IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2016-06-15

*** pichlo has quit IRC00:57
*** xes has quit IRC01:08
*** Pali has quit IRC01:25
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC02:20
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting05:43
*** povbot has joined #maemo-meeting06:42
juicemetotally missed the meeting yesterday...07:33
*** jskarvad has joined #maemo-meeting09:24
*** jskarvad has joined #maemo-meeting09:24
OksanaWhat about making support https aka ssl? As far as I see, is all http currently?09:58
chem|stOksana: it is not all http and yes should be possible10:33
*** Oksana has quit IRC10:39
*** jskarvad has quit IRC10:53
*** jskarvad has joined #maemo-meeting11:17
*** jskarvad has quit IRC18:06
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*** Pali has joined #maemo-meeting20:26
*** jskarvad has joined #maemo-meeting20:58
*** jskarvad has joined #maemo-meeting20:58
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting21:42
*** jskarvad has quit IRC23:41

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