IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2018-06-26

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juicemehiya all!23:12
eLtMosenhi Juice!23:14
juicemeeLtMosen, sicelo, :)23:16
juicemeit's that time again I'm pretty much watchig football, am not normally so but the World Champs is special occasion :)23:18
eLtMosenlol, me too :D greetings sicelo23:18
eLtMosensuprisingly strong "underdogs". Really great to see the smaller countries like croatia play. Also belgium is hot.23:21
juicemeyes, there's been lot of excellent things happening on the field23:21
juicemeand some very established countries have made a bit of blunders, too :)23:22
eLtMosenhaha, i heard my whole neighborhood scream krooooos on saturday. What a relief :p23:22
juicemeit's too bad finnish team has always been foorred out before the games begin :(23:23
juicemeyes :)23:23
eLtMosenyes, sad. Also23:24
eLtMosenbut finnland rules icehockey tho23:24
juicemewell not rules perhaps but has a bit better chances at getting to finals :)23:25
juicemebut football is the one everyone in the world is watching23:26
juicemeor almost everyone23:26
eLtMosenbut the murican soccer noobs :p23:26
juicemejust today I came to wonder why the 2 most peopled contries are missing from the games; where's China and India?23:27
juicemeespecially India; since association with british I'd imagine they would have taken to football too. as well as cricket23:28
eLtMosenChina and india need some 5 to 20 years to catch up i guess. the only just started to have national leagues.23:28
* sicelo isn't watching, haha23:29
juicemeyep, it takes a lot of time to grow the culture to form a team year after year... like Icelanders did. I mean the country is size of a postage stamp with population of a few thousand people...23:29
juicemesicelo, well, cos South Africa did not qualify? :p23:30
eLtMosenyes but really good organized. Their stadium is so cool. have you seen pictures?723:30
juicemeyes, kind of out-of-place there!23:30
siceloi am just not a soccer fan :p23:32
juicemeheh, I am not really a "fan" eithre; as I said I dont really follow it at all, only the World Champs.23:33
juicemeso in most years I don't watch any games :)23:33
eLtMosensame for me. But this is more than soccer. Its the biggest world wide event with many nice implications23:34
juicemeMy son constatntly picks me about it, he says I don't really understand a thing about the game. And I cannot remember the statistics or anything23:34
* juiceme only pretends to be a soccer fan every 4 years :)23:35
eLtMosenMy neighbors think i am crazy because instead of watching the whole germany-sweden match on saturday i polished and waxed my shiny new vito until quarter an hour before game end. Followed the game on the radio tho ;)23:36
juicemeradio is also OK, altough seeing the action is a height by itself23:38
juicemelately I have been listening to (internet-) radio lot more than before, since CuteSpotify stopped working.23:39
eLtMosenSometimes radio moderators are muuch better than their tv counterparts. I hope i finish fixing the "new" car soon. it was so frikkin dirty from being used at contructions sites :p23:39
juicemewas it only dirt, not too much scratches in the painwork itself?23:40
eLtMosenonly 9 years old so quite lite "wear"/scratches. But the paint was never looked after and is totally damp and mate. I bought a near rear light which was a litte chipped. Else everyting is techincally perfect.23:43
eLtMosenToday i ordered new wheels
eLtMosenBut it was extremely dirty, like big tar spots all over that where hard to remove and surface rust all over the paint which i removed with a special d-tox solution to solve the rust. No rust left anymore. but it was hard work23:46
juicemethe wheels look nice.23:46
juicemebut won't the paint be chipping/fragile at the rysty spots?23:47
eLtMoseninitally i wanted those
eLtMosenbut i would have to refit the wheeel housings which i did not really want23:48
juicemea bit slimmer design23:48
eLtMosenthe rusty spots are really tiny, like 1/10 mm. you can see the paint is not "cut" through. It is called "flug rost" in german. Like "flight rust" or surface rus which does not go below the paint23:51
juicemeah, so just on top of the paint.23:52
eLtMosenEvery car has those spots but on my "contrustion site vito it was extreme
eLtMosenthe viso is great and shows how the d-tox works.23:52
juicemeyes; also on certain colors the rust is more visible23:54
juicemethe red color running from the car after using the liquid, is that the rusty bits reacting with the chemical?23:58
eLtMosenMine, before:
juicemeyep, dirty :)23:59
eLtMosenMine, during, with indicator color:

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