IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2014-07-16

RzRvote for me as the hutter00:00
RzRdamn bb10 keyboard00:00
* juiceme proposes RzR da official hunter00:00
nieldk* nieldk RzR da official hunter00:01
Win7Macand I'm convinced DocScrutinizer05 would fine with whatever you agree upon since he very likely is not keen on either position and may very like ly agree to any volunteers...00:01
juicemethat might be true, as he asid he will have limited availability00:02
juicemedamn kbd00:03
Win7Macand you are majoity now...00:03
Win7Macmajority even... ;)00:03
RzRyes he said he will have limited time00:03
juicemeyes. SO i propose that one of the new councillors takes the chair&secretary role00:04
nieldkmay I propose Peter00:05
peterleinchen_just wanted to propose the late in game guy ;)00:05
juicemepeterleinchen_, are you ready to accept?00:05
nieldkblame kimmoli ;)00:06
juicemehmm, you had meeting with him?00:06
peterleinchen_I am NOT keen on any role, but "would" accept if nobody else steps up00:06
nieldkno, he made me a toholed-ninja00:06
peterleinchen_chair needs what???00:07
juicemeit is not a bad/difficult role00:07
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juicemechair means, if we need to vote on something, arrange the voting and announce result00:07
juicemejust show of hands, no secret ballots00:08
Win7Macchair also is supposed to announce meetings and its' topics so decissions can be made00:08
juicemealso it means a secretary role, so to write up a short version of the minutes from IRC logs00:08
juicemeif you have seen the messages in the Maemo news section, which also get autoposted to TMO community group, those are my minutes00:09
Win7Macwell, if any special topic present, otherwise regular meetings should be regularly visited...00:09
Win7Mac^^re chair role00:10
juicemeyes, if for some reason all councillors are needed to decide on something00:10
peterleinchen_so not regularrly only if something special minutes are needed, right?00:11
juicemewell, I wrote up a short story from every meeting00:11
juicemebut if nothing happened it was just who was present and just about that00:12
nieldkjuice,e, do you have a link for00:12
nieldka link for peter to see an example00:12
peterleinchen_juiceme: really? every week a mom? never seen those, only a few ..00:12
peterleinchen_I know a few, ;)00:13
* sixwheeledbeast thinks juiceme did a fine job of secretary last term00:13
juicemeall the posts under  which say "meeting minutes"00:13
* Win7Mac thinks too00:13
juicemethanks guys :)00:13
nieldk(yes, juice did excellent)00:14
RzRback i just did pm doc00:14
* peterleinchen_ also thinks so00:14
peterleinchen_will be hard job to do better :)00:14
Win7Macwell, if nothing happens/noone present, no need to report about it...00:14
juicemeno, I am sure you'll do fine :)00:15
nieldk* yes no doubt :)00:15
RzRand none of us are native english speakers00:15
peterleinchen_juiceme: may I ask you to do this mom as I do not know how to post and where00:15
peterleinchen_or it needs some time ...00:16
juicemeadditionally, before I posted it to Maemo, I sent the draft to mailing list for verification... but that was just my style :)00:16
juicemepeterleinchen_, sure, I can do it for this meeting.00:16
peterleinchen_no, good way00:16
Win7Macjuiceme, good practice!00:16
juicemeand I will help you in the future, no worry :)00:16
RzRcould we decide to use the wiki more for coop tasks ?00:17
peterleinchen_what kind of?00:17
RzRor maybe this should remain zuperzecret00:17
Win7MacRzR, had that earlier, good point, but needs maintainer(s)...00:17
RzRmaintainers for what ? wiki sections ?00:18
Win7Macforget it, just do it!00:18
nieldkno objections to that00:19
Win7Macwould be great!00:20
RzRthis is the tool for drafts00:20
nieldkisnt that kinda what the wiki is made for ;)00:20
sixwheeledbeastwiki is more for reference, piratepad is more for joint tasks00:21
Win7Macnieldk, sure, that's the right approach00:21
* peterleinchen_ imagining a wiki page for a letter to Nokia asking for hosting firmware blobs00:21
RzRbut wiki as a search feat not ppad00:22
Win7MacRzR, true00:22
RzRwell i have no objection to do thing in the open unless there is a reason for keeping it private00:23
RzRspecially at this point00:23
juicemethe search in th ewiki really sucks, or I just cannot use it properly...00:23
RzRwhere nokia is drifting far from us00:23
RzRor the opposite00:23
Win7Macabsolutely, communication within council shouldn't be public00:24
juicememm, there is also irc channels for more private things00:24
Win7Macand email...00:24
RzRok00:25 is to be used for such?00:25
peterleinchen_so only CC members can subscribe?00:25
sixwheeledbeastgenerally if a letter, referendum etc is to be drafted this is done on a piratepad with people logged in. Then link posted in minutes and here if required. wiki will end up a mess if used for random sketching, you cannot delete a page for example.00:25
nieldkpreviously these meetings were mostly open, but private meetings could be initiated, as I recall, there also were quite a drama on closinest of coiuncil in yhe community, so...00:25
peterleinchen_"current " ones  or also oleder00:26
Win7MacI mean for real internal stuff, otherwise posting here is desired ;)00:26
sixwheeledbeastalso wiki search yields poor results generally00:26
peterleinchen_this here is open to public, too00:26
Win7Macpeterleinchen_, absolutely00:27
peterleinchen_sixwheeldbeast: I would see wiki page as a result of PP actions00:28
nieldkseems reasonable00:30
nieldkand probably much more usable00:30
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen_: if required yes, maybe additions to pages already there. sometimes TMO, garage announcement or mailing list could be more appropriate.00:31
nieldktrue, but in general, it seems more effective to have a collectied storage for all, allthough, yes, thats when the maintainer issue pops up, to have pages organized and structured00:33
RzRyes ?00:33
juicemeOne thing I wondered about those documents we edited over network pad... cannot remwmber was it piratepad or what.. what's the security there, is it besd on knowing the link?00:33
RzRthere are some pad with local "keys" IICR00:35
RzRi'll try to find them back if this is a big concern00:36
juicemeokay. Who takes care of the Council mailing list, is it Falk?00:36
Win7Mactechstaff, falk + xes00:36
RzRa mailmaster ?00:36
juicemethat list is just a bouncer00:37
juicemeit is not joinable, hence no majordomo00:37
Win7Macpeterleinchen_ ;)00:37
RzRnext topic now ?00:40
RzRbeen asked about harmattansdk00:41
RzRcould we legaly publish a vm with installed scratchbox00:42
juicememm, one thing, nieldk before you joined, we talked about the meeting times00:42
juicemeans conclusion is that tuesday/20:oo UTC is pretty much OK for all. How about you?00:42
nieldkjuiceme, no worries, its goid. Next tuesday however im on the road back from vacation00:43
juicemeRzR, I really don't know00:43
Win7MacRzR, you may ant to potpone that until things are settled00:43
juicemeok, no prob, I'll also start my vacations this weekend.00:43
RzRsure i was filling the blank00:44
juicemehowever I'll try to attend, unless I get confused on weekdays :)00:44
nieldkmine starts in 9 hours :)00:44
* juiceme envies... still 3 days to go00:44
juicemeokay, what else until we close for da night?00:45
peterleinchen_juiceme: <sixwheeledbeast> juiceme: the general happenings of the handover meeting is normally... announce election results > thanks and hellos to all past and future CC > nominating chair and sec > checking meeting times ok for all > handover of any on going tasks > plans for current term > create todo list for infra changes.00:46
RzRi was thinking do we have a list to put random idea for next 6 months00:46
juicemeRzR, currently not as such. obviously wiki unless it's top-secret stuff00:47
peterleinchen_I thought we agreed on PP not wiki?00:48
juicemeactually, I think it is possible to have a section of wiki as login-only, I have seen that kind of implementation00:48
peterleinchen_Or we create a wiki page for CC ideas/lists/tasks(whatever and maintain that on CC own00:49
juicemepiratepad is okay00:49
RzRok for ppad00:49
juicemeis that stable BTW... I have a healthy untrust in aly cloudstuff not owned&operated by myself00:50
peterleinchen_ONE open wiki page for me would be okay too. sixwheeledbeast?00:50
peterleinchen_so, voting time? :)00:51
juicemeyes, could do that as an exercise00:51
sixwheeledbeastWell some topics to mull over (for the future not now!) ;), IRC cloaks, up date CC wiki page and include pictures (I may start that if I have time), TomJ's topic on TMO about Extras demotion.00:51
sixwheeledbeastwiki can be login only on some pages00:52
nieldksounds good00:52
peterleinchen_@all prefer wiki or PP?00:53
* peterleinchen_ prefers wiki00:53
RzRno real preference00:53
juicemewiki, if can be made login-only00:53
peterleinchen_nieldk: yes and/or yes what?00:53
RzRwiki : needs setup time00:53
nieldkyes, I prefer wiki (with login)00:54
RzRppad : could be volatile00:54
juicemeyes but it is more secure in the long run00:54
juicemewiki ^^^00:54
RzRok then wiki00:54
peterleinchen_I do see wiki preferred, so shall it be.00:55
sixwheeledbeastif you use a wiki page for tasks please make sure you use something like "Task:Community_Council/foobar"00:55
RzRwho w/c/ould set it up ?00:55
peterleinchen_sixwheeledbeast: could you do that? especially regarding login?00:55
sixwheeledbeastIn fact what topic do you want and I'll set that up00:55
juicemesixwheeledbeast is the wiki-wizard :)00:56
RzRa single page is enough for now00:56
peterleinchen_Yes. any suggestions? Task:Community_Council/BRAINSTORMER ?00:57
RzRtask::cc/TODO ?00:57
sixwheeledbeasthardly a wizard, just had lots of practice00:57
peterleinchen_do not expect nice wiki entries from me ;) just plain lines ...00:57
nieldkpeterleinchen_, simple is sometimes better :)00:58
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen_:  bullet points (start line with a *) ;)00:58
Win7Mac ;)00:59
RzRyes let's K.I.S.S. now00:59
RzRso we have a week to fill this todo list and we pick few items to focus on01:02
RzRis that the plan ?01:02
juicemeRzR, sounds good and progressive01:03
peterleinchen_yep, okay! anything else? i need "sleep" ...01:03
nieldkpeterleinchen_, me too :)01:03
RzRok for me01:03
* juiceme needs to take a few hours nap, too01:03
peterleinchen_oh just seen DocScrutinizer Doc seems to be away since [22:10] ==  away     : burnout, sorry01:04
peterleinchen_seems he went to bed early today ;)01:04
juicemework stress01:04
sixwheeledbeastdone, protected to users only01:05
RzRso we met next week hope doc will be back again stronger than never01:05
juicemesixwheeledbeast, thanks01:05
RzRthx sixwheeledbeast01:05
nieldksixwheeledbeast, godd, thanks01:06
juicemeso, that's it for now, then?01:06
peterleinchen_sixwheeledbeast: fast. thx01:06
* peterleinchen_ says thank you and good night01:07
nieldknighty night, -and thanks01:08
juicemen8, everybody01:08
sixwheeledbeastgn peterleinchen_01:08
RzRsixwheeledbeast: i can see the page unlogged01:08
sixwheeledbeastRzR: yes01:08
RzRpeterleinchen_: nite01:08
Win7Macthanks everybody and good nite01:08
sixwheeledbeastthere is no way to block viewing a wiki page only editing writes01:09
sixwheeledbeasts/writes/rights/ :rolleyes01:09
RzRsixwheeledbeast: ok i am able to edit it01:11
sixwheeledbeastRzR: the recent changes shows you were logged in when you edited that01:11
Win7Macups, me too...01:12
RzRyed i did log in to test writing01:12
Win7Macapparently being logged is enough, no matter the user01:14
peterleinchen_"done, protected to users only" means ALL users or only CC01:14
sixwheeledbeastWell I can only think you are still logged in if you can edit.01:14
sixwheeledbeastpeterleinchen_: there is only an option for all wiki users01:14
peterleinchen_not exactly the best, as almost everybody may become wiki user ...01:15
peterleinchen_readability is okay, but editing should be restricted a bit more (if possible)01:16
Win7Mac... which still is ok since you are commendable maemo-users that take good care of the wiki, right?01:16
Win7Macyou can even subscribe to wiki pages and get informed by email if any changes are made01:17
sixwheeledbeastwell that's all the wiki can provide, you can always rollback changes. This is why I did say piratepad initially.01:17
Win7Macwell, keeping the wikipage is a great idea, for topsecret info use email and webpads01:18
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sixwheeledbeast:nod: that's why I formatted the link like that. at least we can see a public todo list for CC, good for future reference01:21
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sixwheeledbeastalso it's a good idea to end your bullets in ~~~~ this puts your signature to the changes01:22
sixwheeledbeastactually --~~~~ looks better01:23
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DocScrutinizer05sorry fellas, slept over. Kinda sick. chair needs to run elections and votes, and decide when sth is unclear. Thus  it makes some sense to have a chair that has some idea how council elections work. Cheir needs to get elected unanimously by council. wiki doesn't allow "hidden" pages only visible to certain users, at least not simple. We would need major wiki hacking to allow it03:00
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: many thanks for helping to keep this meeting somewhat on topic!03:02
DocScrutinizer05juiceme: old chair needs to publish council election results03:02
DocScrutinizer05please everybody note that council is bound by council rules as on maemo wiki. win7mac is constantly trying to redefine what's maemo council. You should ignore this03:04
DocScrutinizer05our ruleset we got elected to follow is defined in ff and in  and particularly election and what council *is* got defined in and
DocScrutinizer05council is not subject to directives from HiFo or any other entity03:09
DocScrutinizer05council work is generally in the public, unless we need to discuss stuff that's simply not appropriate, for which we got council AT mail alias (please every council member send a mail to techstaff AT, providing your mail address you want to use to receive council@... mails). there's also a IRC channel with protection so we have some closed group chatroom03:12
DocScrutinizer05(ruleset) there been a referendum to do *minimal* fixing to the ruleset to catch a few flaws that resulted in no elections at all when there were exactly 3 or exactly 5 candidates, and the same referendum made the HiFo rules in line and compatible with our ruleset, so since then HiFo accepted maemo community council to also be Hildon Foundation Council. So - since we had separate votes for MCC and HFC which resulted in one seat03:21
DocScrutinizer05being different between the two entities - those two members stepped down from their positions, thus allowing to call the two bodies unified and joned. Since then elections for MCC also elect the HFC since HiFo agreed to accept MCC as HFC. Same time HiFo promised to not change the HiFo bylaws in any way that's not compatible to or any of the other rules MCC is bound to03:21
DocScrutinizer05since then we are "The Council" and we still follow the same old rules03:22
DocScrutinizer05so please simply ignore statements like >>[2014-07-15 Tue 22:12:50] <Win7Mac> best way? a referendum or convince joerg to accept the rules of the MC e.V. ;) <<03:24
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DocScrutinizer05you cannot convince any of council to accept any other rules than those that always been there, on wiki03:25
DocScrutinizer05council is bound to those rules03:25
DocScrutinizer05on a sidenote for those who might have missed: >>the MC e.V.<< is a new entity founded in Germany which is supposed to take over from HiFo03:27
DocScrutinizer05council is neither subject to directives from HiFo nor from that MC e.V.03:28
DocScrutinizer05and consequently not bound to any rules such an e.V. sets up03:29
DocScrutinizer05aiui the e.V. tried hard to make their rules in line with our (council's) rules so they can accept council as some entity / part of the e.V.  However any differences between "our" rules and "their rules" are not council's problem03:31
DocScrutinizer05council accepted to take the duty to act as e.V. council (or whatever the e.V. bylaws call it), but that does NOT mean council accepted the ruleset of e.V. as the new council rules - since we even CANNOT do this03:33
DocScrutinizer05the e.V. founders where absolutely aware if the problem that the e.V bylaws have to be 100% in line with council rules and may not redefine any part of council's rules. I heard several times that they positively managed to achive such 100% compliance, but should e.V or any of its members ever state that those rules are _not_ 100% identical, it's e.V. that by doing so opts out of the model of unified MCC and HiFo/MC_e.V. council.03:38
DocScrutinizer05Council rules however stay what they ever been, and no e.V. or HiFo can redefine them to their liking03:38
DocScrutinizer05not even we (the council) may. It's exclusively a referendum that may change those rules03:39
DocScrutinizer05no matter what win7mac (and others?) are pushing for03:40
DocScrutinizer05(even when you could argue that council accepted HiFo bylaws as binding for council, this happened on premise of bylaws being one hundred percent identical to new council rules as of So no matter where the "original" version of the rules is written, it invariably looks like <--- that wiki version)03:45
DocScrutinizer05(absoutely same applies to MC e.V., council agreed on being e.V. council and accepted the bylaws on premise that they are 100% identical/compatible to the binding rules of council. If they turn out to not be, then council is bound to council's rules, not e.V. rules)03:53
DocScrutinizer05there's zilch room for interpretations03:54
DocScrutinizer05if these elections had resulted in extended nomination period not yielding enough candidates, then the outgoing council would have been allowed to do whatever they want, incl accepting e.V. rules as new council rules, or even discintinue the council all together. Since that didn't happen, nothing  has changed03:56
DocScrutinizer05so, before somebody bans me for spamming the channel: WELCOME TO NEW COUNCIL! :-)03:58
DocScrutinizer05a last comment: e.V and HiFo both *have* agreed to execute council decisions as long as they are "legit" and don't cause legal troubles to those cashier entities. So in fact HFC/MCeV are subject to to directives from form council04:02
DocScrutinizer05HiFo: what's state of your PP account? A user is trying to use my private PP account to donate a 1EUR50/month to techstaff. I'm afraid - according to flames I received from your side for ever having accepted any donations - I will have to reject / return such payment. I'm not willing to receive legal threats from your side, nor am I willing to take the burden of organizing such financial stuff any longer on your behalf04:12
DocScrutinizer05you had at least 6 months now to sort your accounts situations. Please report and instruct what to do!04:15
chem|stDocScrutinizer05: the legal threats are not ours, you are living in Germany so German Law applies. Accepting donations for an association and handling them over private bank accounts is tax fraud and if done over several accounts also matter to money laundering. State of accounts is: HiFo wont try to get registered as NPO again to recover the paypal account. eV is still in registration, after that I will setup a bank-account, paypal and will lo10:21
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: and this tax / law expertise comes from where?10:23
DocScrutinizer05sorry when I feel threatened by *you* when you tell me publicly that I'm doing tax fraud10:24
DocScrutinizer05particularly when I doubt the correctness of such statement10:24
DocScrutinizer05and I recently got some consulting on accepting donations and the tax issues involved10:25
DocScrutinizer05anyway, thanks to your "friendly" heads-up I *have* to reject that damn donation, and I want to know what to tell that community menber where to donate instead of my PP account!10:26
DocScrutinizer05honestly, I'm not interested in 1EUR50 per month traveling across my account10:27
rZrhi DocScrutinizer0510:31
rZrI just contacted nokia about harmattan dev sdk10:31
rZrif it matters10:31
DocScrutinizer05it matters to council and it should matter to HiFo. However I personally currently don't feel like discussing it, I already had my share of bashing and thus feel pissed today10:33
DocScrutinizer05(tax fraud) problems would be huger if the donations were to me directly, for me using them for my own purposes. Just forwarding such payments from community member X to seller Y on behalf of the community member is not a tax problem per se10:37
DocScrutinizer05amount X came in, amount X went out. No goods, services, or any of the money went to me.10:39
DocScrutinizer05actually amount X-??? went out10:39
DocScrutinizer05ÜLUS, PLUS of course10:40
DocScrutinizer05amount X+???10:40
DocScrutinizer05tell me which taxes I didn't pay!10:40
DocScrutinizer05Umsatzsteuer? hardly. Einkommenssteuer? for sure not10:42
DocScrutinizer05Money laundering! ROTFL, that starts at currently 5k EUR afaik10:44
DocScrutinizer05and it's totally irrelevant how many accounts are involved10:44
DocScrutinizer05but as long as you got something to piss my leg, you're happy, right?10:45
DocScrutinizer05rZr: sorry for my grumpy mood, and sorry for being terribly late yesterday10:51
rZrno problem10:52
DocScrutinizer05rZr: you should try to coordinate any such stuff with HiFo10:55
DocScrutinizer05since it *seems* that HiFo is in negotiations with nokia about all that since 1 or two years10:56
DocScrutinizer05alas there seems to apply some weird NDA that even forbids stating that the negotiations are still happening, or succeeded, or whatever. And I haven't seen any public sttaus report from HiFo about anything either, during last 6 or 9 months - could have missed it, dunno10:58
rZrDocScrutinizer05: I was doing this a single individual like before10:59
DocScrutinizer05woody just elaborated during last 12h or so that those negotiations are non-public and therefore HiFo wasn't allowed to tell anything about them (OWTTE)11:00
DocScrutinizer05he also claimed that council been informed all the time which is absolutely incorrect11:03
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