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juiceme | hi all! \o/ | 22:03 |
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peterleinchen_ | hellooo/ | 22:05 |
juiceme | peterleinchen_, hiya! | 22:07 |
juiceme | how's the winter coming on down there? :) | 22:08 |
peterleinchen_ | not yet! | 22:08 |
peterleinchen_ | was a wonderful sunny weekend | 22:08 |
peterleinchen_ | just getting a bit colder ... | 22:09 |
juiceme | heh, we had just a little snow, just enough for me to change winter tyres to car, and then it melted away again... | 22:09 |
peterleinchen_ | snow? how does it look like? ;) | 22:10 |
juiceme | well it's kind of dirtyish brown, usually this time of year :) :) | 22:12 |
peterleinchen_ | do you know about RzR? or anybody else here? | 22:13 |
juiceme | nope, not heard from him | 22:13 |
juiceme | nothing much going on here either afaik | 22:14 |
peterleinchen_ | what about win7mac and chemist? | 22:15 |
peterleinchen_ | any news regarding e.V.? | 22:15 |
juiceme | haven't seen them either | 22:15 |
juiceme | none whahatsoever | 22:15 |
juiceme | it has been realy slow | 22:15 |
peterleinchen_ | hmmm | 22:16 |
juiceme | yay | 22:17 |
juiceme | BTW, could not track down any PA people either :( | 22:17 |
peterleinchen_ | :( | 22:18 |
peterleinchen_ | did you contact fmg already? | 22:18 |
peterleinchen_ | or is there some chance, still? | 22:18 |
juiceme | no, did not speak with him | 22:19 |
juiceme | as could not find anybody to help him, that is | 22:19 |
peterleinchen_ | okay, will tell him :( | 22:21 |
juiceme | yes | 22:21 |
peterleinchen_ | juiceme, do you have experience with SIP? especially on N9 or N900? | 22:22 |
juiceme | but, there was the guy who joined Neo900 development, apparently knowing something of PA. Maybe freemangordon has already talked with him? | 22:22 |
peterleinchen_ | will ask him once more | 22:23 |
juiceme | as I think he has been also doing something with Neo900 | 22:23 |
juiceme | SIP, not really | 22:23 |
juiceme | never used it myself, but I know how it works in theory :) | 22:23 |
peterleinchen_ | too bad :( have a new service (works on PC) but not on N9/00 | 22:24 |
peterleinchen_ | and neither dmesg nor syslog reveal anything ... | 22:24 |
Sicelo | what provider? | 22:24 |
peterleinchen_ | sip.linphone.org | 22:25 |
juiceme | have you tried to look at the data with tcpdump? | 22:25 |
peterleinchen_ | sicelo, uh it was you! hi. | 22:25 |
Sicelo | i got it to work on my N900. let me check my settings | 22:26 |
peterleinchen_ | not yet | 22:26 |
juiceme | that's usually first thing I do when I need to check why some connection is not working... | 22:26 |
juiceme | Sicelo, hiya! | 22:26 |
peterleinchen_ | as reading stream data you should kno what to expect ;) | 22:26 |
Sicelo | :) hi guys | 22:26 |
Sicelo | outbound proxy: sip.linphone.org, port 5060 | 22:27 |
Sicelo | logged on instantly | 22:28 |
peterleinchen_ | which hardware? | 22:28 |
Sicelo | N900 | 22:28 |
juiceme | well, you can compare it to a log taken from initializing phase on a working connection, then you'll see how it differs :) | 22:28 |
peterleinchen_ | aha!? any other setting made in 'advanced'? | 22:29 |
Sicelo | loose routing, keep-alive mechanism= register | 22:29 |
Sicelo | and auto detect sun | 22:29 |
peterleinchen_ | sicelo, yippie ay yeah :) :) :) | 22:31 |
peterleinchen_ | unbelievable, played with thos settings all around but never that constellation. thanks | 22:32 |
Sicelo | ekiga is the only one that refused to work.. once i got it to, but only for a short while | 22:32 |
juiceme | peterleinchen_, good you got it working :) | 22:33 |
peterleinchen_ | yep, ekiga is known to break with our devices and other clients, too. read it yesterday in some wiki | 22:35 |
peterleinchen_ | just tsted a bit and only setting needed is really only 'keepalive mechanism: REGISTER' | 22:36 |
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peterleinchen_ | more a #maemo talk than #maemo-meeting :) | 22:36 |
peterleinchen_ | juiceme, anything you want/need to talk/get done? | 22:37 |
peterleinchen_ | one thing I noticed is the new maemo section on openrepos | 22:38 |
* sixwheeledbeast waves | 22:38 | |
juiceme | sixwheeledbeast, hiya! | 22:39 |
juiceme | peterleinchen_, not really on my mind now. I have been pruning the spam off the mlist, now and then. Not really hurrying with it since the volume is so low anyway :) | 22:40 |
sixwheeledbeast | I'd like to bring up a question | 22:40 |
juiceme | shoot :) | 22:42 |
sixwheeledbeast | oh sorry was busy. | 22:42 |
juiceme | np | 22:43 |
sixwheeledbeast | Who looks after IRC channels, for example, op status if some nutter starts spamming or topic changes etc? | 22:44 |
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sixwheeledbeast | hey rzr-mob | 22:45 |
juiceme | sixwheeledbeast, good question. I'd assume the people in the channel info | 22:45 |
juiceme | rzr-mob, hiya! | 22:45 |
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peterleinchen_ | hey rZZZr | 22:46 |
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RzR | hi | 22:46 |
sixwheeledbeast | juiceme: normally doc did stuff like this but he is no longer about on #maemo* | 22:46 |
RzR | sorry i am late | 22:46 |
* RzR is reading logs | 22:47 | |
RzR | sip works fine.on n9 | 22:49 |
juiceme | sixwheeledbeast, I do believe there are other people who have the priviliges to do that, chemist & jaffa at least. I'll have to look up what was the command to show the channel info | 22:50 |
RzR | i wanted to report some user failed to register on TMO | 22:50 |
RzR | xes had a look | 22:50 |
peterleinchen_ | I thought it was some spamming ip range? | 22:51 |
RzR | he said something like suspicious user names are blocked | 22:51 |
RzR | i am unsure now | 22:51 |
peterleinchen_ | juiceme, were the rights assigned? (also to RzR, I believe) | 22:52 |
sixwheeledbeast | juiceme: ok, i understand, however, maybe someone that is more active on IRC would be useful in that situation. Just a thought. | 22:52 |
RzR | irc cloaks ? | 22:54 |
juiceme | sixwheeledbeast, yes. chemist is pretty active, and xes too | 22:55 |
juiceme | RzR, yes that kind of was forgotten. | 22:55 |
RzR | well general antille is supposed to play the role iicr | 22:56 |
sixwheeledbeast | infobot also highlights doc on reconnection. | 22:56 |
RzR | is this a problem ? | 22:58 |
sixwheeledbeast | not really just seems pointless. | 22:58 |
sixwheeledbeast | RzR: GeneralAntilles aka ryan? | 22:59 |
RzR | btw have u realized that mc is about to be renew in a couple of month ? | 22:59 |
RzR | is the referendum on agenda today ? | 23:00 |
peterleinchen_ | RzR, as always ;) | 23:00 |
peterleinchen_ | sixwheeledbeast: yes | 23:01 |
sixwheeledbeast | :nod: | 23:01 |
juiceme | yes, I suppose so :) | 23:02 |
RzR | what are latest news on ev and hifo ? | 23:03 |
RzR | question was asked before | 23:04 |
RzR | ok | 23:04 |
juiceme | there's been nothing much | 23:04 |
RzR | btw i contacted cordia | 23:04 |
RzR | and neo900 | 23:05 |
RzR | 1st one is orphaned | 23:05 |
RzR | and 2d felt not related to maemo community | 23:05 |
juiceme | so what's the verdict, should we substitiute the former with the latter? | 23:05 |
RzR | so i propose to replace cordia banner to a link | 23:06 |
RzR | to wiki or tmo | 23:06 |
peterleinchen_ | RzR, good idea | 23:07 |
RzR | about active projects that want to attract supporter | 23:07 |
peterleinchen_ | I propose to replace announcements with wiki link | 23:07 |
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peterleinchen_ | s/wiki/tmo/ | 23:07 |
Win7Mac | hi! o/ | 23:07 |
RzR | and the page will be managed by community | 23:07 |
peterleinchen_ | and then cordia with wiki | 23:07 |
RzR | no need to link to ouside | 23:08 |
peterleinchen_ | would have been nice, but ...... | 23:08 |
RzR | we can just have a "projects" page | 23:09 |
RzR | and list them all | 23:09 |
peterleinchen_ | and FPTF??? | 23:09 |
RzR | can be on that page | 23:09 |
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RzR | just list them at a 1st start | 23:10 |
RzR | and some designer could help | 23:11 |
peterleinchen_ | list: fptf, browser web engine replacement, python on fremantle/harmattan, .... | 23:11 |
RzR | creating a "support projects" logo | 23:11 |
RzR | juiceme, does.it sound good to u ? | 23:12 |
peterleinchen_ | win7mac, also to you? | 23:12 |
Win7Mac | sounds good to me ;) | 23:13 |
Win7Mac | latest news on ev and hifo: eV awaits acquiring a bank acccount | 23:13 |
RzR | create maemo bank ;) | 23:13 |
juiceme | sorry was afk' | 23:13 |
Win7Mac | or kick so ass... | 23:13 |
Win7Mac | s.o. | 23:13 |
juiceme | Win7Mac, hi! | 23:14 |
juiceme | RzR, yes, sounds good :) | 23:14 |
peterleinchen_ | so, project page on wiki, right? | 23:16 |
peterleinchen_ | oh and another one as win7mac talked money: | 23:17 |
peterleinchen_ | what abot that "lights on" banner? | 23:17 |
peterleinchen_ | keep it until we have the account and the relink? | 23:17 |
Win7Mac | it's ridiculous... | 23:17 |
juiceme | kind of useless for now, true | 23:18 |
RzR | or maybe a contribute page | 23:18 |
Win7Mac | should be removed until bank account acquired | 23:18 |
Win7Mac | and then be put back there | 23:18 |
peterleinchen_ | should have been removed year(s) ago ;) | 23:18 |
Win7Mac | ;) | 23:19 |
RzR | it's more open to any kind of help | 23:19 |
Win7Mac | the good thing: both issues adressed to chem|st... ;) | 23:19 |
juiceme | :) | 23:20 |
RzR | well there is get involved link | 23:20 |
RzR | to http://maemo.org/community/ | 23:20 |
RzR | so maybe the support active projects button is better | 23:22 |
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Win7Mac | way more important though is the referendum | 23:23 |
Win7Mac | and preparation of next elections | 23:23 |
juiceme | yes, we should get that done. However the wording is still to be defined. | 23:24 |
Win7Mac | for both, board and council | 23:24 |
juiceme | yes | 23:24 |
Win7Mac | ...should be done in parallel to referendum IMHO | 23:24 |
juiceme | is that too much to swallow in one go? | 23:24 |
Win7Mac | probably. but at least people can vote for the "whole thing", kind of... | 23:25 |
Win7Mac | but that's just a thought | 23:25 |
juiceme | maybe better than having referendum first, and then council election in the next week ::) | 23:26 |
peterleinchen_ | yep, vote for all-in | 23:26 |
Win7Mac | yeah... | 23:26 |
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juiceme | would be harassing to get people to cast polls every week | 23:26 |
Win7Mac | bottom line of juicemes' thread http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=93908 | 23:27 |
Win7Mac | from community side (for me): discard council | 23:28 |
Win7Mac | not sure if that's the right thing... | 23:28 |
RzR | http://wiki.maemo.org/Projects will be improved later | 23:28 |
peterleinchen_ | RzR, thx | 23:30 |
Win7Mac | referendum probably also should look at (number of) board positions, for now there's no limit, not sure that's a good thing | 23:30 |
juiceme | Win7Mac, probably not too many people who want to get involved, hence no danger of too many positions... :P | 23:31 |
peterleinchen_ | and we need to fill board and council! | 23:32 |
Win7Mac | right ;) | 23:32 |
peterleinchen_ | but board normally consists of five people | 23:32 |
Win7Mac | no, 3 | 23:32 |
Win7Mac | at least ev is designed like that | 23:32 |
peterleinchen_ | sorry , you are right | 23:32 |
Win7Mac | hifo had 5 or 7... | 23:33 |
Win7Mac | (5 at least) | 23:33 |
peterleinchen_ | yep, so limiting to that nu ber would be okay, or? | 23:33 |
peterleinchen_ | 5 or 7 (number) | 23:33 |
RzR | assuming they will remain | 23:34 |
Win7Mac | should be, positions for non-EU residents/citicens besides the 3 needed EU ones should be considered | 23:34 |
RzR | 3 eu + 4 non . | 23:35 |
RzR | 4 non eu | 23:35 |
RzR | this sound legit | 23:36 |
Win7Mac | hard to put it in stone, missing candidates may render such approach pointless | 23:36 |
RzR | yea | 23:37 |
Win7Mac | or put eV in a situation of inactionability... | 23:37 |
juiceme | it is always problem to get good candidates | 23:37 |
juiceme | and easy to lose already elected ones... | 23:37 |
RzR | and keeping them | 23:37 |
juiceme | yes | 23:37 |
RzR | yea | 23:37 |
peterleinchen_ | 3 EU members required, 4 positions free but not required for non-EU or EU candidates? | 23:39 |
RzR | How many expressed their motivation to be part of it ? | 23:39 |
RzR | 3 eu should be easy | 23:40 |
Win7Mac | we may keep a min. limit of 3 and add a max. limit of 5 probably. But this is also related to the "elitishness" of the eV. and should be considered in the big picture of the referendum | 23:42 |
juiceme | I agreee, it would be better there's as many as possible, to not be considered a club-of-few | 23:42 |
Win7Mac | we need to figure the eV, have a strong imagination of how the eV should look like | 23:43 |
Win7Mac | and i'm asking you to discuss that (and revive juicemes' thread ^^) | 23:44 |
peterleinchen_ | board just handles, but regular member (referendum) decides? | 23:45 |
Win7Mac | ref. is for community, not regular members ;) | 23:45 |
peterleinchen_ | as you see, it is hard to keep track ;) | 23:46 |
juiceme | :) | 23:46 |
RzR | wont stay long my back hurts | 23:49 |
RzR | are we about to make decision today ? | 23:50 |
RzR | if not i'll read logs | 23:50 |
RzR | else i can stay arround | 23:51 |
peterleinchen_ | do not think so | 23:51 |
peterleinchen_ | everybody will be here next week? | 23:51 |
peterleinchen_ | let us try to reread and think about that once more, please. | 23:52 |
RzR | i havent plan to miss any meeting | 23:52 |
Win7Mac | only if ref. is on agenda ;) | 23:52 |
RzR | it is | 23:53 |
peterleinchen_ | will be | 23:53 |
peterleinchen_ | see tasks of next week in MoM | 23:53 |
Win7Mac | okie ;) | 23:53 |
RzR | Win7Mac, any news from neildk ? | 23:53 |
Win7Mac | too bad, no | 23:54 |
RzR | ok | 23:54 |
Win7Mac | but he seems back on tmo tthough | 23:54 |
juiceme | till next week, then. | 23:55 |
Win7Mac | http://talk.maemo.org/member.php?u=70941 | 23:55 |
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juiceme | RzR, niel had re-made his nick on TMO | 23:55 |
peterleinchen_ | juiceme, night | 23:55 |
juiceme | or atleast there's a new "neildk" there | 23:56 |
peterleinchen_ | RzR, heal your back | 23:56 |
juiceme | peterleinchen_, gnite | 23:56 |
peterleinchen_ | win7mac, see you next week | 23:56 |
juiceme | RzR, better back to ya | 23:56 |
RzR | thx | 23:56 |
peterleinchen_ | sixwheeledbeast, did you check/find about missing RnD wiki page? | 23:56 |
Win7Mac | good night everybody, see ya | 23:57 |
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juiceme | nite! | 23:57 |
sixwheeledbeast | peterleinchen_: it's not missing. It's a URL issue | 23:57 |
RzR | bye | 23:57 |
peterleinchen_ | sixwheeledbeast, aha, so xes is looking into it? | 23:58 |
peterleinchen_ | what kind of url issue? | 23:58 |
sixwheeledbeast | xes and I both found a mediawiki page that linked to a workaround but it didn't/won't work. | 23:58 |
sixwheeledbeast | You can double escape the URL to get the page. | 23:58 |
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