IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Tuesday, 2015-02-03

*** freemangordon has quit IRC09:40
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warfaremh, domains are still in transit.10:41
*** chfoo has joined #maemo-meeting19:38
*** xes has joined #maemo-meeting20:51
*** peterleinchen has joined #maemo-meeting22:59
peterleinchenhey to all23:01
juicemehi peterleinchen!23:01
juicemehi all23:01
*** pichlo has joined #maemo-meeting23:02
juicemepichlo, evening!23:02
pichlohi :)23:02
pichloHow goes?23:02
juicemepichlo, just compiling exfat module for SFOS :)23:02
peterleinchenpichlo, hi23:03
peterleinchenjuiceme, nice :D23:03
pichloI finally made it, on a real PC this time!23:03
pichloYou? exFAT? What for? :)23:03
peterleinchenuh, a real PC. what is that?23:03
juicemepeterleinchen, only for demonstration purposes, just like with exfat on N9, I do not use it myself23:03
juicemepichlo, for people who want it.23:04
peterleinchenjuiceme, samsung sources?23:04
juicemeand because I can :)23:04
pichloYou know, a thing with a big rectangular shiny thing and a bit smaller black thing with a lot of buttons on it23:04
juicemeyes, the samsung version23:04
peterleinchenshould have no license issue, then. right?23:05
juicemesame thing that was used on N9 kernel-plus project23:05
pichloGuys, please excuse my noobness (noobism? noobicity?), but how exactly does this thing work?23:06
juicemeI'd guess the license-issue depends on where you are... In finland you canot enforce SW patents if you are using/distributing for non-commercial purposes23:06
juicemepichlo, the "irc thing" ?23:06
pichloThat's the one23:06
juicemewhat client are you using23:07
pichloI see a list of 18 names on the right, are they all logged in?23:07
juicemeI can see your messagesjust fine23:07
juicemeyes, they are on this channel, but not necessarily "here"23:07
juicemecould be just logging for future reference23:08
juicemekinda hanging out23:08
pichloSo how does one know who *is* here?23:08
juicemeno way really, until one speaks up23:08
* juiceme jumps up: *it builds clean*23:09
juicemenow to test it23:09
pichloAlso, your names come out sometimes red and clickable and sometimes black. Why?23:09
pichloActually, they are clickable even when black23:10
juicemepichlo, does my name became red now?23:10
peterleinchenjuiceme, fine. it is only module?23:10
pichloOh, congratulations!23:10
pichlojuiceme, yes!23:10
peterleinchenpichlo, put the name in front23:10
peterleinchenor not23:11
juicemeyes, I want to buid a module for current kernel, so no need to update kernel. That makes it a bit tricky...23:11
juicemepichlo, when I call you by name23:11
juicemethen my name goes red so you notice I am talking to you23:11
juicemeI am using console client, and in my screen when I am called, it comes out in bold yellow type23:12
pichloHaha, Firefox asks me to allow Adobe Flash on this website23:12
pichloLittle does it know that I have no Flash :)23:13
juicemeodd, should not require that23:13
peterleinchennever seen flash needed, too23:13
peterleinchenacademic quarter hour gone. what's up?23:15
pichloIs this how council meetings usually are?23:15
pichloQuiet? :)23:15
juicemeokay, now fingers crossed... I've got exfat_fs.ko & exfat_core.ko, going to load 'em up in my jolla and see if there's steam coming up from the seams of the device !23:15
peterleinchenwarfare left a message today domain transfer is still in transit23:15
juicemepichlo, depend23:16
juicemefairly often people come in a bit late23:16
pichloAh. And I rushed the kids to bed to make it in time...23:16
peterleinchenpichlo, see
juicemewarfare's our admin. or one of them23:16
pichloQuite frankly, I would not mind going to bed myself :)23:17
peterleinchenjuiceme, me too today ;)23:17
juicemeusually I have to leave around 0:00'ish localtime23:17
pichloFinland is UTC+1 or 2?23:18
juicemebut current council is from very diferent timezones23:18
juicemeOksana's from australia23:18
juicemeand MT & gerbick are from USA23:18
peterleinchenjuiceme, do you have SDxC card to test?23:19
* peterleinchen from Germany utc+123:19
juicemeI have one 32G card, in the device. currentlu formatted as brtfs23:19
* warfare waves.23:19
juicemewarfare, evening :)23:19
pichloFound my answer. Helsinki is UTC+2.23:19
peterleinchenwarfare, hi23:19
warfareDomains ( and are still in transit, is in "Transfer Pending"23:20
peterleinchenso anything newer?23:20
*** MentalistTraceur has joined #maemo-meeting23:20
MentalistTraceurHello all, apologies for the lateness.23:20
pichloEh? I thought they were transferred years ago.23:20
pichloHello, MT23:21
juicemeit is still 7 days until the time when the domains have to be paid or squatters will take them. Do we have time enough?23:21
juicemeMentalistTraceur, hiya!23:21
warfarepeterleinchen: yes. Nokia apparently wanted to get rid of that too and before it goes to squatters, we'll take it.23:21
juicemepichlo, so did I23:21
peterleinchenwarfare, ah okay! :)23:21
MentalistTraceurpichlo: If you mean the domains, they weren't. Back when I was last on Council, Nokia still hadn't handed those over.23:21
MentalistTraceurAt least, not to us.23:21
warfarejuiceme: the domain is in "Domain Status: pendingTransfer" so it should be transferred soonish.23:21
MentalistTraceurI don't recall who held onto them.23:21
juicemepichlo, do "whois" on console23:21
peterleinchendo we need to discuss the TM thing?23:22
juicemewarfare, when the transfer is through the administrative contact can pay the upkeep, not before...23:22
peterleinchenOr accept Win7Mac's proposal23:22
juicemepeterleinchen, which proposal?23:23
peterleinchenbut I guess it is up to board to decide?23:23
peterleinchenonly pay for renewal of trademark for EUROPE23:23
juicemeah yes, that is a possibility23:24
peterleinchenor also other parts of world Hmore money)23:24
juicemesince the TM's expire in different rate anyway, wasn't that so?23:24
peterleinchenI would like to get Europe/America23:24
pichloThat seems to make sense to me too23:25
pichloHow about Asia?23:25
peterleinchenbut America is three times higher than Europe23:25
pichloTo avoid the next Maemotab :)23:25
peterleinchenpichlo, :)23:25
pichloHow much money are we talking about?23:26
peterleinchenI spammed about that meegotab and never ever got an answer23:26
peterleinchenI even faked them an donation mail and no answer :(23:26
peterleinchenso nobody cares23:27
pichloI meant to for ages but the only time I get to a real PC (not a phone) is at work23:27
peterleinchenand I guess we do not have nough money to cover world wide Trademark23:27
pichloSo it is an item number about 3548 on my todo list23:28
pichloSo, how much? Just roughly.23:28
juicemepeterleinchen, based on your experience with linuxfoundation I am afraid just holding a TM does not prevent these things from happening :(23:28
peterleinchenjuiceme, yep. so maybe just europe for having something (at least)?23:29
pichloThe LF thing is not about TM. It is about LF not giving a $^&&... <carrier lost>23:29
juicemeto enforce a TM it needs lawyes too. and a will to *do* it23:29
peterleinchenso European TM will not help us at all. or?23:30
* warfare wanders off to bed. Good night everyone.23:30
peterleinchenwarfare, gnite23:31
pichlogutte nacht23:31
MentalistTraceurYeah, but sometimes just being able to point to a trademark registration is sufficient.23:31
juicemewarfare, gnite23:32
* juiceme *yippee* no smoke yet23:32
juiceme[root@Jolla ~]# lsmod23:32
juicemeModule                  Size  Used by23:32
juicemeexfat_fs               18682  023:32
juicemeexfat_core             79506  1 exfat_fs23:32
juicemewlan                 2592646  023:32
peterleinchenMentalistTraceur, yeah but which asian cares about european TM???23:32
juicemecfg80211              144917  1 wlan23:32
juiceme[root@Jolla ~]#23:32
MentalistTraceurpeterleinchen: Oh, I completely agree, that won't help at all.23:33 those cases.23:33
pichloOr any other TM for that matter?23:33
juicemeasia will be problematic imgo23:33
peterleinchenbut I also agree to your former statement23:33
MentalistTraceurI just said that as a foil to the general "need lawyer to enforce" statement above.23:34
juicemei'd say in europe TM's are fairly wel recognzed. and we do not have a tradition to fight in courts over them23:34
pichloThey are also recognized in Merca.23:34
pichloThey have a fighting tradition but Meego is an established TM.23:35
pichloHard to argue someone else's priority.23:35
* Oksana is here23:35
pichloI mean Maemo23:35
peterleinchenoksana, good morning23:36
pichloMeego too, but that did not help them :)23:36
pichloHow do you people do that?23:36
pichlo* Oksana is here23:36
pichlo * warfare wanders off to bed. Good night everyone.23:36
pichlo* juiceme *yippee* no smoke yet23:37
juicemepeterleinchen, now how to test that it really works, I need to either port mkfs.exfat to SFOS or take out my SDcard...23:37
juicemeOksana, hi!23:37
*** Win7Mac has joined #maemo-meeting23:37
peterleinchenwin7mac, hi23:38
Win7MacHere's all the TM links I found:23:38
juicemepichlo, there are special commands, like when I write "/me *yippee*" it will priont out "juiceme *yippee*"23:38
juicemeWin7Mac, welcome!23:38
pichloIC. Hello Oksana and Win7Mac!23:38
Win7Mac^^ search for "maemo" there23:40
juicemeWin7Mac, that sure is german, I need to translate :)23:40
Win7MacEN version23:40
peterleinchenwin7mac, we were just in discussion which parts of world to register TM at all ...23:41
peterleinchenwin7mac, yes, thank you23:41
Win7Macand as mentioned in my email, please look at
OksanaWho can make a complete list of Maemo trademarks: already belonging to Hildon Foundation, and not yet belonging to HIldon Foundation; for the former, date of expiry, and cost of renewal; for the latter, cost of registration (in the light of Nokia's wish to transfer it to Hildon Foundation)? And maybe, put the info onto Wiki?23:42
* Oksana is checking email23:42
Win7MacOksana, I just pasted ALL I've found23:42
Win7MacAnd costwise we can't cover the whole world23:43
Win7MacUS is ~1.000§23:43
peterleinchenyes, and what for?23:43
Win7Macfor asia it also depends on the area23:44
peterleinchenso protecting us to see a maemotab???23:44
peterleinchenWin7Mac, do you have a number for Asia (part)?23:44
Win7MacFor Germany it'd be ~300 Euro and gives at least some protection EU-wide23:44
pichloI suspect Asia would be wasted money anyway23:45
peterleinchenEurope, and that is minimum protection I like to see23:45
Win7Macpeterleinchen, no, sorry. But if I remember correct that'd be another ~1.000$ or so23:45
peterleinchenokay, too much in my eyes :(23:46
juicemethat sure is a lot of cash, to be able to pay for those we'd need a lot of donations23:46
* Oksana cannot see any new email.23:46
peterleinchenif we had more time, we could ask community ...23:46
pichloOksana, Win7Mac pasted theliks *here* :)23:47
Win7MacOksana, from 30-01-201523:47
Win7Mactopic "Re: Progress report?"23:47
peterleinchenWin7Mac, but there were not all above links. would you be so kind to send oce more?23:48
OksanaThank you! I see it.23:48
Win7Macpeterleinchen, if I don't even get a single answer...23:49
peterleinchenDecision about renewal is on board side of HiFo (so YOU ;))23:49
juicemepeterleinchen is right, it is HiFo decision23:49
OksanaA single answer: renew the trademarks HiFo already has23:49
peterleinchenwin7mac, wanted to wait for CC meeting23:50
peterleinchento discuss it online23:50
MentalistTraceurHow long do we have to renew (for the USA one), and how long will it last for?23:50
juicemeOksana, I think all the TM's still are registered to Nokia, only when they are paid up they will be transferred to HiFo23:51
juicemeI think it will be for 10 years23:51
peterleinchenand iirc we nedd to process this month23:51
OksanaSo, we should process it. Does HiFo have enough funds to do it?23:53
pichlopeterleinchen, regarding your suggestion to "ask the community"...23:53
peterleinchenoksana,thx :)23:54
*** Guest10 has joined #maemo-meeting23:54
MentalistTraceurHow much does HiFo have right now, funds-wise, and how much other expenses are there, do you know?23:54
*** Guest10 is now known as gerbick23:54
juicememmm, yes, we could make a referendum about it23:54
pichlo...and following the recent (and still ongoing) fruitless discussions about Jolla and exFAT...23:54
juicemegerbick, hi!23:54
gerbickSorry guys, couldn't get out of an important meeting onsite23:54 you think it would yield any useful answer? ;)23:54
juicemepichlo, sure, there's going to be a *lot* of answers :)23:55
pichlowith the stress on USEFUL! :)23:55
MentalistTraceurjuiceme: I think the issue with referendum is that even if we referendum, we still must have the money to make it happen.23:55
peterleinchenthere is some money23:55
peterleinchenbut for sure not enough for world wide23:55
peterleincheneurope is 30023:56
peterleinchenamerica is 100023:56
pichloI am happy to donate23:56
peterleinchenpart of asia another 100023:56
OksanaWorld-wide is not urgent, right? Can wait for referendum, donation drive and such?23:56
pichloEurope? I thought only DE was 30023:56
peterleinchenpichlo, right sorry23:56
pichloHow much is EU-wide?23:56
MentalistTraceurYeah but DE covers Eurozone or something like that. Remember, they're all partnered. Right? Anyway, I know we can cover Europe, I'm wondering if there's enough money to get the DE one.23:57
juicemewas it 1keur23:57
MentalistTraceurs/DE one/DE AND US one/23:57
gerbickThis discussion is in regards to the trademarks, the cost(s) of updating them in the various places, right? What did HiFo have this registered and why did this slip through the cracks?23:57
pichloSo EU+US = 1k€ + 1k$23:57
peterleinchenmentalisttraceur, our cashier has to speak ... :)23:57
MentalistTraceurpeterleinchen: Alright, fair enough.23:58 and both show 7th of February as expiry date, and ROSCHIER as representative. So, both Eu and De need to be renewed?23:58
pichloIANAL but I would think that EU covers DE23:59
juicemeOksana, yes. However, I understood it is not something that just goes away if you do not pay it immediately (as opposed to domain registration)23:59
gerbickThere's a grace period?23:59
juicemeor at least chemist said something close to that23:59
peterleinchenend of february, iirc23:59

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