IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2016-11-02

eekkelundAnd I think he is OMP's Community Manager?00:00
eekkelundOpen Mobile Platform00:00
juicemeah yes, the russian take on Mer, right?00:01
eekkelundRussian take on SFOS :D00:01
juicemewell; "take", "version", "fork" whatever :)00:02
juicemebut yes, OTOH, it's getting late00:03
juicemeanything else on the table?00:03
eekkelundHmm, no. juice agrees that we will give free hands to James and then review it ?:)00:04
juicemethat's fine with me.00:04
eekkelundI have good picture how OMP and Jolla cooperates, I took it from OMPs some slideshow :D00:04
eekkelundI will upload it..00:05
eekkelund:) I could post this to TMO to spark some convo00:09
juicemeso "Sailfish Common Repositories" is tha upstream00:09
juicemeand there's some "secret ingredient" only inherited to OMP also00:10
eekkelundYea :)00:11
Win7Mac2who would want that?00:11
eekkelundOur Russian community members?:)00:11
eekkelundBut good night :)00:13
Win7Mac2thanks + gnite00:13
eekkelundI will send email!00:13
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chem|stdisable captcha - enable all tor - reduce spam : will be funny to read the suggestions on how to do these three at once without a meltdown11:48
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chem|streplaced captcha with questions13:33
chem|stI disable akismet too13:33
chem|stlets see how you like no google services in the end13:33
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