IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-11-01

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juicemeAbout meeting times; We agreed to be based on CET, which means we follow the wall-clock hanging somewhere in middle-of-europe I think.09:58
juicemeso, meeting tonight will be 21:00 CET, which is same as 22:00 EET (finland) and 07:00 AEDT (Sydney)10:01
grythis is 11 hours after now?11:03
gryjuiceme, ^^11:03
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eekkelundgry, it is 6.5h from this moment :)15:29
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Win7Macerrr... last I remember, meeting time was 20:30, since when its 21:00?20:56
eekkelundWin7Mac, yea I thought so but I was confused by juiceme :D21:31
Win7Macme too21:32
Win7Mac* Topic for #maemo-meeting is: Next Council meeting next Tuesday 21:00CET/CEST | livelog at
Win7Mac* Topic for #maemo-meeting set by juiceme!~juice@Maemo/community/council/juiceme (Sat Oct 17 14:09:34 2015)21:33
Win7Macdude changes time secretly... ;)21:34
eekkelund:D haha21:35
Win7Maceekke, R U satisfied how CC evolves?21:37
Win7Macand what do think about
Win7Mac*do you think21:40
eekkelundI think I am:) What bout you? Oh I have missed that one21:45
Win7MacI thought maybe we should make some more noise21:46
eekkelundhmm how I see it, is that the beginner category is for those who havent published any app for these platforms. Because I think it could lower the bar and beginners wouldnt be so scared?:D21:47
eekkelundYES, we need mor noise!21:47
eekkelundWhich leads us our first(I hope) topic today:21:47
eekkelundJames asked that21:47
eekkelundHey Eetu!21:48
eekkelundI would want to do a social media "push" for TMO coding competition. Do you have a preferred wording for it? :)21:48
Win7Macgreat! :)21:48
eekkelundSo we should think something21:48
eekkelundI am not that creative/good in sales21:48
Win7MacI also do think marmistrz is no beginner21:48
Win7Macre marketing: let him do the wording and let him send it to us for review21:50
Win7Macno PR experts in council I guess...21:51
eekkelundI said to him that we will discuss about it today in meeting and I will report tomorrow :)21:51
Win7Macyou may also want to include chem|st in the convo21:51
eekkelundyes :)21:52
Win7Mache sourced to Jolla C21:52
eekkelundchem|st ping21:52
Win7Macas donation for pricepool21:52
eekkelundYea :)21:52
Win7Mache's in contact with him too21:52
eekkelundI know :)21:53
eekkelundDo you have any improvements suggestions towards cc?:)22:02
Win7Machmmm... 1st of all, Im no coder :(22:03
eekkelundYet* ;)22:03
eekkelundYou would fit perfectly to Beginners category :)22:04
Win7Maconly thing i ever scripted is my N9 LPM settings22:05
Win7Macwith the help of others ofc...22:06
eekkelundNever too late22:06
eekkelundYou can develop some script :D22:06
Win7Macanyway, where's the other dudes?22:08
Win7Macjust sent a reminder22:09
eekkelundnice thanks :)22:09
Win7MacI would like to discuss google captcha22:09
eekkelundYea, pavi approached me in Telegram I told him he should make thread to TMO :)22:10
Win7Macor the possibility to use opensource alternative22:10
Win7Macthere already is:22:10
eekkelundBefore that there were:22:11
eekkelundCouple days before that22:11
Win7Macfrom wht i've googled, there are opensource alternatives22:12
Win7Macbut we need to check back with techstaff + chem|st22:13
eekkelundOr better to use some "What is blaa blaa"?22:14
Win7Macyea, even other alternatives22:14
Win7Macjuice, hi!22:14
juicemeokay, first some current info, there's been a few more donations tallying up to 376,75 euros now22:18
Win7Macstill not that much...22:18
juicemewell, give it time :)22:19
eekkelundWoo, it is something !:)22:19
juicemeand it almost covers the devices already purchased by the community as prizes22:20
Win7Macsure it's ok so far22:20
Win7Macand 4 SFOS devices so far22:22
juicemeabout the captcha; something is needed but we all pretty much agree it should not be *google* captcha if possible to avoid that.22:22
juicemehow does it technically work; what data does it actually leak to google?22:23
Win7Macwho can tell?22:23
Win7MacI mean, who knows?22:25
Win7Macprobably everything they can gather22:26
juicememmh, so basically when a site uses it embedded in a page it will slurp in all it can about the user, makes sense. I doubt it can get the actual username and email address but sure it will cookie up so it knows when the same user does captcha again, and maybe when uses other google services?22:28
Win7Maci really have no clue, but i consider google more or less evil22:31
Win7Machuh, that link is from 2009/09/22...22:34
juicemewell, some things age well :)22:35
juicemebut yes, if we can host the captcha on TMO servers, then it'd be much more secure22:35
Win7Macreputation is king i guess22:35
juicemelots of captchas on that page :)22:37
Win7Macand maybe, just maybe, we can get that as requirement for links in 1st post for new users or something?22:37
eekkelundDo we need captcha, could it be just some question like "What was the first public Harmattan device?"22:38
juicemethat too22:38
juicemecould reall ybe better than captcha, proves that the person really has interest22:38
Win7Macprobably also for Tor users instead of simply blocking TOR exit nodes?22:39
juicemeI guess we cannot get rid of the blacklists whatever happens, and that means also some Tor exit nodes are blocked22:40
Win7Maclike all IPs from blacklisted TOR exits ONLY get prompted with such kind of approval?22:40
juicemesince it is pretty automatic you will end up on blacklists if you run Tor exit node, happened to me too22:40
juicemewell you cannot know whether a blacklisted IP is a Tor exit point22:41
juicememany are, but many are not22:41
Win7Macsare you sure?22:41
juicemeit's a kind of misconception; "TMO is blocking Tor" when that is not true, TMO is blocking blacklisted IP's22:42
Win7MacI grasped that!22:42
juicemeand many Tor exit points get on blacklists22:42
juicemethat is true22:42
Win7Macarent' they "categorized"22:43
juicemeI think not22:44
juicemefor tht reason I was advocating the way, to create a hidden service address (talk.maemo.onion) and route that from Tor to TMO.22:47
Win7Macthen let's do it22:47
juicemeI'll have to study it a bit, if it is possible to do without having a Tor node inside our firewalls. (that sure would drive admins nuts!)22:48
juicemebut I guess I could probably run it as a vpn tunnel from my network22:49
juicemeif done carefully it should be fairly safe22:49
Win7Macwhatever suits best, let's make this an official point and readress techstaff + chem|st AGAIN22:50
Win7Maceekkelund, you still here?22:50
juicemewe'll put that as an action point in the minutes, assign to me.22:51
Win7Macseems so22:56
Win7Maclet's vote to take immediate action and re-adress techstaff + chem|st regarding:22:57
Win7Mac- TOR issue22:58
Win7Mac- CAPTCHA alternative/other verification22:58
Win7Macand yeah, spam issue isn't really satisfying22:59
juicemeI vote yes for both solving Tor issue and moving away from google captcha23:00
Win7MacI suggest juice to contact them23:00
Win7Macand ideally, present alt. solutions23:00
eekkelundI vote yes for both, prefer not captcha but some question(s)23:01
eekkelundI go little bit back in time if this is solved?:)23:03
Win7Macjuiceme, please engage. Anything we can help with that?23:03
eekkelundI came back from the past :D Will go again after this topic :)23:04
juicemehmm, I'll ponder about the .onion thing23:04
juicemereplacing the captcha with a questionnaire should be doable easily23:04
Win7Macwould be lovely23:04
juicemeeekkelund, u time-travelling-now?23:05
eekkelundThere could be different questions like "What is Jolla's operating system?" And that harmattan question etc. etc. Nopt same everytime?23:06
juicemeexactly, a whole bank of maemo-related questions should be no trouble to assemble.23:07
eekkelundOkay so do you have any preferred wording for James. He is going to give little 'push' for it :)23:07
juicemeah, that one.23:07
juicemewhat kind of words he needs?23:07
eekkelundI promised to report what we will manage to think23:07
eekkelundhe said:23:08
juicemeyou have the same topic as in our Community Section also on TJC, so maybe suggest he looks that over and writes something?23:08
eekkelundsomething like a change to win JollaC in Maemo CC...23:09
eekkelundthere will be two differnet kind of versions23:09
eekkelundone less than140 chars and other longer :)23:09
Win7MacI believe he will do fine, let him write something and ideally, let us look over it before going public23:13
eekkelundOkay :) What juiceme thinks?23:14
Win7Macthough, he for sure will highlight the Jolla side, not the maemo part23:14
eekkelundYea true23:15
Win7Macand that's where we're lacking prices so far23:15
Win7MacN9 too23:15
eekkelundn9 and some smartwatch !:)23:17
Win7Mactwatches? ;)23:17
eekkelundWll asteroidos is one platform and is highlighted in wiki..:)23:18
juicemesmartwatches would be nice, as for example I wouldn't go and buy me one of those :)23:18
Win7MacI would wear anything like that23:19
eekkelundkido said that LG G would be the best if one wants nicest asteroid os experience :)23:19
juicemeI'd love to get one of these;
juicemesince I absolutely hate charging da beasties23:22
juicemesure they are not as powerful as the "normal" smartwatches but I don't need to watch video or take calls with the watch :)23:24
eekkelundwho makes decissions to buy devices? Do we even have money to buy N9s and smartwatch?23:26
Win7MacMC eV board (chem|st, juiceme + me)23:27
juicemedepends on the amount donated. And how much to use from existing funds23:27
eekkelundOkay so you guys know my wish :)23:27
eekkelundwe have to also decide how we are going to split prizes :D23:28
eekkelundbut maybe that is too soon still23:28
Win7Macwell, wishes are for free...23:28
eekkelundhaha :D23:28
Win7Macsmartwatches, really?23:28
juicemeyes, how about something along this idea; the first ones in every category pick what they want, then the next ones and so on, as long as prizes are available?23:29
juicemeIn ideal case there'd be same number of contestants and prizes :) :)23:29
Win7Macmaybe we should add smartwatch category?23:30
eekkelundWin7Mac asteroid os! :( It is big thing ( for me atleast :D)23:30
juicemeas a programming category?23:30
eekkelundAsteroidOS is mer-based23:30
Win7Maci was kidding23:30
juicemewell, you *could* make apps for smartwatches, and if asteroid is mer-based it kind of quoalifies...23:31
juicemeso maybe somebody will write a beginner-application for AsteroisOS23:32
juicemetwat-apps :9 :)23:33
Win7Machaha, exactly!23:33
eekkelundthere is already one wish at wishlist: AsteroidOS client for SFOS23:33
eekkelundofc it qualifies? :(23:34
Win7Macall fine to me23:34
* juiceme congratulates self for just winning 3rd place in this months photo competition :)23:35
juicemenot bad :)23:36
Win7Macthough I can't understand this result23:41
Win7Macfrom a DP's POV, there's been much better pics23:41
juicemewell this is vote by majority, people value different things23:42
Win7Macthe low field of view is remarkeble23:42
Win7Macäääh depth of field23:43
juicemeDOF, yes23:43
Win7MacI really liked the Nature motivs23:44
juicememacro shots always are nice playfield for controlled DOF. and even as phone cameras usually have really hadr time getting narrow DOF in these cases it is good23:45
Win7Maclike 1, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14,17,1823:45
juicemethere's many good nature pics yes23:45
juicemewhat's remarkable I think, technically the most pleasing pictures were made with N9.23:46
Win7Macyou def. win in shallow DOF!23:46
juicemewhich really rocks, IMHO :)23:46
Win7MacI had my try here:23:47
juicemeI kind of guess the winning shot did get some points just by being done with 80823:47
juicemesorry, no, that was not the winner!23:48
juicemeit ended in the 2nd place23:49
Win7Macfinally found it:
juiceme1st place was also N9 :)23:49
juicemeWin7Mac, really painting-like photo!23:50
juicemethe flower reaches towards light23:50
Win7MacI modded the lens...23:51
Win7Macbut with N9!23:51
juicemeyou got really nice flare in the picture!23:51
Win7Macand no photoshop23:51
juicemeand yes, N9 really really rocks in the camera department23:52
Win7Macyeah, that comes from the cheap plastic lens23:52
juicemelomography :)23:52
Win7MacDOF was milimeters, 1 out of 5 pics was sharp...23:53
juicemecheapo-single-element lenses give so aetheral-looking results23:53
eekkelundSorry I didn't contribute to picture discussion:( But I did this while you were discussing23:53
juicemejust proves that in photography the quoality of tools does not ictate the end result, it is ow you use your tools23:53
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juicemeeekkelund, good, some visibility in the russion community too!23:54
Win7Mac2oops, I missed eekelunds post?23:55
Win7Mac2got disconnected23:56
eekkelundMy gf translated it :D and btw helped with typos in english version :)23:56
eekkelund23:53 < eekkelund> Sorry I didn't contribute to picture discussion:( But I did this while you were  discussing23:56
eekkelund23:53 < eekkelund>
eekkelundSo my gf have done also her part of this competition to happen :DD23:56
juicemeeekkelund, excellent23:57
Win7Mac2whow, who runs that place?23:57
eekkelundI think Kirill23:57
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eekkelundKirill Chuvilin23:57
juicemewhy is it .su and not .ru ?23:57
Win7Mac2he mistyped... ;)23:58
juicemethat'd be mistype really, in domain registering!23:59
eekkelundYea he is founder which seems to be mother site of forum23:59
juicemethough I can see that also happening, when in hurry23:59

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