IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2015-08-19

juicemeyou are talking about the editable fields, right?00:00
pmgcwhew...had some wonkiness goin' down on with my keyboard far as competent web-work goes ..I'm a muddler at best..muddling through anyway...Now if you need someone to carve, paint or illustrate it :D...then I'm your guy..:D00:02
juicemewell, not totally unrelated skills though00:03
juicemeartistic i mean00:03
pmgcwebsite work I have done ..but ...I'm sure a totally blind vole has better finesse there than aren't voles completely blind anyway?00:05
juicemei suppose so :)00:05
chem|stvoles? are mice and not blind00:10
chem|stmoles aren't blind either iirc00:11
juicemethere's a species of rats that are blind I think...00:12
juicemevoles vs moles knowledge of the vole is very little [i should read up on them since i do renderings of many types of animals] then...the vole not being blind ...most certainly does not having the eyes of a hawk [most certainly] I will say that my analogy is sound :D00:15
juicemeI think I'll go and close my eyes for the while too...00:19
pmgcgnite ...I'm here carvin' on a huge 4' circular piece for gingerbread  work on the house I'm up for quite a's only 2:20pm I'll stay on and look at my big monitor now and again for a few more hours and respond when I can...if any want a response from me that is :D00:23
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pmgcyeah..4-ish now ...figure it's everybody's bedtime other than mine now :D time to change channels...gnite all.01:57
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