IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2014-10-01

juicemeyes, I hope we can distill something out of my thread on TMO. the thing is that do we need that referendum and if so, what exactly to ask00:00
peterleinchen_I would not start referendum now, discussion on TMO (juiceme thread) just started00:00
peterleinchen_and exact wording may come out of this ...00:01
juicemeokay. Anything else now, before we close?00:02
peterleinchen_yep, what about open topics?00:02
peterleinchen_need to read myself00:02
peterleinchen_there are all open /not solved tasks00:04
peterleinchen_niel letter to Jolla?00:04
peterleinchen_css error on wiki (asked sixwheeler already)00:05
nieldkYes, I created that, but I believe we agreed we should not send it00:05
juicemeabout Karma, it is mostly OK i think00:05
peterleinchen_karma gets recalculated?00:05
peterleinchen_I have to admit I never checked in past(as I saw it broken)00:05
juicemeWoody agrees that Karma works, and I have checked that it is calculated OK from based of postings and thanks. Not sure about wiki edits though00:05
juicemeone thing that has been agreed that _should_ be calculated to Karma is IRC activity, but that was never implemented00:06
peterleinchen_anybody esle can confirm karma works? (will keep an eye on my number)00:09
Win7Macaccording to doc, karma for wiki edits aren't calculated correct/at all00:09
* sixwheeledbeast has just arrived is glancing through backscroll but it busy...00:10
juicemeOK, then that's a bit that needs to be fixed00:10
juicemesixwheeledbeast, hiya!00:10
Win7Machi 6wheely00:11
nieldknieldkhi sexwheeled00:11
nieldkhi sexwheeled00:11
sixwheeledbeastAFAIK most of Karma works. however, it may take several weeks for certain parts to refresh00:12
peterleinchen_weeks? :o00:12
Win7Macup to 1 week, I've heard00:13
peterleinchen_that's okay (to me)00:13
RzRreasonnable yes00:13
nieldk+1, one week should not create a problem, if otherwise calculations are correct00:14
peterleinchen_would you all please check your karma next times?00:15
peterleinchen_then we mark this as solved00:15
sixwheeledbeastI believe it's to do with a script/cronjob. It took several weeks for some of my Karma tests I did to come through.00:15
peterleinchen_RzR, just check your number (depends you post on TMO or edit wiki ;)00:16
peterleinchen_sixwheeledbeast, what about that CSS misbehaviour on wiki?00:17
Win7MacBut karma is a rather small problem and may even become obsolete in case the referendum will conclude ro dissolving council (or the like).00:17
nieldkat least I see RzR have some wiki edits karma ;)00:17
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen_: see for yourself https://wiki.maemo.org00:18
Win7Macwhat to with council and how to put the referendum right... not an easy task...00:21
peterleinchen_sixwheelebeast, any idea? did you ask/inform techstaff?00:22
juicemeone thing on the agenda; I asked chem|st if he can create subpages for the e.V. on and if he's got edit rights to the webmachine on the needed areas. He replied that we should ask techstaff to arrange such thing, and to give the board members (that being me and nieldk) wirite rights there.00:22
peterleinchen_sixwheelebeast, but problem only on Main_Page, or?00:23
Win7Macjuiceme: great, thanks00:24
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nieldkso, if there is no more on the agenda for today, I am off to sleep alsp00:29
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juicemenieldk, me too.00:31
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen_: only https connections, seems like a css file error. I keep forgetting to ask xes.00:31
peterleinchen_okay gnite all00:31
Win7Macgn o/00:32
sixwheeledbeastbye, then.00:32
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peterleinchen_sixwheeledbeast, will you do so? Or shall I?00:32
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sixwheeledbeastgo for it00:32
peterleinchen_sixwheeledbeast, okay but I do not see difference on (http or https)00:37
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen_: really?00:38
peterleinchen_yes on N900 and N9 same (no access to desktop ;)00:39
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen_: from what I can tell some browsers (latest firefox) are blocking the css file. I think this css is on static.m.o00:42
peterleinchen_okay will check tomorrow from desktop and inform xes then ...00:43
peterleinchen_good night00:43
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chainsawbikeanyone want to help me explain to joerg the concepts of goodwill, going concern and how they tie in with this:
chainsawbikeie "nokia had something to give to HiFo, and the license of some of the parts does not affect it"06:53
freemangordonchainsawbike: is putting the derivative on a webserver counted as a distribution?07:02
chainsawbikebecause the code was passed to Hifo as whole running entity ( i thing going concern in the correct term but not sure  )it is not distribution, But under the (l)gpl ( as i understand it ) Nokia, as part of giving the "site" to HiFo had to give all the adjustments that they had to made to the site under a comparable license, but there is no obligation to release it to the public07:08
chainsawbikein saying that even if some other entity made a similar site, without the goodwill it is moot07:10
chainsawbikeie the biggest thing nokia gave to Hifo, as part of the site was the goodwill07:11
chainsawbikeby itself, running it on a webserver is not distribution07:12
chainsawbikesee here:
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freemangordonchainsawbike: just to make it clear from the start - I am not arguing, but trying to make it clear to myself. So, if you put php files (the SW) on a webserver accessible worldwide and everyone can use those php files, you are not distributing? keep in mind that midgard consists of C code plus php code and that nokia modifications are integrated into that vanilla php code.07:33
freemangordonAnd I don;t talk HiFi here, but for me and you as "users" of that code07:35
chainsawbikeyes, that is correct - for code to be released in that case the AGPL licence woud be a good choice07:35
freemangordonmidgard is licensed under LGPL07:36
chainsawbikeas an example licence that would force release of the code in your above scenario07:40
chainsawbikeunder the LGPL, or GPL it does not need to be released07:40
chainsawbikefreemangordon, also i enjoy a good debate - good brain exercise , sorry if i came across as argumentative :)07:43
freemangordonunfortunately I have to stop here (for now), as I have to leave, will continue laters07:46
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chainsawbikefreemangordon, javascript OTOH would need to be released if it was under the GPL or LGPL, as it is being distributed ( to run on the users computer )09:04
chem|stfreemangordon: sorry that I jumped you in the forums, the request of an imaginery GA was so joerg that I wass under the impression that we gonna need to fight you too now. This is going on for the better half of this year and it is just so frustrating.09:13
chem|stfor cssu, yes I was pretty pissed as I was actually putting things together that day but got stuck on other things, not cssu - when I then added a package to build something other packages did not build anymore - the general frustration with scratchbox on my side was pretty high - so when I then did actually something you just triggered. So my appologies, it was also unfair to just leave you guys hanging.09:16
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