IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2014-02-26

*** Win7Mac2 has joined #maemo-meeting01:47
*** win7mac has quit IRC01:51
*** Win7Mac2 has quit IRC02:08
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC02:13
*** saif has quit IRC06:08
*** chainsawbike has quit IRC08:52
*** chainsawbike has joined #maemo-meeting08:52
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting10:05
*** M4rtinK has quit IRC10:12
*** freemangordon has quit IRC13:36
*** freemangordon has joined #maemo-meeting13:41
DocScrutinizer05thanks to Jussi the offsite backup is secured for March, but I'm still planning to discontinue the contract end if this month unless HiFo comes up with a long term solution13:48
*** saif has joined #maemo-meeting14:32
*** M4rtinK has joined #maemo-meeting20:59
*** saif has quit IRC21:10
*** saif has joined #maemo-meeting21:23
*** sixwheeledbeast has quit IRC21:29
*** gregoa has quit IRC21:47
*** gregoa has joined #maemo-meeting21:50
*** saif has quit IRC22:10

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