IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2014-11-12

sixwheeledbeastAs you can probably tell I am having intermittant DSL issues lately (normally happens in winter) so I having spoke to xes since.00:00
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sixwheeledbeastwait, neo900 not part of the maemo community? So why is there a forum on tmo for it!15:37
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Sicelosix ... i think community would want Neo on tmo15:59
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chem|stsixwheeledbeast: where does that come from?16:41
sixwheeledbeastthe log.16:43
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: strictly speaking... maybe it is not. however, having Neo900 banner is way more sane than a link to wiki page with some cryptic names (like fptf :) ) IMO18:54
sixwheeledbeastfreemangordon: agreed, but still you can't have it both ways IMO18:58
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