IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Thursday, 2011-03-10

merlin_1991Sc0rpius, to spare you some fun here's my /etc/apt/mirror.list that crates a clone of cssu extras and extras-devel00:07
merlin_1991especially the -armel part took me some time to find out, I had the weirdest errors :D00:08
* Sc0rpius checks00:08
Sc0rpiuswell yeah first time I read deb-armel00:09
merlin_1991apt-mirror only reported some really weird errors that were related to the fact it looked for the 64bit files, but it was not telling me that at all :D00:10
merlin_1991also when you do it on debian "su apt-mirror" before you start invoking apt-mirror :)00:11
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Sc0rpiussudo apt-mirror ?00:11
merlin_1991nope su00:11
merlin_1991to switch to the user apt-mirror00:12
Sc0rpiusthen I would need a user apt-mirror00:12
merlin_1991it get's autogenerated when you install the package apt-mirror00:12
Sc0rpiusI use Ubuntu 10.04.2 kinda the same thing as Debian00:12
merlin_1991only it's *evil* ;)00:12
* merlin_1991 just noticed the bug on, awesome :)00:14
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merlin_1991changelog is updated00:27
* merlin_1991 reports that orientation lock is awesome00:28
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DocScrutinizer51eeek a maemo-CSSU update in HAM... What to do now?!??02:01
Sc0rpiusnot install it02:02
Sc0rpiusuntil tomorrow02:02
DocScrutinizer51good point02:02
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Lava_CroftMohammadAG: any news the palette patch for osso-xterm?09:03
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macmaN!seen slonopotamus12:30
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AsiQuemacmaN: i think its... ~ infront of the name13:44
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magnunorAnyone knows if there has been any changes to the "Phone" program in the community SSU?15:02
andre__magnunor, isn't it closed source?15:05
magnunorI think so, the reason I'm asking is I can't make any phone calls since I installed the Community SSU15:06
andre__what does "can't make any phone calls" exactly mean? what are the steps and the outcome?15:06
andre__cellular, or also SIP?15:06
magnunorJust tried cellular, getting "General error", or "Number not in use"15:07
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macmaNAsiQue: can you remind me what you were responding to15:08
magnunorNot certain if the community ssu caused it, but the I could phone normally before I installed it15:08
magnunorUsing cellular: I try placing a call. I wait about 10-20 seconds, the status shows "Calling". Then I get the "Number not in use", "General error" or "Call not established"15:11
magnunorSMS still works15:16
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thpmagnunor: try rebooting the phone, take out the battery + sim then put it back in. also try the sim in a different device if possible15:27
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magnunorFalse alarm: seems like there was a very local disruption in the local cellular network15:36
magnunorGood example on why correlation does not equal causality :)15:39
thpandre__: ping15:40
andre__thp, pong15:40
thpis intentional or just a bugzilla default config?15:40
thpbecause i could imagine a google site: search on could be helpful, but that robots exclusion prevents that15:41
andre__no idea, I've never cared about such stuff :)15:41
andre__I know that google did index a few months ago15:43
andre__I didn't change it myself, maybe X-Fade or somebody had good reasons for it (performance, spamming, or whatever)15:43
thpshould i send a mail to maemo-developers@ or what's the best place for discussing this with the target of getting bug pages indexed again?15:44
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andre__thp: talking to X-Fade right now...16:08
andre__allowing http*://* should be enough I guess16:08
andre__and yes, it seems to be the default, former got lost when updating to 3.416:09
thpok, sounds good :)16:09
thpmaybe also (only?) the short variand /(\d+) (numeric short url)16:09
thp"variant" ;)16:09
thpnice one! thanks a lot :)16:10
merlin1991hm I need a cloak16:12
merlin1991we should have cssu cloaks :D16:12
AsiQuemacmaN: i thought you were trying to ask the bot when someone was last connected... forget about it.. my bad...16:13
macmaNAsiQue: ah yes, i was looking for slono16:14
thpmerlin1991: ask jaffa, afaik he's responsible for setting them16:14
macmaNi had to reboot my server and i dont log everything in irssi16:14
merlin1991Jaffa: ping16:14
macmaNso i couldnt scroll back to see what i asked :)16:14
thp(if by cloak you mean IRC cloak and not the clothing part ;)16:15
thpmacmaN: afaik this channel is logged :)16:15
merlin1991hehe :D16:15
thpon the other hand, maemo-ssu cloaks (the clothing thingies) would be awesome. jaffa should sew some of those ;)16:16
macmaNtru dat16:16
RST38hI would suggest maemo-ssu-branded lock picks instead16:17
merlin1991thp: then I would have a reason to show up @ metalab one day16:17
RST38hor maybe crowbars16:17
merlin1991to show off my awesome cloak since I have nothing else to show :D16:17
thpmerlin1991: pyugat next wednesday would also be a good reason ;)16:18
thpkelvan is going to demo his pythonesque wiener linien html scraping tool.16:18
merlin1991I guess I could come and watch the fun, what time is it?16:19
thpRST38h: why lock picks?16:19
thpmerlin1991: 19:00 - for the details16:19
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Jaffathp: merline1991: X-Fade has handled the #maemo cloaks16:45
thpmerlin1991: ^16:46
thpJaffa: don't you have tab expansion of usernames in your irc lient? ;)16:46
JaffaSilly typo16:46
Jaffathp: I do. Dunno why I didn't use it16:46
* Jaffa goes for blaming GSM SSH16:46
thpthere's even a irssi script for tab expansion of all words said in the channel16:47
JaffaNeat. Probably16:47
thpif you are using irssi, that is16:48
JaffaI am16:48
* MohammadAG uses xchat *gasp*16:48
* Jaffa wants an iPad 2 toy :-/16:49
MohammadAGseriously? :P16:49
* merlin1991 uses quassel since today16:49
JaffaMy name is Jaffa. I'm tempted by the shiny. I have a problem.16:49
thpwhy iPad 2? apart from the form factor?16:50
MohammadAGheh, I love my eye candy too, but it's not a reason I'd get an iPad :D16:50
MohammadAGI'd be more interested in something like the Ideapad16:50
Jaffathp: Form factpr, polish and price point for capability at low end.16:51
thpwell, the problem with the ideapad is that it's thick and has a fan (and not in the "aficionado" sense)16:51
JaffaYeah, I wouldn't want something bigger or heavier than an iPad (e.g. fofr conference attending, when OI don't have a laptop)16:51
lcukI am drawn to the noteslate for writing tasks.  the ideapad with its capacitive makes a great side display for the playground and my handset is well, my handset16:51
lcukthat noteslate looks like a device in need of an os16:52
thpwhat's noteslate?16:52
thpJaffa: true, the form factor is nice, but without a physical keyboard it's really a consumption tool in my opinion16:52
thpat least until they come up with some great virtual keyboard concept with awesome tactile feedback16:53
thpor speech input, as android has16:53
lcukdo not underestimate how much you can do without typing.16:53
Jaffathp:@That's why the o" screen is more interesting than the more portable Galaxy Tab16:53
* lcuk remembers adding vkb to liqbase for 1 input field16:53
Jaffalcuk: SSH is one of my main N900 usages after IM16:54
Jaffae.g. now :)16:54
MohammadAGbtw, isn't the Galaxy old now?16:54
thpdefine "old"16:54
MohammadAGreplaced by a successor16:54
MohammadAGthe N900 still isn't old in my book16:55
lcukthe Universe!16:55
thplcuk: yes, you can do great things like drawing, but making the accumulated data searchable is hard and requires handwriting recognition16:55
MohammadAG(sure, the specs are, but there's no device that's better imo)16:55
JaffaMohammadAG: The Tab 2 has been announced. Dunno if it's released. Played with one here and it's still fast & fluid.16:56
MohammadAGand the Android community probably lacks something similar to lcuk's sense of humor16:56
JaffaBut I don't want to be paying for separate 3_, so low end iPad (especially if bought in US in May ;-)) is comparatively cheap16:56
thp(protip: "_" is on the "G" key on the N900, if you are wondering what 3_ means)16:57
JaffaAnyone who wants a CSSU cloak, email me at andrew@bleb.org16:57
Jaffathp: thanks :)16:57
MohammadAGJaffa, was referring to the phone actually :)17:02
DocScrutinizerre  <Jaffa> Anyone who wants a CSSU cloak, email me - please include a complete copy of /nameserver info <your_user_name> as that's the info needed for issuing a cloak17:07
DocScrutinizeractually /msg nickserv info <your_user_name>17:09
MohammadAGwhich cloak do I get to keep? :P17:11
merlin1991I can't keep any cloak so I'm looking forward to my cloak :D17:14
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DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: [2011-03-10 16:00:27] * DocScrutinizer just wonders why CSSU needs own cloaks. Not that it matters...17:15
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MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, they wouldn't hurt I guess17:21
DocScrutinizeras you noticed you can have only one cloak17:21
JaffaMohammadAG: DocScrutinizer: Might not be CSSU specific, just an inclusion in the /contributor namespace17:27
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anidelAbout the orientation Lock.. I see apps still receive the turning event and react accordingly.. in my case Xournal changes toolbar as it thinks it's about to turn17:48
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MohammadAGanidel, sadly, some apps are listening to mce directly, instead of behaving according to screen changes19:33
MohammadAGmicroB is another one19:33
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merlin1991MohammadAG: let's hijack mce ;)19:37
MohammadAGmerlin1991, stop mce and manual polling ftw!!1!19:38
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DocScrutinizer51the problem with mce, orientation, and locking it, is simply the missing distinguishing between physical reports as seen by accelerometer and the way/signal/flag that is telling "this is the preferred orientation now".20:01
DocScrutinizer51actually the one is an abstraction of the other, and there shaould've been according advice for app devels from beginning. Think of it like using hildon-input-method (which knows about kbd layout, vkbd, etc) versus scanning hw keyboard directly or using raw keycodes20:05
DocScrutinizerto sanitize such situation, you generally first have to make sure your abstract interface is well designed and feature complete, then fix each single app that doesn't use this interface, either by patching the source or by other means like patched libs (LDPRELOAD) - in this case to cut the link between the app and mce.20:14
DocScrutinizerAny modification of the deprecated mce API would be possible only if you could make 100% sure that ALL apps using it are doing wrong, or alternatively you can switch all apps that use that mce interface for some good reason, so they use a new interface and you can modify the semantics of the abused old interface - all in one moment aka system update20:17
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I gather the manual polling suggestion was a joke, as it is exactly what you *absolutely* don't want to do20:19
MohammadAGDocScrutinizer, yes, it was, I don't normally use "!!!1ONE!" :P20:20
DocScrutinizerwe should start with step one of the approach sketched above: check if our interface is feature complete and bugfree and extensible20:22
merlin1991MohammadAG: you even did it wrong, it's supposed to be !!!!111einseinseinself20:25
thphmm. listening to *window size* changes does the trick for me20:28
thpthere's one component that kind of talks to mce or just sets the "automatic" flag, but the part that actually relayouts windows is solely based on window configure events (i.e. window size is about to change)20:29
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MohammadAGthp, some apps listen to mce and change layout accordingly20:48
MohammadAGmicroB for example, it shows the three buttons and goes in fullscreen mode20:48
MohammadAGeven if the window doesn't rotate20:48
thpstrange. that's much harder than just listening to window size changes ;)20:49
MohammadAGyeah, it also checks a gconf value for keyboard slides20:49
anidelMohammadAG, and what would be the best way to listen to screen changes? I followed the Documentation at that time20:54
anidelsorry,speaking about rotation20:54
RST38hMohammad:Haven't included the modified apt into CSSU yet?;)20:54
MohammadAGGdk.screenSizeChanged()? or whatever it's called20:57
MohammadAGRST38h, nah, should I?20:57
anidelwill look into that20:58
RST38hMohammad: Yeah,why not =)20:58
RST38hMohammad: Some Nokia suits may get a bit pissed though20:58
MohammadAGdoubtful, it was there just to prevent piracy when the ovi store had paid debs on the apt repo20:58
RST38hHow does it work now?20:59
MohammadAGdebs stored somewhere with temporary links20:59
MohammadAGthough that link I had worked for 3 months21:00
MohammadAGexpired after 5 downloads though...21:00
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