IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2018-06-27

eLtMosenand after, before polishing:
juicemeamazing difference really!00:04
juicemeso after the chemical, is it enougg to waxi it well to prevent it getting rusty again?00:04
eLtMoseni was really happy. But kind of expected the result. This is how you snatch 3000€ from a car seller who don't know how to restaurate paint :p lool00:05
eLtMosen2009 vitos normally go by 11k€ i paid 8k€ because it looked like shit. :D00:05
juicemehuh, I'd imagine they know all the tricks in the book!00:06
eLtMosenchr chr chr00:06
juicemereally nice savings00:06
eLtMoseni looked for 2 month until i found this gem.00:06
eLtMosenso, yes the bigger spots had to be repainted. i used a simple tiny brush and original paint00:07
eLtMosenthe smaller spots are just coverd by wax which i renew every 6 month. but the spray wax in car wash boxes also is ok to conserve00:08
juicemeusually the places to repaint are in cornes ancrevices, so handpainting is OK; wont show like in the middle of a door :)00:08
eLtMosenalso the spots are really small. and i do not mind little imperfections... i paid few afterall00:09
eLtMoseni just want to conserve it so i can resell better in 4 or 6 years00:09
sicelocongrats. what do you use the car for? business? family? etc.00:10
juicemewon't be a problem if you just regularily care for the waxing00:10
eLtMosenbusiness, but i wanted something for smooth rolling this time. so most transporters fall flat00:11
juicemedo you still have the other van?00:12
eLtMoseni wnet 600 km to munich and back last week. it is really comfortable compared to my wifes audi.00:12
eLtMosenno idea if i could even sell the T3.00:13
juicemeand are you going to fit the new one with all the coldstorage stuff and such?00:13
eLtMoseni got 2FA condensator and 2 batteries already installed and can level up to 240 v so yes, i can just fit any cooling i want :D00:14
eLtMosenconverter can do 1kWatt00:14
eLtMosenWe use mobil cooling containers so we can switch cars with the stuff anyway. Transporters with cooling installed are really impractical.00:15
eLtMosenNow i can fit 8 sits to the fito or leave them out and fill it up with stuff i needed 3 audis before :p00:16
eLtMosen*would have needed00:16
juicemehmm yes your Audi defilitely was not a transporter car...00:17
eLtMosenI worked when it had to. but it was a hassle to strip the seats out and such for work and then install everything back for my wife... now i got dedicated transport space :D luxury.00:18
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eLtMosenThe whole car stuff is also the rreason why i did not accopmplish anything maemo related in the last month...00:19
eLtMosenMy volvo broke down and i had some serious trouble matching dates :/ I hope i get back on track in the next week...00:20
juicemeya, car trouble does take time away... for me there are few things I have been looking into but have not accomplished much yet00:28
juicemethe asteroid connection is one, then fixing the spotify play, and also my favourite local transport application broke because proovider changed API's00:29
juicemeonly to have time for them all :)(00:29
eLtMosenStill i need to get the volvo out... It still occupies space and i do own 4 cars now... Hope i can sell it this week00:29
eLtMosenYeah, the spotify issue seems to be a low haning fruit, or?00:30
juicemein a way; I already checked out the librespot client, seems possible to port to SFOS.00:34
juicemeneed to first have the tools though, it's written in Rust language and this is my first encounter with that. So first I need to port Rust to SFOS :)00:35
juicemethe other way possibly would be to fix the web-API in the CuteSpotify as the libraries seem to be OK still... but that code is also quite convoluted00:37
juicemebut, past my bed-time now.00:37
juicemeso I'll go and try to catsh some zz's00:37
* juiceme says gnite all!00:38
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siceloeLtMosen: gawd that d-tox stuff has made a big differenc16:52
siceloi have a  2003 mazda protege with exactly that kind of rust. i o will see if i can get that chemical in shops around here16:53
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juicemeeLtMosen, am so sorry about Germany dropping for Korea!19:00
eLtMosenhaha, no problem on my side. They play extremely awkward... the koreans had better system and more heart. I actually ruled for them after a while :p20:02
eLtMosenBut thanks for your thoughts20:02
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