IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Wednesday, 2013-07-17

DocScrutinizer05anyway, hope all of you make it for tomorrow same time00:00
DocScrutinizer05recalling how difficult it been to schedule the meeting today00:00
win7macthanks for the invitation, am hoping too ;)00:03
DocScrutinizer05and if it fails nevertheless, you still can call +49 1805 1009  room 509251 (or any other 6digit room you may want to agree upon in non-public channel)00:03
win7macif anything fails, I'll call 911...00:04
* DocScrutinizer05 adds 018051009 to his addressbook00:04
Woody14619Just a crazy idea... Perhapse Mumble?  Open source, have a nice chat channel on freenode (#mumbler), has win/Mac/Linux/iOS pre-builds.  Could throw a server on one of our boxes and connect up to it as needed?00:13
win7macI suggested that already00:14
win7mac*that* would just work for everybody00:14
win7macjust yet no client for N900:14
win7macand not crazy at all00:15
win7macclient for N9 wouldn't even be needed if it's a one-time-thing00:15
Woody14619It will not be a one time thing... voice component is needed at least quarterly to be an official meeting.00:16
DocScrutinizer05no client for maemo00:17
DocScrutinizer05and you'd maybe not be allowed to install anything like that on your company's workstation00:17
Woody14619But from the looks of it, it's quite viable.  Minimal and open.00:18
DocScrutinizer05sure, if you feel like that, start a maemo project00:18
DocScrutinizer05for N900 and N900:18
Woody14619TS has a client to install as well.  So not limited to that.00:18
win7macTS has a client for N9?00:20
DocScrutinizer05whatever you opt for, don't forget it's just a means to an end, not a leete new feature we all can't wait to see getting implemented00:20
keriomumble is really great00:21
kerioand easy to configure00:21
kerioboth on server and client side00:21
DocScrutinizer05my phome is easier to configure, and I already dome it00:21
keriomumble on the n900 is slightly outdated, which means that it can't use Opus00:21
DocScrutinizer05and phone* damn00:21
kerioDocScrutinizer05: mumble has a much better quality for less bandwidth00:21
Woody14619Which is great for people in Germany, but not so usefull for anyone else.00:22
Woody14619A call to Germany from the US is a good ammount per minute.  And even locally costs you to use the conference features from what you just said.00:22
DocScrutinizer05who wants to call germany from US?00:23
win7macwell, if voice component is needed at least quarterly to be an official meeting, then why not have it self-hosted with openmeetings or BBB?00:23
DocScrutinizer05because ^^^00:23
Woody14619<DocScrutinizer05> you all just dial +49 1805 1009   then go to room 50925100:24
Woody14619That's a call to Germany from US00:24
* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks and suggests woody checks his email from jaffa00:24
win7macon our servers it'd be for free for everybody from everywhere through voip00:25
Woody14619We tried google the first time.  It failed miserably for >2 participants.00:26
DocScrutinizer05win7mac: on or same applies00:26
DocScrutinizer05just nobody of techstaff has to install anything on and waste a day on it00:27
win7macNHB, sounds interesting00:28
win7macI just wonder how much effort'it'd really be to install
win7macand simply have a try00:30
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win7macwhat now, PGP or GPG?01:53
win7macsorry, need a how2 for true dummies for this or I can't participate in your PGP/GPG debian gnu party. Seems I need to install something and whatnot, no idea if that's even available for win7. Otherwise I'll verify my mails upon request if anybody doubts.02:12
win7macor any of these on #maemo who could guide me?:
DocScrutinizer05((<win7mac> I just wonder how much effort)) do it and tell us ;-)02:25
win7macwhat? I'm strugglin with PGP and things like "ask your local debian-dealer...02:27
win7macah, openmeetings, honestly I don't know how much work that'd be, but I'd for sure be a happy tester ;)02:29
DocScrutinizer05I wonder how hard it can be to google for "PGP <your-mail-client>"02:29
DocScrutinizer05  -->
DocScrutinizer05for example02:31
DocScrutinizer05first hit02:31
win7macthanks :)02:31
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win7macEnigmail konnte nicht installiert werden, da es nicht kompatibel ist mit Thunderbird 22.0 :(02:44
win7maccya later o/02:46
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Woody14619Formal voice meeting held agreeing to meeting points from the meeting here yesterday.  Posting of minutes to HiFo site to follow, hopefully very soon.22:24
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M4rtinKany groundbreaking stuff ? :)22:33
DocScrutinizer05see yesterday's meeting in here22:47
win7macno groundbreaking stuff, all good :)22:54
M4rtinKyeah, looks like mostly housekeeping - which is good :)23:02
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