IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2012-03-19

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amiconnDocScrutinizer: Are there maemo devices without hw kbd?00:13
* amiconn deems Ctrl+Backspace an essential combo00:14
DocScrutinizeramiconn: sure, N800 for example00:18
DocScrutinizeryou might argue whether N9 is another one00:19
amiconnOh, didn't know that00:20
* amiconn doesn't know much about the N900's precursors because he isn't interested in tablets at all00:21
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kakashi__I seriously need some help00:58
kakashi__I just installed cssu-tesing through the website00:58
kakashi__nothing great happened00:58
kakashi__except for the stuff saying enabling-cssu00:58
kakashi__so I did apt-get update && apt-get upgrade00:58
kakashi__and this is what i got -
kakashi__that link also contains my apt-sources file00:59
kakashi__it just says - The following packages have been kept back - these are all the packages that have to be updated00:59
kakashi__can somebody please help me?01:00
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merlin1991kakashi__: did you read the wiki?01:22
merlin1991and follow the process?01:22
kakashi__yep, well got it working01:22
kakashi__i just did apt-get install "all the held back stuff"01:22
kakashi__it worked01:22
kakashi__its a hack01:23
merlin1991it works without01:23
merlin1991you first click the link on the wiki01:23
kakashi__yes, but it didn't work initially because of the nameservers01:23
kakashi__yes I did01:23
merlin1991get asked by ham for repo + enabler package01:23
kakashi__the other stuff - ovi/some nokia repos were not working01:23
kakashi__I got that working01:23
merlin1991RUN the enabler form the launcher01:23
kakashi__it restarted01:24
kakashi__and said01:24
merlin1991get ham open again01:24
* kakashi__ updated operating system01:24
merlin1991and install the update01:24
kakashi__just a sec01:24
merlin1991what does dpkg -l mp-fremantle-community-pr give you?01:24
kakashi__is something wrong?01:25
kakashi__merlin1991: ^^01:25
merlin1991and dpkg -l mp-fremantle*01:26
merlin1991that looks just fine01:28
merlin1991did you install the mp-fremantle-... by hand aswell?01:28
merlin1991after you ran the enabler, did ham open and show you an update?01:29
kakashi__it said updated operating system after a reboot01:29
* merlin1991 wonders what went bad there01:30
kakashi__but at present you dont find anything wrong01:30
kakashi__is that correct?01:30
kakashi__(heh the wrong and the rights here seems weird :) )01:31
merlin1991yeah at present you "fixed it"01:31
merlin1991though it would have been great to check WHY it went bad before that01:32
merlin1991can't do that as of now sadly :/01:32
merlin1991stupid maemo keeps no apt logs01:32
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merlin1991finally got an answer from nokia re osso-pdf-l10n15:28
merlin1991The packages in question are actually copyright of Nokia, proprietary and closed-source15:28
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DocScrutinizeryou easily could teach maemo to keep apt logs22:44
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