IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Saturday, 2012-03-03

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jonwilwho runs cssu-testing?02:11
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SpacedOutjonwil: FAQ, don't ask to ask, just ask04:44
merlin1991SpacedOut: I believe he did ask what he wants to ask04:58
merlin1991jonwil: in theory mag in praxis me04:58
merlin1991sry for not answering earlier but it's friday ;)04:58
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jonwilok, so will there be another CSSU-testing build anytime soon? And if so, how do I make sure ends up in it?05:28
merlin1991new testing should be build probably in 2 or 3 weeks05:37
SpacedOutmerlin1991: Sorry, I was interpreting it as who runs the cssu on their N900 (most people here?), and there would be a follow up question once someone says I do, but you had the right meaning...  I was still right about the follow up question.05:52
merlin1991true that :D05:53
jonwilok, so merlin991, how do I get operator-name-cbs-widget into the next cssu-t?06:47
jonwilits already in cssu git06:47
merlin1991by hitting me with a baseball bat untill I include it06:47
* jonwil doesn't own a baseball bat :P06:47
merlin1991nah I'll just check again what issues (if any) we had with it that it didn't go into last testing and queue it for the update otherwise I'll come back to you06:48
jonwilplease do tell me if there is anything wrong with it, I want to get it in there06:48
merlin1991iirc it was fine06:49
merlin1991we just overlooked a few things in the last update06:49
jonwilsounds good then06:49
merlin1991for example camera-ui l10n didn't make it into the update even though there were new strings06:49
merlin1991was kinda rushed06:49
jonwilI think I did the things that people told me to do like making the new features optional06:50
merlin1991like I said, I think it was already fine06:50
jonwilgood :)06:50
merlin1991if I find anything else I'll contact you06:50
jonwilStill would give my left nut for source to connui-cellular though :P06:50
jonwilno worrkes06:50
jonwilemail is the easiest contact, I read that all the time :)06:51
merlin1991nah nothing is worth a nut ;)06:51
jonwilwell I still want is so badly, it would answer a LOT of questions :P06:52
jonwilthanks to pali we were able to get source for tablet-browser-daemon and browser-neteal though :P06:52
merlin1991yep :)06:52
jonwilwhich is actually good news :)06:52
merlin1991btw in which timezone do you live?06:52
jonwilPerth, Australia06:53
merlin1991because (like it says there in the topic) we're doing a meeting next wednesday  @ 20:00 UTC hopefully deciding what goes into next -testing and what has to be still done to realease it06:54
jonwilhmmm, dont know what that is in gmt+806:54
merlin199128 so 4 am :/06:54
merlin1991utc pretty much is gmt except for a few nanoseconds or so :D06:55
jonwilyeah 4am really dont work for me06:55
merlin1991btw if you're interested we've been going over bugs in the tracker the last 3 weeks, the logs are here:
merlin1991there's quite a lot of work people can pick up (especially from the last meeting)06:57
* jonwil has no time to do n900 work right now except bits and pieces06:58
jonwilas in occasional work on my existing projects where required06:58
merlin1991well parts is sanity checking cev patches for maemo stuff :D06:58
merlin1991or is it cve I never know06:58
merlin1991I'm also working on getting all tasks into a task tracker on so people can easily assign them to themselfes when they start working on them06:58
merlin1991the page is
merlin1991if you're interested make a request to join07:00
* jonwil wonders if the mails pali is sending will lead to any other source code...07:05
jonwilif I thought it would help maybe I would send some emails myself... But I doubt its worth the time :(07:07
merlin1991we didn't even get pdf reader l10n sources even though their licenese clearly says gpl07:08
jonwiljust because the license says GPL doesn't mean its actually intended to be GPL07:10
jonwilI doubt we will ever get usable source code (reverse engineered or official) for any of the important bits of the phone (like MCE) :(07:17
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* Sicelo would even vote for operator-name-cbs-widget to go straight into stable. absolutely no issues with latest version07:23
jonwilgetting it into cssu (regardless of flavor) is my goal07:25
jonwilso I can point and say "I got my code into CSSU" :)07:25
Sicelovery well deserved ;)07:26
merlin1991anyway past 6am here07:27
merlin1991bedtime :)07:27
Sicelolol. not waking up time?07:28
LaoLang_coolI've installed testing cssu and enjoy it happily07:29
LaoLang_coolOne question, can I update and upgrade it via apt-get update?07:30
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Lava_CroftMAG advised to update cssu via HAM only08:26
LaoLang_coolLava_Croft: I like cli more than GUI :)08:28
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LaoLang_coolLava_Croft: why? HAM is GUI app09:25
LaoLang_coolI can't update OS via HAM in xterm09:26
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psycho_oreosapt-get doesn't have all the necessary filters to prevent updating things that necessarily is marked stable09:35
psycho_oreosthe short story is that you could very well end up an unusable (or even worse, bricked) N900 sooner or later if you used apt-get route along with enabling all the test repositories09:37
LaoLang_coolpsycho_oreos: hmm, got it09:38
psycho_oreosI personally use FAM (formerly nicknamed fapman) myself when it comes to updating/upgrading09:39
psycho_oreosfaster application manager09:41
LaoLang_coolIs cssu still under active development?09:42
LaoLang_coolFrom the description of FAM: A fast-to-use GUI front-end for apt-get, written from scratch, I think it's the same with apt-get09:45
psycho_oreosyeah which means in other words, fairly reckless :)09:45
psycho_oreosthe last update was January 17th this year according to the mtime stamps from the repository09:47
LaoLang_coolDo you mean FAM?09:48
psycho_oreosCSSU testing09:48
LaoLang_coolnot so long09:48
LaoLang_coolwhere can I monitor the update of cssu testing?09:49
psycho_oreosthere's no unified way of checking it. I checked it by hand seeing the mtime stamps from the already packaged files in You can probably check bugtrap for instance or even git activity09:50
LaoLang_coolok.. no any other place to announce the new release of cssu?09:52
psycho_oreosthe /topic will most likely give you the latest information09:53
LaoLang_cooloh, good topic!09:54
LaoLang_coolI haven't notice it, thanks for info09:54
psycho_oreosit pays to observe :)09:59
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merlin1991Pali: ping17:33
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LinuxCodehi all, is there a way to make the front camera change in brightness permanent ?17:35
LinuxCodeI installed gstreamer-tools17:35
merlin1991you probably can do somehting in gdigicam somewhere17:35
merlin1991but better ask over in #maemo, you've got a bigger audience there17:35
LinuxCodegst-launch-0.10 v4l2camsrc device=/dev/video1 driver-name=omap3cam ! ffmpegcolorspace ! videobalance brightness=0.5 contrast=1.2 ! autovideosink17:35
LinuxCodeis temprary17:35
LinuxCodemerlin1991, I will ask there too, although I hate cross-posting17:36
Palimerlin1991, pong17:36
LinuxCodemerlin1991, and thank you for responding17:37
LinuxCodewhat is gdigicam ?17:37
LinuxCodegot a link to some resources or further information ?17:38
* LinuxCode search for it17:38
LinuxCodeI wonder if there is another gstreamer tool to just set those values17:39
merlin1991pali you confirmed the email bug and I remembered that it had seperate part, but now upon reading it again I saw that it's actually the same issue throughout the report, so false alarm :)17:39
merlin1991LinuxCode: gdigicam has some configs in /etc I think17:39
LinuxCodemerlin1991, cheers, I will investigate now17:40
LinuxCodetechnically this should be fixed in a firmware update17:40
Palimerlin1991, ok, when I have time I will try to fix that problem17:40
LinuxCodemerlin1991, ok, config file is there17:45
LinuxCodenow I just have to figure out what to change17:45
merlin1991that's always the problem :D17:48
LinuxCodestupid me17:52
LinuxCodelocked myself out of root shell17:52
LinuxCodeused wrong shell17:53
LinuxCodefound that though17:53
LinuxCodehmm is a binary17:54
LinuxCodedoVl package sounds promissing18:06
LinuxCodeIs there anyway way I can go into a rescue mode to reset my shell in root ?18:07
LinuxCodewithout flashing it again ?18:07
Sicelofind NIN101's rescueOS18:07
freemangordonmerlin1991, ping20:16
merlin1991freemangordon: pong20:18
freemangordonmerlin1991, i've pushed a patch to clutter(for the bug in tasknav), but it won't work in case of z-axis rotation :(20:19
merlin1991why's that?20:20
freemangordonbecause in case of z-axis rotation clipping that should be done is not rectangular.20:20
freemangordonso scissors cannot be used20:21
merlin1991hm how does z-axis rotation look like atm?20:21
freemangordonugly :D20:21
freemangordonI mean the imageviewer looks ugly20:22
freemangordonin tasknav20:22
merlin1991is it worse with the patch?20:22
freemangordonthe same20:22
freemangordonmy patch fixes 90 degress cases20:22
merlin1991from your comment I thought your patch makes z-axis worse :D20:23
freemangordonfor some reason cogl in clutter refuses to use stencil clipping, going to check why20:23
merlin1991well we can't fix everything in one go20:23
freemangordonno, it is the same20:24
freemangordonAFAIK, this is the last glitch in tasknav20:24
freemangordonyou will see how it looks when arcean meges all the changes in master20:25
freemangordonbut it is much better, landscape applications are wit correct aspect ration in portrait, etc.20:25
freemangordonbut I saw garage queue is empty :p20:26
merlin1991yea so far I only set up the page didn't fill the queue yet20:26
merlin1991it was impossible to find the users20:26
merlin1991the interface for that is shit :D20:26
freemangordonwell, I think it is a good idea to make a thread on TMO to invite anyone who wishes to join20:27
merlin1991yeah I thought I'll do some announcement after next weeks meeting20:36
freemangordondamn, seems like powervr gles drivers in fremantle does not support clipping planes and stencil buffer. WTF?21:06
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