IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2016-06-28

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eekkelundGood evening :)21:34
reinobHi there21:34
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reinobhey pichlo21:46
pichloHello everybody21:47
eekkelundHello :)21:47
pichloSorry I'm late. No skating today which means I am at home and have even less time than usual ;)21:48
pichloMy presence today may be a bit sporadic.21:48
pichloMy apoligies.21:49
eekkelundWe haven't started yet :)21:49
pichloThe only thing I can report is that have received a deafening silence from techstaff in response to my feasibility query.21:52
pichloI wanted to rrprt it last week but there was nobody here ;)21:53
eekkelundYou sent an email?21:54
eekkelundWe were having afterparty just when you left last week;)21:54
pichloI did, 14th June21:55
pichlo11:50, to be precise21:56
pichloAs far as I understand, rainob also contacted them on IRC21:57
reinoba couple of meetings ago chem|st joined21:57
pichloAny response?21:58
reinobAFAIK they are working on getting a wildcard certificate21:59
reinobI proposed letsencrypt but apparently they can get it also for free from another authority21:59
reinobI wanted to ask about links (e.g. in midgard database, etc.) which may be hardcoded to http, but we could just redirect http to https globally, so it wouldn't matter if the link has http or https22:01
reinobwait. I'll see if I can find the log. 2 weeks ago I believe22:01
reinobright, 23:0722:04
reinobchem|st "23:1022:05
reinobchem|st "https everywhere... we are in the process to get NPOed, maybe globalsign will then hand us a wildcard cert for free, we will see, I am a CaCert assurer, maybe we should go the open source way and make use of CaCert instead?"22:05
pichloGood. Exactly what I suggested ;)22:07
reinobI assume that when NPO status is achieved we will then get the wildcard certificate (how many subdomains do we have anyway?), then it needs to be set-up (vhosts, etc.) and then we just need the redirect rule http->https22:09
reinobin the same move it would be nice if the e-mail system was updated. I don't have any details about it but there's no reason why it should not try to use TLS when doing 25<->25.22:10
reinobre. tor: chem|st it's both the firewall and the web server22:11
reinobthe related firewall rules could/should be deleted22:11
reinobat the web server, if possible, the read-only/read-write rules could be implemented. supposedly there's already something there, so it would just need to be extended22:12
pichloRO would be useful for Tor22:29
reinobeven though I don't use tor I would prefer full access.22:32
reinobbut OK22:32
eekkelundRO +122:35
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reinobI'll be back in a while22:49
pichloHi peterleinchen!22:58
pichloSorry guys, I'll have to make my #brexit now. Putting the kids to bed.23:17
pichloBye for now!23:18
eekkelundOkay bye!:)23:18
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eekkelundI will also go to sleep.. :)23:33
peterleinchenhi guys, seems I was late again23:42
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