IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2014-08-20

RzRI plan to leave sorry guys00:00
RzRanyway I plan to reply to w7m00:00
RzRon his thread00:00
RzRstating that's00:00
DocScrutinizer05all this is neglectable compared to what win7 tries to do to council and community now00:00
RzR1/ the proposition is too complicated for us00:00
RzR2/ the problem with coucil rules is not yet identified00:01
DocScrutinizer05there IS NO problem  with council rules00:01
RzR3/ the karma system is open for any suggestion on this page
nieldkcouncil rules are already defined00:02
RzRand 4/ any feedback from the comminity is welcome00:02
RzRok for that00:02
RzRlet me this00:02
nieldkmore topics ? the letter to Jolla (if any) ?00:04
nieldkDocScrutinizer51, you seemed to think it is overkill with a letter ?00:06
DocScrutinizer05I asked for not mixing a "make friends with jolla" and "ask for 10 min of N.Breet's time"00:07
DocScrutinizer05the two topics are massively unrelated00:07
nieldkso, I will change the draft to a more "make friends" and we can ask in a less formal way for Breets time ?00:08
DocScrutinizer05I didn't know we had a action point "make friends with jolla"00:09
DocScrutinizer05yes, we should ask for 10min of Niels' time in a less formal way00:10
DocScrutinizer05I elaborated on that in an answer mail to your draft00:10
DocScrutinizer05the longer and more formal the mail to jolla, the more likely it doesn't even make it past the spam filters00:11
nieldkthats why I adk ;), so, we should just send an email to brett00:12
RzRare u ok with this00:12
RzRI can edit it00:12
RzRif it's fine just press thank00:12
RzRand I remove the first line00:12
RzRI wont mention his name in a first letter00:13
DocScrutinizer05*first* letter? LOL!00:15
* DocScrutinizer05 out00:15
RzRfirst letter of new coucil00:15
RzRnieldk: ok or ko ?
DocScrutinizer51tou think you start everythin anew?00:16
RzRi know that was done before00:17
nieldklet me make new draft letter, excluding anything that relates to brett00:17
nieldkthen we can decide later if we want to send that00:17
DocScrutinizer51what for?00:17
RzRwell i had in mind to present the current elected council00:17
DocScrutinizer51until yore done with that, your term ended00:18
RzRhere we are ... just ping us if you care of maemo etc00:18
nieldki think that it still serves a purpose to present the change fom HiFo to eV00:18
DocScrutinizer51there been councils before you and they already sent letters to jolla00:18
RzRi know00:19
RzRthere is no reason to stop00:19
RzRwe're the fresh blood ;000:19
RzRwe're the fresh blood ;)00:19
DocScrutinizer51ok whatever you like00:19
RzRbefore I leave00:19
RzRplease confirm00:19
DocScrutinizer51just don't think I have no other problems to sove00:19
DocScrutinizer51Iwon't fsckng confirm anything, I'm not even here00:20
nieldkRzR, looks fine00:20
RzRjust press thank00:20
nieldkDocScrutinizer51, calm down, no one is attacking you00:21
RzRit will act as an approvement00:21
nieldkDocScrutinizer51, quite the opposite00:21
RzRsixwheeledbeast: same for you00:22
nieldkeverybody left?00:25
nieldkwell, I guess that ends this meeting then00:26
nieldknext week then, sleep well :)00:30
RzRsame to you00:31
RzRand enjoy spain DocScrutinizer5100:31
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