IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2012-02-16

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SpacedOutmerlin1991: Qt .tar.gz isn't available only qt4-x11_4.7.4~git20110505+cssu6.dsc so you can't apt-get source and build it for x86-32.02:15
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merlin1991SpacedOut: yeah qt you have to build either from gitorious14:15
merlin1991or from -stable14:15
merlin1991(stable includes the qt sources14:15
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DocScrutinizermerlin1991: 'ting today?19:52
DocScrutinizerOOOH *bug*'ting19:53
merlin1991see topic :D19:53
merlin19913 hrs to go :D19:53
DocScrutinizerwhat's with "fixed" ke-recv and mountscripts? go to T?19:53
merlin1991that's for after the bugmeeting19:54
DocScrutinizeranyway please put it on whatever-2do-list19:54
DocScrutinizerso we don't forget about it19:55
DocScrutinizerwho created this? Pali ?19:55
DocScrutinizerPali: ping19:55
PaliI fixed ke-recv for proper automounting19:56
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DocScrutinizerwe prolly want to get that into T, no?19:57
PaliWe need it :-)19:58
PaliDocScrutinizer, for automounting usb hdd in host mode is needed kernel-power pre v5019:59
Palithere was bug (in kernel usb host mode) which does not send event about host mode state and HAL does not see correct musb state20:00
DocScrutinizeranyway that's kernel domain, we still have no CSSU kernel (and won't get that any time soon, if I'm to decide on it)20:01
Paliok, I only wrote this info, because you (and propably other people) could write me that ke-recv does not working in host mode....20:02
DocScrutinizera compatible bugfixed/augmented ke-recv however is sth we probably want in CSSU, as it perfectly meets the definition for things we get there and not any other way20:02
DocScrutinizerPali: you may want to add an according note to wherever the docs/readme/changenotes for your fixed ke-recv reside20:04
Palito debian/changelog?20:04
Palialso it can fix bug 715320:05
povbotBug Built-in MMC scripts only support FAT-formatted20:05
DocScrutinizer"ke-recv work by listening to kernel event nozifications. Due to a flaw in stock kernel and PK up to v49 those event notifications are not sent by kernel for USB attach events..." something like that20:05
Palike-recv listening to HAL :-) not to kernel20:06
DocScrutinizerexplain it, and we're all happy :-D20:06
Paliwhere to write this info?20:06
DocScrutinizeras mentioned above, probably to README.txt in gitorious20:07
DocScrutinizeror even changelog, whatever fits better20:07
Paliit is already in commit message:
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DocScrutinizerbbl, off for brinner & tea-with-rum (fight the flu ;-D)20:20
DocScrutinizerumm, 21UTC == 22CET, right?20:21
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merlin1991yep right20:31
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freemangordon_it is 23 local :-(20:41
merlin1991well if everyone is here we can start earlier20:42
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merlin1991arcean: do you think the fixed hildon-home is ready for a merge request?20:47
arceanthe fixed h-home?20:47
arceanyou mean the one with fixed wallpaper sets?20:47
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arceanhmm, I will create a MR during a weekend20:50
arceanat least it's stable enough to include it into testing20:51
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freemangordonarcean, I've done some modifications to h-d on top of your repo, still not complete though, will you please wait me until I finish and do a MR20:56
arceanfreemangordon, ok20:56
freemangordonsome fixes to task manager (aspect ration for landscape apps in portrait, stuff like that)20:57
arceanabout portrait lock - there's a problem with Qt apps20:57
arceanwhen the forcedrotation is switched off, the portrait lock is simply not working20:58
freemangordonarcean, yeah, you told me, but despite, lets put everything on main repo, will fix QT afterwards. I think it will be very easy to change Qt to listen to new dbus signals20:58
freemangordonBTW I nad an idea - is it possible to change mce orientation signals, to trick the closed source apps?21:00
freemangordonand write another daemon which emits them under h-d control.21:00
merlin1991why write another deamon21:03
merlin1991h-d is already listening to them to manage app state21:03
merlin1991would only make sense to have h-d listen to changed signals and emit the proper ones himself21:03
freemangordonsure, but there are apps (browser for example), which listen directly to mce21:03
freemangordoncompletely ignoring h-d21:04
merlin1991like I said21:04
merlin1991swap mce output21:05
merlin1991listend to swapped and emit old outpot from h-d21:05
freemangordonhmm, maybe we are talking for one and the same thing (axcluding the daemon :) )21:07
freemangordonyeah, another deamon is not really needed.21:07
merlin1991we meant the same thing only I meant that there is no need for yet another deamon21:10
Paliother option would be to understad MCE and port open source harmattan MCE to maemo5 :-)21:24
Paliand here implement other dbus signal21:24
arceanhehe yeah :)21:25
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merlin1991okay who's here (except for pali who timed out)21:44
freemangordonI am21:45
arceanI'm here too21:46
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freemangordonmerlin1991, and who is expected to be here?21:52
merlin1991doc, pali, arcean, mag, andrew you and me21:52
merlin1991though they are all expected to be here in one hour21:53
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merlin1991Sc0rpius: ping22:03
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andre__IRC meeting? or so?23:01
merlin1991okay who's here23:02
freemangordonmerlin1991, ping23:02
freemangordondo we have an agenda?23:02
merlin1991arcean_, DocScrutinizer, Sc0rpius ping23:02
merlin1991agenda is23:03
andre__are we here or are we in #maemo-meeting? I assume here?23:03
merlin1991announce bug # and check if already fixed or not23:03
* andre__ just made it to the hotel in time, yay23:03
merlin1991in here simply23:03
arcean_merlin1991, pong23:03
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DocScrutinizerAYE SIR23:03
merlin1991I wanted to have this mainly to filter out all the bugs that are already fixed but still on the tracker23:03
freemangordonmerlin1991, you mean from the bugtracker?23:03
merlin1991first bug in question is bug 1199023:04
povbotBug resize patch against PR1.3 hildon-home23:04
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merlin1991arcean_: could you look into that?23:05
andre__errm, well, the complete list (including enhancement requests) would be this actually:
* DocScrutinizer idly wonders if mohammad still is anyhow relevant for this project23:06
merlin1991andre__: we can filter out a lot of the list for now23:06
arcean_merlin1991, patch was removed from testing some time ago, introduced a bunch of bugs23:06
merlin1991what was the outcome back then, wontfix or needswork?23:07
DocScrutinizerandre__: many thanks23:07
andre__merlin1991: sharing the list that we talk about here is nice so everybody could get an overview and take a look at issues, not only once their numbers have been posted here23:07
merlin1991andre__: the list is in the /topic23:07
merlin1991thought everyone knew that23:07
DocScrutinizererr wut?23:07
merlin1991| Known bugs: |23:08
DocScrutinizeraah, k23:08
andre__eeks. thanks.23:08
merlin1991arcean_: so whataobut the patch was it ever decided if we fix it?23:08
arcean_merlin1991, AFAIK no23:09
merlin1991do you want to work on it?23:09
arcean_merlin1991, those patches are a bit "hackish"23:09
merlin1991otherwise I think it is a wontfix since the attached patch is faulty23:09
freemangordonmerlin1991, that is another cosmetic change to h-d, lets first finish what is not finished, WONTFIX if you ask me23:10
arcean_merlin1991, sure, I can take a look23:10
merlin1991arcean_: if you want to look into it otherwise I would say wontfix23:10
DocScrutinizerwtf?! this new login "function" in tracker sucks. How's my browser supposed to keep the auto-texts for each single bug page?23:11
merlin1991anybody else is also welcome to hack on it, but afaik arcean knows most about h-d :D23:11
freemangordonwell, change the status then to needswork (or whatever appropriate) and lets move on23:12
merlin1991okay next one is #1199323:13
merlin1991bug #1199323:13
povbotBug Mangling email addresses containing accented characters when replying23:13
merlin1991I don't even know what the current state in cssu is23:13
merlin1991I guees needinfo23:16
freemangordonsomeone with accented characters on his keyboard shoud try it, but cyrillic WMF, should be no difference23:16
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merlin1991next up is bug #1201123:17
povbotBug Tactile feedback when the phone secures itself23:17
merlin1991I think that one should go into enhancement23:17
merlin1991if anything it has to be reassigned against the tactile package in extras-devel23:18
DocScrutinizer11993 sounds like a different flavour of the xchat DOS attack with rogue string23:18
merlin1991you think it might be related to gtk?23:19
DocScrutinizera guts feeling23:19
DocScrutinizertoo similar23:19
merlin1991bug #1203023:19
povbotBug Visual artefacts with hildon-menu rotation23:19
merlin1991is a worksforme for me, please check so I know I'm not the only one23:20
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: NFC if modest even uses gtk at all23:20
arcean_merlin1991, #12030, it's related to lack of blur effect23:21
arcean_some people use desaturation instead of the blur23:23
freemangordonand it seems desaturation is the reason23:23
freemangordonmerlin1991, better close that as INVALID/WONTFIX, report is one year old, the author is not in CC list, the bug report is incomplete23:25
merlin1991arcean_: do you think it is fixable easily?23:25
arcean_merlin1991, it's how it was designed23:26
merlin1991so a wontfix?23:26
andre__freemangordon: what do you mean by "author is not in CC list"?23:27
freemangordonCC List: 0 users (show)23:27
arcean_each  menu/task manager view zooms out wallpaper23:27
DocScrutinizerafk 3min23:27
andre__freemangordon, that's a non argument23:27
andre__freemangordon, reporter still receives bugmail as reporter.23:27
freemangordonaah, ok23:28
andre__if you mean author = software writer that's a different argument though :P23:28
freemangordonI meant the author23:28
freemangordonof the bug report23:28
freemangordonAnyway the bug in question is INVALID for me23:29
merlin1991arcean_: so is it a wontfix?23:29
arcean_merlin1991, I think so23:29
merlin1991bug #1203123:30
povbotBug Zoom out (ctrl-shift-f) goes one step too far23:30
arcean_heh, I can reproduce this :)23:30
merlin1991actually I'm in favour of removing that zoom feature from the codebase, it does nothing (screen is neither panable nor useable in zoomed state) but has bugs23:30
freemangordonI'll try to do that23:32
freemangordonassign it to me23:32
merlin1991freemangordon: it got introduced by mag I think so it should be a matter of tracking down a commit23:32
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: +123:32
merlin1991arcean_, andre__ thoughts about removing zoom altogether?23:32
freemangordonwell, then it is better to ask MAG to remove it23:33
merlin1991I don't think he has the time23:33
DocScrutinizerI repeat my prev question23:33
freemangordonok, then I will remove it if everyone agree23:33
* DocScrutinizer idly wonders if mohammad still is anyhow relevant for this project23:34
arcean_merlin1991, let's remove it23:34
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, agree, but lets not discuss that now23:34
merlin1991andre__: when I want to assign a bug to a bugtracker user, can I somehow get a list of them?23:35
merlin1991or do I have to knew the email addreses?23:35
merlin1991okay next up is bug #1204723:35
povbotBug no more charging battery notification when phone is on23:35
freemangordonmerlin1991, do you have account on garage?23:35
DocScrutinizer(12031) it's a nice feature, if only it was implemented in a correct and comprehensive way23:36
freemangordonbecause it have a nice project/team management interface23:36
DocScrutinizerso don't nuke it, just exclude it from current releases until it riped some more23:36
freemangordoncould we use it for tasks assigment?23:36
merlin1991freemangordon: I never thought about that :D23:37
DocScrutinizerWTF 12047??23:37
merlin1991we'd need a cssu projekt in there first though, so I leave that as an exercise for the furute23:37
freemangordonmerlin1991 I think it could be very useful.23:37
merlin1991but just like the question of mag currantly out of scope ;)23:38
DocScrutinizerBS, 12047 INVALID23:38
andre__not sure if I understand the bug in at least I cannot reproduce here...23:38
povbotBug 12031: Zoom out (ctrl-shift-f) goes one step too far23:38
andre__merlin1991, you cannot easily get a list, no23:38
merlin1991andre__: actually I can't reproduce either23:39
andre__merlin1991, but you can type part of a name and it offers you an autocomplete list then23:39
andre__merlin1991, then let's close if two people cannot reproduce. I'm running testing by the way23:39
freemangordonit should be ctrl-shift-f23:39
merlin1991got stable and testing in front of me :D23:39
andre__merlin1991, and if there is only one user matching it will take that one automatically23:39
DocScrutinizeramber charge notification NEVER was enabled when screen on23:39
freemangordonand I can reproduce it23:40
DocScrutinizerclose INVALID please23:40
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, agree23:40
merlin1991yep invalid23:40
freemangordonandre__, merlin1991, let me first remove redundant code before closing 1203123:41
merlin1991btw andre__ I'm writing a list here as we go and will change the bugs afterwards23:41
merlin1991freemangordon: will do23:41
freemangordonok, afk for a cigarrete23:42
DocScrutinizerI seem to recall I posted to tmo a hack to edit mce init so it shows charging-ind with screen on23:42
merlin1991okay next up bug #1205223:42
povbotBug Orientation lock causes incoming call to not display properly23:42
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merlin1991wontfix due to closed source phone app I think23:42
arcean_merlin1991, without fixing Qt, it's wontfix23:43
DocScrutinizercan't comment on that one23:43
merlin1991yeah better not ;)23:43
arcean_merlin1991, we can fix it, with properly modifief qt23:43
DocScrutinizerof course except WFM with may-rotate=no23:43
arcean_it's the same problem as with portrait orientation lock and Qt apps23:43
merlin1991is it really qt that is the problem or is it the phone app that listens to mce directly?23:44
arcean_merlin1991, we can override mce in h-d23:44
DocScrutinizerI'd guess the latter23:44
arcean_but Qt should listen to h-d23:44
merlin1991but the phone still rotates regardless of the lock23:44
arcean_in September i have poc23:44
merlin1991only the buttons are fsckd23:44
arcean_*have had23:45
DocScrutinizerdialer not Qt??23:45
merlin1991so is it actually the qt problem or a dialer specific problem?23:45
merlin1991because if it's qt it should be new, otherwise wontfix23:45
DocScrutinizerso how's dialer problem related to Qt anyway?23:45
arcean_the problem is23:46
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arcean_every app which requests portrait mode will stay in portrait despite of landscape lock23:46
merlin1991anybody with -testing who can do a quick check if it really stays?23:47
merlin1991because I remember that if you turned the phone it "rotated"23:47
arcean_maybe another way, we should lock to landscape only those apps which are not working ONLY in portrait23:47
arcean_and the problem is with Qt23:48
freemangordonwell, the phone app stays in landscape here23:48
arcean_Qt apps in portrait have REQUEST and SUPPORT portrait flags23:48
arcean_in landscape both flags are removed23:48
freemangordonarcean_, leave Qt for a while please, it is another beer23:48
merlin1991arcean_: I still think the phone app was different23:48
merlin1991as in not qt related23:48
arcean_so h-d can check if the window has REQUEST flag, and leave it in portrait ddespite landscape lock23:49
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: I git that gconf setting gui-may-rotate=false, and dialer set to portrait-always, and it only rotates to landscape when I open kbd slider, and WFM23:49
infobotDocScrutinizer meant: merlin1991: I got that gconf setting gui-may-rotate=false, and dialer set to portrait-always, and it only rotates to landscape when I open kbd slider, and WFM23:49
freemangordonarcean_, your latest h-d leaves phone app in landskape if locked23:49
merlin1991but one button is missing afaik23:49
merlin1991depending if it really is in landscape or if it is in portrait  (the phone)23:50
arcean_freemangordon, nah, i'm not talking about this23:50
merlin1991but we are :D23:50
freemangordonyeah, :D23:50
merlin1991so back to the dialer then, is that missing button something we can actually fix?23:51
arcean_what i'm talking about: we SHOULD lock to landscape only those apps which are not requesting protrait mode23:51
arcean_so, if dialer is set to run in portrait only, it will show in portrait23:51
DocScrutinizerit does for me23:52
arcean_and the bug will be somehow fixed23:52
freemangordonwell, my dialer is set to portrait only, and stays in landscape when locked23:52
DocScrutinizerI never use that friggin lock, I got gui-may-rotate=no23:52
arcean_freemangordon, yes, it's locked to landscape despite of REQUEST flag23:53
merlin1991basically I'm asking, confirmed(NEW) or WONTFIX23:53
arcean_which should be changed23:53
DocScrutinizerwontfix is a nogo23:53
merlin1991new then23:53
freemangordonarcean_, why? This is the purpose of the lock.23:53
arcean_freemangordon, why would you like to lock to landscape app which runs only in portrait?23:54
freemangordonif you don't want apps to remain in only one direction, don't use the lock.23:54
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: then the specs for the lock are flawed23:54
merlin1991lock should be reworked but we try to go over the buglist atm, so please lets get back to that23:54
DocScrutinizerfirst rule of CSSU: stay compatible23:54
arcean_in my opinion orientation lock should check if the window requests portrait mode or not23:55
DocScrutinizerso if dialer doesn't obey to lock, you have to implement your lock in a way it doesn't conflict with dialer23:55
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, without the lock we are compatible, that is a new functionality23:55
freemangordonBut it does not, it behaves as if the keyboard is open23:55
merlin1991there are quite a few more bugs, can we move the whole discussion to a later point like tomorrow?23:55
freemangordonand that is ok for me23:56
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: where does CSSU "quality is paramount importance" say "new functionality may have bugs"23:56
andre__sorry, I really got to go now, but I'll check the backlog :-(23:56
merlin1991bb andre__23:56
merlin1991I hoped you'd be still around when the security bugs come up you made23:56
arcean_merlin1991, I would say "confirmed"23:56
merlin1991k confirmed, next up bug #1205623:57
povbotBug modest cant't write new messages with Nokia Messaging23:57
merlin1991wasn't nokia messaging closed?23:57
* merlin1991 darkly remembers something23:57
merlin1991but I never used nokia messaging23:57
freemangordonNFC what is that23:58
DocScrutinizerclose as WUT?????23:58
merlin1991nobody who heard of it? :D23:58
merlin1991needinfo  / wut then23:59
arcean_I remember Sc0rpius saying it's closed23:59
merlin1991btw anybody got an email of Sc0rpius23:59
merlin1991he's online all the time but never responds23:59

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