IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Monday, 2011-09-12

freemangordon_is is when you call a function pointer, pointing invalid address00:00
Sc0rpiusweird.  Before the signal is sent the objects are verified with a g_return_if_fail()00:02
freemangordon_seems someone is freeing the object from different thread00:02
Sc0rpiusdo you use Tree Mode?00:09
Sc0rpiusor the normal view mode from stock Modest?00:09
Sc0rpiusthen I guess one of the windows isn't disconnecting the handler of that signal properly when it's destroyed00:28
Sc0rpiusI'll check them all00:28
Sc0rpiusmodest-msg-view-window does it00:28
Sc0rpiusmodest-header-window too00:29
freemangordon_have no idea what you are talking about :-D . that is why it is better you to try to find the bug00:29
Sc0rpiusmodest-mailboxes-window too hehe00:30
Sc0rpiuswell the problem is:00:30
Sc0rpius        g_signal_emit (self, signals[QUEUE_CHANGED_SIGNAL], 0,00:31
Sc0rpius                       mail_op, MODEST_MAIL_OPERATION_QUEUE_OPERATION_ADDED);00:31
Sc0rpiusthat sends a signal to any object that's listening to the "queue-changed" signal00:31
Sc0rpiusthe only thing that occurs me is that some object never disconnect the signal and got freed00:32
Sc0rpiusthe objects that connect to that signal are the windows00:32
Sc0rpiuslike the message view windows, the header window (list of headers of the messages), the mailboxes window (the list of your accounts window)00:32
Sc0rpiusI'm checking which one isn't disconnecting properly00:32
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Sc0rpiuswell this is the only thing that looks weird:00:42
Sc0rpiusthe first block should look like the second block00:43
Sc0rpiusthe GTK+ docs never say that 0 is an incorrect handler ID actually.00:43
Sc0rpiusthat's why they were changed to the second form of implementation (the second block of the paste)00:43
Sc0rpiusbut it seems the main window still has the old implementation00:43
Sc0rpiusit's the only "weird" thing I can find00:44
Sc0rpiusI'll try to reproduce the problem without any patch to see if I can hit that bug00:46
freemangordon_sounds reasonable. BTW did you simulate the crash on your side?00:47
Sc0rpiusno, that's what I'm trying to do00:47
Sc0rpiusit's easy for you to reproduce it?00:47
freemangordon_but won't be able to do it now, gf wants my attention ;-)00:48
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lcukn900mohammadag question01:12
lcukn900sometimes icons on my desktop stop responding01:12
lcukn900i can pan et01:12
MohammadAGa widget crashed hildon-home01:12
MohammadAGpanning is done by hildon-desktop01:13
lcukn900the layout editing works01:13
MohammadAGyou're just panning containors01:13
lcukn900ie if i press and hold01:13
lcukn900thanks will poke around some more and see which one01:14
lcukn900mo did i hear you had a meego facebook app?01:18
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MohammadAGlcuk, I'm making one right now01:37
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psycho_oreosMohammadAG, ping08:45
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Creteilarcean, up ?13:56
Creteilok, since I have re-installed the ssu hildon-desktop, I can now define exactly the problem ...13:58
CreteilSo ...13:58
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Creteil1) I make a call using the phone keyboard to dial a number, when doing that, the phone app is in portrait mode properly ...14:00
Creteil2) I hang the call.14:00
Creteil3) When I receive a call, then the phone app start in landscape with bad dimension, and I can't see the red buton to hang, just the green one ...14:00
CreteilNow I'm gona test with the package I made containing the version before the 1st ssu update ...14:02
arceanwhen the call screen appear, do you have pulled keyboard?14:03
arceanand what about rotation setting of the Phone app ?14:03
CreteilIt's fixed to portrait mode14:04
CreteilI have installed the package and rebooted the device, so let me check the behavior of this one ...14:04
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CreteilShit need to reboot another time since the package overlapped my transition.ini :-(14:06
CreteilOk, with the old package, the answer windows is also in landscape, but the buttons are show properly ...14:11
arceanand the old package is PR1.3 one?14:11
Creteilit's the one from : url = BUT before the 1st update of ssu ...14:13
CreteilHere is the exact version :14:15
Creteilhildon-desktop (1:2.2.142-13) unstable; urgency=low14:15
Creteil  * Portrait task manager fixed for landscape apps (by freemangordon).14:15
Creteil -- Mohammad Abu-Garbeyyeh <>  Mon, 30 May 2011 01:56:19 +030014:15
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arceanok, so I'll later try to fix this14:17
arceananyway, thanks for info ;)14:17
Creteilno probs, I have reverted to this one, just recompiled it with a version number of 17 to avoid update overlapping ...14:18
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freemangordon_MohammadAG ping15:39
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MohammadAGfreemangordon_, pong15:39
freemangordon_any progress on the facebook login issue?15:40
freemangordon_did you contact them?15:41
MohammadAGnext question, nope15:41
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freemangordon_ok, so we are waitng answer, correct?15:42
freemangordon_ok, thanks15:44
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X-FadeMohammadAG: The ssu package should be gone from -devel now.15:51
MohammadAGX-Fade, thanks, any progress on the google talk packages?15:51
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X-FadeMohammadAG: pinging about it.16:03
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scoobertronI have noticed some odd behavior when using microb after the last cssu update.  If I am browing in portrait mode, go to the task switcher (still in portrait) and back to the browser window, the browser rotates to landscape and back to portrait again immediately.  Prior to this, when I was using the new portrait desktop package downloaded from the forums, it was happy to stay in portrait mode.  Has anyone else noticed this?23:16
scoobertronjust to confirm, I have cssu forced rotation on, and microb is not blacklisted.23:20
freemangordonscoobertron , do you use shortcutd?23:24
scoobertronso the camera button goes to the task switcher23:25
freemangordondisable rotation form microb settings and try again23:25
scoobertronthat stops the rotation behaviour, but the main web window is locked to landscape and there is no way to access things like bookmarks when in portrait but not fullscreen23:26
freemangordonif you use forcerotation then it should rotate23:26
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scoobertronIt doesn't seem to - actual web pages are fine but not the main window.  I'll reboot quickly, see if that makes a difference.23:28
freemangordonarcean_ ping23:30
scoobertronactually, that seemed to fix it.23:30
freemangordonyep, but the rotation attempt when microb rotation is enabled remains23:31
freemangordonTBH it seems microb bug23:31
arcean_freemangordon: pong23:32
freemangordonsee what has been reported ^^^23:32
freemangordonand it is the same even in latest hd from your repo23:33
scoobertrontrue.  I actually prefer only using the forced rotation, but the lack of 'bookmark' and 'fullscreen' buttons is a pain.23:33
MohammadAGfreemangordon, microB is one of those apps that listen to mce rather than hildon-desktop23:33
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MohammadAGphone is another one23:33
freemangordonyep, but we are in portrait all the time23:33
freemangordonand phone does not try to rotate23:33
freemangordonand it is correctly displayed while in tasknav23:35
freemangordonarcean_, scratch that, I had a hd crash, reboot seems to fix things23:38
arcean_i think the problem is in microb itself23:39
arcean_freemangordon: but i'm able to reproduce this23:39
freemangordonno, still the same, tries to rotate for half a second23:39
scoobertronif you disable the microb rotation, is there a way to get the buttons to display correctly?23:40
freemangordonno, it is closed source. why then it remains in portrait when in tasknav?23:40
MohammadAGthere is a way23:40
MohammadAGit's hackish, but it's a way non the less23:40
MohammadAGthere's a gconf key that indicates the keyboard is open/closed23:40
arcean_there's also a 'dirty' way - workaround in h-d for microb23:42
arcean_but it's only reproducable with shortcud, isn't it?23:43
freemangordonno, you can always have portraited tasknav23:43
freemangordonI mean got to tasknav from landscape, rotate, and you are ready23:44
arcean_scoobertron: could you fill a bug? so we won't get lost23:46
freemangordonarcean_, something strange is going on, kill -SIGUSR1 <pid-of-hd> and you will see23:47
scoobertronsure thing.  where?23:47
freemangordonit takes 10 state transitions23:47
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arcean_topic guys;)23:50
scoobertronbut the topic is all the way at the top of the page :)23:51
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freemangordonhm, that is fixed for ages, who should close it?
povbotBug 12142: Portrait orientation lost if phone lays flat23:54
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arcean_freemangordon: many of those bugs should be closed...23:56
freemangordonAnd better be, as now list looks huge. And does not reflect reality.23:57
freemangordonMohhamadAG , who (besides the reporter, you and Andre Clapper) can change CSSU bugs status?23:59
freemangordonMohammadAG ^23:59

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