Estel_making it darkes seems like best compromise14:25
Estel_but of course even big ugly red X would do the job14:26
freemangordonNFC if clutter allows us to play with brightness14:26
Estel_btw, it's still pending question:14:26
Estel_<Estel_> I'm going to fill bug report, so it's matter of clearing old version from extras or ptomotion of kernel-power-settings?14:27
freemangordonPali: ^^^14:27
Paliist better to tell this directly to X-Fade?14:28
PaliI filled kernel bug year ago14:28
Estel_telling directly doesn't leave a trace14:29
Estel_could You provide bug number?14:29
Estel_I'll reincarnate it14:29
povbotBug 12284: kernel-power in package interface14:29
Estel_will reincarnate it + post in mailing list14:29
Estel_+ send it to X-Fade14:30
Estel_at least he is supposed to answer to those reports14:30
Paliok, thanks14:30
Estel_what a bastards, N9's from device seeding are 16 GB!14:31
Estel_honestly, for such program they could have spared 64 ones :P14:32
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tadzikwoow, couldgps is pretty awesome15:05
tadzikheh "The age of a software is not an argument"15:15
povbotBug 5795: Update shipped Perl version to a recent one (currently: 5.8.4)15:15
tadzikI guess Security Bugs in Regexes are not an argument either15:15
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kent_autisticarcean_: ping15:39
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arcean_kent_autistic: pong15:40
kent_autisticthe h-d catalogs thats you mentioned. are those like folders in task launcher?15:41
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kent_autisticcool beans!15:43
arcean_well, we'll see :)15:43
kent_autistici have a suggestion on the X mark that freemangordon requested.15:44
kent_autisticwhenever pressing on the small x in a window in task launcher, a big red X within the window flashes15:44
freemangordonkent_autistic, that is not feasible aiui15:45
freemangordonwill be too much of a coding15:45
kent_autistick got it15:45
freemangordonthat will be another animation and that is not an easy task15:46
kent_autistici'd like to test the new h-d in cssu devel but whenever I apt-get install hildon-desktop, it says I already have the latest version15:51
freemangordonkent_autistic, are you sure you'd enabled -devel repo?15:51
freemangordonand did apt-get update?15:51
kent_autisticyyyyep and yep15:51
freemangordonhmm, that is strange15:52
kent_autisticnew kernel stuff is even shown in ham15:52
freemangordonkent_autistic, it is not extras-devel repo you have to enable15:53
freemangordonit is cssu-devel15:53
kent_autisticthink so? yup it is cssu-devel, i made sure it is the only one enabled15:54
freemangordonkent_autistic, what is your current h-d version?15:55
kent_autistichow do i find out?15:55
freemangordondpkg -l | grep hildon-desktop15:56
freemangordonfor example15:56
kent_autisticfreemangordon: 1:2.2.142-16-l3260616:01
freemangordonkent_autistic, that seems like portrait-lock version, check if it is not pinned16:02
kent_autisticwhat's in the latest h-d?16:03
freemangordoncheck changelog16:04
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arcean_desaturation should be enough, looks awesome :)17:10
freemangordonarcean_, :nod:17:27
freemangordonit was desaturation I was talking about, not brightness :D17:27
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freemangordonmerlin1991, ping17:38
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JaffaEstel_: the "maemo" sign is like the IRC cloaks.19:44
Estel_Could You elaborate? i'll admit that I still don't know what IRC cloaks are for (X-Fade wasn't contactable during weekend will try later)19:45
Estel_Also, posting on council blog haven't generated threa don TMO automaticaly, i had to do it via hand :(19:45
Estel_despite tyring with both "Council" category - while posting to blog, - and "news" category too19:46
JaffaEstel_: I'm not "involved" in's infrastructure in any actionable capacity19:46
Estel_I know.19:46
JaffaEstel_: Then contact Reggie - because he set up the RSS feed -> post on my request19:46
Estel_OK, will do that. thanks for a pointer.19:47
JaffaEstel_: Basically the "" badge is like the "Nokia" badge. It's given to council members (past and present) and the folks who *are* involved in running the site.19:47
Estel_understandable, although i'm not sure if should be kept for past - as, as You see, it tend to confuse people.19:47
JaffaEstel_: Then raise a bug against the website and/or a discussion in maemo-community.19:48
Estel_(Pali wasn't only one that thought "Andrew Flegg" is someone related to maemo infrastructure)19:48
Estel_(and not everyone know Andrew=Jaffa)19:48
Estel_discussion first.19:48
JaffaEstel_: If only the names were clickable to take you to the profile... oh. They are ;-)19:48
Estel_Maeybe people would like to keep it as a recognition - i'm not against it, i'm rather about practical side19:48
Estel_thanks a lot for feedback, anyway. I'll leave now for some RL19:49
Estel_feel free to write, i'll read it later19:49
Estel_see ya!19:49
JaffaEstel_: The counter-argument would be a) I know a lot of history so my comments (and similar people's comments) perhaps provide more context; b) I know the people who are involved so can escalate through backchannels if - say - the current council are AWOL19:49
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merlin1991freemangordon: pong20:20
merlin1991Pali: I couldn't test it yet since mag still didn't push a new update to -testing20:20
merlin1991I'll keep pushing mag though I think I'll just run a test against a temp repo if I find time tomorrow20:23
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freemangordonmerlin1991, would you do *-pr thing for -thumb repo for me. Everything else is in place20:49
freemangordonI meen, kernel, package dependencies, etc.20:49
freemangordonAND as AFAIK you have a SW helper which eases *-pr stuff, that is why I am asking20:50
freemangordonaah, wait, I forgot to push new libstdc++20:52
freemangordonbut anyway, the other stuff is in place20:52
merlin1991I only have the hw helper on top of my shoulders for that :D21:46
merlin1991freemangordon: did you add the dependency on the thumb errata to all thumb packages?21:51
freemangordonmerlin1991, yep21:53
merlin1991I'll look into it later :)21:54
freemangordonmerlin1991, I will need some time to prepare libstdc++ package, so no hurry. And have in mind it will be binary only ;)21:55
freemangordonno way to build gcc inside SB21:56
merlin1991yeah true21:56
freemangordonand as I didn't use debianized package to build gcc, but the vanilla source, it is beyond my capabilities to debianize it :D21:59
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Estel_Pali, Quim assigned bug 12415 to himself :)23:12
povbotBug Missing source code of osso-backup23:12
PaliEstel_, now I read it :)23:12
JaffaEstel_: As he raised he, he should've got an automatic notification23:12
PaliNow I belive that somebody in Nokia find missing code23:13
freemangordonPali, since when you are a believer? :P23:14
Palisince now when somebody from Nokia read 8 months old bug :D23:15
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Estel_:D You see, new Council is doing magic :D23:43
Estel_Jaffa, you mean that he should get auto notification from now on, OR that he should get some kind of notification long time ago, and something failed?23:44

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