IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2014-07-02

DocScrutinizer05chem|st: please rephrase00:00
DocScrutinizer05so can we assume you agree with all candidates, when rest of council votes to have them in?00:00
DocScrutinizer05(if any vote needed)00:01
juicemeso, thursday 3th july, day after tomorrow at 20:00 UTC00:01
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: ^^^00:01
peterleinchen_are meetings announced via ML?00:01
DocScrutinizer05meetings are usually Tuesday 2000 UTC00:02
juicemeyes, usually so if something need to be resceduled.00:02
DocScrutinizer05announcement is /topic00:02
RzRhow long is the meeting generally ?00:02
RzRbecause that one took more than 1h :)00:02
DocScrutinizer05depends largely on minutes00:03
DocScrutinizer05aka topics00:03
juicemethis meeting is a bit different, usually there's not much topics00:03
chem|stand when people show up and if00:03
juicemehowever you can browse the irclogs of previous meetings, fairly often people debate on things even when meeting has been officially ended already.00:04
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: what shall we do when we need a decision of you about another candidate that's missing some karma or whatever?00:04
* DocScrutinizer05 waves00:04
DocScrutinizer05chem|st: have a nice holiday00:05
juicemehmm, is it still OK to get more announcements? I thought the deadline was today?00:05
chem|stping on IRC, not being available does not mean I do not look before I go to bed00:05
DocScrutinizer05juiceme: yes, deadline is tripped00:05
DocScrutinizer05nomination phase ended00:05
juicemeso we run with 10 candidates, good.00:05
DocScrutinizer05more than ever ;-)00:06
RzRwe got some pressure ... juiceme Win7Mac ;)00:06
peterleinchen_hopefully we will have more voters, too00:06
DocScrutinizer05so this time it's not been me to do that shanghaiing job00:06
juicemeI admit being pretty persuasive... well look at it this way, it worked :)00:06
RzRI see 12 there
* DocScrutinizer05 is out00:07
DocScrutinizer05of meeting00:07
juicemeoo, RzR you are right there00:08
juicemebye, doc :)00:08
RzRso the meeting is officially over now ?00:08
juicemebrandon=jackburton :)00:09
juicemeyes, this was the officail bit.00:09
RzRtoo bad neildk wasnt here00:09
juicemehe travels a lot, I think00:10
RzRI see00:10
peterleinchen_yes can happen :)00:10
DocScrutinizer05ooh, juiceme. We (you ;-p) need to publish result of nomination period and announce further proceeding. Usual channels00:10
juicemei'll do that.00:11
juicemethere's 11 candidates now, that right?00:11
juicemeokay, now please go and edit your entry on
juicememe & RzR already done that.00:12
juicemeso, unless anything else, I'll drop off too.00:13
peterleinchen_just one more00:13
RzRbtw should we keep using for tracking announcing etc ?00:13
juicemeam pretty wasted, biked 110km in bloody rain today and need to get up 5:45 tomorrow :)00:13
RzRor should we follow mailing lists 1st ?00:13
juicemeI'd say safest bet is to update both mlist and tmo00:14
peterleinchen_also concerning you ;) juiceme. what about Harmattan? Is it lost to MS? chemist wanted tp invesitgate a bit ....00:14
RzRpeterleinchen_, please detail the plan ?00:15
Win7MacRzR, why not put your email-content on the wiki-page...00:15
peterleinchen_but we can talk later go to bed ;)00:15
juicemeAFAIK Harmattan was not included in the MS deal. It was pretty much destroyed before the changeover already.00:15
peterleinchen_no plan00:15
juicemeso there was nothing to transfer to MS :(00:15
peterleinchen_yes that is my knowledge too00:16
RzRWin7Mac, I'll consider doing this later00:16
Win7Macseems so, yes00:16
* tmo_TomJ is off too00:16
juicemeanythng else..?00:16
peterleinchen_but I read on some MS site they taken over Harmattan but did not mention Maemo00:16
RzRasha still using harmattan homescreen design00:17
chem|stpeterleinchen_: maemo and meego are dead, not sold to MS so trademarks remain till due and are Nokia's till then00:17
RzRso I guess some part of it is still living somewhere00:17
juicemeMaemo was excluded from the deal, but I have nothing on writing on that.00:17
RzRin some heart at least00:17
juicemeRzR, asha uses the same design but it is window-dressing only, no common codebase.00:18
RzRnot at all but the design worth a lot in corporate world00:18
chem|stmy Nokia contact changed, the previouse contact made me aware of it by sending me an email from @microsoft.com00:19
RzRso I guess if they still using it this mean they still owning it00:19
juicememmh, yes, but id does not matter since Harmattan does not exist any longer00:19
juicemeso asha is the only existing interface using that loo&feel00:19
RzRafaik yes00:19
peterleinchen_so there is nothing to include?00:19
peterleinchen_integrate OpenRepos?00:20
RzRI would be curious to know the position on other platforms ?00:20
peterleinchen_just thinking loud, no plans ...00:20
RzRlike neo900 jolla etc00:20
chem|stRzR: plans on what?00:20
juicemeheh, this sounds like you are already in New Council Session :)00:21
RzRshould council take care of this or just focus on nokia maemo ?00:21
RzRok well you're right00:21
juicemethat is for the New Council to decide :)00:21
RzRlet's keep this for later00:21
chem|stRzR: council takes care of the community, and that is all franchises if need be!00:21
RzRthat would be the 1st minute ...00:21
juicemeanyway, nite. Ill tune out now.00:22
chem|stjuiceme: that is actually nothing council chooses, if there is a community project on it the council is to support that effort00:22
RzRchem|st, like lumia could be part of it ? ;)00:22
chem|stjuiceme: bb00:22
chem|stlumia is no maemo relative00:22
chem|stlumia is windows00:22
RzRwhat about the fake n9 ?00:23
chem|stRzR: we are no more nokia here, this is maemo, nokia is long gone00:23
RzRO RLY?00:23
chem|stif you want to start a harmattan-cssu go for it!00:24
DocScrutinizer05council is naturally, HiFo even legally focused on maemo-related and derivative stuff00:25
DocScrutinizer05is meego/harmattan maemo-related? sure. Is jolla? not so much already00:25
chem|st+ devices related to that00:25
DocScrutinizer05just that neither council nor HiFo is actually into any hw business00:26
peterleinchen_a harmattan-ccsu?00:26
RzRnow i'm gone00:26
RzRlater guys00:26
*** RzR is now known as rZr00:26
* DocScrutinizer05 too00:26
DocScrutinizer05cya all00:26
peterleinchen_nice idea but user base is already lesser than Maemo's00:27
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chem|sthey, I use my N9... (my jolla is gone poof)00:27
peterleinchen_oh ONE more :D00:28
chem|stseems FedEx lost it00:28
peterleinchen_of course 'lost' ...00:29
chem|stit was scanned on dispatch, never was scanned again00:29
rZrmine is also travelling w/ fedex atm00:29
chem|stuh is it in hongkong already?00:29
DocScrutinizer05soon passing by Saturn00:30
chem|stsome went .fi > .fr > .fi > .se > .fr this morning00:30
chem| > .fr > .hk > .se > .fi is also a nice detour00:32
rZrmine is supposed to be in paris now00:33
M4rtinKI think the only thing able to save Harmattan would be making up to date Qt 5 running on it00:33
M4rtinKthat could bring some ports from other platforms00:34
M4rtinK(and with Python 3 & PyOtherSide would enable modRana with the Qt 5 GUI on Harmattan :) )00:35
rZrM4rtinK, which qt5 platforms ?00:35
M4rtinKwell, everything that runs with plain Qt 5 should run00:36
rZrthere are few qt5 apps afaik most are using bb10 cascades or jolla silica ...00:36
M4rtinKQt 5 apps for Android :P00:36
rZrthose we already run on jolla00:36
M4rtinK(I'm not kidding - there are no special Android components, so it could work)00:37
rZrbtw I did built qt5 for harmattan00:37
rZralong kdelibs00:37
M4rtinKalso I guess it might be possible to port the Glacier components00:37
rZrw/ my friend djzapi00:37
rZrnow i am gone this is a discussion for #harmattan00:38
M4rtinKgood point00:39
peterleinchen_nite @all00:44
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DocScrutinizer05to all candidates, supplementary:
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