IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Thursday, 2015-01-08

RzROksana, ?00:21
OksanaGood morning :-)00:21
Oksana:-) Did you hear about wooden capacitors?
RzROksana, it does relate to ?00:34
RzRdoesnt it ?00:34
OksanaA tiny bit. As in, wood and wax are easier to return to nature than plastic wrap.00:36
OksanaViva la resistance: it's not electronically functional, is it?00:37
RzRit's extraterestrial technology00:37
Oksana:-) The main question remaining in my head is: what part of audio circuit should the capacitor go to, to improve the sound the way it's promised to improve it? As in, which capacitor I should try to mod?00:39
RzR :)00:45
RzRnot the right place00:45
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OksanaOk. gerbick, juiceme, MentalistTraceur, peterleinchen: can anybody see "floating menu bar" on the top of the page? I cannot.  And, on a tangent: do you see this logo, or a different one?
OksanaShould I write to techstaff with this question?07:00
OksanaOk, writing to techstaff...07:11
chem|stOksana: yes, techstaff is the point of contact, thought juiceme would ask for it anyway.10:52
juicemeor actually it's midday already12:02
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OksanaThank you! The access rights in Midgard are good now.23:56

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