IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Sunday, 2012-01-15

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scoobertronhi.  I just noticed that the bug I filed about the browser rotation behaviour has been closed.  I still have the issue, even after the last update, but it may be that something is just messed up on my phone.  Have other people found that the problem as gone away?01:41
povbotBug 12412: microb odd rotation behaviour01:41
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user_hello do enyone have problems with picture viewer n900 after install testing ssu12:19
user_any suggestions?12:19
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Lava_Croftnope, working flawless here:|12:30
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user_camera was unable to save content cos of wrong memory12:38
user_i changed it it makes fotos but12:38
user_still cant see jpeg in catalogue12:39
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DocScrutinizerthe term is CSSU anyway13:04
DocScrutinizerSSU is what Nokia uses for deploying their OS updates13:04
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*** DocScrutinizer changes topic to "Maemo Community Seamless Software Update "CSSU" channel, | Known bugs: | Channel logs: | Sources: | Latest version: 21.2011.38-1Tmaemo1 | STABLE: \o/"13:06
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DocScrutinizerI admit the chan name been a poor choice13:07
DocScrutinizerwell there are worse channel names ;-D13:08
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user_i meant cssu13:22
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DocScrutinizerobviously :-D16:42
DocScrutinizerregarding jpeg I've seen more often than not fsckng windows world not giving a flying F about upper/lower case, but for linux .JPG is NOT equal to .jpg16:43
amiconnThat's because the windows file systems are case preserving, but not case sensitive. It's not jpeg specific16:45
DocScrutinizereven fremantle's own camera-ui stock Nokia product created a folder like /MyDocs/DCIM then tried to write to MyDocs/dcim which worked for fvat but failed miserably when user decided to have ext3 MyDocs16:45
DocScrutinizeramiconn: I'm well aware of the root cause and implications16:46
DocScrutinizerother than redmond universe gashead devels16:46
amiconn...which is perfectly ok because the DCIM/DCF requires FAT/FAT32/exFAT16:48
DocScrutinizerperfectly BS as nobody would do such nonsense if they got their shit together in their mind17:12
DocScrutinizerno matter if "it works" or not17:12
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, ping19:10
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merlin1991MohammadAG: pong19:56
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer: ?20:12
DocScrutinizer2 lines up20:12
DocScrutinizer"it lives"20:12
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fw190woooohooo MAG is back ;)20:19
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fw190will we have infobot on maemo-ssu? DocScrutinizer gave the idea and since then silence20:55
DocScrutinizerseems there's a general notion of "meh" regarding infobot in here20:59
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DocScrutinizerand I won't join it unless I get somebody do the corresponding changes on access-list or grant me permission to do them myself21:00
fw190the overwhelming meh in some cases is sometimes frustrating21:01
DocScrutinizerI.E. +F, or whatever else21:01
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you have permissions21:06
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you have more now21:06
MohammadAGjust don't rage the channel21:06
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fw190nice to hear that21:09
merlin1991 MohammadAG: I think I should have permissions too ;)21:10
DocScrutinizer~part #maemo-ssu21:10
infobotLeaving. (courtesy of docscrutinizer).21:10
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DocScrutinizer[2012-01-15 20:12:43] [Notice] -ChanServ- Flags +votriA were set on merlin1991 in #maemo-ssu.21:12
merlin1991ohnoes we've got another bot in here21:12
merlin1991as if DocScrutinizer isn't enough21:13
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fw1902 bots are always better then one ;)21:13
merlin1991hm why don't I see that noticeh ere21:13
TurboVomitWhat is it ???21:13
TurboVomita n9 with a minikeyboard ?21:13
merlin1991and what does it have todo with #maemo-ssu ?21:13
merlin1991srly head over to #n9 or #harmattan21:14
TurboVomithum sorry....21:14
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: because I changed the list, so the notice goes to me, as chanserv isn't set to verbose mode21:14
merlin1991okay :)21:14
DocScrutinizernot that we've needed much moderation here in the past21:15
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DocScrutinizerbut 2 regularly active chanops is somewhat minimum21:15
DocScrutinizeraccording to general rule of "always have a stand-in"21:16
merlin1991fsckd freenode webpage21:17
merlin1991can't find the chanserv modes list21:17
DocScrutinizeranyway that friggin "N9" looks like *maybe* hooker90021:18
DocScrutinizernever seen it21:18
DocScrutinizerit's for sure NO N921:19
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merlin1991as ususal /msg Bot help was more usefull than the freenode webpage :p21:22
DocScrutinizer/cs help21:23
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merlin1991what's with all the we've got to abandon talk?21:25
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: guly offered to admin the repo server. Or is that something you would like to do, or maybe both of you?21:25
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* merlin1991 would prefer using as long as possible, and after that having a proper sysadmin for the new page21:25
* merlin1991 personally has nfc, about apt repos, and proper sysadmin stuff21:26
DocScrutinizerit's a very strange thing going on (we-have-to-leave-talk), but I agree we should have a mirror completely under community control for now21:26
merlin1991well a mirror of the stuff itself is running on my server21:26
DocScrutinizeryeah, I mean a proper repo server21:26
DocScrutinizerwhatever that means21:27
merlin1991 has the important bits21:27
DocScrutinizer(nfc about it here - guess it's either apache or some special server process)21:27
merlin1991and afaik could be converted anytime to be a full repo server21:27
gulyyes, just a webserver that serves a package list, more or less21:27
merlin1991all that's missing is a db and a few cronjobs21:27
merlin1991and ofc when that's in place all the fancy package interface stuff :/21:28
gulyit's not very complex to setup and maintain indeed21:28
DocScrutinizerthat's exactly what you guys have to figure and find the solution. I'm only offering to *maybe* provide the URL and Vserver21:28
DocScrutinizerduh, we got that fancy stuff for CSSU?21:29
DocScrutinizerpkg interface21:29
merlin1991nah, but if we replicate we need it at least for extras21:29
DocScrutinizerI'm not talking abiut extras21:29
merlin1991also I guess if we push X-Fade in the right direction we can get the package interface for cssu too21:30
DocScrutinizerit's absolutely strictly for cssu right now21:30
merlin1991ah k21:30
merlin1991well in that case it's easy as pie21:30
DocScrutinizerI don't see me hosting a mirror repo for extras anytime soon21:30
DocScrutinizerand not without some sponsoring21:31
gulyweb interface for repository, like should be included with archive kit21:31
DocScrutinizerwe could *slooowly* prepare things for that, then eventually put it to operation in mirror mode21:31
gulyso it shouldn't need any devs to work on it21:31
DocScrutinizerEstel_: merlin1991: guly: I'm afk now, you guys will check our way to go regarding this mirror idea, and ping me when I can do sth (or there's sth new you decided so I can rant about it ;-D )21:33
* merlin1991 thinks the best thing todo would be to prepare a 100% working way to convert an apt-mirror repo into a fully working repo21:34
gulythat's actually what most deb mirror do21:35
merlin1991since I've got the apt-mirror running on my server already21:35
gulyyour is a half-working mirror, if you just add a Packages.gz and an index in the rootfolder you have a full working repo21:35
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gulydpkg-scanpackages does it brainless21:35
gulyif you have enough disk space and bandwidth, we already have a working repo :)21:38
Estel_guly,  thanks for stepping in with will to volonteer our knowledge and some time :)21:38
merlin1991disk space is more and enough, and bandwidth is capped at 1000gb / month21:38
Estel_the main idea is to talk with Debian guys about using heir host (hey wouldn't even notice our trafic ) for our infrastructure21:38
gulydo you already have any contact ?21:39
Estel_we would like to eventually mirror *whole* extras. Maybe with 2 instances instead of three (extras and extras-devel), bt thats to be discussed yet21:39
NIN101will they do it? I think some will say that maemo is not fully free, so... but anyway, asking can't hurt.21:39
Estel_we want to host only FOSS components21:40
NIN101of course.21:40
Estel_probably under different name for now or forever21:40
freemangordonHow do you think, does it make sense to ask MohammadAG for one last contribution to the community, i.e. an CSSU-T update of only apt sources list, so swotching to new repos to be painless?21:40
gulyEstel_: do you already have any contact ?21:40
gulyany clue about disk and b/w requirement?21:40
Estel_freemangordon,  +1 if there are any chances that he will do it21:40
freemangordonMohammadAG ping21:40
merlin1991sources.list on maemo is a really weird thing21:41
Estel_guly, I'm not councill member (yet) so I must catch SD69 first21:41
merlin1991but afaik ham does most of the stuff21:41
Estel_guly, would love to have it, but our useless 'friends' @ nokia fail to provide us data on space and bandwidth usage21:41
Estel_basically, any data21:41
Estel_we need to figure ourselv basing on available things21:42
merlin1991guly: what's your background on sysadmin and apt stuff?21:42
* merlin1991 has none at all21:42
Estel_I would not count on any help from Nokia - even informations. If they do, it will be addesd bonus, but we can't count on it21:42
gulysince 1998 :)21:42
gulymore confident with rpm based, but i'm not racist21:42
freemangordonmerlin1991, we just need a sed script or similar, to replace CSSU-T repo with the new one, shouldn't be that hard21:43
Estel_guly, do You have account on if yes, which nick?21:43
infobotmerlin1991 meant: hehe21:43
freemangordonwow, working bot21:43
Estel_yea DocScrutinizer molested MAG about it few minutes ago21:43
merlin1991freemangordon: wrong, another working bot, we had Doc already ;)21:43
Estel_about permissions21:43
* DocScrutinizer is not totally convinced of that move to debian servers being a good one21:43
freemangordonyeah, yeah21:43
Estel_so DocScrutinizer mugged bot here21:43
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  rationale?21:44
DocScrutinizeragain not full control over the infra21:44
gulyEstel_: guly21:44
guly(not yet confirmed)21:44
freemangordonmerlin1991, but he is a special kind of, negatronbot?21:44
Estel_somehow true, but with our sysadmin for our infrastructure, we're much better than with nothing21:44
freemangordonDocScrutinizer :p21:44
Estel_thanks guly21:44
DocScrutinizerEstel_: we'd just move from one evil emperor to another21:45
Estel_anyway, having full extras mirrored and working somewhere, be it debian or not, we have better backingup to show people that it's worth to donate21:45
Estel_then, we can buy own hosting if desired21:46
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Estel_of course it's not frozen concept21:46
Estel_migrating talking board is wnd priority after repos21:46
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: 1000gb/month sounds OKish, though I could offer true unlimited, on a *massive* backbone. (hetzner)21:46
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  how much?21:46
DocScrutinizerhow much what?21:46
Estel_price ;P21:47
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DocScrutinizerthat's my offer to sponsor21:47
Estel_ah I see21:47
Estel_but, You're interested on hosting only CSSU (which is great already)21:47
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: I've got the *massive* backbone too ;) only it's the eq root server that has silly bandwidth limitations21:47
DocScrutinizersomehat limited storage, just ~30GB for now21:47
Estel_we need to - in a little longer term - mirror extras21:47
Estel_I see21:48
merlin1991extras + devel is ~100gb atm21:48
DocScrutinizerI might consider to get another TB21:48
DocScrutinizerdunno how much that would cost me exra21:48
Estel_any ~ on how much a year would 150GB appropriate hosting cost?21:48
DocScrutinizermax 500EUR21:49
Estel_And, using Your server, You would need TB disk?21:49
DocScrutinizerI need to ask my sysadm to sell me more storage on that vserver21:50
Estel_after that, You would be able to host extras? if for long term, how much sponsoring would be needed?21:50
DocScrutinizerprobably ~30bucks / month21:50
DocScrutinizerwhich I might be not willing to pay by myself eventually21:51
Estel_well, I think we can afford so much without help from Nokia friends21:51
merlin1991the main problem with hosting extras is, that we'd need a replacement for the autobuilder too21:51
Estel_no no21:51
Estel_for builder itself21:51
Estel_web based can be ommited21:51
Estel_for beginning21:51
Estel_is trivial to scp files needed by autobuilder21:51
merlin1991ah yeah21:51
Estel_Look. I'm noob when it come to maintainership. Yet, even I wa able to notice21:52
merlin1991but autobuilder itself is a huge thing21:52
Estel_that using scp every package lands in devel in 10mins21:52
merlin1991needs more than just space & bandwidth21:52
Estel_as opposed to web autobuilder which may take hours21:52
merlin1991also processing power21:52
freemangordonhmm, in the light of recent developments re moving appsformeego to, maybe extras should stay where they are21:52
Estel_freemangordon,  why? no control over orphaned packages, maintainers etc21:52
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: +121:53
Estel_~3 months to get maintainer replaced by new one if old unavailable21:53
freemangordonEstel_, well, I am not sure we can replicate the whole infrastructure21:53
freemangordonind if it ends just being a fileserver, what is the point21:53
Estel_we can start by basic working thigs. guly, any comment on builder?21:53
freemangordonEstel_, AIUI the only problem with extras now is KP21:54
Estel_well, after setting up stable infrastructure, we're free to fundraise on bigger scale, register foundation etc21:54
Estel_first things first21:54
Estel_but whole autonomy seems better than relying on Nokia in *ny* case21:54
Estel_any I meant21:54
freemangordonand that will be resolved ince KP gets into CSSU as a community kernel21:55
gulyrequired cpu shouldn't be very high21:55
gulyanyway i have some spare cputime on hetzner too, i can move bbuild to my server to compile21:55
Estel_I got nothing about hosting CSSU/kernel first21:55
merlin1991guly: required cpu is very high21:55
Estel_then, if we're able, whole inf.21:55
Estel_as of idea of 'first things first'21:55
Estel_merlin1991,  why?21:56
Estel_builder isn't building 24h/721:56
gulymerlin1991: just for the first time21:56
merlin1991because building packages is not a peace of cake21:56
Estel_ok, but after initial build21:56
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Estel_how much packages You have a day?21:56
gulywhen packages have been compiled once, they won't be till next update21:56
merlin1991it's enough when we push 1 cssu update21:56
merlin1991builder on not so good inf can be working a full day21:57
Estel_well, it's being calculated, ok. Then, finished21:57
Estel_many times web infrastructure of current autobuilder was frozen for more than a day without sane reason, and everyine lived through it21:57
merlin1991Estel_: I don't care about the web infrastructure21:58
Estel_I think we can wait a day or so for CSSU being available, instead of waiting a 3 months or so due to irresponsible maintainer, xfade or whatever21:58
merlin1991I'm talkikng about the raw buliding that can kill the thing21:58
Estel_I know.21:58
Estel_but, most people used web infra for packages and wasn't complaining @high waiting times21:58
DocScrutinizernothing will "kill" anything21:58
DocScrutinizerit will just take longer21:58
merlin1991and longer and longer21:59
Estel_+1 that we should start with CSSU/community kernel21:59
freemangordonCSSU only, then kernel21:59
Estel_then, we can research possibilities to mirror whole inf.21:59
Estel_agreed freemangordon21:59
freemangordonanyway it is not ready for the prime time (kernel i mean)21:59
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: only for initial build, no?21:59
Estel_*if* we determine costs (or lack of) needed for builder, we can start repo thing. *After* we got CSSU and later kernel repo working and stable22:00
freemangordonautobuilder is not needed for CSSU22:00
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  yea, only for initial build22:00
Estel_true. Thats why we splitted conversation about CSSU and extras22:00
Estel_on hosting CSSU there is consensus i think22:00
freemangordonwell, lets do it then :p22:01
Estel_as for hosting extras, we may think about it more after getting CSSU hosted properly, Do You all agree?22:01
Estel_guly,  could You converse more with DocScrutinizer about things that You know You need to do it..22:01
Estel_because I don't have a clue about sysadmin'ing it? :P22:01
Estel_then, freemangordon and merlin1991 are easily available when You need feedback from CSSU team I think22:02
Estel_freemangordon,  merlin1991, it's ok with u?22:02
Estel_DocScrutinizer,  same question ;)22:02
gulyi surely need information from cssu team :)22:03
freemangordonBTW i would prefer NOT to be maintainer if CSSU-T (if possible)22:03
freemangordonguly, bot me and merlin1991 is easy to be found here22:03
gulyok great22:04
freemangordonif by any chance we delay our answers more than reasonable, you can always post or PM on TMO. merlin1991, agree?22:05
gulyk, give me a couple of minutes for the first question :)22:06
freemangordonmerlin1991, do you want to take CSSU-T under your maintainership too(if others agree of course)?22:06
freemangordonI think it will be easiest way22:07
freemangordon*the easiest22:07
Estel_nice ;) so I'm going to get back and finish my already cold meal ;)22:07
Estel_will point SD69 to this discussion later22:07
Estel_see ya!22:07
merlin1991I don't want to take cssu-t under my maintainership, but I have no problem to get singed up as co maintainer so I du it whenever mag isn't around22:08
freemangordonyou want to keep mag as a maintainer?22:09
merlin1991in general he has a better overview of the whole cssu22:09
merlin1991so yes22:09
freemangordon(TBH i would like too, but it just does not work)22:09
merlin1991freemangordon: why not set up a co maintainership system?22:10
freemangordonI am ok22:10
freemangordonI really don't care who will push the updates, if they are pushed on time22:10
merlin1991I mean whenver he IS around he's defenitely the better choice22:10
freemangordonbetter as in?22:11
merlin1991more experience more knowledge22:11
* DocScrutinizer mumbles "I asked for mainainer stand-ins some 2 months ago"22:12
* merlin1991 mumbles inf works with uid22:12
* DocScrutinizer has a deja-vu22:12
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, I think there is agreement on that, no need to discuss it again22:12
freemangordonthere should be at least 2 people holding the keys to paradise22:13
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freemangordonguly, do you have TMO account?22:13
gulyfreemangordon: i'm guly :)22:14
* merlin1991 wonders though why they can't just make it based on group id and introduce a cssu-crap group on the server22:15
freemangordonit will cost some effort ;)22:16
gulybasically, we need to mirror for fremantle22:17
DocScrutinizerthat's indeed VERY strange22:17
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freemangordonguly, basically, yes22:18
DocScrutinizerhell they probably even could create multiple passwd entries pointing to same UID, if nothing else helps22:18
DocScrutinizerthough I guess that's a bit too much of a nasty hack22:18
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, is that really needed? The user and pwd could just be shared amongst maintainers, anywa, it is all based on trust, does it really make any difference whether it was me or you who push rm -rf / through CSSU update?22:20
DocScrutinizercould we sync "master" to our "mirror" and just use mirror as main repo, and once a day the "master" gets synced, for which we'd use this unique UID login?22:20
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: no objections here, but maybe Nokia policy is different about that22:22
merlin1991main idea is that you can trace packge to uplaoder22:23
DocScrutinizere.g I could think of them using ssh-keys, and probably nobody would want to share his private key, so we'd need this unique maintainer to help and get a new sharable private key in there22:23
DocScrutinizererr "new sharable public key in there"22:23
DocScrutinizerand share the private key22:24
DocScrutinizerI think you know what I mean22:24
DocScrutinizeranyway, the idea of syncing Nokia CSSU repo to 'our' CSSU repo, and check in things on 'our' infra has some advantages22:25
DocScrutinizerdunno how feasible this idea is in real life22:26
DocScrutinizeran rsync works both directions22:26
DocScrutinizerand if somebody nukes we still can stop the shit from propagating to repo22:28
DocScrutinizeraccess to nokia repo wwould be thru one well defined process, by one user account only, done by a cronjob22:29
DocScrutinizercommunity has full control over permissions to repo22:29
DocScrutinizerand nobody needs to share passwords22:30
DocScrutinizer(except mohammad for the cronjob)22:30
gulyDocScrutinizer: i'll get in contact with you on tue eve, i need to do a couple of tests here to choose the right tool22:31
DocScrutinizerplease pm your mail addr22:32
DocScrutinizerbye fellas, have to get some 60min of RL before going to sleep :-/22:38
guly'nite22:39 ? for the repo mirror?22:41
DocScrutinizeror even maemo-repos....22:43
gulyno preferences22:46
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scoobertronhi.  I just noticed that the bug I filed about the browser rotation behaviour has been closed.  I still have the issue, even after the last update, but it may be that something is just messed up on my phone.  Have other people found that the problem as gone away?22:58
povbotBug 12412: microb odd rotation behaviour22:58
freemangordonscoobertron, I don't think it is fixed, you may want to reopen it23:01
merlin1991scoobertron: It was me who closed23:02
merlin1991I tested on my -testing device as well as stable and couldn't reproduce the descibed bug23:03
freemangordonmerlin1991, you should enable microb rotation23:03
merlin1991though if you still have the problem and have updated to the latest version feel free to reopen the bug and if possible provicde more information23:03
merlin1991freemangordon: I did23:04
freemangordondo you have shortcutd installed?23:04
scoobertronI do23:04
freemangordonI was asking merlin1991 :D23:04
scoobertronah, I was suddenly excited that that might be the cause. :)23:05
merlin1991that's the only thing I didn't have but if we can pinpoint it to that it's no cssu bug, will try tmorrow23:05
freemangordonmerlin1991, using shortcutd is the only way to go from portraited fullscreen microb to task-manager :D23:05
merlin1991no isn't23:06
freemangordonhalf-open keyboard?23:06
merlin1991yep :D23:06
scoobertronI also noticed something else odd.  If I disable microb rotation, then if I lock and unlock the phone, the browser gets locked in landscape mode23:06
freemangordonlet me check23:06
freemangordonwell, it is reproducibe with half-open keyboard too23:07
merlin1991wasn't for me23:07
merlin1991that's why it's closed as 'works for me' and not fixed :)23:07
freemangordonyeah, sure. Well, the bug is in microb, that is for sure, but it is better to leave that bug open, maybe it is possible to find some workaround23:08
merlin1991just reopen it then23:08
freemangordonscoobertron ^^^23:09
scoobertroncool. willdo23:09
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freemangordonscoobertron, microb does not respect what h-d says about device orientation, it listens to dbus for that. That is why the strange behaviour23:10
freemangordonmerlin1991, mce opensource?23:10
merlin1991hm actually  I don't know, never checked23:10
DocScrutinizermce yes, mce plugins not23:12
DocScrutinizeror sth like that23:12
DocScrutinizerand also the source is for a way newer HARM mce23:12
DocScrutinizeror meego23:13
DocScrutinizeror whatever23:13
freemangordonapt-get source says "E: Unable to find a source package for mce"23:13
freemangordonok, will check23:13
DocScrutinizerlast who checked was jonwil23:14
DocScrutinizerhe rejected to do anything about it23:14
DocScrutinizer~lart mce23:15
* infobot takes a big bite out of mce's jugular vein23:15
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# mission-control --help23:17
DocScrutinizerAborted (core dumped)23:17
freemangordonsame here23:18
DocScrutinizer-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 43508 2010-06-24 09:36 /usr/bin/mission-control  SUID! :-o23:19
scoobertronfreemangordon: how do I go about reopening this bug then? the webpage seems to give me a pretty restricted list of options (resolved, unconfirmed, verified or closed).  Is verified open?23:20
DocScrutinizeryep, I think so23:20
scoobertrondone. thanks.23:21
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Estel_~lart DocScrutinizer23:29
* infobot takes out DocScrutinizer with the trash23:29
Estel_sorry, just checking23:29
Estel_~query infobot23:30
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* infobot strangles Nokia ADHD and ignorance with a 9-pole serial cable, courtesy of estel_23:32
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fw190nice to read this brainstrom23:35
fw190this gives hope for N90023:36
Estel_:) I agree. Even more nice to see it's already started to become implemented23:37
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fw190finally we are on yhe move- pity that I have no skills to help23:38
fw190I was wondering if on instead of meego banner we could have Mer or Nemomobile or some kinde of maemo CSSU banner23:41
merlin1991fw190: council offered to have a cssu banner instead of the meego code comp banner23:43
merlin1991but *nobody* offered todo such a banner23:44
fw190how should that banner look like- I have some skilled friends and they could do something23:45
merlin1991I would style it similar to the one for cordia
merlin1991also it should have the same size23:46
merlin1991and should promote cssu stable :)23:46
merlin1991our logo is here:
fw190ok. tomorrow I wil ping my friends for some help on that23:47
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