IRC log of #maemo-ssu for Tuesday, 2011-02-22

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MohammadAGI'll delete it and restart00:01
Sc0rpiusmaybe_take_screenshot (GTK_WINDOW (widget))00:03
Sc0rpius(from HAM)00:03
Sc0rpiusnice name for that00:03
MohammadAGffs can't delete00:03
MohammadAGWe are sorry, but something went wrong.00:03
MohammadAGWe have been notified about this issue and we will take a look at it shortly.00:03
Sc0rpiusno you shouldn't be able to do that00:03
MohammadAGI should00:03
Sc0rpiusI didn't know you could delete a repository that has been cloned, but I dunno00:03
MohammadAGedit repository -> delete in right panel00:04
Sc0rpiusHAM doesn't use a timer for the screenshot. It does it in the destroy event00:04
MohammadAGfMMS uses a timer00:05
Sc0rpiusah but that's closedf00:05
Sc0rpiusno it's not closed00:05
Sc0rpiuslet's see fMMS source then00:05
MohammadAGhave a look at drnoksnes00:07
Sc0rpiusI'll just use g_timeout_add00:08
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MohammadAGmeh, I guess ham portrait will have to wait till the next update00:09
lcukMohammadAG, I believe you once asked why the portrait branches had not been included in previous updates ;)00:11
MohammadAGI did? :P00:12
* MohammadAG uploads00:13
MohammadAGlol almost f'd up00:14
MohammadAGUpload package to host fremantle-extras-builder00:14
MohammadAGlibcpaboutcssu uploaded00:14
MohammadAGhildon-desktop uploaded00:15
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merlin1991MohammadAG, what's the git problem?00:16
MohammadAGI need to start over with hildon-application-manager's repo00:16
MohammadAGso I need to delete it, gitorious's failing00:16
merlin1991push origin :master00:17
merlin1991should remove the :master branch on gitorious00:17
merlin1991then just push up a clean one00:17
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merlin1991hm I had typos "git push origin :master" will remove the master branch on gitorious00:18
Sc0rpiusok it worked in scratchbox but usually it's faster than the device00:18
Sc0rpiuslemme try in the device00:18
merlin1991after that you can push anything to that repo you want to put as a new master00:18
Sc0rpiusok question00:20
merlin1991and ofc inform everyone todo a new clone since the repo history is broken for anyone with the old master branch00:20
Sc0rpius1.- Does Nokia can give me a public (free) email? something like
Sc0rpius2.- If (1) { can I configure it in Nokia Messaging? }00:20
MohammadAGbut ovi mail isn't something you want tbh00:21
Sc0rpiusok let's see tho9ugh it looks like it's web based00:21
Sc0rpiuswell I just want more accounts to test Modest00:21
Sc0rpiussomehow it autologged in to mail.ovi.com00:21
Sc0rpiusI wonder if I can configure that in Nokia Messaging?00:22
MohammadAGyeah, login at and add the account00:22
Sc0rpiusthe screenshot thing worked beautifully, thanks to Jaffa for the timer idea00:26
MohammadAGmerlin1991, cloned master from
MohammadAGnow how do I get the branch ham-2-2?00:27
Sc0rpiusI added a lot of mailboxes to Nokia Messaging00:28
Sc0rpiusbut i prefer Gmail via IMAP and not via Nokia Messaging00:29
* Sc0rpius deletes Gmail from Nokia Messaging00:29
merlin1991MohammadAG, git checkout origin/ham-2-200:30
merlin1991git checkout -b ham-2-200:30
merlin1991now you have a branch ham-2-2 in your local repo that is the remote ham-2-200:30
Venemodid you guys know that forwarding is 100% completely and totally broken in Modest?00:30
MohammadAGmerging was a bad idea00:31
MohammadAGmerlin1991, is there a way to delete local master and just rename ham-2-2 to master?00:31
merlin1991after you've done the stuff above00:31
merlin1991git branch -D master00:31
MohammadAGthen how do I rename?00:32
merlin1991git branch -m ham-2-2 master00:32
merlin1991why was merging a bad idea?00:34
merlin1991so what?00:35
Sc0rpiusthat's normal when the two versions are way different00:35
merlin1991resolve commit done?00:35
merlin1991MohammadAG, did you push the ham-2-2 as master to gitorious now?00:37
merlin1991I'll reclone then00:37
JaffaVenemo: I didn't. What's the bug number?00:41
MohammadAGFYI, maemo12 is in repositories but the metapackage was not uploaded yet00:41
MohammadAGcan anyone test libcpaboutcssu?00:41
JaffaMohammadAG: We'd expect to see -11?00:41
VenemoJaffa: I dunno, it's just not working for me00:41
MohammadAGmetapackage yes, apt, you'll see -1200:42
JaffaVenemo: My point was "do you guys know.." is easily checked by going to
MohammadAGI'm thinking of getting ham in there asap00:42
VenemoJaffa: everyone to whom I send a forwarded mail say that they got an empty mail00:42
Sc0rpiushow can we test it00:42
MohammadAGapt-get install libcpaboutcssu00:42
VenemoJaffa: maybe I'll bother with checking it tomorrow :)00:42
VenemoJaffa: for now, I'm going to sleep soon00:42
JaffaVenemo: Raise a bug. Perhaps with reproduction instructions :-p *including* the mail software of the recipient00:42
* Jaffa apt-get installs libcpaboutcssu00:43
* Sc0rpius apt-get update since it couldn't find the package00:43
MohammadAGJaffa, will upgrading ham cause the shim to be lost?00:43
JaffaMohammadAG: No, dpkg-diverts are maintained across upgrades.00:43
JaffaMohammadAG: That's why they're so cool.00:43
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# ls -l /usr/libexec/apt-worker00:43
MohammadAGlrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           31 Feb  6 14:29 /usr/libexec/apt-worker -> /usr/libexec/apt-worker-cssu.sh00:43
* MohammadAG nods00:43
merlin1991MohammadAG, do you consider 20.2010.36-2maemo12 to be PR or PR ?00:43
MohammadAGwe  started on maemo700:44
JaffaMohammadAG: dpkg will put any new version into the target of the diversion rather than it's "proper" place00:44
MohammadAGmerlin1991, just increment 100:44
merlin1991<MohammadAG> we  started on maemo7 that's all I needed :)00:44
JaffaMohammadAG: Yay! Community SSU iunstalled: Version: 20.2010.36-2maemo1100:44
* Sc0rpius is still in the apt-get update stage00:47
merlin1991Sc0rpius, how many sources ? :D00:47
merlin1991omgz0r my name is there ;)00:47
Sc0rpiuswell a lot00:47
merlin1991and also yep works00:48
Sc0rpiusGet 16: right now00:48
MohammadAGHAM going in this update00:48
Sc0rpiuswell it seems I'm like 2 bugs away from a stable tree view mode00:52
MohammadAGmp-fremantle-community-pr pushed00:52
Sc0rpiusbut if I have to do another apt-get update I'd kill you00:52
MohammadAGkill me now00:53
JaffaUpgrade or sleep.00:53
Sc0rpiusthis should work differently, like with daily diffs or something00:53
MohammadAGIt's 1 AM and I have school tomorrow :p00:53
Sc0rpiusI mean the debian repositories00:53
JaffaWife relying on N900 for wake up.00:53
* arcean_ starts charging n90000:53
Sc0rpiusit's just 6:22 pm here00:53
JaffaMight kill in-laws if tired.00:53
JaffaBah, I can buy Red Bull00:53
* merlin1991 starts ham00:54
* MohammadAG apt-get updates00:54
* Jaffa is testing it in the user-friendly way00:54
merlin1991so ham went into this?00:54
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MohammadAGI can't turn on my screen :P00:54
MohammadAGbattery's low, so I'm running bme-less00:55
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MohammadAGmerlin1991, yes00:55
merlin1991oh come on, I wanted to check the new source but it isn't on gitorious yet00:55
MohammadAGPackage hildon-application-manager_2.2.72-3_armel.changes was installed to suite fremantle00:55
MohammadAGi git pushed merlin199100:56
MohammadAGoh that00:56
merlin1991the only important one :D00:56
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merlin1991btw MohammadAG I think you should make it a habit to push the sources whenever you push something to the builder00:58
MohammadAGI push them all, except the metapackage :P00:58
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* DocsGuy heads over to
MohammadAGI'm making this easy for you :P00:59
MohammadAGeasier than git tags00:59
DocsGuytags additinally would be awesome though01:00
JaffaYou can even add a "Who do I find out my version?" bit at the top now :-)01:00
MohammadAGtbh, I write changelogs all at once01:00
MohammadAGI'm not sure how I remember all changes :P01:00
MohammadAGI think tactile should go in the CSSU01:01
MohammadAGthen have hildon-desktop depend on it01:01
Sc0rpiusyeah About Community SSU works alright01:01
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JaffaNot *quite* yet, perhaps01:01
MohammadAGhow come?01:01
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MohammadAGit works quite well01:01
JaffaMohammadAG: Spawning a process is a bit yucky; the patterns haven't been tweaked yet; it introduces a transitive dependency to Python (IIRC) and it's a PoC01:02
MohammadAGpython? no01:02
MohammadAGthat's just an example, the main binary is C (already checked that :p)01:03
JaffaMohammadAG: Perhaps put together a wiki page (DocsGuy ;-)) on "How to test tactile"01:03
MohammadAGtesting it would require devel though, that's why I was thinking of at least pushing it as is to the repo01:03
MohammadAG(without depending on it)01:04
JaffaAh, OK.01:04
Jaffa-devel gives thp more control, though.01:04
JaffaHaving stuff in the CSSU repo which isn't pulled in by the CSSU has caused confusion in the past (see HAM)01:04
DocsGuybtw since when do we have 9 desktops in cssu?01:07
JaffaDocsGuy: Since this release01:08
JaffaBut it (I assume) defaults to four still. But you can just turn on extra ones as you would normally01:08
Jaffas/defaults to four/defaults to the ones you've currently got enabled.01:08
DocsGuyit defaults to what you've set and since this release we have 9 desktops in the selection dialog in hildon-home, but since when do we have the suport in hildon-desktop?01:09
MohammadAGfirst release01:09
DocsGuyah yeah01:10
DocsGuythat TODO :D01:10
MohammadAGyeah lol01:10
DocsGuyI simply didn't find the appopriate upstream -- cssu relation so I wrote todo there xD01:10
MohammadAGI'd just link to Matan's page about mhd01:10
MohammadAGafaik it also fixed the call glitching bug01:11
MohammadAGanyway, Maemo update = reboot, brb01:11
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* DocsGuy digs trough hildon-desktop commits01:13
DocsGuyMohammadAG, I think you forgot something in the changelog Fixed bug #10783, Russian keymap works incorrectly when pressing CTRL button. in hildon-desktop01:15
povbotBug Ctrl button types in "A" in Russian layout on home screen01:15
DocsGuyyay for going through git logs :D01:16
MohammadAGoh yeah01:17
MohammadAGis there a FAQ section?01:18
MohammadAGI kinda forgot01:18
MohammadAGif so01:18
MohammadAGAdd something like01:18
MohammadAG"I installed the CSSU and lost my custom transitions"01:19
DocsGuyI guess you could call the main page a faq page :D01:19
MohammadAGA: mv /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini.old /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini01:19
MohammadAGI wonder if i should have that in postinst01:19
MohammadAGif file exists, move it back01:19
DocsGuydamn it someone created
DocsGuynow I'll have to update that one as well :D01:20
DocsGuyI'm not going to check the modest logs though01:25
DocsGuyMohammadAG, should we add the versions of the packages in the changelog?01:28
MohammadAGno need01:28
MohammadAGgotta sleep though :p01:29
MohammadAGnight everyone01:29
MohammadAGoh right01:29
DocsGuyoh right what? :D01:30
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DocsGuyah :D01:31
DocsGuynight MohammadAG01:31
MohammadAGnight .)01:31
* MohammadAG stabs shift01:31
DocsGuythp, ping01:31
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arcean_guys, is Ctrl+Shift+R working for you?01:36
DocsGuyctrl shift r on what?01:36
arcean_on whatever ;)01:36
DocsGuynot on the phoneapp01:37
arcean_it seems that app screen orientation depends on launcher01:37
arcean_and i'm wondering if it's just me..01:37
DocsGuyarcean_, could you try something please, start the launcher in portrait and go to settings, are they in portrait mode then?01:39
arcean_yes, they are01:39
DocsGuyat least they are for me then, but don't go back to landscape when I turn the phone01:39
arcean_yup, that's the problem01:39
DocsGuyalso the transistion looks really bad here since the settings start in landscape and then switch to portait afer a sec01:40
DocsGuyis it like that on yours too?01:40
Sc0rpiuslemme see01:40
arcean_i've tried to force autorotation via transitions.ini01:40
arcean_and it works the same way as eg. Settings01:40
Sc0rpiusit stopped working with this last update it seems01:40
Sc0rpiusit was working for me before01:41
Sc0rpiushmm too bad01:41
DocsGuyI'm running without forced autorotation01:41
arcean_forced autorotation doesn't change anything01:42
arcean_it's still fixed with launcher orientation01:42
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Sc0rpiusaww :( ctrl shift R was cool01:42
* arcean starts digging in commits01:43
DocsGuyforced autorotation is a huge merge in on top of hildon-desktop01:44
DocsGuyalso MohammadAG  you dindn't push ham too, the changelog on gitorious ham is 2 version too old01:45
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DocsGuyI've updated the changelog01:57
DocsGuyI'll update the features page tomorrow01:57
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Sc0rpiuswow this update is a total mess02:33
Sc0rpiusif I click in the clock I get the status-menu in portrait02:33
Sc0rpiusI have nothing against portrait mode but I don't use it... this is terrible for me02:34
arceanyeah, currently i'm looking at h-d source02:35
arceanwow, the code is ready to deal with portrait task manager02:38
Sc0rpiusyea definitely02:38
Sc0rpiuswell I loaded Phone and exit and now status menu is in landscape as usual02:38
Sc0rpiushow you force autorotation?02:50
arceanin transitions.ini02:50
arceanchange forcerotation to 102:50
arceanbut it's not working as on the videos02:51
arceanapp autorotation is broken02:51
arceansomething like that
Sc0rpiusdoesn't work for me.  Changed to 1, killall hildon-desktop02:52
Sc0rpiusand nothing rotates02:53
arceanget launcher into portrait and run Conversations02:53
Sc0rpiushmm that worked02:54
Sc0rpiusok nice02:54
Sc0rpiusbut then it stops rotating02:54
Sc0rpiusI want to rotate while I'm using the app02:54
Sc0rpiusnot before launching it02:54
arceanshall we rise a bug?02:54
Sc0rpiusliek Ctrl-Shift-R used to work till today02:55
Sc0rpiusI have tested everything and only thing that seems to fail is Ctrl-Shift-R *hew*03:25
Sc0rpiusMohammadAG should figure out tomorrow what's wrong with it03:26
arceani hope so ;)03:26
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arceanScorpius: ping03:46
arceanehh sorry Sc0rpius: ping03:46
arceani've fixed autorotation with forcerotation=103:46
arceannow the screen orientation is changed properly03:47
arceani think i've fixed the bug03:48
arceanbut it needs more tests, and here is nearly 3 am ;/03:49
Sc0rpiusgo to sleep then03:50
arceanwould you mind testing patched h-d?03:50
Sc0rpiussend it03:50
arceanjust dpkg -i it03:51
Sc0rpiusok let's see03:51
Sc0rpiusI see no difference03:57
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arceantried killall hildon-desktop ?03:59
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Sc0rpiusstupid x-chat04:00
Sc0rpiussometimes I hate it there should be a mIRC port for Linux04:00
Sc0rpiusthe installation replaced my transitions.ini04:00
Sc0rpiusso here we go04:00
arceanautorotation works for you in eg. Settings?04:01
Sc0rpiusyeah it works now04:02
Sc0rpiusI just set forcerotation=104:02
arceanok, so it changes from landscape to portrait and vice versa?04:02
Sc0rpiuswell you can request a merge with that patch04:03
arceani'm too tired;)04:03
arceanand i'm going to sleep ;)04:07
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Sc0rpiusok goot night04:08
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Sc0rpiusNokia messaging introduced 6 new bugs in the tree view mode for Modest :(04:18
* Sc0rpius sighs04:18
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Sc0rpiuswell I'll try to fix more bugs tomorrow05:16
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Venemohey guys10:25
Venemohow did you get the conversations app to work in portrait?10:27
MensoifHi, I installed Community SSU on Sunday, and since then, my device is really slow and low on memory. Top shows that hildon-home eats 50% of CPU and RAM.10:28
MensoifDid someone experience the same problems10:28
VenemoJaffa, MohammadAG: ping10:28
MensoifBecause the phone has really becom unusable10:28
Venemothp: ping10:29
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VenemoI talked with MohammadAG earlier about merging the efforts of the community SSU's hildon-desktop with cordia's hildon-desktop10:51
Venemoit would be very good to work together10:52
Venemobut it seems that you have merged in some conflicting patches10:52
thpVenemo: pong10:55
thpwhich conflicting patches?10:56
Venemothp: kalfa's portrait is one10:57
Venemothp: since we already have full portrait mode10:57
thpas in also in the task switcher? ;)10:58
Venemoas in: desktop, task switcher, tasklauncher10:59
Venemoit is just not really tested on Maemo10:59
thpwell, I can just rebase my own patches on top of cordia's if that helps?10:59
Venemosome adjustments might be needed11:00
Venemosee see
Venemosome code has been removed which should have been instead marked with #ifdef MAEMO_CHANGES11:00
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thpVenemo: where does cordia's h-d run atm?11:01
Venemothp: basically, any normal Linux distribution11:02
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Venemothp: this is why the Maemo-specific parts are removed. but then again, they should have been just #ifdeffed out.11:04
Venemothp: right now, I'm getting it to work under Maemo and see what's working and what's not11:05
thpVenemo: great :) so i'll probably just wait until you have got it working11:07
thpis there an ubuntu ppa with the cordia build? would love to try it out ;)11:07
Venemothp: well, you can build from git and run it under Xephyr, but I don't think that there is a packaged version yet11:08
thpany special build dependencies apart from stock gtk and "normal" components?11:09
Venemonot that I know of11:09
Venemoyou may need some -dev packages11:09
Venemoalso, libmatchbox and clutter 0.8 are embedded in the source as git submodules11:09
thpyep, sure. but not e.g. the hildon-patched version of gtk?11:10
Venemoyou will need libhildon, but you won't need any maemo-specific patches to gtk11:11
Venemoalso, it may depend on other stuff, but normally that can be found in the upstream gitorious11:11
Venemoplus, you may want a theme if you actually want it to run, and manual configuration of some stuff11:12
thphmm.. should i even bother then? ;)11:12
Venemothp: well it compiled under my Fedora :)11:12
MohammadAGthp, any progress on the whitelist or the orientation lock?11:12
Venemothp: try to contact smoku in #cordia he is the lead developer :)11:12
thpMohammadAG: no, haven't really been working on that11:12
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MensoifI installed Community SSU on Sunday, and since then, my device is really slow and low on memory. Top shows that hildon-home eats 50% of CPU and RAM. Did someone experience the same problems? Because the phone has really becom unusable11:15
thpMensoif: working fine for me here. try turning off all desktop widgets?11:16
Mensoifno, but it's hard, because when I start the phone it dosen't even display them11:18
Mensoifthe phone is slow from startup11:18
thpso maybe it *is* a problem with the desktop widgets? ;)11:18
Mensoifyes :-)11:18
Mensoifis there a non gui way to disable them?11:19
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MensoifI killed the hildon-home process, and now everithing works normally11:26
Mensoifwich is strange because I faced this problems even after serval reboots11:27
MensoifAnd I did not add new widgets since I updated to Community SSU11:27
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chainsawbikenice work on the community ssu guys :)12:57
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normaltuskerhello all14:09
normaltuskerI just came here hoping i can find some quick help from all the CSSU members14:10
psycho_oreosask and you may receive14:10
normaltuskerI seem to have broken my VKB after the latest update, not able to get it up14:10
normaltuskertried the fixes that are listed at forum nokia, but that did nt work14:10
normaltuskeri did not find any fixes at TMO when i googled14:11
normaltuskermay be i googled something wrong, but still...14:11
psycho_oreosyou didn't install anything to do with scim I suppose?14:12
thpnormaltusker: do you have vkb enabled in the settings? check if it's still enabled14:12
normaltuskerI am just now attempting to install Fast SMS hoping that will fix it14:12
thpnormaltusker: also, the vkb only pops up when the hwkb is closed, but you probably already knew that ;)14:12
normaltusker@thp i tried doing that, i diabled the VKB, rebooted, renabled and rebooted again14:13
normaltuskerit did not work14:13
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normaltusker@thp LOL, I already knew that. :)14:13
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normaltuskerthe VKB on installing Fast SMS pops up, the fast SMS VKB i mean14:19
normaltuskeruninstalling FastSMS hoping that the original VKB will now be fixed!14:23
normaltuskerworked fine. I am back with my original VKB. The fix that i used was to install and then uninstall Fast SMS! :)14:30
normaltuskerThanks for all the help friends14:30
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normaltuskerafter enabling the tactile feedback in tranistions.ini i hear sounds that feel like something is loose inside the device, is that normal? is that what is expected. on disabling it these sounds stop.14:43
thpnormaltusker: yep, that's normal ;) it's the vibration motor14:45
normaltuskerthp: ok. I was a little worried if my rough handling of the device damaged it! :)14:45
barzamafter editing transitions.ini will killing hildon-desktop load my new settings or do I do something else?14:50
normaltuskerbarzam: for tactile i think a reboot is required. not too sure14:50
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thpbarzam: for tactile, it works without a restart (just make sure you have "tactile" from extras-devel installed)15:04
barzamok thanks guys :)15:05
thpbarzam: for everything else, the most you need is "killall hildon-desktop"15:05
thpa reboot should not be necessary15:05
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arceanN900MohammadAG: have you noticed broken autorotation for apps after last update?15:15
merlin1991I love the broken status menu :D15:18
merlin1991I think we should raise a bug15:18
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merlin1991what I found so far: settings doesn't autorotate (instead it uses launcher rotation), and if you close an app in portrait and return to desktop the status menu still starts in portrait when you do so15:20
merlin1991and ctrl shift r isn't working anymore15:21
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arceanN900_MohammadAG: patch for broken rotation:
merlin_1991arceanN900_, does that fix the rotation in ham too?15:23
arceanN900_no, it fixes problem that app does not change it's winow orientation15:24
arceanN900_and Ctrl+Shift+R works again15:25
merlin_1991arceanN900_, ham should have portrait support but with clean cssu it only launches in launcher orientation but does not autorotate15:26
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arceanN900_merlin_1991: ahh yes, it fixes that15:26
merlin_1991behaves exactly like control panel15:26
merlin_1991nice :)15:26
arceanN900_look at todays logs, i have posted a link to patched h-d package15:27
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arceanN900_ahh wonderful xchat...15:28
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merlin_1991yeah I checked the looks will try it later on15:29
arceanN900_link to patched h-d
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* divan do not understand the necessity of portrait mode for most of apps.15:52
divanIsn't it atavism?15:52
divanAnd useless accelerometer polling?15:53
lcukdivan, technically portrait mode and accelerometer polling are different issues15:53
lcukits perfectly possible to have portait apps which do not try and second guess your orientation15:53
divanlcuk, why? How software know which orientation to choose?15:53
lcukwell the terms "landscape" and "portrait" came by trying to frame the content correct15:54
lcukpainting a picture of a person is usually done in portrait because that is the natural best fit for the subject15:54
lcuknot turn that to device carrying, portrait is the defacto way human hands have come to be shaped - take for example a simple remote control15:55
lcukhow many of those require 2 hands to use?15:55
smokugame remote controller15:56
lcukyou are sat with it on your knee usually15:56
smokubut you're on goot course.  it boils down to one-hand operation vs two-hands operation really.  not portrait vs landscape15:57
lcukit also includes readability15:58
divanlcuk, I agree there are some apps which more handy to use in portrait mode. But it's pretty limited list of apps. Many of them more usable with two-hands. People just got it into the habit that 'phone' -> 'one hand'. It has historical reasons, but now with such screen and keyboard why do I need to keep texting with one hand or browsing web or navigating through music with one hand?16:00
divanN900 makes two-hands more natural way of using phone. But most people aren't ready for that.16:01
smokulcuk, yes, but if you want to fit great lenght on screen, for that you don't have to rotate tha app nor the device.  we humans are really good in comprehending rotated objects and "rotating" in mind16:02
smokudivan, because one may want to drive a car with the other hand? :>16:03
smokuor pick a nose16:03
smokuor anything ;-)16:03
divansmoku, it's risky to drive a car and playing with phone)16:03
smokudivan, thus ":>"... nevertheless people do it.16:04
divanNo, they do not want - they just have a habit :)16:04
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smokudivan, yes. it's a matter of habbit.  and the point of usability is to adapt the device to human habits, not the habit to the device16:05
smokudivan, but I see your point. there are cases when portrait mode is usefull - phone-related applications. and there are cases where landscape makes more sense.  and there is no point in forcing both orientations to all cases, because one size does not fit all16:07
divanSo, many people already adapted to T9 and 'abc' input method. Let's adapt N900 for such input methods and forget about new possibilities of hardware keyboard? )16:08
divansmoku, agree.16:08
divanI want such screen for N900 as on 4:28 ))16:08
smokuBTW, this is one of other approaches to "portrait" mode16:10
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thpsmoku: who is, anyway? they seem to be copying pages verbatim without giving proper credit :/16:24
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smokuthp, no idea.  but they have google results, while the source does not ;-)16:27
smokupossibly some SEO operated site serving as link-farm16:29
smokuI came up to the link via
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thpgoogle the first paragraph :p16:37
smokusorry. my memory is weak and I cannot remember that much text.  I usually google by few (2-5) keywords16:38
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MatthiasLhello all16:42
MatthiasLso what about the recent suggestion to get a donate-button up and running? is that feasible/allowed?16:42
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mirr0ryou can send your donations to /dev/null16:57
MohammadAGSc0rpius, noticed a bug in portrait mode (modest), message view -> title bar -> message details16:57
MohammadAGMatthiasL, haven't really considered donations, and if I did it wouldn't be for the CSSU :p16:58
MatthiasLI'll take the moneys than :P16:58
MohammadAGdd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/null16:58
MatthiasLbut on a more serious note, with the future being eh slightly unknown16:58
MatthiasLin regards to nokia supporting the infrastructure16:58
MatthiasL(at least from what I gathered)16:59
MatthiasLit wouldn't be a bad idea to accept donations and put them aside for servers etc16:59
MatthiasLI did that for a previous project and we definitely needed the money when our sponsor went bankrupt (totally not implying that Nokia will go bankrupt)17:00
MatthiasLthe only problem would be if you surpass the 1000euro because than PayPal requires you to prove you're an NPO and what not17:01
MatthiasLbrb, meeting17:02
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Venemohey guys17:09
mirr0rpff, i want a tablet, but i dunno which one17:19
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Sc0rpiusdo you guys figured out what happened with Ctrl Shift R?17:31
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MensoifI did find out what is really slow on my device,18:26
MensoifIt was the calendar applet18:26
Sc0rpiusyou use the stock one or a custom one?18:27
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Sc0rpiusI use the "Calendar Home Widget", haven't had a problem with it18:27
Mensoifit was slow because the calendar app is really slow18:27
Mensoifso was there a calendar related update in CSSU?18:28
Mensoifok, that's a great news18:29
Mensoifit meens that the ssu works fine and that only my calendar is weired or corrupted18:29
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Lava_CroftMensoif: what Sc0rpius said.18:34
Lava_CroftCalender Home Widget causes no noticeable trouble here18:34
Lava_Croftits also superior to the default widget18:34
Mensoifyeah, that's fine. It's just that the whole calendar application (not only the widget) is dam slow18:37
MensoifI changed a parameter in the calendar application more than 15 min ago and it's still work in progress :-)18:38
MensoifBut as there was no changes on the Calendar side in the CSSU, it's just that the calendar is broken on my side, wich is a good news because it means that CSSU works fine18:39
Mensoifso now I will try to fix my calendar and enjoy the CSSU18:40
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Lava_Croftah yeah18:43
Lava_Crofti think cal is also closed src, not sure18:43
Lava_Croftbut i bet its highly advanced code18:43
Lava_CroftMensoif: heh18:43
Lava_Croftthat is waaay too slow18:44
merlin1991stock calendar is closed source18:45
Mensoifso it's why it is so broken :-)18:45
MohammadAGthe egine is open i think18:49
Lava_Croftcal is very advanced you know18:50
Lava_Croftthats why its closed src18:50
MohammadAGare you talking about calendar or CAL?18:50
Lava_Crofti just abbreviate it18:50
MohammadAGalso, it's just a UI for an open engine (again, I think)18:51
MohammadAGwell, CAL stores stuff like IMEI/lock code etc :p18:51
MohammadAGstrings /dev/mtd118:51
Lava_Croftis new ssu up yet?18:51
MohammadAGdon't do anything other than reading from that18:51
MohammadAGyou might cause a brick18:51
MohammadAG(a permanent brick)18:52
MohammadAGsee topic :p18:52
merlin1991MohammadAG, several problems regarding rotation were found, shall I raise bugs for everything I find?18:53
MohammadAGmerlin1991, summarized details?18:53
MohammadAGthe only problems I found were h-d not always rotating18:53
MohammadAGthat occured when kalfa's branch was merged (cc thp)18:53
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Venemoremove kalfa's horseshit then18:54
merlin1991control panel doesn't autorotate but keeps rotation of launcher, ham does the same, when closing an ap in portrait mode status menu will open in portrait even if back on desktop18:54
MohammadAGnow now, don't call it horseshit18:54
merlin1991ctrl shift r is no more18:54
Sc0rpiusCtrl -Shift- R? :(18:54
Sc0rpiusarcean made a patch or something18:55
merlin1991and all that without forcerotation on18:55
MohammadAGmerlin1991, got scratchbox handy?18:55
merlin1991nope I'm at work :D18:55
VenemoMohammadAG: so basically it broke everyting, and then you say it isn't horseshit. then what?18:55
arceani've a patch or broken rotation18:55
MohammadAGand I'm mobile18:55
MohammadAGarcean, hmm?18:55
arceanthere's a link somewhere18:55
arceanlook at the logs18:55
merlin1991arcean, it doesn't fix rotation when running without forcedrotation18:55
MohammadAGno merge request? :(18:56
merlin1991(I tried it)18:56
Sc0rpius<arceanN900_> MohammadAG: patch for broken rotation:
arceannop, i'm on mobile18:56
Sc0rpius<arceanN900_> no, it fixes problem that app does not change it's winow orientation18:56
Sc0rpius<arceanN900_> and Ctrl+Shift+R works agai18:56
arceanmerlin1991: it works form me18:56
arceanmerlin1991: without forcerotation18:56
Sc0rpiusso what exactly is Kalfa's "horsehit" ?18:56
Venemoyou should pull in the desktop press feedback effect from Cordia, it's awesome18:57
merlin1991arcean, when I installed your deb control panel actually went back to only go to landscape18:57
Sc0rpiuswell anyway I gotta go, bbl18:57
merlin1991didn't go to portrait anymore18:57
merlin1991same for ham18:57
arceanhmm, strange18:57
merlin1991and ctrl shift r wasn't back18:57
Sc0rpiuswhen you install the .deb from arcean transition.ini is overwrote18:57
arceankillall hildon-desktop?18:57
merlin1991arcean, ofc18:57
Sc0rpiusso you should check your transitions.ini file again18:58
* Sc0rpius clicks18:58
arceanmerlin1991: it should works18:58
merlin1991arcean, I'll give it another try when I get back home18:58
MohammadAGmerlin1991, try a reboot18:58
MohammadAGkillall messes rotation18:58
MohammadAGmesses up*18:58
Sc0rpiusI see, well now I gotta go for real18:59
merlin1991actually I'll try now18:59
MohammadAGarcean, if your deb was the one in logs, it seems to be working fine here18:59
* merlin1991 installs the deb from the logs19:00
arceanMohammadAG: is Ctrl+Shift+R working for you?19:00
MohammadAGnot for enabling19:01
MohammadAGonly disabling rotation19:01
VenemoMohammadAG: desktop press feedback effect rulz19:02
MohammadAGVenemo, hmm?19:02
merlin1991arcean, with a reboot it works19:02
merlin1991sorry for spreading fud19:02
arceanmerlin1991: np ;)19:02
MohammadAGi wonder why h-d fails to rotate properly after a kill19:02
merlin1991arcean, I suggest you create a bug report and append your patch19:03
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MohammadAGmerge request*19:03
merlin1991or what MohammadAG19:03
MohammadAGmerlin1991, changelog updated? :p19:03
arceanmerlin1991: yes, but i'm on the N90019:03
arceanmerlin1991: so it's a bit problematic19:04
merlin1991is there something we can do about control panel starting in landscape and only to switching to portrait after a few secs?19:06
MohammadAGthat's not control panel19:06
MohammadAGthat's h-d's loading window19:06
MohammadAGthe "window" you're seeing is a screenshot19:06
MohammadAGcontrol panel is actually started when the rotating dial disappears19:07
merlin1991I see :/19:08
merlin1991status menu still needs fixing though19:09
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MohammadAGit's the desktop, not the status menu19:09
MohammadAGthe status menu is the same as it was in the first release19:09
MohammadAG(well, besides the pixmap fix introduced some versions before 9(?))19:09
merlin1991I'm just talking about what I see I don't know the internals :D19:09
Lava_Croftso, let me get this clear19:10
merlin1991actually that part is fixed too, I only failed testing19:10
Lava_Croft20.2010.36-2maemo12 is slightly broken?19:10
merlin1991it works19:10
merlin1991it just has a few issues with autorotation19:11
MohammadAGlol merlin199119:11
merlin1991well any autorotation that worked before still works19:11
Lava_Croftthanks, merlin1991 and also thanks MohammadAG19:11
merlin1991it only introduced a new featuer that has a slight bug19:11
merlin1991and we already have a patch that fixes that one :D19:12
Lava_Croftwill MohammadAG push an update rather sooner or later?19:12
Lava_CroftI might stick with waiting a few days:)19:12
Lava_Croftok, thank you19:12
MohammadAGprobably tonight19:12
Lava_Crofti just had a day from 0345h until 1730h19:12
MohammadAGi'm not home, would've done it now19:12
merlin1991MohammadAG, topic needs an update, where did the release often release soon line ogto19:12
Lava_Croftso i dont care if its tonight or not:)19:13
MohammadAGmerlin1991, no idea :p19:13
merlin1991it's the only important part about cssu19:13
Lava_CroftOne day I read about how the compilation instructions for microb were supposedly lost19:14
Lava_Croftwhich brings me to my next, obvious question19:14
Lava_Croftany concrete stuff planned for microb?19:14
Lava_Croft(like enabling svg?) :>19:14
MohammadAGclosed source19:14
Lava_Croftso one can only hope ffmobile stops sucking?19:15
Lava_Croftwell, thats a bit harsh19:15
Lava_Croftstop being not so good would be more fair19:15
Lava_Crofthey, the ffmobile nightlies are a lot faster than the last beta release19:16
merlin1991MohammadAG, why don't we provide a bg for portait ham?19:16
MohammadAGmerlin1991, shitload of themes19:16
merlin1991doesn't the theming system fallback to a default if there's none defined?19:16
merlin1991I guess I'll just add a bg to the theme I use then19:17
merlin1991also how's Matthiasl on the wiki?19:18
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merlin1991(docs guy has to complain about redundant info on the changelog guy added from him :P)19:20
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povbotBug 11972: Broken auto-rotation20:37
arceanMohammadAG: patch is ready:
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barzamgreat work on the latest update guys, I love the z-axis rotation -- very slick21:03
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MohammadAGarcean, merged22:21
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MensoifI contacted mirakels who made the package of this page to see if we could get this in shape for the CSSU23:00
MohammadAGcool :)23:00
MensoifHe now worked on a new version of this package23:00
MensoifSo what are the next steps?23:01
Mensoifof course we need to test it, but after that :-)23:01
MohammadAGfile a bug report :)23:01
MensoifOk, I will do23:01
Mensoifthe package could coexist with the old one, but for me it does not make much sense.23:04
MensoifIs there a point to keep the old version?23:05
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MohammadAGwhich package is it?23:05
MohammadAGwe've already replaced system packages23:06
MohammadAGosso-applet-display for example23:06
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Mensoifit's obex223:06
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Mensoifsorry obexd223:06
MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# dpkg -l obex223:06
MohammadAGNo packages found matching obex2.23:06
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MohammadAGNokia-N900:~# dpkg -l obexd223:07
MohammadAGNo packages found matching obexd2.23:07
Mensoiftry obex23:08
MohammadAGii  obexd                                0.18-0maemo6+0m5                     OBEX Server23:08
MohammadAGif it doesn't break anything, I have no issues with replacing it23:08
Mensoifthat why they could coexist23:08
Mensoifok, mirakels already tested it, I will test it soon23:09
Mensoifcould we post it here in order to get a wider test audiance23:10
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arceanMensoif: yes, paste a link23:11
Mensoifok, I'll post the link as soon as I get the package. As for now only mirakels has them23:13
Sc0rpiusmaemo12.1 ?23:13
Sc0rpiusthat fixes the Ctrl Shift R?23:13
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Sc0rpiusnice :)23:14
Sc0rpiusI'll get it later23:14
Sc0rpiusthat was a quick fix!23:14
Mensoifthanks for your help23:14
MohammadAGit was annoying, had to fix it quickly :P23:14
MensoifI hope all this will get our n900 to a new level23:14
merlin_1991can't update, battery low :/23:27
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MohammadAGmerlin_1991, just plug in a USB23:28
MohammadAGit checks for battery OR a charger23:28
* merlin_1991 found a non portrait part of ham23:30
merlin_1991the progerssbar when installing23:30
MohammadAGwhen upgrading the OS or installing?23:30
merlin_1991updating os23:30
MohammadAGthat's expected :P23:30
MohammadAGthe dialog isn't parented (that's why you can't access the task switcher button)23:30
MohammadAGso it needs to have the portrait flags set again23:31
Sc0rpiusok Ctrl-Shift-R works23:33
MohammadAGcan you mark the bug as VERIFIED? (bug 11972)23:34
MohammadAGpovbot, bug 1197223:34
Sc0rpiuswhere's your bot23:34
MohammadAGthanks :D23:34
MohammadAGoh, that wasn't you was it?23:34
Sc0rpiusI'm still waiting for the bot to gimme the URL23:35
MohammadAGbug #1197223:35
MohammadAG f it23:35
MohammadAGsigh, had to take a quick way to test a patch23:38
MohammadAGpost a deb23:38
MohammadAGto see if it's the problem23:38
MohammadAGsince I can't reproduce it23:38
Sc0rpiusModest has several things that doesn't work in potrait.  For example, the "Move to folder" dialog, if you select Move folder, then select any folder, then select "Move", the next dialog doesn't work in portrait23:39
Sc0rpiusbut I'm still dealing with the New Message button23:39
povbotMohammadAG: An error has occurred and has been logged. Please contact this bot's administrator for more information.23:39
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barzamabout the forced rotation, is there a way to force non-portrait while the keyboard is open? (like opera does)23:50
PatrickMHello people23:50
MohammadAGbarzam, not sure I get that23:51
MohammadAGPatrickM, hey23:51
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PatrickMHeya MohammadAG23:52
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barzamMohammadAG: I mean, that whenever I pull out the keyboard the phone flip into landscape23:57
MohammadAGthat's expected :p23:57
MohammadAGand that's what happens23:57

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