IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2016-06-29

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juicemeand again I missed the meeting. Washing machine broke down and while I was diassembling it I completely forgot about time and such things.08:26
juicemethe revolving laundry-thing chamber (whatever it is called in english, drum?) stalled and I just had to open it to see if it was just the drive belt broken or maybe something more expensive...08:28
juicemeturns out the belt is OK but the motor brushes are worn down and need to be replaced.08:28
juicemeif possible, that is... It used to be that wearing-out parts like that can be replaced easily, and graphite brushes cost maybe 5eur/pair max, however nowdays you usually have to replace the whole damn motor which might come up to 500eur or so, more than a ner washing machine!08:30
juicemeIf I cannot get new brushes, maybe it's hacking time; I have once repaired a car alternator by getting brushes that were the closest match I could find and filing them down to the correct size and shape :)08:32
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