IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2012-01-16

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scoobertroncan someone remind me how to find my cssu version number00:12
merlin1991settings about cssu00:16
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infobotjust checking if it's fixed on ssu channel10:46
DocScrutinizerno it's not10:49
*** ChanServ sets mode: +o DocScrutinizer10:49
*** DocScrutinizer sets mode: +b estel_!*@*10:49
*** ChanServ sets mode: -o DocScrutinizer10:50
DocScrutinizernow it's "fixed"10:50
DocScrutinizerban for messing with infobot, exploiting it in a way that might cause infobot to get taken down from whole freenode10:50
DocScrutinizer**despite lovingly and in epic length explaining the problem to estel_ and asking him to stop that behaviour**10:51
psycho_oreoso.O I thought suddenly all of the maemo/meego related channels became active heh10:52
DocScrutinizer~onjoin -DocScrutinizer10:52
infobotDocScrutinizer: ok10:52
DocScrutinizer~chanset #maemo-ssu OnJoin=010:53
infobotOnJoin=0 for #maemo-ssu is not set.10:53
DocScrutinizer~chanset #maemo-ssu OnJoin 010:53
infobotSetting OnJoin for #maemo-ssu to '0'.10:53
* DocScrutinizer mumbles swearwords10:53
* psycho_oreos muses the thought of DocScrutinizer swearing in Deutsch ^^10:54
* DocScrutinizer muses going thru all 121 chan infobot/apt is in, to set OnJoin 0, so moron estel_ won't abuse it there tomorrow10:56
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DocScrutinizerand even then he could abuse it in private query, making random nonsense onjoin msgs for any *new* channel infobot joins that I haven't immunized yet10:57
psycho_oreosideally you need to setup logins based on nickname10:57
DocScrutinizerSERIOUSLY pissed10:58
DocScrutinizernah, onjoin is a poorly designed cmd in infobot, and estel_ exploits the fact in all ways he could think of10:58
DocScrutinizerI'd disable it globally, if only I wouldn't already know it's been used for 'good' as well, by reasonable knowledgeable chanops11:00
psycho_oreosyeah but what I meant is that you might be able to set onjoin only available to certain uses.. or you can be really nasty and change the command completely to another name that estel wouldn't knot11:00
infobotpsycho_oreos meant: yeah but what I meant is that you might be able to set onjoin only available to certain users.. or you can be really nasty and change the command completely to another name that estel wouldn't knot11:00
DocScrutinizerno, that's not how it's implemented11:00
psycho_oreosoh ffs, typo galore11:00
psycho_oreoshmm ok11:00
DocScrutinizerand I can't mess with infobot's source, I'm only admin of that bot11:00
* psycho_oreos guesses changing the name of the command would be a nasty hack then :)11:01
DocScrutinizerI *could* do chanset _default OnJoin 011:02
psycho_oreospretty annoying that you can simply rename a command without changing the source and recompiling.. I mean even with all that effort it is a fair bit of hassle11:02
DocScrutinizerbut that'S like breaking a basic function for 10.000s of users11:02
DocScrutinizerTimRiker can do that in a minute11:03
DocScrutinizerbut not me11:03
* psycho_oreos thinks its one heck of a brain****** that would be lol.. somehow its all correlated and yet complex11:03
DocScrutinizerI pinged him about that onjoin issue several times now, but he's not very available for this kinda stuff11:03
DocScrutinizer@chanops: you're free to unban estel, after a bit of shouting at him11:04
* DocScrutinizer exiting rage mode, entering daywork mode (1h late now >:-( )11:05
psycho_oreosjust say you had family issues ;)11:06
DocScrutinizerthey know I'm a bot - bots have no family11:06
psycho_oreosthen you shouldn't be working there lol11:06
psycho_oreoseven bots do have a life to go through before they die heh11:07
* psycho_oreos thinks he just contradicted himself with that bit of last statement there11:07
psycho_oreossurely there has to be a valid excuse somewhere11:08
psycho_oreosanyway have fun11:08
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BCMMthe new camera-ui is telling me that there is no space for new photos, when df says otherwise. is this a known problem?15:31
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arceanBCMM: bug 1251615:33
povbotBug Error Message camera-ui: "Not enough memory to save photo"15:33
BCMMarcean: thanks!15:33
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* Lava_Croft mubles about update17:29
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gulymerlin1991: uploading new version/packages to repo via scp is okay?18:15
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merlin1991guly: not really unless you mean scpign to some incoming dir where a cronjob picks up packages and adds them to repo19:00
merlin1991which has been exactly what I did on :)19:11
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gulydupload or straight scp?19:13
merlin1991straight scp19:14
merlin1991though dupload worked too (mag used it)19:14
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: I guess that interests you: (n9 dismantling)19:16
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merlin1991MohammadAG: how's the update building going?21:40
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Estel_Thanks, DocScrutinizer ;)23:16
DocScrutinizerthaks for not yet banning you forever??23:16
Estel_merlin1991,  is there any place I can find specification for hildon-desktop memory leakage fix in ?23:16
DocScrutinizer[2012-01-16 20:57:30] *** Das Thema wurde am 2011-07-25 04:09 von DocScrutinizer!~halley@openmoko/engineers/joerg gesetzt.23:16
Estel_thanks for unbanning me here23:16
DocScrutinizer[2012-01-16 20:57:32] <apt> just checking if it's fixed on ssu channel23:16
DocScrutinizer[2012-01-16 20:57:34] <apt> just checking if it's fixed on ssu channel23:16
DocScrutinizer[2012-01-16 20:57:47] *** Kanalmodi: +Cn23:16
DocScrutinizerwill be reverted in a second23:17
Estel_didn't touch anything23:17
Estel_I swear. ;)  I just returned after our last talk23:17
DocScrutinizerso why AGAIN this crap spammed 2 dozen channels?23:17
Estel_no idea.23:17
Estel_really, haven't touched it.23:18
Estel_it seem that this onjoin is really cool option, though :/23:18
DocScrutinizerit's a bit more complex than posix cmdline "echo"23:18
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Estel_agreed. I think I'll stay with lart, thou.23:19
Estel_~lart Estel_23:19
* infobot gives Estel_ an extra strength ACME sleeping pill, sending Estel_ to sleep for 150 years, and awakening to seven strange dwarfs and a large apple23:19
DocScrutinizerand it's not obvious like hitting somebody with a baseball bat that omitting [#cahn] causes onjoin to work on ALL channels23:19
Estel_hey, infobot is talking about permaban?23:20
Estel_now it is ;)23:20
DocScrutinizerand that you can have multiple onjoins for multiple channels23:20
Estel_You just sit on too many channels, face it. It spams only where You're23:20
Estel_so, it is actually permitted for use by regular user *with* channel specified, or it's absolutely denied?23:21
Estel_I mean that is there a easy way to disable it by receiver after receiving?23:21
Estel_maybe I could fix it by writin [onjoin] -DocScrutinizer23:22
Estel_should it delete it?23:22
Estel_last time seemed to work. just don't wanna try it without asking ;)23:23
Estel_should be fixed now, I hope23:25
* infobot takes DocScrutinizer to the vet for a "special" visit, courtesy of estel_23:25
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DocScrutinizerEstel_: DO NOT TOUCH OnJoin23:26
Estel_Just asking.23:26
Estel_AFAIK -[nick] removes it23:26
DocScrutinizerwe are about to replace the command with something causing infobot to make user get klined nstead of bot23:27
DocScrutinizerEstel_: and I did exactly that23:27
DocScrutinizerand it re-appeared23:27
Estel_isn't it that user who set it must execute it?23:27
Estel_last time it worked only after I - it, remember?23:28
Estel_as You wish23:28
Estel_I havent touched it, though, and it's still alive23:28
DocScrutinizerthere's only ONE onjoin per destination nick per channel plus _default23:28
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Estel_I see.23:28
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DocScrutinizerwell, when you swear you haven't touched it, I will ask Tim for logs23:33
DocScrutinizerto see why it came back23:33
DocScrutinizerand whom to kickban23:33
DocScrutinizerlast week I didn't know what you have set, a global or a chan specific onjoin23:35
DocScrutinizeror both23:35
DocScrutinizeror maybe something even more tricky (also possible, but I would rather eat my tongue than telling you)23:36
DocScrutinizerand you *might* have noticed infobot lacks a ~list-onjoins command23:37
DocScrutinizerbut beware, infobot already has a general ~ignore <nick> function23:39
DocScrutinizerWe always hoped we don't need it23:39
DocScrutinizerbut it's easy to activate23:40
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DocScrutinizeranyway until now onjoin got rarely used, so there was no problem with it - users acted responsible. Thanks to you demonstrating that reasonable users are not the norm anymore, onjoin might get deactivated globally now23:44
Estel_You oversimplifing, of course. Its not matter of 'responsible', rather, most users havent got idea about this function23:45
DocScrutinizeruntil you came spreading the news about how to abuse it23:46
Estel_Of course instead of actually thanking me from checki,ng it - even, when it resultedd in quite unexpected chain of events - You're threatening me with ban for a few hours.23:46
Estel_well, I havent told anyone23:47
Estel_You're running around and screaming, even if fix for it is as simple as [onjoin] -DocScrutinizer23:47
DocScrutinizerI'm generally not saying "Thank you" when somebody demonstartes me that my hammer can be used to hit my foot23:47
Estel_without Your temporal ban on -ssu there would not be even single public talk about it23:47
Estel_well, actually, You got steel foot ;) Honest excuses for inconveicence23:48
AndrewX192We should start a fork of maemo for arguments23:48
Estel_but You're clearly overreactive23:48
AndrewX192Maybe make a maemo SSU with lots of chat programs23:48
DocScrutinizerEstel_: again you don't realize you spammed DOZENS of channels23:48
AndrewX192Defaulting to debate channels23:48
Estel_I realize it. well.23:48
AndrewX192We should call it the DocScrutinizer SSU23:48
Estel_afaik "spammed" mean one single message, when doc joins23:49
AndrewX192Each installation will come with infobot source code for review of issues23:49
AndrewX192and a local ircd23:49
DocScrutinizerAndrewX192: there are already channels for that, for *real* developers, not trolls like you23:49
AndrewX192DocScrutinizer: excuse me?23:50
Estel_well, we're already talking about it 543456x longer than real issue was happening23:50
Estel_if You ( DocScrutinizer ) want to red through logs for that, I'm fine with it - just be sure to check timestamps23:50
Estel_as I've not touched onjoin before issue -re-appeared23:51
DocScrutinizerEstel_: yeah, amazing isn't it? Especially that after all that talking you still haven't understood how onjoin works23:51
Estel_and invoked some help about function syntax, then, [onjoin] -DocScrutinizer it. All *much* after issue re-appeared23:51
Estel_now I understand, I hope. Not going to use it, if its so flawed though23:52
AndrewX192What is onjoin anyway?23:52
Estel_I can really imagine You going berserker again over finding that something is wrong again, be it my fault or not23:52
Estel_I won't tell You, ask DocScrutinizer  :P23:52
DocScrutinizerAndrewX192: it's what you are commenting about all the time, suggesting I should "forget about the problem" - is that honest to suggest to forget about a problem that you don't even knowWHAT it is?23:53
AndrewX192DocScrutinizer: Because your arguments weren't constructive in #maemo23:54
Estel_ok, have nice conversation gentlemans, I'm off ;)23:54
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DocScrutinizerof course for somebody not even knowing onjoin my posts were not very helpful23:54
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* DocScrutinizer just wonders why it never occurred to estel_ that for *trsting* he could set onjoin to *own* nick, rather than *mine*23:58

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