IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Friday, 2011-09-09

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MohammadAGfreemangordon_, pong01:48
MohammadAG(just got home)01:48
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freemangordon_MohammadAG pong01:59
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freemangordonMohammaAG look here and
freemangordonMohammadAG ^11:12
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MohammadAGtell me there's going to be a PR1.4 just for that12:01
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: why does maemo5 community SSU package 16.5 show up as update while I got the CSSU repo disabled?12:03
MohammadAGfreemangordon, i'll pull it in12:05
freemangordonMohammadAG I don't believe there will be, but who knows12:05
freemangordonHm, maybe it is better to wait for a while12:06
DocScrutinizer(enabled repo as there were a zillion pkgs missing so "problems on update, please use PCsuite". Now I disable it again to watch what catalog it actually comes from then)12:06
RST38hDoc: Probably disabled it in the wrong place12:06
freemangordonit seems the author is communicating with Nokia, on TMO thread he said he will sena d message to council when Nokia's position is clear12:06
RST38hAnd use apt-get12:06
DocScrutinizerok, here we go12:07
freemangordonWOW, DocScrutinizer is installing CSSU :P12:08
RST38hthe world will end12:08
DocScrutinizerhah, no "here we go" - it doesn't show the source :-(12:08
freemangordonMohammadAG did you see my latest MR re QT segfaulting?12:08
DocScrutinizersummary: "for installing this pkg you need to use Nokia PC-Suite... bla bla" KTNX - problems: "update not possible. missing pkgs: <zillion> [[actually all that's from CSSU catalog I guess]]"12:10
DocScrutinizerso how the fsck can maemo 5 community SSU Package show up in HAM as update, while CSSU catalog is disabled??12:11
MohammadAGit won't12:12
freemangordonseems like mp-fremantle-community pr is still in devel repo12:12
MohammadAGX-Fade, ...12:12
freemangordon :P12:15
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: it *does* here12:16
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, yeah, honest mistake12:17
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MohammadAGI wish X-Fade would reply to my pings12:17
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: seems like a possible explanation (alas HAM doesn't think it's necessary to tell where from the pkg came, when there are problems)12:18
freemangordonIt is not only possible, that is what happens12:18
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, I forgot community-ssu when uploading12:19
DocScrutinizerRST38h: I'm confident in BM, that's all ;-P12:19
* amiconn wants desktop to stay in landscape mode *without* blocking autorotation for other apps12:19
MohammadAGset gconf value to true?12:20
DocScrutinizerfriggin portrait mode support12:20
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MohammadAGhaters gonna hate12:21
DocScrutinizerno, it's just breaking UX compatibility, as there seems no way to configure the whole thing so it behaves like stock12:22
DocScrutinizernot to talk about making this the default when shipping12:23
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DocScrutinizerCSSU is way to arrogant with forcing new stuff to user, even if the user maybe doesn't want that new stuff. Same for portrait mode as for camera etc12:24
amiconnMy main grief about it is that it doesn't improve anything (for me), but in turn looks bad. Wallpapers don't fit when flipping screens, and large widgets are cut off (OMWeather...)12:26
amiconnIn some apps I do want autorotate though (phone app, image viewer)12:26
* andre__ continously mumbles "it's in testing stage, it's in testing stage"12:26
PeterParkyou can still switch it off..I love it!12:27
DocScrutinizerandre__: BS12:27
PeterParkhowever the wallpaper issue is difficult12:27
andre__DocScrutinizer, SW12:27
PeterParkhow does andriod/ios solve this?12:27
amiconnPeterPark: how?12:29
amiconn(switch it off)12:29
MohammadAGPeterPark, Android/iOS are locked to portrait in homescreen/areas where the wallpaper is12:30
MohammadAGwho else can edit the repos? besides X-Fade12:31
PeterParkMohammadAG, aha thanks for the answer12:32
PeterParka small question (and no complaint):12:35
PeterParkIt "feels" that CSSU is somewhat slower on starting applications? At least this was my impression. I never did any benchmarks, also I think device is getting slower on long uptimes. I had 21 days of uptime and ovi maps started  in 90 seconds after reboot it starts very fast again (45 sec)12:35
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MohammadAGI would test, but I've only got an uptime of 2 days at most12:36
PeterParkI really appreciate the work, guys, thumbs up!12:37
DocScrutinizerdevice sits flat on my desk, left to my laptop, showing HAM-"catalogs". I'm grabbing it with my left hand and lift it up a bit to look at the screen... screen rotates to *portrait mode* as I slightly tilted the device to the right to better look at it (max 30°). That's not excusable by "testing mode, testing mode"12:39
psycho_oreosthere's a blacklist option :)12:40
DocScrutinizerthen FUCKING SHIP IT with a blacklist set up so UX meets that of stock!!!12:41
psycho_oreossome programs works alright in portrait mode, so if you have blacklist setup to block all the usual landscaped programs which can also do pretty decent in portrait will be locked as landscape only12:42
DocScrutinizerso what?12:43
DocScrutinizerthere's a blacklist!12:43
andre__DocScrutinizer, so edit it. what's your issue?12:43
DocScrutinizeryou're free to edit it to *enable* portrait mode12:43
andre__you could have done that already instead of bitching around12:43
psycho_oreosits going stir up tmo :) some users already like certain stock programs to have portrait capability12:43
psycho_oreosit goes either way, you could have it setup that users could go adjust the blacklist to their own taste or you could set it up in the opposite way where people have to manually adjust it just to have portrait functionality12:44
DocScrutinizerno, not really any option here. Default is CSSU behaves like stock12:45
DocScrutinizerit seems we agreed on opt-in for additional feature long ago12:45
freemangordonMohammad AG - seems there is another issue with QtWebKit, looks like facebook OAuth login thinks we are connecting from IPhone and sends javascript which QWebView cannot parse :D12:47
freemangordonYou can reproduce it by logging out from sociality and trying to log on back12:48
MohammadAGnoticed that yesterday12:49
freemangordonIt does not happen if user agent is microb's one12:49
MohammadAGthought it was a facebook bug12:49
freemangordonseems like12:49
MohammadAGwhat was the useragent on 4.7.0?12:50
freemangordonlets check in qt documentation12:50
MohammadAGJaffa, ping12:51
freemangordon"Mozilla/5.0 (%Platform%; %Security%; %Subplatform%; %Locale%) AppleWebKit/%WebKitVersion% (KHTML, like Gecko) %AppVersion Safari/%WebKitVersion%"  On mobile platforms such as Symbian S60 and Maemo, "Mobile Safari" is used instead of "Safari".12:52
freemangordonso difference is only in versions12:52
freemangordonsomeone should mail facebook12:54
freemangordonI googled for the error and it seems it happens on n8 too12:54
MohammadAGfreemangordon, can it be fixed?12:55
freemangordonWhy not, we just need to change browser user-agent12:58
freemangordonI mean in QtWebkit12:58
freemangordonIn meantime do would you consider a mail to facebook support?12:59
MohammadAGwhat's the user agent?12:59
freemangordonhm, I have tcpdump traces on my desktop, but again cannot connect. You know how to use tcpdump, are you?13:00
freemangordontcpdump -i wlan0 -s 8192 -w log.cap or something like that13:02
freemangordonand when trying to log on choose alternative logon method, so no encryption to take place13:02
DocScrutinizerI repeat my suggestion to enable rotation (change) according to accelerometer only during cam focus switch is pressed13:05
DocScrutinizerof course except for those apps that are meant to autorotate, most prominent instance: dialer13:06
DocScrutinizershould I "update all" - incl 7645 libqtm-* pkgs **and Community SSU enabler**? Or should I start with just updating Maemo 5 Community SSU Package only?13:14
DocScrutinizerooh, actually just 10 libqtm-* packages13:15
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DocScrutinizerhmm... "problems: update of libqtm-publishsubscribe not possible. Conflicting packages: libqt-(opengl|declarative|xmlpatterns|webkit|gui|maemo5|sgl|svg|multimedia|phonon|translation) (4.7.0-git20100909-0maemo1-0m5)13:19
freemangordonDocScrutinizer : only "Maemo 5 Community SSU Package"13:22
DocScrutinizerinstalled: 20.2010.36-2maemo13; available: 20.2010.36-2maemo16.513:23
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DocScrutinizeris there a way to extend the time those yellow notification popups show up? I wasn't able to read all that's been written there on "all OS successfully updated. Restart of device will..."13:35
DocScrutinizermhm, "community SSU enabler: update available!"13:40
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freemangordonwas'n there a wiki page somwhere describing how to install CSSU?13:41
* DocScrutinizer wonders if the CSSU enabler could get uninstalled13:41
DocScrutinizeron the bright side, the libqtm-* updates are gone, incl their conflicts ;-D13:42
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: I bet there's a site describing CSSU installation - I guess I even followed the instructions there, several months ago13:43
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DocScrutinizerso what to do with CSSU enabler now? update? ignore? uninstall?13:49
freemangordonupdate maybe, who knows13:50
DocScrutinizeryeah, or maybe updating triggers another full CSSU install13:50
DocScrutinizerand I think there are some guys around who should know13:51
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: ^^^^ ?13:51
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, update13:59
MohammadAGif you already have it, it won't install an icon in the menu13:59
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DocScrutinizerok, now for desktop rotation - how to disable it?14:04
fw190there is an icon in the statu menu to lock landscape14:04
DocScrutinizerlocks my dialer into landscape :-(14:06
DocScrutinizerso that's not a proper option obviously14:07
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, check hildon-desktop gitorious repo14:07
MohammadAGit shows the gconf key, a boolean14:07
MohammadAGI would paste how, but I'm on windows screwing with an android14:08
DocScrutinizerwould that gconf key also disable autorotation for HAM, modest, younameit ?14:09
DocScrutinizerI guess no, so my question probably is: how to tweak CSSU autorotation so that it behaves exactly identical to stock? Enable rotation lock plus place dialer on whitelist?14:12
DocScrutinizerpretty please - how can I get rid of all this new autorotation stuff?14:13
RST38hthere is a status menu widget14:14
RST38hlets you disable rotation14:14
DocScrutinizerRST38h: read backscroll, just a few 5 lines or so14:15
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DocScrutinizerAIUI there *is no* way to configure CSSU so it behaves exactly like stock fremantle regarding orientation/rotation14:19
DocScrutinizerI at very least had to edit a blacklist for each new app I install14:19
DocScrutinizerplease correct me if I'm wrong, I so much hope I'm wrong this single time14:20
DocScrutinizercan't whitelist help me out?14:20
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: how would I block autorotation for all apps/screens, but allow dialer and only dialer to do its thing?14:32
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DocScrutinizermeh, I knew I'd hate it14:36
* DocScrutinizer considers `` find $PATH -print > grep -v dialer >$blacklist; '' would that work?14:38
DocScrutinizer`` find $PATH -print | grep -v dialer >$blacklist; ''14:39
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JaffaMohammadAG: pong15:15
MohammadAGJaffa, mind asking someone to remove mp-fremantle-community-pr from extras-devel?15:16
JaffaMohammadAG: Did you oops?15:16
MohammadAGJaffa, yes, I'm only human :p15:16
MohammadAGX-Fade isn't replying to my pings15:16
X-FadeMohammadAG: I'm not?15:17
JaffaSpeak of the... errr.... devil ;-)15:17
X-FadeWhere did you ping?15:17
MohammadAGright when I oopsed two days ago15:17
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MohammadAGand today iirc15:18
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X-FadeWill try to fix it. I have to go now, but I'll be back later.15:30
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stsdema28guys is there any problem-bug to update from maemo16 to maemo16.5? someone report that had to flash the kernel....15:37
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MohammadAGthe CSSU doesn't touch the kernel15:51
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merlin1991Back from rome, do I need to update changelog (did we release?)16:32
merlin1991Lemme /topic then :P16:34
merlin1991Hm I removed the metapackge for qt testing, no idea wich version I have :P16:35
merlin1991But the set date looks like I have something todo16:35
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mensoifHi, since PR my portrait mode homescreen is broken, is this a know issue?16:48
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MohammadAGmensoif, broken?17:21
arcean_mensoif: what do you mean by 'broken'?17:21
mensoifall icon are grouped at top of the screen17:24
merlin1991mensoif: regroup then and after that they stay that way17:25
merlin1991it remembers the state of portrait and the one of landscape seperately17:26
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merlin1991wtf where did my camera-ui bugreport go?17:27
merlin1991ah still here17:28
merlin1991bug #1231817:28
povbotBug camera-ui open lid dialog has no close button17:28
merlin1991and still valid :/17:28
arcean_merlin1991: bug #12381 is better :P17:29
povbotBug camera corrupts USER DATA (deletes existing pictures by overwriting them)17:29
merlin1991yeah I'm just backing up my pics from rome17:29
merlin1991to be sure :P17:29
merlin1991what exactly does it overwrite?17:29
arcean_probably photos created by the others apps17:30
merlin1991or rahter when does it go nuts?17:30
merlin1991hm "Desktop can be locked to landscape separately" where? xD17:31
arcean_gconftool-2 --type=bool --set "/apps/osso/hildon-desktop/desktop_orientation_lock" "true17:32
merlin1991and the whitelist stuff?17:32
arcean_in transitions.ini17:33
merlin1991I'm 4 days away in rome and exactly then the update rolls17:33
merlin1991I hate that :D17:33
arcean_yeah, you're lucky ;)17:34
merlin1991MohammadAG: what's the status on eventually introducing proper portrait to conversations?17:34
MohammadAGnot looked into17:34
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arcean_#bug 11975 is fixed already17:35
povbotBug CSSU Upgrades remove user-enabled hildon-desktop options17:35
merlin1991arcean_: I see you worked on the changelog did you go through all packages already?17:35
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sam23mportrait conversations and vkb PLEASE!17:35
arcean_yes, i think it's ok17:35
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merlin1991arcean_: nope changelog isn't complete17:46
arcean_merlin1991: what is missing?17:47
merlin1991ah wait17:47
* merlin1991 should check back with the actual changelog before making claims17:47
merlin1991thought there's somehting missing, but it's actually there :P17:47
arcean_is there anyone who can close some bugs?17:48
merlin1991arcean_: afaik anyone can edit the bug status17:49
arcean_but without me:D17:50
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alien__hi, is the rewritten media player already in the SSU?17:56
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merlin1991alien__: no it isn't17:59
alien__are there any plans?18:00
merlin1991alien__: it's all up to MohammadAG, the rewritten media player is written by him, but in the current state is not cssu ready18:00
alien__I would like to jump into CSSU development18:01
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alien__so this might be a first step18:01
merlin1991I'm sure he'll be happy about patches18:01
alien__ok, I gotta go now18:02
merlin1991the mediaplayer source is here:
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DocScrutinizerhow to tweak CSSU autorotation so that it behaves exactly identical to stock? Enable rotation lock plus place dialer on whitelist?19:06
arcean_DocScrutinizer: you mean disable rotation for desktop, app launcher and task switcher?19:06
DocScrutinizerI mean disable rotation for * minus dialer19:07
DocScrutinizerI "only" want it to act *exactly* like stock fremantle regarding rotation19:08
arcean_i think it is possible19:08
arcean_sec, i'll check that19:08
DocScrutinizerand I'm seriously about to file a ticket against that19:08
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DocScrutinizeralien_: merlin1991: why would it need to go to CSSU? what stops you from using it alternatively/concurrently to stock mediaplayer right now?19:11
amiconnDocScrutinizer: Just a nitpick - disabling autorotation for anything but dialer would *not* be identical to stock firmware. There are several apps in stock nokia which autorotate by default (e.g. image viewer)19:15
DocScrutinizermediaplayer should not replace stock media player in CSSU, exactly like camera-ui should never have been replaced19:16
arcean_DocScrutinizer: please, check this: gconftool-2 --set /apps/osso/hildon-desktop/ui_can_rotate -t bool false19:16
DocScrutinizeramiconn: god point19:16
DocScrutinizerdialer rotates only after/on opening a menu in dialer19:18
DocScrutinizerso that's not it, though it seems to lock rotation of desktop just fine19:19
RST38hwhich is probably a bug19:19
arcean_DocScrutinizer: so why it works for me :D?19:19
arcean_will perform reboot, maybe some problems with h-d19:20
DocScrutinizermaybe your dialer isn't configured to always open in portrait ?19:20
DocScrutinizerok, I killall'd hildon-desktop, will reboot now19:21
arcean_i've tried with automatic and portrait settings19:21
arcean_uuu, never killall hildon-desktop :P19:21
arcean_h-d often behaves strengly after killall19:24
DocScrutinizersounds like the missing bit in the § I linked above ;-D19:25
* DocScrutinizer dances19:26
DocScrutinizernow I probably just want to get rid of the autorotation-button in status menu19:28
DocScrutinizerand I'm back to my beloved usual behaviour of H-D19:28
DocScrutinizerI gather this works flawlessly by "usual means" of editing those define files for the status applets?19:29
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arcean_I think so, but MAG should know better19:33
DocScrutinizerarcean_: I owe yu a beer19:34
DocScrutinizermany thanks :-)19:35
arcean_np :)19:35
merlin1991DocScrutinizer: I don't remember what it was (because I'm using the play by mag quite long already) but there was a bug in the stock player19:38
merlin1991and since mags player aims to be a 1&1 copy with enhancements still providing all base features I think it is a valid cssu candiate when it's "bug free"19:39
DocScrutinizerhmm, that would be a fair reason to get a replacement, but tbh I've not seen any bug yet that I could recall and think that needs a replacement19:39
DocScrutinizerif it actually proves to fix a bug while not same time introducing others then yes, it is a valid candidate for CSSU19:40
* DocScrutinizer ponders same thing about camera right now19:42
DocScrutinizerkeep or roll back to stock camera app? that's the question19:42
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, /usr/share/applications/hildon-status-menu19:43
MohammadAGrm / mv the .desktop file19:43
DocScrutinizerfor sure I'd feel better with my known-to-work stock camera-ui and the nicocam as an alternative I'm free to use or not to use19:43
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: thanks19:43
MohammadAGwtf is a vtable19:45
Stskeepsyay vtables19:46
MohammadAG/home/mohammad/sociality-mtf-build-harmattan/../sociality-mtf/placespage.cpp:12: error: undefined reference to `vtable for PlacesPage'19:46
DocScrutinizerhungarian notation for a variant vtable?19:50
MohammadAGI just had to run qmake again19:51
DocScrutinizerok fols, I feel I owe you this:19:52
DocScrutinizerweldone, the 16.5 update seems to works just nice19:52
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MohammadAGI better push 16.6 with that Qt bugfix before you change your mind19:57
DocScrutinizeryet another Qt bug?19:57
DocScrutinizere.g Fahrplan works just fine here19:58
DocScrutinizerso I thought it's fixed?19:58
MohammadAGOpen Marble19:59
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merlin1991what was broken this time?20:01
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MohammadAGit's fixed upstream20:01
DocScrutinizermarble is mandatory20:02
MohammadAGI'll push the update now20:02
DocScrutinizerso yes please publish 16.6 ASAP20:02
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RST38hMarble? Mandatory? Who says?20:10
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MohammadAGfreemangordon, ping20:13
freemangordonMohammadAG MohammadAG, pong20:14
MohammadAGfreemangordon, anything other than Qt to be in 16.6?20:14
freemangordonMaybe modest translations20:14
freemangordonBTW ask arcean whether portrait wallpaper segfault should be included20:15
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arcean_brave tester needed ;)20:15
freemangordonand who will be that brave soul?20:16
MohammadAGmerlin1991, ping20:16
freemangordonnot me, now I am burried in QT XML parser, trying to find facebook login problem20:16
MohammadAGbtw, it affects Harmattan too20:18
MohammadAGso it's not our fault20:18
MohammadAGKasvopus on Harmattan fails to login20:18
MohammadAGso does sociality-mtf, I removed &display=touch so it renders the full site, that seems to work20:18
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freemangordonyep, this is 100% upstream bug, somewhere in QXmlStreamReader20:22
barzamhey everyone, I have a question: is it possible to see the sms conversations in portrait mode without horizontal scrolling (as discussed here:
povbotBug 11976: viewing sms conversations in portrait mode without horizontal scrolling (patch)20:23
barzamI don't really follow the discussion in the bug report20:23
arcean_barzam: not yet20:23
barzambut if I patch it myself it works?20:23
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barzamok thanks for making that clear, is the inclusion of this patch considered in a future update or does it break stuff (generally speaking :) )?20:27
MohammadAGit's considered, but no one's working on it20:29
freemangordonMohammadAG, this is offending line from HTTP responce "<script type="text/javascript">window.Bootloader && Bootloader.done(["LayX0","jmiSQ","eA0FZ"]);</script>" if you wish and have time to debug20:30
freemangordon"&&" bugs XML parser20:30
freemangordonbut only in QML20:31
MohammadAGhow so?20:31
MohammadAGsociality-mtf also fails to login20:31
MohammadAGMTF at the end should've given that away20:32
barzamarcean_, MohammadAG: allright, thanks again for explaining20:32
MohammadAGit's C++20:32
freemangordonOn of the things I did is to save the whole html in a file and to open it with QtMWeb20:33
merlin1991MohammadAG: pong20:33
freemangordonno problem at all20:33
MohammadAGmerlin1991, brave soul needed20:33
merlin1991uh oh20:33
MohammadAGarcean_, ^20:34
arcean_merlin1991: someone needs to test portrait wallpapers :D20:34
merlin1991what exactly are "portrait wallpapers" ?20:35
arcean_you will have separate sets of wallpapers for both modes20:35
merlin1991well does it have a proper gui to configure?20:36
arcean_so when you turn device it will also change wallpapers20:36
merlin1991because nice in theory, but that has to be easily accessible20:36
arcean_yes, change wallpaper applet20:36
arcean_in desktop edit mode20:37
* DocScrutinizer seems to witness the start of the legendary CSSU16 hackaton weekend20:37
arcean_but the thing is, it may crash your h-d and/or h-h20:38
merlin1991I'm brave (cuz drunk) but sadly currently gaming at friends, so I'll have to decline the offer to be your guinea pig20:39
merlin1991if I get wifi in crete I have the full afternoon tomorrow though20:39
DocScrutinizercrash h-d seems not a too bad thing, it recovers, no?20:39
merlin1991reboot loop ftw20:39
DocScrutinizerooh it *permanently* crashes h-d, that'S BAD(tm)20:40
arcean_and that's why I said "brave" tester :D20:40
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, if you have R&D mode, yeah, it does20:40
merlin1991arcean_: if I'm online tomorrow I'll be happy to brick my device :D20:41
DocScrutinizerI once got this on PR1.1 iirc, when h-d segfaulted while I moved weatherapplet from one screen to the other -> bootloop20:41
arcean_merlin1991: ok :D20:41
DocScrutinizerBM FTW20:41
DocScrutinizerI think we should consider sth like mandatory recovery tools in CSSU rather than fazzing around with standard apps replacements20:42
DocScrutinizers/mandatory/default packaged/20:43
DocScrutinizerI'd be all positive about including BM into mp-cssu20:44
DocScrutinizerplus a lifetime free delivery of Club Mate hackersoda to robbiethe1st :-D20:45
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, sec20:47
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, read that, you'll like the idea20:49
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DocScrutinizerhehe, yeah. I'll look into it right away20:51
DocScrutinizernot sure about the X11 window, but keeping dsme from rebooting after 3 consecutive h-d aborts seems simple enough, no?20:52
MohammadAGjust change the dsme line to an script20:53
DocScrutinizerI always thought h-d *is* our special flavour of X11-server?20:53
MohammadAGif it crashes, it respawns, and keeps on respawning20:53
MohammadAGhildon-desktop is the same as KDE/gnome/unity/whatever20:54
MohammadAGit's just a window manager20:54
MohammadAGactually, err20:54
DocScrutinizerso what's our Xserver process?20:54
MohammadAGKWin, compiz, etc20:54
DocScrutinizerps ax|grep <what>?20:54
MohammadAGmatchbox is the underlying window manager20:56
MohammadAGit's started somewhere at bootup and replaced by hildon20:56
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DocScrutinizerps ax|grep -i x  -- doesn't leave me any wiser20:57
MohammadAGps x | grep Xorg20:58
DocScrutinizeranyway include BM and set a flag so it gets invoked on boottime no matter if kbd slide open or not20:58
DocScrutinizerdang I'm blind20:58
DocScrutinizersure, there's Xorg and always been20:59
DocScrutinizer 867 root     32324 S <  /usr/bin/Xorg -logfile /tmp/Xorg.0.log -logverbose 120:59
DocScrutinizernever mind20:59
* DocScrutinizer wonders if the coffee was too thin20:59
DocScrutinizerwhatever, back to hacking up dsme cmd parameters for h-d21:00
DocScrutinizerthe whole "magic":21:03
DocScrutinizerexport HILDON_DESKTOP_APPS_PRESTART=auto21:03
DocScrutinizer# sadly, we have to use dsmetool here, so we cant respawn session..21:03
DocScrutinizer/usr/sbin/dsmetool -c 3 -T 180 -m -17 -t /usr/bin/hildon-desktop21:03
DocScrutinizer /etc/X11/
MohammadAG# sadly, we have to use dsmetool here, so we cant respawn session..21:03
MohammadAG/usr/sbin/dsmetool -c 3 -T 180 -m -17 -t /usr/bin/hildon-desktop21:03
MohammadAGcan't segfaults be captured?21:04
DocScrutinizerreplace -t by -f in this file and you are a lot better than before21:04
MohammadAGso the default file can be restored and the offending file be copied to transitions.ini.this.file.fucked.hd21:04
DocScrutinizermeh, nothing as simple as that: /usr/bin/hildon-desktop||/usr/local/bin/myACMErecover-whenHDsegfaults21:06
DocScrutinizerthrow this into a script, call the script from dsmetool rather than the /use/bin/hildon-desktop21:07
DocScrutinizerand - for gods sake - replace the -t (for "then do sw-reset") in dsmetool h-d-invokation by -f (for "then give up")!21:07
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DocScrutinizernobody needs bootloops!21:08
DocScrutinizerso a sw-reset id almost always a TERRIBLE idea21:08
DocScrutinizerI'd consider replacing -t by -f in  /etc/X11/ a valid "bugfix" that may go into CSSU immediately21:11
DocScrutinizerAIUI the max risk is we end needing to remove battery to trigger a reboot21:12
DocScrutinizers/we end/we run into/21:12
DocScrutinizerand honestly I prefer this to a bootloop, each day21:13
DocScrutinizerthe idea of including BM to CSSU, give it an additional check for a /BM-show-up-please flag file, and set this flag file on bootloop conditions like the above h-d segfault - has some charm. Just make sure BM itself removes the flag file after reading it, so we don't run into a BM "bootloop" deadlock ;-D21:17
DocScrutinizer"yeah, sorry user. You have to enter the debug shell of BM and enter `rm /BM-show-up-please`. What, you got no display on BM shell, you got no powerkernel and thus no fb? too bad, please reflash!" X-P21:19
DocScrutinizer"don't cry! without CSSU and BM you'd probably see a bootloop and had to reflash as well... Sorry Sir? Please, calm down..."21:21
MohammadAGmce doesn't die when hd does21:22
MohammadAGmax risk is invalid21:22
DocScrutinizermax risk is challenged to be less than anticipated21:22
DocScrutinizerchallenger MohammadAG still struggles to prove his point about mce being immortal21:23
MohammadAGha, it segfaulted on me once21:24
DocScrutinizershall I build a package for >> sed -e "s/ -t / -f / -i /etc/X11/ << ?21:26
DocScrutinizershall I build a package for >> sed -e "s/ -t / -f /" -i /etc/X11/ << ?21:26
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: or will you simply slip it in on next update?21:27
DocScrutinizerif you plan to do so, I'd like to request some sparring about potential side effects here21:27
MohammadAGit's just a letter21:27
MohammadAGwon't harm21:27
DocScrutinizerI'd honestly like to see it reviewed by another devel first21:28
DocScrutinizerwell, let's try some game ;-D21:29
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MohammadAGI'm pushing the modified apt which doesn't prevent installation from certain categories in this update21:57
DocScrutinizerhmm, ok21:59
DocScrutinizerit's apt, not HAM, right?21:59
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: NB if you fsckup apt then the rollback will be rather hard (some manual dpkg messing)22:01
MohammadAGjust an additional compilation flag22:02
MohammadAGit's nokia's code22:02
DocScrutinizeralso double-check if HAM actually *can* update apt22:02
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, don't worry, it's been in testing22:02
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, it was a method to get apps that didn't appear in the ovi store for some people22:03
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DocScrutinizeroh, ok then, should be safe uh?22:03
MohammadAGand HAM can update apt, since apt can update itself22:03
MohammadAGyeah, totally22:03
DocScrutinizeryeah, thought as much, but better check back22:03
MohammadAGFYI, dsme gave up on starting hildon-desktop22:03
MohammadAGand there's no funny message in syslog about reboot suppressed by R&D flag22:04
MohammadAGbut someone with a normal device should check22:05
merlin1991a "brave" one? :P22:07
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MohammadAGI'll keep the update without a meta package22:27
MohammadAGcan we both do testing on a 16.5 device and see what happens?22:27
MohammadAGthen I'll push the meta package22:27
MohammadAGSegmentation fault22:31
MohammadAGdpkg: error processing khweeteur (--configure):22:31
MohammadAGwhy is a compiled app running in khweeteur's postinst o_O22:31
merlin1991trout khertan?22:31
* amiconn asks once more about the packages being lost when installing or updating cssu22:33
amiconnLast time (v16 -> v16.5) they did not get uninstalled, but somehow marked as being manually installed, so the next autoremove would have removed them22:33
amiconnHow can this happen?22:34
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: sorry, what do you want me to do?22:34
amiconnErr, makred as *automatically* installed22:34
amiconn*marked, bah22:34
DocScrutinizeramiconn: aiui a pkg marked "manually installed" won't get removed on apt autoremove22:35
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Creteilarcean_, up ?22:38
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DocScrutinizershall I prefer CSSU_Features_Configuration editor or CSSU_Tuner? Or are they complementary?22:42
arcean_Creteil: hey22:42
Creteilwell, lock desktop in landscape sux :-(22:42
arcean_hmm, why?22:43
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, apt-get update; apt-get install apt hildon-desktop libqt4-gui22:43
PaliMohammadAG, what about update libcpaboutcssu? add new contributors...22:43
Paliand will be modest-l10n updated?22:44
Creteilarcean_, when I use the phone app, he orientation leave in landscape sometimes (after I used the sms function IIRC) ...22:44
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: will do as soon as you tld me which of the CSSU tuners to install, and after I've done another reboot with BM backup22:44
arcean_Creteil: could you give me exact steps to reproduce?22:45
Creteilarcean_, damn I have to reinstall the latest and reboot ... wait 1 ...22:45
DocScrutinizerfor now I've been waiting 5 min to get to HAM "install"->"all" search "CSSU". I like to finish on it prior to reboot22:45
arcean_Creteil: ok22:46
MohammadAGI wish I knew how text2screen worked22:47
MohammadAGit writes directly to framebuffer22:47
DocScrutinizertext2screen is rather rough22:47
arcean_Creteil: we are talking about desktop_orientation_lock feature?22:48
DocScrutinizeranyway, please suggest what's the deal with CSSU_Features_Configuration editor and CSSU_Tuner22:48
Paliopen source version of text2screen is here:
Creteilarcean_, yes22:50
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merlin1991DocScrutinizer: about them tuners22:51
merlin1991I personally didn't try any of them and both are developed by a third party regarding cssu22:51
merlin1991so can't recommend one without at least glancing at the code22:52
merlin1991espcially when the cssu is ahead again transistion.ini wise22:52
DocScrutinizeranyway -> >>Note: There is a GUI editor for enabling CSSU features. If you use that, you can ignore the editing and applying sections on this page and just refer to the features directly<<22:53
merlin1991it's a wiki :D22:53
DocScrutinizerI know it's a wiki22:53
merlin1991but there's even a bug report about that page, I'll try to fix it as soon as I'll find itme22:53
merlin1991it's missing most gconf keys, ...22:53
DocScrutinizer:nod: thought as much22:53
DocScrutinizerwhatever, I installed them both now... meh22:54
DocScrutinizer>>Reading the configuration settings gave FATAL ERROR while loading. Not all settings are available. \n\n Exiting.. << :-P22:58
DocScrutinizerCSSU Features app22:58
DocScrutinizernow or CSSU Tuner which (more logically) lives in Settings22:59
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Creteilarcean_, I cannot reproduce it for the moment, but afternoon  this bored me ...23:01
Creteilarcean_, I leave the device with latest, and next time the shit occur I report without deinstalling ...23:02
arcean_[21:44] <Creteil> arcean_, when I use the phone app, he orientation leave in landscape sometimes (after I used the sms function IIRC) ...23:02
DocScrutinizerand yes, this CSSU-tuner looks not that bad23:03
arcean_Creteil: yum mean desktop in landscape mode?23:03
arcean_or what?23:03
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Creteilarcean_, YES I want the desktop locked always in landscape mode :-)23:04
arcean_Creteil: but you said, that after closing Phone app, it leaves screen in landscape mode23:04
DocScrutinizerumm, I got it as "dialer sometimes is in landscape mode despite it should be in portrait"23:06
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, done the upgrade?23:08
arcean_so, it would be also a bug against stock hd23:08
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: just about to do BM backup23:08
MohammadAGwhat's BM?23:08
Creteilarcean_, no23:08
MohammadAGhildon-desktop segfaults at launch23:09
MohammadAGlet's reboot and see what happens23:09
MohammadAGhopefully it connects at some point23:09
Creteilarcean_, I say sometime the phone app leave in lanscape mode even the configuration is on lock to portrait inside the phone app23:09
arcean_Creteil: nothing has changed regarding Phone app in h-d23:09
MohammadAGI made snap_to_grid 0, that's known to segfault h-d since PR1.023:09
MohammadAGI have a feeling I'm gonna regret this23:09
MohammadAGthere's a fine line between bravery and stupidity23:10
Creteilarcean_, that why I say that sux :-)23:10
MohammadAGI think I crossed it23:10
arcean_MohammadAG: I'll fill a bug against snap_to_grid :P23:10
MohammadAGbug reports are for the weak23:10
DocScrutinizerif you got no BM backup then yes, you probably crossed it already23:10
MohammadAGcopy apple, sue it23:11
arcean_Creteil: that's another thing to investigate :)23:11
Creteilarcean_, anyhow I leave the latest in place and I will see if it occur another time ...23:11
MohammadAGhildon-desktop started23:11
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, no BM in the first place23:11
MohammadAGsegfault baby,,booyah23:11
MohammadAG1st attempt23:12
MohammadAG2nd attempt23:12
MohammadAG3rd attempt23:12
arcean_Creteil: it's highly possible...23:12
DocScrutinizerCreteil: dialer forced to landscape when statusmenu orientation-lock is set is a known "problem"23:12
MohammadAGno reboot23:12
MohammadAGoh and no ssh either, fuck23:12
DocScrutinizertime for a rescue system then?23:13
DocScrutinizeror for booting meego?23:13
MohammadAGlet's hope omweather refresh connects23:13
CreteilDocScrutinizer, BTW statusmenu orientation-lock is set to auto on my side ...23:13
DocScrutinizeraaah no WLAN connect23:14
DocScrutinizeromweather won't start without h-d23:14
MohammadAGit will23:14
MohammadAGwidgets live in hildon-home23:14
MohammadAGall widgets will  be scattered23:14
DocScrutinizerhildon-home will live on without h-d?23:14
MohammadAGjust no container to hold widgets23:14
MohammadAGso all 4 views are on one screen23:15
DocScrutinizerso what you got now? an X screen without window manager?23:15
MohammadAGlove USB networking23:15
MohammadAGwindows show up and such23:15
DocScrutinizerbut with widgets scattered all over the screen?23:16
MohammadAGdialogs show up too23:16
DocScrutinizerI bet you'll have some fun next few hours ;-D23:16
MohammadAGsame as dsmetool -k /usr/bin/hildon-desktop23:17
MohammadAGI'm back in23:18
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DocScrutinizerso you want me to do >> apt-get update; apt-get install apt hildon-desktop libqt4-gui << ?23:21
MohammadAGwell, just libqt4-gui23:23
MohammadAGanyway, I crossed the stupidity line again23:24
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: :-(23:26
DocScrutinizerW: Conflicting distribution: fremantle-1.3 Release (expected fremantle-1.3 but got )23:26
DocScrutinizerW: GPG error: ./ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY ADB4438160A655EF23:26
DocScrutinizerW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems23:26
MohammadAGthat's a warning line, and it's not our repo :)23:27
DocScrutinizerright it's "W:"23:28
DocScrutinizerok s here we go23:28
DocScrutinizerWTF? >>23:29
DocScrutinizerSuggested packages:23:30
DocScrutinizer  aptitude synaptic gnome-apt wajig dpkg-dev apt-doc lzma python-apt libqt4-dev23:30
gregoaMohammadAG: with qt +cssu5 I have a working confclerk (which segfaulted with +cssu4 on some actions)23:30
DocScrutinizer19 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 53 not upgraded.23:31
DocScrutinizerNeed to get 19,8MB of archives.23:31
gregoaMohammadAG: BTW, is it possible/allowed/wise to upload a package to extras-devel that depends on the qt version from the CSSU repo?23:32
MohammadAGfor 16.7, we want to include the security fix23:33
MohammadAGI just didn't want to rush it much23:33
MohammadAGI might release that today, just need to test it23:34
MohammadAGit's a Nokia upstream fix23:34
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, you can just apt-get install mp-fremantle-community-pr now23:34
MohammadAGand install 16.623:34
MohammadAGpossible, yes23:34
MohammadAGallowed, I guess, who'd disallow it23:35
MohammadAGwise, not sure :)23:35
DocScrutinizerSetting up libqt4-translations (1:4.7.4~git20110505+cssu5) ...23:35
DocScrutinizerresult: 023:35
DocScrutinizerso what now? redo all the foo with 16.6?23:36
gregoacertificate-manager from gitorious also looks good (after adding a missing build dependency on automake)23:36
DocScrutinizerwhatever, first reboot23:37
gregoaMohammadAG: thanks, and good to know I'm not alone in being uncertain about it being wise or not :)23:37
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: what shall I check now?23:40
MohammadAGjust apt-get install mp-fremantle-community-pr23:40
MohammadAGall settings are preserved23:40
DocScrutinizerwell, whatever you like, darling ;-D23:41
DocScrutinizerjust thought you'd want me to test something regarding the results from >> apt-get install apt hildon-desktop libqt4-gui <<23:42
sunkanI get a dependency error on maemo-optify-runonces which seems to be unavailable..23:43
DocScrutinizerhah there are updates available23:43
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DocScrutinizerguess what it is ;-P23:43
RST38hThe following packages have unmet dependencies:23:43
RST38h  mp-fremantle-community-pr: PreDepends: maemo-optify-runonces but it is not installable23:43
RST38hMohammad: Any pointers?23:43
MohammadAGmarble :)23:43
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: CSSU maemo 523:44
RST38hMohammad: can't apt-get install mp-fremantle-community-pr any more =(23:45
DocScrutinizerdidumdidum, another 5 minutes waiting for HAM23:45
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: same problem as RST38h :-/23:46
ThreeMHAM: one of the fastest peace of softwae ever created23:46
freemangordonenable nokia repos23:46
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freemangordonmake sure nokia catalogs are enabled in HAM23:47
DocScrutinizerHAM info on "Maemo 5 CSSU Package" -> "problems: maemo-optify-runonce missing"23:47
freemangordonit is nokia repos here
freemangordonmake sure those are enabled23:48
DocScrutinizerpr1-2 for sure not enabled here23:48
sunkanThere seems to be an extra "s" in the dependency23:49
RST38hfolks, you are suggesting some pretty dangerous hings23:49
RST38hthat too. is there a typo in the -pr control file?23:49
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: EMERGENCY!23:50
RST38hLooks like someone has completely screwed the CSSU rollout process =)23:50
merlin1991well it's supposed to be pr.13 before cssu for a reason23:50
RST38hthere is a typo in the dependency - it says runonces23:51
freemangordonconfirmed - "Pre-Depends: maemo-optify-runonces"23:52
DocScrutinizeryeah indeed, same here, in HAM23:52
DocScrutinizerHAM info on "Maemo 5 CSSU Package" -> "problems: maemo-optify-runonces missing"23:52
arcean_"PreDepends are not installable"23:53
freemangordonand where is MohammadAG23:53
DocScrutinizershitting ;-P23:53
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, noticed23:54
arcean_bug #1042323:54
povbotBug HTTPS URL's Don't Work - certman's C_FindObjects mishandles null return from get_cert23:54
DocScrutinizerI'm off for now (well, on-the-road for a beer so only available via the device-under-test ;-D )23:55
DocScrutinizer51ping me in case, but don't expect me to run any apt-get foo stuff23:56
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