IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2011-11-29

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DocScrutinizeromg, there's quite a number of suspicious files in usr/bin/*00:03
DocScrutinizercd /us/bin00:03
DocScrutinizerfor File in *; do echo -ne "\n---${File}---"; objdump -d $File|grep -q illegal && echo -n " <<<<<<<<<<######## $File has illegal"; done00:04
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: ^^^00:04
DocScrutinizernever mind00:12
DocScrutinizer-j .text helps a bit00:12
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freemangordon_merlin1991: I found the reason why we have neon set in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS12:00
freemangordon_there is FREMANTLE.ARMEL.environment file in scratchbox targets12:01
freemangordon_MohammadAG: ^^^12:02
freemangordon_ops, not neon but thumb12:02
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freemangordon_X-Fade: ping12:14
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merlin1991freemangordon_: where is that file?13:39
merlin1991I'd like to have a look13:39
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freemangordon_merlin1991: in /scratchbox/users/maemo/targets (or similer, don't have acces to my home PC right now)13:44
merlin1991hm can't find the file in question13:46
freemangordon_hold on a second to give you the exact location13:47
freemangordon_yep, the location is correct, filename is FREMANTLE_ARMEL.environment. The contents of the file is "export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=maemo-launcher,thumb,vfp". Filedate is 28.10.2010 (yes, 2010)13:51
freemangordon_Have no idea where this came from13:51
merlin1991I don't have it :D13:51
freemangordon_good for you, I am using vmware scratchbox image13:52
freemangordon_Anyway, there is still no new update, what is going on?13:53
merlin1991Mag kinda went mia yesterday after he asked what mess13:53
merlin1991I forgot to email him yesterday, doing it now13:53
freemangordon_X-Fade: ping13:53
X-Fadefreemangordon_: pong13:53
freemangordon_I want to become CSSU-testing maintainer, I assume you are the person to give me rights etc.13:54
X-Fadefreemangordon_: That is a problem.13:54
X-FadeCurrent setup really allows only one person there.13:54
freemangordon_hmm :D13:55
X-FadeSo need to think about how to fix that :)13:55
freemangordon_can more that one person share the same credentials?13:55
X-FadeOf course not.13:56
X-FadeThat would be insane.13:56
freemangordon_I have no ide how the authentication is made13:56
merlin1991public key13:56
X-FadeYou don't do that ever :)13:56
freemangordon_agree :)13:56
merlin1991and even if it were pw based you still wouldn't do it :D13:56
freemangordon_ok, so how to solve that problem?13:56
merlin1991let the man think :D13:56
freemangordon_I don't want maintainership to be revoked from MohammadAG13:57
freemangordon_merlin1991: OK13:57
X-FadeWell one thing would be to have one release manager.13:57
X-FadeSo you do your packages etc in git and one person finally pulls them into the repo.13:58
freemangordon_Yep, but that person is MohammadAG AIUI13:58
X-FadeSo what do you want to do exactly then?13:59
freemangordon_the same, to be able to pull th packages in repo13:59
freemangordon_because we can compile .debs as much as we like14:00
freemangordon_but if trere is noone to put those .debs in repo...14:00
X-FadeBut putting random debs in the repo also doesn't sound like a good idea ;)14:01
freemangordon_err, you mean what exacly?14:01
X-FadeI mean that you have a responsibility there. You can automatically brick devices, so it would be good that you didn't push every deb you compiled there.14:02
freemangordon_of course, why do you think I am going to do that?14:03
DocScrutinizerduh, that's weird. Never thought it would be a problem with auth and perms to get the vice-maintainers I asked for14:03
freemangordon_X-Fade: TBH it does not matter if it will be me or doc or whoever, we just need someone to do the job MohammadAG is supposed to do14:04
DocScrutinizerand it doesn't seem like any of the active CSSU team members was going to randomly upload pkgs14:05
merlin1991freemangordon_: email is out, if he doesn't reply I can still call him :D14:06
freemangordon_merlin1991: thanks, but I don't think that sould be in that way14:06
DocScrutinizerfirst of all I'd think it was natural when merlin1991 got vice-maintainer permissions of T, and MohammadAG got vice of S14:08
freemangordon_I'll be happy with such scenario14:09
DocScrutinizernah, I'm 100% supporting you when you want to be vice of whatever branch14:09
DocScrutinizerafter all 3 maintainers sound more sane to me than 1 maintainer that is afailable at unclear schedule14:10
Lava_Croftafailable is an intesting play with words14:11
merlin1991anybody who's got testing instsalled, is fixed in the current release?14:11
povbotBug 12318: camera-ui open lid dialog has no close button14:11
merlin1991nvm can't be fixed since the source is newer than the last release14:12
merlin1991that's the last commit stopping camera-ui from entering stable :)14:13
DocScrutinizerwhile I wouldn't even know what's a cma-ui open lid dialog14:13
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: babe, we have to talk about that14:14
merlin1991which regression are you still seeing in camera-ui? besides that one?14:15
DocScrutinizerAIUI nicocam finally been considered a big mistake **for CSSU**14:15
merlin1991lemme quote yourself: "closed source is a bug worth fixing too"14:15
DocScrutinizerand the main argument to keep it was "we can't remove it now"14:15
merlin1991and lemme add "cssu is for stuff that can't be shipped via extras"14:16
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: sure, but camera can get deployed as a pretty normal app, via extras14:16
merlin1991it could possibly be deployed as an app, but it's the same with all the other rewrites of closed blobs14:17
merlin1991and it's finally reaching a feature complete stable status14:17
merlin1991where it can be considered equal to the stock ui14:17
DocScrutinizerplus nicocam not exactly follows the "100% copy the original" policy of CSSU14:17
merlin1991all that's still missing is that close button and tagging14:18
merlin1991except for that it's a 100% copy14:18
merlin1991(+ one or two nifty features)14:18
DocScrutinizer(which can't get configured to make the whle thing look like it was original)14:19
DocScrutinizersame rationale would apply to mohammediaplayer14:19
Lava_Crofti like the camera ui from cssu14:19
merlin1991mediaplayer never got discussed because mag himself said it wasn't ready yet14:19
merlin1991(where I can only agree, it's nice but crashprone)14:20
DocScrutinizerit by paradigm not matching the CSSU criteria14:20
DocScrutinizercan get deployed as a normal app14:20
Lava_Croftmaybe the criteria are broken14:20
DocScrutinizerno they are absolutely sane14:20
merlin1991though what's your problem with one or two extra buttons in the ui?14:20
freemangordon_Guys, those discussions could be held when the problem with the repo acces is solved14:21
DocScrutinizermy problem is I don't trust the replacement14:21
merlin1991freemangordon_: we can't solve that14:21
merlin1991freemangordon_: X-Fade has to rework the auth schema so it allows more than 1 user14:21
freemangordon_Why do you think that?14:21
merlin1991the setup on the server itslef only allows 1 uploader14:22
DocScrutinizerseems we all support you getting the permissions, but we can'T do it14:22
merlin1991btw Mag responded14:22
freemangordon_doc, it is not whether it will be me or someone else, agree?14:22
merlin1991he said he'll be finsihed with uni in 1,5 hrs and then he'll arrive here14:22
freemangordon_lets wait mags opinion then14:23
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: what's the source of your trust issue?14:23
DocScrutinizerbasic considerations14:25
DocScrutinizerI want to have the choice14:26
merlin1991do we give choice on all the other rewrites?14:26
DocScrutinizerand rely to the tested thing that got deployed to ~10^6 devices and seems to "just work"14:26
merlin1991doesn't that apply to all cssu packages?14:27
DocScrutinizernot really14:27
DocScrutinizermost of them are based on the original sources, not a rewrite meant and done to perfom different/better than the original14:28
merlin1991in how far is osso-applet-display or osso-applet-notificationlight or osso-calculator any different`?14:28
DocScrutinizerplus camera is of paramount importance to me14:29
DocScrutinizerosso-calculator? in CSSU?????? DUH!14:29
merlin1991those 3 are replacements of closed blobs, are in stable and in case of osso-calculator perform different/better (added portrait)14:29
Lava_Crofti dont get the trouble with the camera14:29
Lava_Crofti use it every single day at least several times14:29
Lava_Croftand i never run into any problems with the cssu replacement14:30
merlin1991it used to have major bugs14:30
DocScrutinizerthat doesn't matter, Lava_Croft14:30
merlin1991but that's history14:30
Lava_Croftsometimes it just sounds more like religion than practice14:31
Lava_Croftthese discussions14:31
DocScrutinizerthe whole point is: it can get deployed as an alternative app, so no NEED to nuke the original cam for no good reason14:31
merlin1991well when I've finally got my 2nd n900 (damn you postal services where is it?) I'll run testing on it and make an indepth comparison14:31
DocScrutinizerI'm feeling abused by CSSU to deprive me from original camera14:31
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: again, wouldn't that apply to *any* closed blob that gets replaced?14:32
Lava_Croftanyone can say that for anything the CSSU replaces14:32
DocScrutinizerdang, we even know how to switch default cam app on the fly14:32
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: no, as those aren't usually alternative14:33
merlin1991the inbuilt osso-calculator worked just fine, it only was closed and we still replaced it14:33
DocScrutinizerif I could start MHD by click on an icon, and make it my primary desktop in settings, I was all for keeping the original hildon-desktop and deplay MHD as a normal app14:34
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DocScrutinizernot with my vote, replacing calculator is a clear violation of CSSU foundation rules14:34
Lava_Croftmaybe the installer should be made smarter14:35
Lava_Croftso one can give the installee(lol english?) the option to choose14:35
merlin1991Lava_Croft: that would be odd14:35
Lava_Croftbut thats probably way ahead of times14:35
merlin1991we'd have to create several metapackaes14:35
merlin1991like on for inclusion of only updates14:35
merlin1991one for update + replacement, ...14:35
Lava_Croftwell, yeah14:36
Lava_Croftit certainly means more work14:36
merlin1991it means chaos14:36
merlin1991we can't possibly give choice over single apps14:36
Lava_Croftit would only mean chaos with a bad execution, but even with a good execution it would give a lot more work14:36
Lava_Croftso probably not worth it anyway14:36
merlin1991well even with good execution you're just bound to make mistakes when maintaining 2 or more different metapackges14:37
Lava_Croftwhich falls under bad execution:P14:37
merlin1991humans are prone to errors ;)14:37
Lava_Croftmaybe not fix the installer, but create a seperate group of apps14:38
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: we can't give choice over single apps? duh, what?14:38
Lava_Croftlike cssu-blabla14:38
DocScrutinizerso what's with orientation-applet then?14:38
Lava_Croftcssu-extras whatever14:38
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: unless we movethem all int user/x sections and hope that people know what they install we can't14:38
merlin1991and expect them to install app after app with ham waiting 2 hrs just do redisplay the fsckd app list after installing 114:39
Lava_Croftmaybe the guidelines as referred to by DocScrutinizer are a bit too strict (in an attempt to keep the sanity)14:39
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: listen, I'm not willing to use a CSSU that shoves replacements for plain normal apps down my throat as somebody thinks they are smarter14:39
Lava_Croftbut since im just an end-user that is mostly just a leech14:39
Lava_Crofti lack the insight14:39
DocScrutinizerLava_Croft: no, they are sane14:40
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: I do see your point to make cssu a system updates only thing, but it never really was14:40
Lava_CroftDocScrutinizer: like i said14:40
merlin1991and as with pr updates from nokia you have the same choice14:40
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: it always was, until some funny gui decided to get camera14:40
Lava_Crofti always understood CSSU as an update+several 'extensions', say14:40
Lava_Croftlike replacement applications14:40
Lava_Croftbut now i start to doubt it14:40
merlin1991Lava_Croft: I understood it as the same thing14:41
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: did we ever write down the proposed inclusion rules?14:41
Lava_Croftim not saying how i understood it was right or wrong, mind you14:41
DocScrutinizer>>>>The Community Seamless Software Update (CSSU) is being developed by the Maemo community as a continuation of, and expansion on, Nokia's update support. It aims to deliver fixes which would be difficult to deliver through Extras (like core Maemo packages). It won't, however, bundle software which can be installed through the Extras repositories.<<<< !!14:42
Lava_Croftjust out of curiosity, DocScrutinizer14:43
* merlin1991 remembers having a set of rules kinda like this: replacing a closed blob requires feature completness to the orginial, stability and can possibly add features)14:43
Lava_Croftif you glance over the cssu changelog, at what version did it start to break those guidelines?14:43
DocScrutinizerit's difficult to decide about the guidelines every single time, as Nokia has that insane MP thing14:44
merlin1991that's when camera-ui got included14:44
DocScrutinizerwhen I stopped to update14:45
Lava_Croftthats quite a while ago alreadt14:45
DocScrutinizeruntil most recently14:45
Lava_Croftalso around the time when my first n900 broke14:45
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: don't we consider being closed source a bug itself?14:46
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Lava_Croftas an end-user i dont really care either way as long as the CSSU is an improvement14:46
Lava_Croftbut for you developers it might be quite handy to decide on stuff like this:P14:46
Lava_Croftunless DocScrutinizer is alone in the desert14:46
DocScrutinizerbut clearly we MUST NOT shove alteratives down the user's throat as mandatory when clearly they are not. If there is a way to deploy as pkg, don't include it to CSSU14:47
Lava_Croftand nobody else minds this breaking of guidelines14:47
arceanmerlin1991: ping14:47
Lava_Croftagreed, DocScrutinizer14:47
merlin1991arcean: pong14:47
Lava_CroftDocScrutinizer: but, there is a problem here14:47
Lava_Croftopinions probably differ on what is an 'improvement'14:47
arceanmerlin1991: we have a problem with osso-calculator14:47
Lava_Croftactually, they actually differ:)14:47
merlin1991arcean: what is it?14:48
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: so what now? when fart-app is closed source, will we incluse an open-source rewrite to CSSU?14:48
arceanmerlin1991: try to calculate "2^(-1.5)"14:48
Lava_CroftDocScrutinizer: that example is broken14:48
Lava_Croftthere never was a fart-app on the n900 to begin with, so it does not compare to camera-ui14:48
DocScrutinizerhow is it broken?14:48
Lava_Croftor the calculator14:48
DocScrutinizernow THAT is broken14:48
merlin1991in a sense that we only replace nokia blobs14:48
DocScrutinizera blob being (C) nokia qualifies it to get a CSSU replacement now?14:49
DocScrutinizerhow is that ?14:49
merlin1991a blob closed source that is part of the preinstalled os qualifies14:49
Lava_Crofti was under the impression that being closed source meant being bugged14:49
Lava_Croftand therefore open source rewrites are candidates for the cssu14:50
arceanmerlin1991: calculator has also another problem:
DocScrutinizer>>>>The Community Seamless Software Update (CSSU) is being developed by the Maemo community as a continuation of, and expansion on, Nokia's update support. It aims to deliver fixes which would be difficult to deliver through Extras (like core Maemo packages). It won't, however, bundle software which can be installed through the Extras repositories.<<<< !!14:50
DocScrutinizereasy as that14:50
DocScrutinizeror difficult14:50
Lava_Croftprobably focus shifted14:51
Lava_Croftas is a natural course of things14:51
merlin1991arcean: can file a bug against the calculator?14:51
merlin1991fill in a you into my sentence :D14:51
DocScrutinizeras that is not exactly easy either, but don't play easy by simply including arbitrary shit into CSSU, please14:51
arceanmerlin1991: ok14:51
Lava_Croftthis is an opinion game now14:52
Lava_Croftbut i do hope you folks sort it out14:52
DocScrutinizerno, it never been14:52
DocScrutinizer>>>>The Community Seamless Software Update (CSSU) is being developed by the Maemo community as a continuation of, and expansion on, Nokia's update support. It aims to deliver fixes which would be difficult to deliver through Extras (like core Maemo packages). It won't, however, bundle software which can be installed through the Extras repositories.<<<< !!14:52
DocScrutinizerone more14:52
Lava_Croftlike i said, im just an end user, and a flexible one at that14:52
merlin1991for the other problem, do you know what the stock calculator did in such a case?14:52
Lava_Croftpasting the same piece of text from a wiki over and over isnt really making any point to me14:52
Lava_Crofti dont believe in shit being etched into stone14:52
Lava_Croftimpossible to change etc14:52
DocScrutinizerit makes the point that there's no room for opinions14:52
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Lava_Croftapparently reality does prove a bit different14:53
arceani have no idea, but for sure a proper result14:53
Lava_Croftsince the focus obviously shifted away from that text14:53
arceanin case of "2^(-1.5)"14:53
merlin1991well a proper result to 100-10% would be wft gimme input14:53
DocScrutinizerand for sure no room for an alternative distro, packaged to meet some optinion and taste about which apps need replacements, which need improvements for nor optional new cute features, and which maybe can get left out completely as the maintainer doesn't like them14:54
arceanaccording to my desk calc "100-10%" = 9014:54
Lava_Croftlike i said, i was under the impression that being closed source is a reason to include a replacement in cssu14:54
DocScrutinizerthat is WRNG14:55
merlin1991arcean: tbh I'm kinda mindfucked atm, what should ^-1,5 result in?14:55
Lava_CroftDocScrutinizer: thats the problem for the end user14:55
Lava_Crofta different impression:P14:55
Lava_Croftyou folks should align >_>14:55
DocScrutinizerend users laways had the completely wrong impression that CSSU was an alternative distro, IT IS NOT14:56
Lava_Croftalternative distro never was my impression14:56
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: our main goal with the cssu shouldn't be to be perfectly within self set rules but our very first goal should be the end user14:56
DocScrutinizerit is a supplementary repo to deploy fixes to original maemo distro14:56
Lava_Croftmerlin1991: that exactly touches the problem i mean14:56
arceanmerlin1991: 0.354...14:56
Lava_Croftit looks like engineers vs end users :)14:56
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: our first goel should be feasibility and sustainability, as well as keep genuine maemo alive for everybody14:57
DocScrutinizerthis will benefit users automatically14:57
Lava_Crofti dont really mind if my maemo is 'genuine'14:58
Lava_Croftor not14:58
DocScrutinizerand that's what the rules are meant for, AIUI14:58
Lava_Croftas long as it does not break shit :)14:58
DocScrutinizerexactly, Lava_Croft, exactly14:58
merlin1991I see being closed sourced as a bug, and cssu as the natural way to resolve it for nokia shipped apps14:58
DocScrutinizerthat's wrong14:59
DocScrutinizeryou forget14:59
DocScrutinizer>>>>The Community Seamless Software Update (CSSU) is being developed by the Maemo community as a continuation of, and expansion on, Nokia's update support. It aims to deliver fixes which would be difficult to deliver through Extras (like core Maemo packages). It won't, however, bundle software which can be installed through the Extras repositories.<<<< !!14:59
Lava_Croftyes, but thats just a piece of text14:59
DocScrutinizeresp the last one14:59
Lava_Crofta piece of text is just that, a piece of text14:59
DocScrutinizerno, that'14:59
Lava_Croftyou come across as a religous fanatic now14:59
DocScrutinizers a piece of carefully written and thought of thext15:00
Lava_Croftyes, thats what they say too15:00
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: my point is that our camera-ui isn't another app, but the app with a bug fixed15:00
DocScrutinizerit's a rule15:00
DocScrutinizerstill an app15:00
merlin1991everything is an app ffs15:00
DocScrutinizerapps per definition hardly ever qualify for CSSU15:01
DocScrutinizeroh, MHD is an app??15:01
merlin1991okay lemme put this in other words15:01
Lava_Crofti think stock nokia apps should totally qualify for cssu15:01
Lava_Croftthey make the maemo experience just as much as the core15:01
Lava_Croftand for an end-user maybe even more15:01
DocScrutinizerLava_Croft: you're fre to start LCSSU15:01
Lava_Croftyes, more fragmentation15:02
DocScrutinizerFFS what is wrong with you guys? why do you want to shove nicocam down my throat while it happily can get deployed as app via extras-testing??15:03
merlin1991for me camera-ui from the cssu doesn't differ from the stock ui in the way that it is the *same* package for me, and therefore updates to it (like fixing the being closed bug) can only get delivered through cssu since the stock metapackage would block that in extras15:03
merlin1991for me "nicocam" isn't "nicocam" but camera-ui15:03
Lava_Crofti was a happy end-user that thought the new camera-ui was a nice _update_15:04
Lava_Croftand i still think so15:04
Lava_Croftsame with OMP15:04
DocScrutinizerso now you're not only using a one-time brash post of me (closed-source is a bug) to justify apps in CSSU, now you even use your own notion of what's the name of an app15:05
merlin1991I'm trying to explain to you that the replacement in cssu for me represents the existing ui and not an alternative15:06
DocScrutinizerand which fucking bug in original camui gets fixed? and do NOT say "the closedness" now15:06
merlin1991missing iso levels15:07
DocScrutinizerthat's no bug15:07
DocScrutinizerwhile my claim that nicocam can get and is deployed via extras-repo still holds true15:07
Lava_Croftthe poor end-user made up his mind here15:08
arceanmerlin1991: bug 12514 1251515:08
povbotBug Calculator program, percentage operations15:08
Lava_Crofti think DocScrutinizer's standpoint is in the end a smarter and clearer solution15:08
arceanbug 1251515:08
povbotBug Calculator app, broken power function15:08
Lava_Croftsince it does not convolude maemo with replacement applications15:08
merlin1991thanks arcean15:09
DocScrutinizernow if nokiacam had a real BUG I'd say "ok we need to fix this shit making N900 escaping smoke", but "fixing" some missing feature by removing the original app is INSANE15:09
arceanmerlin1991 np :), bbl15:09
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DocScrutinizerlook, CSSU is not really about deploying new stuff, as we already can do this. CSSU is about REMOVING bits from Nokia image because the cause trouble. Then we usually offer a replacement15:12
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: what if we ship nicocam as a replacement to cssu but like the status lock applet make it optional but still replacing?15:12
DocScrutinizernokiacam does not cause any trubles, so it's insane to remove it15:12
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: I'm all fine with that approach15:13
DocScrutinizermuch support it15:13
merlin1991even if the optionally installed nicocamm overwrite stock ui?15:13
DocScrutinizereven then15:13
DocScrutinizerthough I think we still can do better15:13
merlin1991I guess I can wrap my head around packaging that15:13
* jonwil is looking for someone who can help him get operator-name-cbs-widget into extras (extras-devel I assume at first)15:14
DocScrutinizersee, THAT is sth we should consider for CSSU15:14
DocScrutinizerraher than exras-devel. As it actually needs removal of original applet15:15
DocScrutinizerbtw while at topic removal from original Nokia image: CSSU got notmynokia anticherry already?15:17
merlin1991huh? can you elaborate on that anticherry? :D15:17
DocScrutinizerI'd consider THAT a bug in original Nokia image that we can fix by mere removal, not shipping ANY replacement for it15:18
DocScrutinizerapt-get remove --purge cherry15:18
DocScrutinizercompulsory sending of SMS15:18
* merlin1991 darkly remembers something, but it never was an issue for me or rather I never noticed15:19
merlin1991what was it exactly?15:19
DocScrutinizer  ->15:19
DocScrutinizer# kill that cherry PITA, before it sends SMS15:19
DocScrutinizer# see
DocScrutinizertouch /home/user/.cherry_state15:19
DocScrutinizernow that is a legit CSSU bit15:20
DocScrutinizernuke the shit15:20
povbotBug 10366: MyNokia SMS sent after update without any action from the user15:22
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jonwilDocScrutinizer, what do you suggest I should do to get operator-name-cbs-widget into CSSU (if it is in fact a candidate for CSSU)15:53
freemangordon_doc, I still fail to see what is your problem with nikocam included in CSSU-T.  If it looks and behaves exactly like stock or better, what is the problem.15:53
DocScrutinizerbring the topic up here, find testers who confirm it worked for them on testing, provide a howto to install and test15:54
DocScrutinizerstart ober again, same procedure :-D15:54
jonwilok, sounds like I should get it into extras first then15:54
DocScrutinizeraah, file a merge request finally15:54
jonwilbefore it can be considered for cssu15:54
DocScrutinizerit's actually contraproductove to get it into extras, as this is a negative point for CSSU (as we just discussed) - but then OTOH nicocam also was in extras-devel before CSSU adopted it15:56
jonwilok, in that case what should I do then?15:56
jonwilJust point people at a .deb and ask them to install and test it?15:56
DocScrutinizeractually I think it's pretty hard to publish this applet/lib-replacement via extras15:56
freemangordon_DocScrutinizer: in the same line of thoughts - where should HIM vkb replacement go?15:57
DocScrutinizerCSSU clearly15:57
DocScrutinizerit replaces a core function of operating system - it's no app15:57
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DocScrutinizerall those (vkbd, jonwil's applet) are only nasty hacks in extras repo15:58
jonwilok, so all I want to know then is the easiest route to get this plugin into CSSU so the whole world can benefit for it15:58
DocScrutinizerwhile in CSSU they are perfectly at home15:58
DocScrutinizerjonwil: provide a tarball, script, whatever needed to install, on tmo. point us to it. Ask for testing and inclusion, file a merge request for a patch15:59
DocScrutinizeragainst CSSU git15:59
jonwilok, I have a tarball with debian packaging files in it. That do?16:00
DocScrutinizerAIUI that's the way to go16:00
freemangordon_DocScrutinizer: so, camera is not a core system functionality?16:00
DocScrutinizernot really, as it can get uninstalled and replaced without system breaking16:01
freemangordon_HIM functionality could be replaced too, FastSMS for example16:01
DocScrutinizerthe mech to pop up it on camslider open is system. The cam-gui itself: not16:01
DocScrutinizeryes, as I told you, a dirty hack basically, also for fsms16:02
jonwilok, in that case I am going to point you to and and ask for inclusion16:02
freemangordon_so HIM is not CSSU candidate too (by your definition)16:02
DocScrutinizererr fmms16:02
jonwilwell testing/whatever has to happen first16:02
freemangordon_neither is jonwil's applet as it could be delivered trough extras. And BTW it is not so hard.16:03
jonwilonly reason my applet can be done through extras is the diversion of the stock files16:03
jonwilwith dpkg-divert16:04
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon_: if you could install it in a *linux conformant sane way* on s stock maemo PR, then it's not a candidate for CSSU, right. Unless CSSU has differnet components and APIs so the original thing couldnT work ob CSSU16:04
DocScrutinizere.g. a new kernel module wouldn't be CSSU16:05
DocScrutinizeran alternative dnsmasqd probably was CSSU16:05
jonwilI think that buy definition, the fact that this patches a stock library makes it CSSU material16:05
freemangordon_you can install every package from every repo in *linux conformant sane way* using apt-get or dpkg . So lets close the circus then.16:05
freemangordon_why new kernel is not a CSSU candidate?16:06
freemangordon_if someone fix wifi power consumption on ompa1 bug16:06
freemangordon_he has to put that in extras-devel or what?16:07
jonwilok, so is operator-name-cbs-widget a candidate for CSSU or not?16:07
jonwilIts a replacement for a stock widget that also has optional new beneficial features16:07
freemangordon_doc, realy, your arguments sound to me more religios than practical16:08
jonwiland it requires patching a stock library file to work properly16:08
freemangordon_I thnk it is a candidate16:08
freemangordon_but lets wait MohammadAG to join, he is CSSU-T maintainter after all16:09
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DocScrutinizerfreemangordon_: when someone fixes a kernel module, he most probably will need to put it into power-kernel16:13
DocScrutinizerso yes, basically extras-devel16:14
DocScrutinizerthough it wasn't a good example I admit16:14
jonwilI suspect building a new kernel module that works with the stock kernel is hard...16:14
DocScrutinizerlet's say someone fixed a bug in midnight commander16:14
freemangordon_so, CSSU is for fixin bug if they appear in some .so only?16:15
RST38hAnd fixinG16:15
RST38hAnd the answer is "no".16:15
freemangordon_RST38h: thanks16:15
DocScrutinizeryes, .so are a pretty good example, as you can not sanely ship them as "App"16:15
freemangordon_midnight commander is not distributed in nokia firmware image16:15
freemangordon_while omap1kernel is16:15
freemangordon_and camera-ui too, as is jonwil's applet16:16
freemangordon_that should be the criteria AIUI16:16
DocScrutinizercamear-ui is startable as an App at random point in time, by clicking on an icon16:16
freemangordon_no, it runs all the time16:17
jonwilhmmm, interesting question is whether my icd-wlan-priority is something that might be a cssu target once its actually complete16:17
DocScrutinizerno it doesn't, or does not need to16:17
DocScrutinizerand the point is: there are no BUGS in stock camera-ui that justify CSSU removing/nuking it16:18
freemangordon_it is closed source. that is a bug.16:18
DocScrutinizerplus there's a  sane way to promote your alternative camera-ui via extras16:19
freemangordon_well then, we should remove Qt from CSSU then, and distribute it via extras-devel16:20
DocScrutinizerthis is BS, it's just funny how a random hlaf sentence I uttered occasionally now gets used as the ultimate argument to mess with virtually random Nokia stuff and force it into CSSU. While I originally said this statement in some context that obviously now nobody likes to quote16:21
freemangordon_no, I am not using your sentence, I think in that way. Being closed source is a vaild bug for me.16:21
merlin1991btw DocScrutinizer the stock ui runs all the time in the bg16:23
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DocScrutinizerc'mon, it's actually rather simple when you use common sense: if it's a (severe) bug we use CSSU to remove the buggered component - we consider if we can ship a replacement. If it's an improvement and/or can get shipped via extras, it won't go to CSSU16:23
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: I know16:23
merlin1991the dialog that pops up if you place the cam button without the  lid open comes from that running proecess16:23
DocScrutinizerthat's however a system config thing unrelated to nicocam16:23
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merlin1991gosh that was typohell jsut there16:24
DocScrutinizerif nicocam would *need* that and we would have to set it up in core system config as it's not yet there, then it clearly would qualify nicocam for CSSU16:24
merlin1991I meant to say, that the dialog that prompts you to open the lid comes from the process in the bg16:25
DocScrutinizeras it's already there and all the same for nokiacam and nicocam, and even nikocam can get started as already is, as also fcam and blessN900 is, there's no rationale whatsoever why CSSU needs to incluse it16:25
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freemangordon_doc, lets look this from another angle. I will use nikocam as an example(again). So far at least 3-4 developers had contributed to it. How many would've been if it was in extras-devel?16:28
DocScrutinizerso what a rationale is THAT?16:28
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DocScrutinizerbtw I suggested since long to provide a "suggested best selection of optional stuff" via CSSU repo, that then could install such bits like nikocam, orientation-lock-applet, CSSU-tweaker, whatnot16:30
freemangordon_It is intended to be an OSS replacement of a system component, not some application, agree? So isn't it better all we "CSSU people" to be involved in QA, bug fixing, etc.16:30
DocScrutinizerI just think it's insane to shove all this down the throat of CSSU-S users and not give them a choise, just because somebody says "but it's open source now"16:31
DocScrutinizerjavispedor joining, heh16:32
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: I guess we can stop this war here if you repeate that you have noting against nicocam in cssu in gerneral, but you only want it installed optional16:32
merlin1991like you said earlier16:32
DocScrutinizeryes, 100% agree and support this approach16:32
freemangordon_Or think it in that way - I can easily put nikocam with 720p support in extras-devel today. But common sense tells me that it is better to be a part of CSSU, it is CSSU PR after all.16:33
freemangordon_ok, lets stop :)16:33
DocScrutinizerbasically CSSU was needed as we were cursed by nokia-meta-PR16:33
DocScrutinizerplease don't start to implement the evil twin of it now in CSSU16:34
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DocScrutinizerthe whole point of CSSU is to remove Nokia-MP-PR to regain control over entities like .so, vkb, modest, whatnot. We should NOT implement another CSSU-MP-PR to again entangle parts that shouldn't be16:36
DocScrutinizercamera-ui being such an entity that's not entangled to the rst of system in a way it justifies locking it to CSSU16:37
merlin1991MohammadAG: ping16:41
freemangordon_doc, shall we assume stuttering videos captured by nokia stock camera application a (severe) bug?16:43
DocScrutinizer>>Package: CSSU-Stable - brings a new core system with some elementary components like e.g. Hildon Desktop replaced by bugfixed and possibly feature-augmented community versions16:45
DocScrutinizerPackage: CSSU-ACME-App-Collection - gets you a carefully selected number of Apps and applets that are highly recommended for CSSU, though not exactly mandatory for a working bare-bones system <<16:45
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon_: yes16:45
povbotBug 7062: Video camera does not record smoothly16:45
DocScrutinizerfixing this would clearly qualify the fix to go to CSSU core16:45
MohammadAGmerlin1991, pong16:48
freemangordon_DocScrutinizer: and there is a fix for that (still not in CSSU git), so lets end that debate.
merlin1991like I said in the email freemangordon_ thinks he found the problem and I have the commits ready to fix that16:48
merlin1991then there's h-d wich needs version bump + compile because of missing commit16:49
merlin1991there is bug 1230616:49
povbotBug Conflict problems for libqt4-test16:49
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon_: of course the fix has to prove it fixes the issue for good and doesn't introduce new bugs or flaws. Also it has to keep maximum compatibility in all respects to Nokia stock16:49
merlin1991and there is a commit to camera-ui that closes bug 1231816:49
povbotBug camera-ui open lid dialog has no close button16:49
merlin1991MohammadAG: ^^16:49
MohammadAGmerlin1991, sec, need to ask Nokia for a statement about the N95016:52
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon_: why are you so eager to close that debate? I think such debate is elementary to assure quality of CSSU which is "of paramount importance", and we constantly need to make sure we all follow same rules regarding what CSSU is meant to be, otherwise it will drown in chaos. Trgarding that notion of yours I rethink my support for your application for vice-maintainer16:53
MohammadAGsigh, N900 died in a day without being used16:54
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: can we drop it for now, we'd like to get some fixes out today :)16:55
DocScrutinizerfine, I like to have some RL now, so cya16:56
jonwilMohammadAG, what should I do to propose my operator-name-cbs-widget for CSSU?16:58
jonwilIt does make the various new things (like cbsms display) optional16:58
merlin1991MohammadAG: so whatabout the update now?17:03
freemangordon_jonwil, DocScrutinizer , please, lets first fix crashing modest and other stuff17:03
DocScrutinizergo ahead17:03
DocScrutinizernobody is telling you to stop it17:03
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merlin1991MohammadAG: ?17:07
jonwilI just wanna get some discussion happening about getting my widget into CSSU so I can get things started and hopefully in progress before I go away on my xmas holidays17:08
freemangordon_MohammadAG: If you don't have time, will, CPU fan, keyboard or whatever is needed to react in a timely manner, I would propose to give up being a maintainer of CSSU_T and give that to another  person.17:08
DocScrutinizerjonwil: obviously today isn't the day for discussions ;-) But a short statement from MohammadAG confirming what I already told you will do, no?17:09
freemangordon_It is just not acceptable  5 people to wait 15 minutes for a single reply17:09
freemangordon_from you17:09
freemangordon_MohammadAG: ^^^17:10
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MohammadAGyeah, neither is it acceptable to wait 3 days for a freaking package to show up in the repo17:17
MohammadAGanyway, no time for arguments17:17
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MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] > echo $DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS17:18
merlin1991there is your evil bastard17:19
jonwilso stuff is compiling as thumb when it should not be?17:19
merlin1991right there between launcher and vfp17:19
MohammadAGecho them on your machine17:19
merlin1991mine is empty17:19
MohammadAGthen wtf is setting it17:20
DocScrutinizerjonwil: yes17:20
merlin1991I removed the thumb check in the debian/rules of tinymail and modest17:20
MohammadAGjonwil, what's your env value?17:20
merlin1991shall I phus those?17:20
MohammadAGmerlin1991, that's the incorrect way17:20
MohammadAGwhy the fuck does sb has thumb17:20
DocScrutinizermerlin1991: we need to chack *all* packages for this17:20
jonwildont know what my env value is, cant be stuffed turning on my Gentoo box to check :P17:20
merlin1991freemangordon found it in /targets/user/$USER/FREMATNLE_ARMEL.environment17:21
merlin1991that file doesn't even exist on my sb17:21
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] > cat /targets/FREMANTLE_ARMEL.environment17:21
MohammadAGexport DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=maemo-launcher,thumb,vfp17:21
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MohammadAGyou sure you're on FREMANTLE?17:22
merlin1991I'm uberfuckingsure :D17:22
MohammadAGso just rebuild tinymail and mdoest and they should magically work?17:22
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merlin1991[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] > cat /targets/FREMANTLE_17:22
merlin1991FREMANTLE_ARMEL/        FREMANTLE_ARMEL.config  FREMANTLE_X86/          FREMANTLE_X86.config17:22
DocScrutinizersomebody should ping the Nokia deities like e.g X-Fade to investigate how that's meant to be set up, and what it is on Nokia's buildhosts actually17:22
MohammadAGI'm somehow feeling this is to be blamed on HARMATTAN17:23
merlin1991MohammadAG: modest and tinymail without thumb are known to work17:23
MohammadAGhow did this just show up?17:23
MohammadAGwe've always had a working tinymail and modest compiled on MY laptop17:23
merlin1991because freemangordon did export his own build options for paralell17:23
MohammadAGsome package added tihs17:23
MohammadAGno, I mean in the first 16 updates17:23
merlin1991well we do have fsckd modest crashing all the time17:24
merlin1991also in the first 16 updates17:24
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: (HARM) ohYES brother17:24
merlin1991or it was indeed harm17:24
freemangordonMohammadAG, I don't have Harmattan SDK installed, but still have FREMANTLE_ARMEL.environment with the above DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS17:24
freemangordonnfc where it comes from, but its date is October 201017:25
merlin1991It does not exist on my system, therefore commplete stable is compiled without it17:25
MohammadAGhow do I check date?17:25
MohammadAGI edited it so ls -l might show today17:25
freemangordonby using ls -al17:25
MohammadAGyeah, today17:25
freemangordonin /scratchox/users/maemo/targets17:25
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: sorry, you say you have export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=maemo-launcher,thumb,vfp  and still you built a working modest on your system?? I somehow got it wrong I guess17:26
freemangordonyou got i wring17:26
MohammadAGyeah, but he said he exported vars17:26
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: he has that crap in his file, but usuall exports other options prior to build17:26
MohammadAGI still don't get how this makes modest fail to launch17:26
MohammadAGwhen before it was crashing, yet worked fine17:26
freemangordonit launches but crashes17:26
DocScrutinizerthumb introduces random fail it seems17:27
DocScrutinizerunaligned code etc17:27
DocScrutinizerno wonder since thumb opcodes are only 16nit17:27
MohammadAGk, so again, just rebuild?17:28
DocScrutinizeryes, basically17:28
merlin1991yeah rebuild without thumb17:28
DocScrutinizercheck filesize of binary17:28
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/ssu/hildon-desktop] > git push17:29
MohammadAGEverything up-to-date17:29
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/ssu/hildon-desktop] > git diff17:29
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/ssu/hildon-desktop] >17:29
MohammadAGmerlin1991, ^17:29
MohammadAGwhat's missing?17:29
merlin1991MohammadAG: if you git log in h-d17:29
merlin1991the commit for games blacklist17:29
merlin1991and portrait wallpapers17:29
merlin1991the changes are nowere to be seen in the h-d source in the reop17:29
freemangordonMohammadAG, you should raise modest and tinymail versions, otherwise they won't get updated17:29
merlin1991and the h-d in the repo does not work as I would expect after that commit17:30
MohammadAGcommit 67be20fcc6a6f6823b7f5349fb561ccac0cb3a1917:30
MohammadAGAuthor: Tomasz Pieni<C4><85><C5><BC>ek <Tomek@Buba.(none)>17:30
MohammadAGDate:   Sun Sep 25 15:57:22 2011 +020017:30
MohammadAG    Blacklist: improved support for games. Fix for portrait wallpapers. Prevent hildon-desktop crash when snap_grid_17:30
merlin1991check src/home/hd-home-view.c line 62317:31
MohammadAGno, I'm on master17:31
merlin1991should be if(i)17:31
merlin1991and not pixbuf =17:31
MohammadAGso why does git push not work?17:31
merlin1991it looks like you compiled17:32
merlin1991then merged the mg17:32
merlin1991then commited your local changes17:32
MohammadAGI see the commit17:32
MohammadAGon git17:32
MohammadAGomasz Pieniążek committed 67be20fc on September 25, 2011 15:5717:32
MohammadAGBlacklist: improved support for games. Fix for portrait wallpapers. Prevent hildon-desktop crash when snap_grid_size == 0.17:32
merlin1991well just check that line I told you17:33
MohammadAGline 623 is         if(!i)17:34
MohammadAGand it's the same is on gitorious.org17:34
MohammadAGso again, I don't see what's wrong17:34
merlin1991well get
merlin1991there it isn#t the same17:35
merlin1991there it is like it is prior to the commit17:35
merlin1991and thats current repo h-d17:35
MohammadAGthe fuck17:35
merlin1991so like I said, you probably compiled h-d with the dmsetool fix17:35
merlin1991then merged the mg17:35
merlin1991then commited the dsmetool fix17:35
MohammadAGI'm sure of it17:36
merlin1991or otherwise sb went moot and used older source17:36
merlin1991don't ask me why17:36
MohammadAGk, I'll rebuild and push17:36
merlin1991don't forget to bumb version17:36
DocScrutinizerthen check filesize!17:36
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: filesize won't do a difference here17:36
DocScrutinizeryeah, only when built on buildhost17:37
merlin1991MohammadAG: the next thing would be the libqt4-test issue17:37
freemangordonok, lets make a list what needs to be rebuild17:37
DocScrutinizerseems everything needs to get rebuilt, so we can be sure all pkgs are without thumb17:38
merlin1991most of the packages never check for thumb in debian/rules17:38
freemangordonso far: modest tinymail h-d camera-ui17:39
merlin1991MohammadAG: since we need a release anyway I suggest you add the new camera-ui17:39
freemangordonanything else?17:40
merlin1991nicolai commited the fix to bug 1231817:40
povbotBug camera-ui open lid dialog has no close button17:40
merlin1991the metapackge, but that is a nobrainer :D17:40
merlin1991MohammadAG: whatabout libqt4-test, are you going to include that?17:41
freemangordonwhat is that? I mean how do we fix libqt4-test dependency17:42
merlin1991it is a dependency triangle17:42
merlin1991libqt4-test depdns on libqt4-core of the same version17:42
merlin1991metapackge depends on libqt4-core but not libqt4-test17:42
merlin1991so if someone has libqt4-test installed and wants to update metapackge that fails because the installed libqt4-test demands libqt4-core < than the one the metapackage wants17:43
merlin1991and since libqt4-test is not going to be updated in the update apt errors out17:43
merlin1991simply also depending on libqt4-test solves that17:44
freemangordonah, metapackage again17:44
DocScrutinizeror nuke that qt-trst shit ;-D17:45
merlin1991problem is python-qt4 in extras depends on qt4-test17:45
freemangordonlatest rebuild news: modest tinymail h-d camera-ui metapackage17:45
merlin1991otherwise I would be all for nuking it .D17:45
DocScrutinizernuke that as well XP17:45
DocScrutinizeror lart the maintainer to fix his brpken python crap17:46
merlin1991doesn't one usually lart lusers?17:46
merlin1991MohammadAG: will we get all this today?17:59
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MohammadAG<merlin1991> MohammadAG: will we get all this today?18:12
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> yes18:12
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> <merlin1991> libqt4-test depdns on libqt4-core of the same version18:12
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> that's supposed to be like that18:12
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> now, on device it doesn't matter since no one will be using libqt4-test18:12
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> but if libqt4-test version conflicts with libqt4-core version, apps will segfault saying Incompatible library version18:12
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> or something similar18:12
MohammadAG<MohammadAG> basically, internally Qt is not version-safe18:12
MohammadAGApparently I got disconnected and was talking to myself18:12
merlin1991yep :D18:12
merlin1991[16:42:25] <merlin1991> it is a dependency triangle18:13
merlin1991[16:42:37] <merlin1991> libqt4-test depdns on libqt4-core of the same version18:13
merlin1991[16:42:54] <merlin1991> metapackge depends on libqt4-core but not libqt4-test18:13
merlin1991[16:43:30] <merlin1991> so if someone has libqt4-test installed and wants to update metapackge that fails because the installed libqt4-test demands libqt4-core < than the one the metapackage wants18:13
merlin1991[16:43:42] <merlin1991> and since libqt4-test is not going to be updated in the update apt errors out18:13
merlin1991[16:44:17] <merlin1991> simply also depending on libqt4-test solves that18:13
merlin1991MohammadAG: ^^18:13
MohammadAGso again, I suggest you take this with achipa18:13
merlin1991my full explanation :D18:13
MohammadAGit's not OUR fault18:13
MohammadAGhow does it solve it18:13
MohammadAGpython-qt4 is the one fucking shit up18:13
MohammadAGso either talk it up with achipa18:13
MohammadAGor lart Khertan for depending on it18:13
merlin1991MohammadAG: python-qt4 is fine now18:14
MohammadAGyou shouldn't depend on libqt4-* for a CMD Qt app18:14
MohammadAGbasically that's what he's doing18:14
merlin1991it depends on >= 4.618:14
merlin1991so an update should work18:14
MohammadAGinstalling his app even installs Qt examples18:14
MohammadAGthen why the hell does it fail18:14
merlin1991we try to update libqt4-core WIHTOUT updating libqt4-test18:14
MohammadAGif anything, libqt4-test should be upgraded18:14
MohammadAGthat's what apt should do18:15
merlin1991and since we don't tell apt anywhere that we'd like to update  that as well it says go fuck yourself18:15
merlin1991nothing depends on libqt4-test18:15
MohammadAGoh god, this is fucke dup18:15
merlin1991but libqt4-test locks libqt4-core to a version18:15
MohammadAGwhile I highly suggest we bug apt's devs18:15
MohammadAGdepending on libqt4-test should fix it, as you said18:15
merlin1991exactly :)18:15
MohammadAGok so18:16
MohammadAGor 1.0.1, whatever18:16
MohammadAGrecompiled h-d18:16
MohammadAGrecompiled modest and tinymail18:16
MohammadAGupdated camera-ui18:16
MohammadAGsounds quick and small18:16
MohammadAGI'll send you built debs to test18:17
MohammadAGas modest doesn't crash for me18:17
MohammadAGeven with thumb18:17
merlin1991send them to freemangordon18:17
DocScrutinizercheck filesize! :-D18:17
merlin1991I don't have testing currently18:17
merlin1991MohammadAG: hildon-home needs a git push18:17
MohammadAGanyone know about Gtk threading?18:17
MohammadAGthis isn't high priority18:18
merlin1991nfc about gtk threading18:18
MohammadAGbut the about dialog needs to execute dpkg -l to get version in another thread to reduce dialog-show-time18:18
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: your local build might be without thumb for unknown reasons18:18
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: we do get the local builds in the repo18:18
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, my local build is the one in the repo18:18
DocScrutinizeror the breakage happens only on doing "unusual stuff" (dunno IMAP maybe, whatnot else)18:19
MohammadAGyeah, what the guy with formal letters said18:19
merlin1991lol mag :D18:19
MohammadAGso, DHL asks me to send them a letter with the value18:19
MohammadAGI said I'll send Nokia a letter to send them something18:19
MohammadAGso I cc'd him18:20
MohammadAGguess what I got as a reply18:20
MohammadAG I am not in the office today18:20
MohammadAG  Thanks Eyal18:20
MohammadAGthen why the fuck did you call me18:20
merlin1991btw I've got an addition to ~isreaelsucks18:20
MohammadAGIt's back to Clearance delay18:20
MohammadAGmore reason it seems to be coming back to me, and not Nokia18:20
merlin1991MohammadAG: when you recompile check the size of modest.launch18:21
merlin1991with thumb it's around 600k18:21
merlin1991without is 900k18:21
merlin1991just to make sure :)18:22
MohammadAGok, so internet is sucking a bit right now18:22
MohammadAGcan you check that18:22
MohammadAGcommit 811cd4318d955c944d17014dbbff4e8e59f2655518:22
MohammadAGAuthor: Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh <>18:22
MohammadAGDate:   Wed Nov 23 18:54:00 2011 +020018:22
MohammadAG    Updated debian/changelog18:22
MohammadAGthis is the last commit?18:22
MohammadAGi.e no need to pull/merge whatever18:22
merlin1991which component?18:22
X-Fadeafaik you need to really watch out with tumb on n900 as the cpu has certain bugs?18:22
merlin1991X-Fade: we currently try to nuke thumb from our compiles18:23
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/ssu/tinymail] > echo $DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS18:23
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/ssu/tinymail] > fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc18:23
MohammadAGdpkg-buildpackage: warning: invalid flag in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS: maemo-launcher,vfp18:23
X-FadeAh, k. Thought you wanted to add it ;)18:23
merlin1991for some really weird reason /scratchbox/users/$user/targets/FREMANLTE_ARMEL.environment  exports $DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS to maemo-launcher,thumb,vpf18:24
MohammadAGhmm, it fails to build18:24
MohammadAGthe fuck18:24
merlin1991and on my disk the file does not exist at all18:25
MohammadAGShell restarting...18:25
MohammadAGbash: /usr/bin/aegis-session: No such file or directory18:25
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] >18:25
merlin1991the fuck?18:25
MohammadAGk, it fails to build18:25
* MohammadAG rm -rfs18:25
merlin1991MohammadAG: 811cd4318d955c944d17014dbbff4e8e59f26555 is the latest gitorious18:26
MohammadAGcan you give me the git link for tinymail?18:26
MohammadAGthe SSH one18:26
merlin1991why didn't you rm -rf * in the folder and then git reset --hard?18:26
merlin1991reclone takes forever :D18:27
merlin1991getting the link18:27
merlin1991ssh link:
merlin1991X-Fade: have you ever come acroos the FREMANLTE_ARMEL.environment file?18:28
merlin1991it activates thumb for some reason, but is not present on my scratchbox18:28
DocScrutinizer>>bash: /usr/bin/aegis-session: No such file or directory    [sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~] > <<  Dang it seems it's not advisable to build for fremantle on a harmattan sb18:29
X-FadeDid you submit it to autobuilder to test?18:30
merlin1991that's about local sb not autobuilder18:31
X-FadeJust saying that it also uses sb.18:31
merlin1991can you "log into" the autobuilder sb somehow?18:32
merlin1991I wonder what $DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS is there18:32
MohammadAGcool, main network gone in dorms18:33
MohammadAGtethering from dorms18:33
MohammadAGerr, iPhone18:33
MohammadAGmerlin1991, try it, it'll kick you out18:34
merlin1991I'm not sure what I could possibly try atm :D18:34
merlin1991ah I read that as try it, i'll kick you out18:35
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* DocScrutinizer too, but still... we need to know what autobuilder actually does regarding thumb18:38
DocScrutinizeras X-Fade mentioned it's a notorious fact that OMAP3430 often fails on thumb instructions, I called that "unstable" some days ago. So we generally don't expect to see thumb being used in *any* pkg for fremantle18:39
DocScrutinizercommon notion last days was towards gcc being buggy on thumb, but I still think the root issue is the SoC(CPU itself18:41
MohammadAGwtf is fatal: Unable to look up (port 9418) (Temporary failure in name resolution)18:45
MohammadAG ?18:45
merlin1991that looks like dns fail18:45
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, afaik it is the CPU itself18:45
MohammadAGI've had a few system crashes with kernel-thumb18:45
DocScrutinizerthere's a dns-spoofer virus on the loose, it will taint even devices that are not infected by advertising a rogue DNS server in LAN of a infected PC18:47
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, while we're doing nothing18:47
MohammadAG(DNS works outside of sb, so I git cloned there, worked)18:47
MohammadAGdo you know the process of starting a radio station?18:48
MohammadAGIsrael lacks a good one so I was thinking...18:48
DocScrutinizerhaha, sure I can define and set up hw for a radio station, but I have NFC about the legalese in IL18:49
merlin1991MohammadAG: you switched to thetering18:50
merlin1991I guess the newrork config in sb is out of date then18:50
merlin1991/scratchbox/sbin/sbox_sync from outside18:50
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, yes but how do you go about doing it?18:50
MohammadAGwhat do I need?18:50
DocScrutinizererr doing what?18:51
MohammadAGstarting a radio station18:51
MohammadAGI realize I need a license and shit from Israel18:51
MohammadAGor I could open it right on the border of Israel/Palestine18:51
DocScrutinizerthrow the mains power switch of TX, moulator, mixer, and the whole studio equipment ;-D18:51
MohammadAGso an approximate of $?18:51
DocScrutinizerdepends - starting at maybe 500, up to 500.00018:52
MohammadAGis that a decimal . or the one separating thousands?18:52
DocScrutinizerbasically enabling FMTX on N900 means "starting your own FM station"18:52
MohammadAGI was thinking something more country wide :p18:53
MohammadAGor at least city wide18:53
MohammadAGthe fuck18:53
MohammadAGmerlin1991, which debian/control do I use for fremantle?18:54
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merlin1991gimme a sec18:54
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ^^^18:54
merlin1991you should have control.maemo-fremantle18:55
merlin1991and rules.maemo18:55
merlin1991tinymail that is18:55
merlin1991are we talking about modest?18:55
MohammadAG    Use accessor functions instead direct access18:55
MohammadAG[sbox-FREMANTLE_ARMEL: ~/ssu/tinymail] > ls debian/control*18:55
MohammadAGdebian/control.debian-unstable  debian/control.maemo-chinook  debian/control.ubuntu-feisty18:55
MohammadAGdebian/control.maemo-bora       debian/control.maemo-diablo18:55
MohammadAGjust cloned18:56
merlin1991christian@chris-laptop2:~/n900/dev/cssu-testing/tinymail/tinymail$ ls debian/contro*18:56
merlin1991debian/control.debian-unstable  debian/control.maemo-chinook  debian/control.maemo-fremantle18:56
merlin1991debian/control.maemo-bora       debian/control.maemo-diablo   debian/control.ubuntu-feisty18:56
MohammadAGerr18:56 has fremantle18:56
MohammadAGthe fukc indeed18:56
merlin1991git clone failed?18:57
merlin1991nice one18:57
MohammadAGthis is the mainline repo18:57
merlin1991w00t? I took the tinymail repo from our gitorious page18:57
merlin1991just cloned it myself it is ours and has fremantle in there18:59
MohammadAGI cloned tinymail/tinymail18:59
merlin1991oh :/18:59
MohammadAGok, installing updated tinymail19:06
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MohammadAGyou might wanna pull that19:26
PaliMohammadAG, merlin1991 - see new blacklisted certificates:
Palithis should be in testing cssu19:27
MohammadAGo hai PR1.3.219:28
merlin1991nice catch pali19:28
merlin1991hehe yeah19:28
merlin1991well I guess we push that into testing too19:28
merlin1991who is the author of our osso-calculator?19:28
MohammadAGerr, Pali19:28
MohammadAGsorry, no pun intended19:28
merlin1991Pali see bug 12515 and 1251419:29
povbotBug Calculator: Power function does not work if exponent is not an integer19:29
Paliok, I will look at it19:29
Palican you create CSSU calculator section in bugzilla?19:30
merlin1991andrew can19:30
merlin1991I'll ping him when I see him again19:30
merlin199112514 has screenshots of stock and the cssu calculator19:31
merlin1991for both bugs19:31
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, andre, it's andre19:49
merlin1991true, I didn't look for jaffa but andre :D19:50
MohammadAGI need to do that Qt CSSU maintainence app19:51
merlin1991since you're aparently writing the mp19:52
merlin1991don't forget libqt4-tes t;)19:52
MohammadAGI'm not, I just raised the version number of modest and that triggered the control file needs updating flag in my head19:53
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MohammadAGI miss coding20:09
RST38hThen code something20:09
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MohammadAGRST38h, that's why I miss it20:17
Lava_Croftcode a replacement for the awful calendar application20:18
PaliPatch which should fix bug 12514 is commited:
povbotBug Calculator program, percentage operations20:24
Palimerlin1991: Fixing power function bug is not simple in my calculator20:27
Paliosso_calculator_engine support two power expression: one "power(2,30,1e-10)" and other "2^30"20:28
Palifirst, which use power function working fine with decimal numbers, second with '^' support only natural20:29
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Paliand my calculator does not use expression stack, only linear string. it append chars to the end of expression string, so I cannot easy get last sub expression and call power function on it...20:32
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Palimerlin1991, good solution is to patch osso_calculator_engine20:40
PaliNow I see how to easy fix it in osso_calculator_engine - but you or MohammadAG must create osso_calculator_engine repository on gitorious and include patched version to next cssu20:41
MohammadAGI'd highly suggest fixing it in the app20:42
MohammadAGsince the stock app behaves20:42
PaliMohammadAG: It is not easy to fix it in my calculator. It needs to rewrite it to support that power function20:44
PaliAnd I do not want to rewriting it...20:44
MohammadAGthen ask someone to help20:45
MohammadAGthe easy way isn't always the best way20:45
DocScrutinizerapp doesn't work with lib -> assume lib is borked -> patch lib so it works with this app :: NOT the way to go20:46
DocScrutinizerit's alike the powerkernel thing where they removed locking for whole I2C API to make bq27200.ko work20:47
MohammadAGPali, explain it to me20:47
MohammadAGwhat needs to be done?20:47
DocScrutinizerat least *consider* that something _might_ be there for a reason and you only don't see it now20:47
DocScrutinizeror, that an API might be correct and useful and you simply missed to use it correctly20:48
MohammadAGor just store the last sub expression in a QStringList20:48
DocScrutinizereven if the API is not exactly correct, you still don't want to change it as long as it's not strictly private to your app20:49
Paliosso_calculator engine support this "(double)^(int)" but not "(double)^(double)"20:49
PaliMy solution is easy to add this support to osso_calculator_engine20:49
DocScrutinizer3.6. Incompatible Libraries  ->
DocScrutinizergenerally a good concept20:51
DocScrutinizer>>For C++ (and other languages supporting compiled-in templates and/or compiled dispatched methods), the situation is trickier. All of the above issues apply, plus many more issues. The reason is that some information is implemented ``under the covers'' in the compiled code, resulting in dependencies that may not be obvious if you don't know how C++ is typically implemented.<<20:52
DocScrutinizerbtw I still don't see a single dependency to CSSU in calculator app20:54
freemangordonPali, what is the problem to use power(x,y,z) format?20:55
DocScrutinizerit for sure would have such dependency if we were going to patch a system lib to make it know how to do 10^2.520:55
Palifreemangordon: I do not see easy way how to get X20:55
PaliDocScrutinizer: it is not lib20:56
Paliit is external application20:56
DocScrutinizerhmm, probably still has an API20:56
Paliused only in maemo and only for osso_calculator20:57
DocScrutinizerhow do you know THAT?20:57
Palisee google20:57
DocScrutinizerI got 47 private commercial apps here using it ;-P20:57
Palii did not found any other application which used osso_caulculator_engine20:57
freemangordonyou just need something like QString("power(%1,%2)").arg(x).arg(((QString("%1").arg((double)power)).replace("e",",1e")))20:58
freemangordonor something like that20:59
freemangordonsimple string parsing20:59
freemangordonalways use power() with 3 arguments21:00
Paliproblem is that if you have stored expression with a lot of (), you need to check where to start power %121:01
Palie.g. 55+(4+5*(6+7))^821:01
freemangordonI see21:02
Paliyou need to use stack for expressions21:02
DocScrutinizerwell, that's the immanent meaning of using brackets21:02
DocScrutinizer( == push stack, ) = pop stack21:03
DocScrutinizerthat's why we got ( )21:03
freemangordonhm, can you replace integer with experssion, i mean (a+b+c)^(c/d)21:03
freemangordonPali ^^^21:04
PaliNo :-( : try on N900 in xterm: $ osso_calculator_engine -dp -- "2^(1/2)"21:05
freemangordonjust a minute21:05
PaliError 1003621:05
DocScrutinizerit's btw 1:1 identical to sematics of () in shell21:05
DocScrutinizersemantics even21:06
freemangordonosso_calculator_engine -dp -- 2^1.3e121:07
freemangordonPali ^^^21:08
freemangordondon't see what is the problem21:08
DocScrutinizeron ( you push to stack and start a new "instance". On ) you evaluate that new "instance" and pop stack, insert result of evaluation for thewhole ( .* ) expression21:08
freemangordonI see21:09
DocScrutinizererrr, 2^1.3 is not 819221:10
Palifreemangordon: 1.3e1 is 1321:10
freemangordonyeah, m,y bad21:10
DocScrutinizerso 2^13 might easily be 819221:11
freemangordonPali, what is exact syntax for 3 parameters power21:11
Pali Raise one value to another value's power, within the specified error.21:12
Palithis is written in comment of that power function21:12
Paliin source code osso_calculator_engine21:12
freemangordonI mean for non-integer calculations21:13
DocScrutinizermeh, it's calc, called osso-calculator-engine ;-D21:13
freemangordonyeah ;)21:13
DocScrutinizerIroN900:/usr/bin# osso_calculator_engine21:14
DocScrutinizerC-style arbitrary precision calculator (version 2.11.10)21:14
DocScrutinizerCalc is open software. For license details type:  help copyright21:14
freemangordonosso_calculator_engine -dp -- "power(2,1/2)"21:14
freemangordonPali ^^^21:15
freemangordonosso_calculator_engine -dp -- "power(2,.5)"21:15
DocScrutinizerLOL, yeah21:15
DocScrutinizerif only my shell wouldn't act up again...21:16
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PaliDocScrutinizer: it is calc but patched by nokia for osso_calculator21:16
DocScrutinizeractually my fsckng router's DHCP21:16
Palifreemangordon: does not help, you still need to insert string "power" to the expression21:17
freemangordonYeah, i see, just need some backward searching21:17
Paliyou need to rewrite "55+(4+5*(6+7))^8" to "55+power(4+5*(6+7)),8)"21:18
DocScrutinizerhaha, you think you can evaluate and tanscode the expression "on the fly"? Won't work21:18
DocScrutinizernot even grep works without backrefs21:19
freemangordonwhy not? search backwards until find opening bracket(if there is closing one) or + -21:20
DocScrutinizernow that *are* backrefs21:20
freemangordonI was answering pali's question21:20
DocScrutinizersed "s/([0-9\.]*)^([0-9\.]*)/power(\1, \2)/"21:24
freemangordongood, qt has regular expressions too21:24
DocScrutinizeryou may expand the sed parameter list to process other function() expressions as well, e.g 123[sin] -> sin(123)21:26
PaliDocScrutinizer: Not working for string: "65+(5)^2"21:27
DocScrutinizerlooks perverted anyway21:27
DocScrutinizerI'm not even sure if (<single_arg>) is a valid math notation21:28
Paliit is valid21:28
Paliand my calculator doing it21:29
DocScrutinizeranyway for brackets you'll probably still need a stack to process them21:29
freemangordonno, simple reqursion21:29
DocScrutinizeras user frequently expects result of bracket expression to show up on closing bracket press21:29
freemangordonwe are wating for "=" in calculator21:30
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: recursion without stack is only possible for expressions that have no variables21:30
DocScrutinizerand for those it's rather hard to define a termination condition ;-D21:30
freemangordonthe termination condition is " there is no more ^ in string"21:31
DocScrutinizerso string is a variable then21:31
DocScrutinizerlemme put it this way: you can not implement recursion without a stack21:32
DocScrutinizerand recursive stack overflow is one of the most common errors to happen in code21:33
MohammadAGabout the bug21:34
MohammadAGI'm surprised someone uses the built in calculator :p21:34
freemangordonwhy not21:34
freemangordonit is actually useful in portrait21:34
MohammadAGit's not that advanced compared with a $10 calc21:34
DocScrutinizerit's retarded21:34
MohammadAGI never got the concept of phone calcs21:35
DocScrutinizerand even has a "bug" in GUI21:35
MohammadAGin other news, CSSU maintenance app almost done21:35
DocScrutinizerI'd more love to hear "CSSU bugfix builkd and rollout almost done"21:36
MohammadAGit is21:36
DocScrutinizerso somebody checked all the good merge requests for patches are in now, and all the thumb crap out?21:37
PaliDocScrutinizer, MohammadAG, merlin1991, freemangordon: Here is patch for osso_caulculator_engine which support expr (int/double)^(double):
merlin1991MohammadAG: testing rollout is done?21:58
MohammadAGI'm not sure I approve of that patch22:04
MohammadAGI'll leave it for someone else to decide22:04
MohammadAGmerlin1991, yes, who wants to test binaries before I send them?22:04
PaliHere is my git repository:
freemangordonMohammadAG where are those?22:05
DocScrutinizeryou know we need a certain "quarantine" for patches to go even to Testing?22:05
freemangordonThere was enough wuarantine I think, at least for modest and h-d22:06
DocScrutinizermeans: some "users" should isntall from private repo, tarball, whatever and check if the app somewhat behaves. We are not going to include patches that are like 30 min old to a rollout of same day22:06
freemangordonthere are no new patches22:06
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: I'm talking about calculator22:06
freemangordonok, except camera-ui22:07
freemangordonit is only you :p22:07
freemangordonI don't think MohammadAG has build new calculator or calculator-engine22:07
freemangordonOr I am missing something22:07
DocScrutinizer[2011-11-29 20:56:11] <Pali> DocScrutinizer, MohammadAG, merlin1991, freemangordon: Here is patch for osso_caulculator_engine which support expr (int/double)^(double):   [2011-11-29 21:04:10] <MohammadAG> I'm not sure I approve of that patch22:08
freemangordonyeah, but that is some patch on pali's repo22:08
DocScrutinizerthat's why I said we usually keep a certain "quarantine" delay even for Testing, go the idea of Pali suggesting it for today's rollout22:09
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PaliMohammadAG: can you look at my tvout plugins?22:12
freemangordonMohammadAG camera-ui?22:12
MohammadAGfreemangordon, that doesn't need testing22:13
MohammadAGI'll look at it22:13
freemangordonwhy, it has new patch from nikolai22:13
MohammadAGI mean it's been stable22:13
MohammadAGno thumb issues etc22:13
DocScrutinizerlet's hope it stays that way ;-D22:14
freemangordonno, but I understood there be a new version with latest patches on gitorious22:14
freemangordonlike those for missing close button22:14
freemangordonMohammadAG ^^^22:16
freemangordonmodest seems stable so far22:28
MohammadAGfreemangordon, I know, I already pulled that in22:29
MohammadAG if you insist22:29
freemangordonMohammadAG camera-ui seems ok22:40
merlin1991MohammadAG: can you push hildon-home?22:46
merlin1991gitorious is missing the changelog entry22:46
MohammadAGand hildon-home pushed yeah22:52
merlin1991that looks nice22:52
MohammadAGsorts alphabetically to make your effort worthless :P22:54
merlin1991fu ;)22:56
merlin1991how does it check wich packages to add?22:56
MohammadAGmerlin1991, processes debian/control23:07
MohammadAGabout 200 lines of code only :p23:07
MohammadAGminus the ui, that's in designer23:07
MohammadAGoh yeah and a custom 40 line class that's pulled straight from sociality23:08
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, it auto gens the control file from the fields now
MohammadAGso basically, add/change shit, then generate the control file again23:26
MohammadAGor save it over the existing one23:27
MohammadAGmerlin1991, got Qt?23:27
MohammadAGmake and bake23:41
merlin1991that's going to be some fine bug hunting23:42
merlin1991btw MohammadAG admin me on gitorious?23:42
MohammadAGoh yeah, you fuck with the repos on now23:42
MohammadAGI swear if I see mutiny I'll fly my ass to where you live and...23:43
MohammadAGI'll think about the rest23:43
MohammadAGmerlin1991, you have been promoted and your paycheck has been denied23:43
merlin1991MohammadAG: :D23:43
freemangordonMohammadAG: BTW I don't have any rights on gitorious23:45
MohammadAGyou're a member of +cssu-developers23:46
merlin1991MohammadAG: now when are we going to see that Tmaemo1.1 :D23:46
MohammadAGyou can commit to any of the repos23:46
freemangordonbut cannot add new project neither push a commit23:47
freemangordonfrom someone else23:48
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MohammadAGwe can't have a team of admins23:49
MohammadAGit's not how git works23:49
MohammadAGbut I can give you rights to certain packages23:49
freemangordonmerlin1991 is admin now?23:49
MohammadAGand in case we're hit by a bus, Jaffa's been admin ever since the CSSU was started23:50
merlin1991see: you have been promoted and your paycheck has been denied23:50
freemangordonok, that's enough for me.23:50
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