IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Thursday, 2014-06-12

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DocScrutinizer05wiki karma is fubar16:07
DocScrutinizer05even history/edits in wiki is fubar16:07
DocScrutinizer05wiki doesn't find a single edit of me, since there's some terrible mess going on with auto-capitalization of user name, account having lower case name, and even "_" converts to space16:19
DocScrutinizer05I suggested to have all searches case-insensitive, to fix this PITA16:22
DocScrutinizer05Ashley_ didn't do anything so far, afaik16:22
DocScrutinizer05bottom line: wiki karma is fubar, literally.16:22
DocScrutinizer05fcuked up beyond any repair16:23
DocScrutinizer05any wiki karma reported is mere cache and obsolete16:24
DocScrutinizer05other karma types subject to close investigation if they are really up-to-date or similarly broken and only from cache and 2 years old16:25
chem|stDocScrutinizer05: are you able to calculate chainsawbike 's karma by hand?16:47
DocScrutinizer05sorry, no idea how to do that. I can't even find out about his contributions to wiki16:48
DocScrutinizer05at least I suspect that16:49
DocScrutinizer05even when wiki *would* list some edits done by him, you never know if the list is complete, or if 80% are hidden just like for me 100% are hidden16:50
DocScrutinizer05I hate to say it, but: I told you guys that karma is broken and thus elections on the brink, a ~6 or 8 weeks ago (and several times before)16:51
chem|sthmm who did calculate karma for the election before last? wasn't someone doing stuff by hand?16:54
DocScrutinizer05we used obsolete old data16:55
DocScrutinizer05this time it seems we got a community-provided new but totally incorrect karma list16:56
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sixwheeledbeastI compiled a list from m.o, If stuff that feeds that list is broken I wouldn't know.20:13
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Win7MacIsn't this any good?:
Win7Machi 6wheely... ;)20:17
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: of course. Nobody blaming you. I blame borked infra20:20
DocScrutinizer05I just say it's impossible to create a correct such list, so elections are fundamentally flawed20:20
DocScrutinizer05and maybe some of you remember I mentioned this problem immediately after last elections, and said this MUST get fixed until next ones. Well now are "next ones" elextions, nothing got fixed. Here we are20:21
DocScrutinizer05that's state of thngs. Now we have to think how to deal with it20:23
DocScrutinizer05I suggested to *guess* when needed, e.g. for chainsawbike's karma20:24
DocScrutinizer05any better suggestions welcome20:24
DocScrutinizer05the two extremes of our range of options are: a) completely ignore the problem  z) completely ignore the rules20:26
Win7MacI suggest to stick to
DocScrutinizer05fixing karma seems no feasible option20:27
Win7MacIn case of ambiguity we need to look into it20:27
Win7Macthat page just needs some reformatting, prefferably by script. sixwheeledbeast... ^^? ;)20:28
DocScrutinizer05we have a case of ambiguity for every single decision that depends on karma20:28
DocScrutinizer05even for electorate20:28
DocScrutinizer05*particularly* for electorate20:29
Win7Macsixwheeledbeast, would it be possible for you to such a wiki-page?20:31
DocScrutinizer05election a year ago we offered that everybody who wants and is member of garage since longer than quarantine can have a balot, no matter what karma20:31
sixwheeledbeastWin7Mac: it's hard work to reformat, hence it's current state20:31
DocScrutinizer05and it's a basically useless list anyway20:32
sixwheeledbeastIt didn't have columns until a week ago20:32
DocScrutinizer05particularly for those who don't have enough karma20:32
Win7Macwell, adopting the criteria seems more feasible than fixing the technical flaws...20:32
DocScrutinizer05according to that list, but maybe in real have enough nevertheless20:32
sixwheeledbeastoh o/ Win7Mac too...20:33
sixwheeledbeastI know that nobody is blaming me :)20:33
DocScrutinizer05anyway, have fun guys. I am strictly limted to 60min per week for council. And those are already used up20:34
DocScrutinizer05good luck!20:35
sixwheeledbeasthmm, well can anybody suggest which bits of the karma system are broken. Obviously some of it must be working.20:36
DocScrutinizer05wiki definitely dead20:36
DocScrutinizer05other stuff up to scrutinizing20:37
sixwheeledbeastI say "some" must be working as the values have changed20:38
DocScrutinizer05and you won't fix wiki based karma before you fix wiki user contributions listing20:38
DocScrutinizer05sure, we fixed tmo karma some 6 months ago20:38
sixwheeledbeastIIRC was woody looking into karma ages ago?20:39
sixwheeledbeastthat may have been what I recall.20:39
DocScrutinizer05it was like 6 dudes looking ito it for 2 weeks to make tmo karma work again20:39
sixwheeledbeastok so what else contribs to karma?20:39
sixwheeledbeastI suppose, testing and working out what's actually broken would be a good step.20:43
DocScrutinizer05sure, but definitely no simple task20:44
DocScrutinizer05e.g. tmo karma takes a week or two to update20:44
DocScrutinizer05wiki takes forever20:46
sixwheeledbeasttakes or took?20:46
DocScrutinizer05other stuff might be mere random, depending e.g. where in sort order of your first, last, nick name, or account number you are20:46
freemangordonI guess it is the same problem with that leak eating all the RAM and hitting swap, so processing never ends20:46
DocScrutinizer05wiki is broken20:47
freemangordonin midgard that is20:47
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: nope, it's wiki itself that's broken20:47
DocScrutinizer05which doesn't mean the rest is working20:47
freemangordonyeah. I'll try to catch with warfare these days and finally patch midgard20:48
DocScrutinizer05wiki is unrelated to mdgard20:48
freemangordonstill, I'll try to do it20:49
sixwheeledbeastthat would be good20:49
DocScrutinizer05that's genuine fuckup in mediawiki, who thought auto-capitalizing user names would be a great idea20:49
warfarefreemangordon: I'm free on the weekend.20:50
DocScrutinizer05anyway, cya folks20:50
freemangordonwarfare: unfortunately I am not, going to see how's black see doing :)20:50
Win7Macask Ashley for help, he seems to know such stuff20:50
freemangordonso next week/weekend20:50
DocScrutinizer05he said it's fubar20:51
DocScrutinizer05and didn't do anything about it since ... 6 months?20:51
DocScrutinizer05maybe you missed it, ashley is our wiki maintainer20:51
warfarefreemangordon: ping me when you've got time.20:52
DocScrutinizer05so what I'm telling here is quotes of him20:52
DocScrutinizer05no need to ask him again20:52
freemangordonwarfare:  BTW do we have some kind of "test environment" ?20:52
freemangordonfor midgard that is?20:52
warfarefreemangordon: not really.20:52
freemangordonany chance to run some of the backup VM images, even on weak HW, just to see it will be still running after we install the new .debs?20:53
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: great! so at least *new* contributions are find-able20:53
DocScrutinizer05old ones however...20:54
sixwheeledbeasthow old?20:54
DocScrutinizer05well, I miss a damn lot of my edits20:55
DocScrutinizer05can't tell which ones off top of my head, but I'm absolutely sure there been more than those ?? 70 ?? that are on
warfarefreemangordon: I can try to build a virtualbox vm..20:56
freemangordonwarfare: or we can think of a good "revert plan"20:57
DocScrutinizer05(cur) (prev)  2010-07-25T00:03:36 joerg_rw (Talk | contribs | block) (4,191 bytes) (added p16..18, notes on components) (undo)20:57
DocScrutinizer05oldest in my list of contributions is >> 2011-11-17T13:58:36 joerg_rw (Talk | contribs | block) moved Talk:Task:Community Council/Eligible voters to SPAM please delete ‎ (no way to delete initial edits) (revert) <<20:58
freemangordonwarfare:  take MO down, backup the VM, bring it back up, upgrade midgard packages, check. sounds feasible?20:58
DocScrutinizer05and it feels like there are also missing edits in between, like e.g. during 2012, 201320:59
sixwheeledbeastDocScrutinizer05: it seems that it only remembers last 500 events for each person20:59
warfarefreemangordon: +backup the database somewhere in between.20:59
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: what I see are maybe 50 but for sure no 50020:59
freemangordonwarfare: anyway, you know better than me on that matter, so I count on you to have a rollback plan :)20:59
warfareI'm out, hotel internet is starting to lose packets. l8ters!21:00
Win7Macand it does not work to edit parameters in addressbar:
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: yes, so what?21:01
sixwheeledbeastthat's your last 500 events?21:01
DocScrutinizer05wtf? count them, do you see 500?21:02
DocScrutinizer05looks like 55 to me21:02
DocScrutinizer05this whole thing is totally fubar21:04
DocScrutinizer05and I'm so totally afk now21:04
sixwheeledbeastso 272 events21:04
sixwheeledbeastwell it's not limited to time so there must be a max events on each person21:05
Win7MacIf all attempts fail - how about this?: Candidates need to have garage-account for 1 year + karma(w/o wiki) of >=50; voters need to have garage-account for 3 months + karma(w/o wiki) of >=521:05
sixwheeledbeastneed referendum to change rules?21:06
Win7Macwell, probably for next election...21:07
Win7Macbut well...21:07
Win7Macfor now, HiFo is in effect and a referendum indeed would be required21:09
Win7Macfor next elects (with the e.V. in charge), the General Assembly (founders only so far) or a referendum may change that21:11
Win7Macwhich parts of karma actually do work?21:13
Win7Mactmo works, right?21:15
sixwheeledbeastIt seems21:16
sixwheeledbeastas above testing them isn't going to be easy21:16
sixwheeledbeastthere are so many bits that are interlinked Products and packages for example21:18
chem|stWin7Mac: do you have the links for your updated terms and stuff at hand?21:19
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: (Ln272) wut?21:19
sixwheeledbeastpackage testing could be tested, someone can check there karma vote on a package. I recommend zzztop ;) then wait see if Karma changes21:20
sixwheeledbeastI copied to gedit there where 272 lines21:20
Win7Macchem|st, i sent links to webpads in a mail some months ago...21:20
DocScrutinizer05Win7Mac: stop interpreting COUNCIL rules like they were any related to HiFo!21:21
Win7Macand instead?21:22
DocScrutinizer05maemo council is neither ruled by HiFo nor by any e.V.21:22
DocScrutinizer05sixwheeledbeast: on my screen there were like 4.5 screens full of 2liner entries each with a bullez left side. each screen had ~15 bullets21:24
DocScrutinizer05ooops, rather 3.521:24
sixwheeledbeastI had a load more than that, I have a widescreen TV for monitor so all on one line here :)21:25
chem|stsounds like war again...21:26
chem|stWin7Mac: you actually do get board@ mails.... why are you reminding me about things that are already replied?21:27
chem|stWin7Mac: I did not get the godaddy billing, was that fwd by rob?21:29
chem|stWin7Mac: tim samoff should have the credentials, and I thought he is in charge of all the stuff....21:30
Win7Mache is, afaik21:31
chem|stneat you found the mail!21:31
Win7Maclinks inside...21:31
chem|styeah and still working!21:32
DocScrutinizer05Win7Mac: in a 3 .. 4 weeks, HiFo and leaving council together can decide to abolish maemo community council. The HiFo is free to do whatever they like. Until then there's a maemo community council like it been for >4 years now, and the rules are: Council has to try to adhere to those rules, not leave it up to any other entity to decide about new rules21:32
chem|stjuiceme: can you crossread the terms Win7Mac sent please, I read over them once now, I will ask my sister to do so as well21:32
DocScrutinizer05Win7Mac: when your e.V rules are not in line with then *you* messed up21:33
DocScrutinizer05maemo council CANNOT change those rules21:33
Win7Mactold you twice and sent you all the documents... they are the same21:34
chem|stand wont need to be changed?!21:35
DocScrutinizer05sorry, then I fal to understand the meaning of >><Win7Mac> for now, HiFo is in effect and a referendum indeed would be required  <Win7Mac> for next elects (with the e.V. in charge), the General Assembly (founders only so far) or a referendum may change that<<21:36
Win7Macexcept that general assembly HAS TO HAVE the right to change those rules, because the have set them. they HAVE TO remain ownership21:36
DocScrutinizer05fail, even21:36
DocScrutinizer05then council doesn't care about that21:36
DocScrutinizer05your problem21:36
chem|stDocScrutinizer05: exactly...21:37
chem|stfor legal reasons thay have to have this right... that is nothing I am scared of to blow in our faces21:37
chem|stnvm afk...21:39
DocScrutinizer05maemo community council(!!) is responsible to do proper elections. Nothing in HiFo or any e.V. matters to that21:39
DocScrutinizer05and particularly nobody has any onwership of maemo council and the rules the council promised to follow21:41
DocScrutinizer05if *anything* then council is supposed to "own" HiFo21:41
DocScrutinizer05HiFo is NOT the new council, doesn not oversee the council, and does not rule council. Nor will any e.V., unless council (or HiFo) initiates a referendum to allow council to change rules21:43
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Win7Macwhy THE F*CK you refuse to accept the result of the referendum you and me and everybody else once fought for???!!!22:05
Win7Macthere is exactly 1 council22:05
Win7Macand HiFo will pass it to the e.v. even without "owning" it22:06
Win7Macits a community-wide consensus and you're the only one refusing it22:07
DocScrutinizer05dream on22:17
DocScrutinizer05nobody will "pass it" to anywhere. Council exists and doiesn't give a fart about your ranting22:19
DocScrutinizer05and you evidently live in a parallel universe, since what I witnessed in this one been HiFo council accepting to be identical to maemo community council, after HiFo accepted the election of a HiFo council22:21
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Win7Macexactly... so there is 1 council left... so whats your point?22:22
DocScrutinizer05for this purpose we had a referendum to marginally adjust maemo council rules to fix a few ambiguities. That didn't install any nonsensical superiority of HiFo over council. And your e.V. is completely unrelated to council unless you accept the maemo community council including the rules it follows to be an entity of your e.V.22:23
DocScrutinizer05your ideas of "pass it to" and "for next elects (with the e.V. in charge), the General Assembly (founders only so far) [...] can change that" are delusional22:24
Win7Macrules *are* included in MY e.V... ;)22:24
Win7Macand you signed the bylaws...22:25
DocScrutinizer05that's still *your* rules, and you maybe stole it from maemo community council but that doesn't mean you can change them now and council will follow22:25
DocScrutinizer05*you* accepted m*maemo council's* rules, not the other way round22:26
DocScrutinizer05and those rules don't allow any nonsense like "for next elects (with the e.V. in charge), the General Assembly (founders only so far) [...] can change that"22:26
Win7Maci have no problem (though I won't be in charge then) to have a refendum to change the ruls if the situation demands and it gets clarified to community22:27
DocScrutinizer05so please stop suggesting such nonsense22:29
DocScrutinizer05A clean refernedum is the only way to chnage the maemo council rules, incl election rules22:30
DocScrutinizer05no "for next elects (with the e.V. in charge), the General Assembly (founders only so far) [...] can change that"22:30
DocScrutinizer05and even now elections are not related to HiFo really22:31
DocScrutinizer05since it's council that does the elections22:31
DocScrutinizer05HiFo agreed to accept the results of such elections. And that's it22:31
DocScrutinizer05no way HiFo or any e.V. can change the rules. ever22:32
Win7Macyou are drawing a line here that is superfluous, nobody besides us really cares, everybody's just happy that things work, if they do22:33
Win7Macwhat if referendum gets rejected...22:33
Win7Macand leave us with a situation unable to have regular elections...22:34
DocScrutinizer05then it's still up to COUNCIL to handle that22:34
Win7Macso what would you do?22:34
DocScrutinizer05according to the rules, as closely as possible22:34
DocScrutinizer05first thing I would do: make sure that it's not *you* who has a saying in what to do next22:35
DocScrutinizer05ther rules are comprehensive and pretty simple and clear. I don't need such virtual scenario games22:37
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DocScrutinizer05all I need is and definitely not a single word more22:38
Win7Macyeah, me too, good night! Enjoy *YOUR* council!22:38
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DocScrutinizer05when there are problems in folowing those rules, then council is supposed to follow them as close as possible, making changes only where needed, in a way that best suits the original intention22:39
DocScrutinizer05emphasis on COUNCIL22:40
DocScrutinizer05under very specific conditions in cooperation with HiFo22:40
DocScrutinizer05s/make changes/make a temporary compromise for the special problem/22:44
DocScrutinizer05well, good that we agree it's not win7mak's council ;-P I started worrying he never will admit that22:47
* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks22:48
* sixwheeledbeast deskheads22:49
DocScrutinizer05"for next elects (with the e.V. in charge), the General Assembly (founders only so far) [...] can change that"  -- NO Sir! CANNOT22:49
DocScrutinizer05there's exactly one entity that can change that, and that's community as defined in
DocScrutinizer05by a referendum22:50
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juicemechem|st, I'll do that.23:51

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