IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Friday, 2013-04-19

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*** DocScrutinizer05 changes topic to "TODAY'S MEETING LATE by 45min: 18:45 UTC || Council meetings every Friday @ 18:00 UTC | livelog at"19:35
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DocScrutinizer05I have nothing to say22:05
DocScrutinizer05or let's put it this way: I just don't know what to say22:06
Woody14619can you review the pastbin I posted?22:06
DocScrutinizer05no, since now we have meeting22:06
DocScrutinizer05also, I haven't attended anything of what might be in there22:07
Woody14619I wonder why I bother at times... I really do.22:08
DocScrutinizer05sorry for stating the truth, unbiased and straight22:08
DocScrutinizer05btw others stated *exactly* the same in closed channels to me, just 5 min ago22:09
DocScrutinizer05some of the attendants of today's BoD meeting (I didn't attend but I feel with them)22:10
GeneralAntillesIs Rob putting together minutes?22:10
DocScrutinizer05eventually, probably22:11
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: So is the thing you have on pastebin effectively the Board's final decision on this matter?22:11
DocScrutinizer05if anybody could give us a concise review of what happened during that meeting, maybe we had something to talk about22:12
qwazixhi all, keeping up with logs22:12
qwazixmany channels to keep up with22:12
Woody14619It's what I have literally in an editor (which some bold and links) in a post set to go to TMO as a new thread.22:12
Woody14619So yes.22:12
Woody14619On this one topic at least.22:12
Woody14619Doc's collection of the summaries from quazix and me in council-orga cover the rest.22:13
DocScrutinizer05any other topics - except those that are missing?22:13
Woody14619Meeting minutes will happen, but clearly are not ready at this instant.22:13
DocScrutinizer05are you sure we're not wasting community's time right now, as in discussing stuff on a meeting that has zilch info for any community attendant?22:14
DocScrutinizer05or let me put it this way: what will stay in meeting minutes of this very meeting so far?22:15
qwazixMy opinion is that we go to the community state the history once again for everyone to read, retract all referendums and elections and announce one referendum to oust board.22:16
thedead1440qwazix: if that was possible; its best solution22:17
Woody14619The Board had a meeting.  Agreeably the format and length is dislikable.  But it's there.22:17
qwazixIf you all agree on the other thing and believe in it I will probably just stay quiet but I won't do it just because we can't think of anything better now.22:17
DocScrutinizer05I stay quiet until I feel I have anything to talk about22:18
qwazixthedead1440, why do you think it's impossible?22:18
thedead1440Rob saying its illegal or whatever22:19
Woody14619As is this:
Woody14619Technically there is not mechanism to halt an MCC referendum nor an MCC election.22:19
thedead1440qwazix: my exact sentiments >> 02:54 <thedead1440> i'm tired of all this drama; today i too feel like giving up on it... rob can go fuck himself22:19
thedead144002:55 <thedead1440> whoever cares about * can go fuck rob <<22:19
qwazixthedead1440, I was saying to Woody14619 before, that the thing I hate the most is that we now look like fools22:20
thedead1440indeed i told him something similar too on that same chan earlier22:20
Woody14619No one is a fool for doing what they feel is in the best interest of the community.  Ever.22:20
qwazixThere IS a seperate HFC, we never had the legal statute to call for elections, Rob was right all along. I really have a a hard time to accept that.22:21
thedead1440>>00:24 <thedead1440> The problem with a middle ground is it makes whatever rob has been saying about the invalidity of current council's actions stand.<<22:21
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qwazixhaha, I used almost the same words22:21
keriofucking hell22:22
Woody14619So... Where do you want to go?22:22
DocScrutinizer05fact is that literally nobody except Rob thought there should be THREE entities22:22
qwazixWoody14619, I've been looking down on politicians for changing stances with the wind because "of the best interest of $something". I'm not going to do it22:22
MentalistTraceurNot necessarily. There's a difference between accepting a solution that gets almost what the community wants, and accepting that the other side was right.22:23
Woody14619I'm game for anything.  Personally, I think it works well to follow this path.  But if Council wants other action... I'm up for doing it.22:23
Woody14619Doc: You are correct.  Which means all nominees will run for both bodies... and all votes will match.22:23
Woody14619the election will prove this point, via the community making that choice.22:23
qwazixWoody14619, I don't think it's that simple22:24
Woody14619Much as it made the point that the community still wanted 2 bodies (Council/Board) when presented with that option 6 months ago, as others were 100% sure Council was no longer needed.22:24
Woody14619Several people spoke on that point, that splitting the two had no real reason.  I'd say the past 6 months has panned out otherwise... no?22:25
Woody14619So let the community decide again.22:25
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Woody14619But like I said.. if ANYONE has a better idea... I'm all ears.22:25
keriofor instance, stopping this bullshit and just restating that the "hildon foundation council" *is* the maemo community council22:26
thedead1440like qwazix said; his idea is a referendum that simply kicks BoD out22:26
DocScrutinizer05if there weren't been 2 entities, then today what would we have? a HiFo with no council or a council with no HiFo?22:26
MentalistTraceurRealistically, is anyone willing to A. sue Rob in US court in the state where HiFo is incorporated, and hope we can win on that turf, proving he got the bylaws wrong, or B. hire an assassin and/or otherwise remove him from the Board? Because aside from that, how exactly, aside from convincing him (which doesn't seem to work) do you propose we get him to stop being Board?22:26
qwazixWoody14619, I think that that is pretty irrelevant. I think that it would still be better if it was one body with cooperating members.22:26
DocScrutinizer05I bet on the latter, and I think we'd be better off with that22:26
thedead1440MentalistTraceur: he misrepresented the HiFo BoD in the press release22:27
* thedead1440 is out of ideas...22:27
Woody14619qwazix: Really?  Do you think things would have been different if there was just Board?22:28
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: The latter didn't work for transfering Maemo assets from Nokia to community, due to legalistic technicalities.22:28
DocScrutinizer05council as well could become a legal entity22:29
qwazixMay be, for example we may have been 7 board members and have a possibility to kick Rob out. I'm not saying that's for sure, but I think that splitting the bodies made things harder due to miscommunication22:29
MentalistTraceurthedead1440: To prove he misrepresented it, you have to prove his intepretation of the facts is the wrong one, and we're back to proving that.22:29
Woody14619Yes Doc, we could have.  The founders (Me, Ivan & Rob) could have just become Board.22:29
qwazixWe wouldn't have to wait for SD69, we could approved sysops by majority easily22:29
Woody14619qwazix: Would you have run for Board if Council was not in last cycle?  Would MT have?  Niel?22:30
thedead1440everybody lets stop hypothetical scenarios!22:30
Woody14619Because nobody else stepped forward.22:30
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: I would've run for both bodies if I was allowed.22:30
MentalistTraceurYou might recall I put my candidacy in late.22:30
qwazixWoody14619, I don't know, probably not, but that is **just** what I am saying. My scenario is just as hypothetical as yours22:30
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: sorry I don't get your question22:31
DocScrutinizer05what means >>if Council was not in last cycle<<?22:31
DocScrutinizer05council never was in last cycle22:32
qwazixIt might be that SD69 would be a bigger problem if it was only Board, it might be he was a lesser problem due to being a smaller percentage and not having the possibility to veto as he has now.22:32
DocScrutinizer05if i have any idea what that means22:32
Woody14619There were people saying there was no need for Board AND Council.  (MMC or HFC), and that it should all just be Board.22:32
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Qwazix said if there was no Council last election, more people would've possibly ran for Board. So woody asked qwazix if he would've ran for Board if there was no Council to run for last election.22:32
DocScrutinizer05nobody ever said council should stop to exist (after learning a bit about it). It would BOEARD that wouldn't exist22:33
Woody14619During the formation of the ByLaws... many were claiming just that... No need for Council, just boot it and elect one body: Board.22:33
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, a legal entity requires a board22:33
qwazixso council would be board anyway22:33
qwazixit's not the names that matter, it's if it was one or two bodie22:34
DocScrutinizer05so what? call the baby "maemo community council (incl "the board") "22:34
Woody14619My point being, people said 2 is too many, only need 1.  We held elections and let the candidates and voters decide that.22:34
qwazixThat's what I think that would *maybe* be more agile than the current misadventure22:34
DocScrutinizer05as it's now we have a bord that's totally completely detached from, and not under control of the community22:34
qwazix^^ that22:35
Woody14619There were lots of dual candidates...  voters chose to split it so only one wound up overlapping.22:35
DocScrutinizer05and planning shit like ubuntu phone22:35
DocScrutinizer05and killing maemo.org22:35
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Wouldn't have solved much - if the same people got voted in. If we had done what you proposed, we'd just have a council that's totally detached from and not under control of the community.22:35
qwazixWoody14619, lots of dual candidates?22:35
DocScrutinizer05the point is, other people would have been voted in, and other rules would apply22:36
qwazixExcept ivan who else was dual?22:36
Woody14619doc was, at least at one point...22:36
MentalistTraceurqwazix: I was dual, but my BoD candidacy was rejected.22:36
DocScrutinizer05nope I wasn't22:36
MentalistTraceur(Because late.)22:36
DocScrutinizer05Rob bullied me out22:36
Woody14619You announced and then recinded...22:37
kerioDocScrutinizer05: ah, so ultimately it *is* your fault! :P22:37
qwazixMentalistTraceur, maybe we would be a bigger council and able to outshout the detached members22:37
DocScrutinizer05afk, ping me if you need sth from me22:37
Woody14619point being, the only one not in for Board last cycle was you qwazix.  Maybe Niel?22:37
kerioanyway, am i seeing it right that rob is the only one in the HiFo BoD right now?22:37
qwazixWoody14619, point being the only actual being ivan.22:37
qwazixyes. Doc wasn't in the ballots22:38
Woody14619Kerio: I and JimJ are also on Board.. What makes you say only Rob?22:38
qwazixMT wasn't in the ballots22:38
qwazixTexrat wasn't for council22:38
qwazixTim wasn't for council22:38
qwazixThere was one dual and got voted in22:38
Woody14619No.. wasn't saying no to you qwazix, was to kerio22:38
qwazixoh sorry22:38
qwazixIn any way, this is futile. I wasn't unhappy with two bodies anyway, just saying22:39
Woody14619Yes, I get that.. My point is if we had onnly one election, for Board, MT would have been to late to enter, Doc would have probably still been out..  The only unknow would have been you.22:40
qwazixI AM unhappy with 3 bodies though. Severely unhappy22:40
Woody14619Which again.. I believe community will resolve by voting the same group into both bodies... mission accomplished.22:40
Woody14619And if I'm wrong, then the community gets what it wants... Either way I'm happy.22:40
Woody14619And if the same candidates then all want to run for Board... and it goes to 1 lot... well, there again, if the community wants that, there they go.22:41
DocScrutinizer05i'm not22:41
qwazixI would really want to share your happiness, but something doesn't smell right here...22:41
DocScrutinizer05I don't think I will run for THREE entities22:42
DocScrutinizer05I can't handle that22:42
Woody14619If you onnly see them as one to start with, what's the difference?22:42
DocScrutinizer05so rather I run for none22:42
Woody14619I don't think the auto shop should have 3 unions... one for management, one for workers and one for repairmen.  If everyone believes that and all elect the same representative, is it really 3 unions?22:43
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: Depends what angle you look at the result from. You end up with 1 union ran by three sets of equally applicable and binding rules.22:44
Woody14619I agree... can be tricky.  But then I kind of like the idea of dragging MCC rules into HFC.  Since HFC has nothing in it (inately anyway) about refereundums or the lot.22:46
Woody14619Anyway... I've delivered the news.  It's up to you lot to decide what to do next.  I've said where I stand and where I think things should go.  But it's up to you at this point.  And I'm willing to try even not quite sane things if it's decided it's a better way to go.22:47
Woody14619Be that calling Jim, resigning, whatever...22:47
GeneralAntillesHow is this going to be made clear in voting?22:48
DocScrutinizer05let me put it this way: if I toss out 200EUR/month for a server @ hetzner, and convince a brilliant techstaff team *I* built up (yeah, I know I'm a humbe sucker) to move over there, what will we lose? Nokia's sacraments and domain. I probably could live without both of it22:48
GeneralAntillesI suspect many voters will come in with no knowledge of the situation22:48
qwazixGeneralAntilles, true22:48
DocScrutinizer05on the bargain side: no more Rob that kills me every single day during last 3 months22:48
DocScrutinizer05just hypothetically22:48
qwazixand utterly confused by the thousand announcements about different elections22:48
Woody14619IF they come with no clue, they will have missed the thousand annoucements.22:49
GeneralAntillesThis is politics22:49
GeneralAntillesThis is not helping the community get what it needs22:49
Woody14619Besides, we've yet to send tokens...  That e-mail is the thing that informs the votes most.22:49
MentalistTraceur(Woody, personally, I don't like the MCC rules pulled into HFC, honestly. Which is why I viewed the merge MCC into HFC referendum as eliminating the MCC at a technical level, while combining them at a 'meaningful' level. But no one else seemed to see the point of the referendum that way.) DocScrutinizer05: You and any individual could live without both just fine. The community as a ...22:50
qwazixMost people won't know that they are deciding if we need 3 bodies or not, maybe they want to vote for more people and just see more seats as opportunity to reward more members22:50
Woody14619GA: again, if you have a better idea, please, speak up...22:50
MentalistTraceur... whole, far less so.22:50
GeneralAntillesNobody outside of a dozen or so individuals has the time or energy to invest in these ganes22:50
GeneralAntillesI'm not versed enough with the ByLaws to see the issue with what was proposed before22:51
Woody14619qwazix: Which is why a summary, in that e-mail, is important.22:51
GeneralAntillesNor have I had time to listen to 2 hours of audio22:51
Woody14619Again, minutes will be forthcoming.   But just as you don't have time to listen to 2 hours or talk, I don't have time right now to write them up while announcing an election, and trying to fix the voting machine to include new users....22:52
GeneralAntillesWoody14619, not addressing any of this to you personally22:53
DocScrutinizer05look, IF BoD wanted HFC==MCC they could have done that by simple appointment. Since they didn't, who is council to try and force that onto BoD?22:53
DocScrutinizer05I think this won't pan out, another time22:54
Woody14619I have noted:  I am willing to add an after-page to the MCC/ HFC election in the voting booth to give option to people to "copy" their MCC or HFC vote directly to the other election.  Select Yes, you vote equally on both.  Select No, you have the option of choosing another set in election #2.22:54
Woody14619that should ease the "pain" of election fatigue.22:54
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: I approve of doing that.22:55
DocScrutinizer05and i'm NOT going to have a membership in THREE entities, and hand that shit down to my successors in 6 months (assuming I would get elected)22:55
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, can we live another 7 months without HiFo funds?22:55
DocScrutinizer05fuck HiFo22:56
Woody14619Then in that 6 months, you could propose a change to blend all 3 together.22:56
qwazixOk, lets ban SD from *all* community comm channels, and ignore him22:56
qwazixin 7 months he will be forced to hold elections anyway22:56
Woody14619On the current track he'll be forced to in 2 weeks.  Why wait 7 months?22:56
DocScrutinizer05because we don't believe in that 2 weeks anymore22:57
qwazixBecause, as I said, I don't believe that he doesn't have a plan22:57
Woody14619And it's only to November, not years end. :)22:57
DocScrutinizer05we got burnt fingers from last try22:57
qwazixand because we would look like fools succumbing to his will to create a monstrosity with 3 bodies that will "grow to being more than"22:58
MentalistTraceurqwazix: I disapprove of that measure. (If in the next two weeks, things don't pan out as they ought to, I might change my mind.)22:58
MentalistTraceur(If it so happens he really does have some conspiratorial plan)22:58
qwazixMentalistTraceur, you should have listened to that meeting22:58
qwazixit was so depressing...22:58
Woody14619qwazix: Either way... what would be different?  Doingyour plan vs just "banning" Board and running the clock out?22:59
DocScrutinizer05I'm afk again, I don't feel like contributing anything useful. Make your move whatever that is, I will tell you what's my consequences from that22:59
qwazixI'm inclined to do the same being unable to offer something more than my frustration22:59
qwazixI understand that I am not being helpful here22:59
qwazixand I apologize22:59
Woody14619You're frustrated... we all are to some degree.23:00
Woody14619That's natural.23:00
qwazixbut I still can't fathom it being Rob's puppet23:00
DocScrutinizer05I promised to stand and fight for community's rights and assets for 6 months. That term ends in 2 weeks, by whatever means23:00
Woody14619The thing I worry about now is, what if nobody runs for anything?23:01
DocScrutinizer05we'll see in a few eeks?23:01
Woody14619We've had two self-noms for Council, both under 50 Karma.23:01
DocScrutinizer05I honestly can't bother anymore23:01
qwazixWoody14619, if nobody runs for anything it's clearly our fault from boring them to death with this23:02
MentalistTraceurLook, my vote is we accept this thing from the Board (to hell with 'looking like fools', we make it clear we still think Rob is wrong in an announcement, and that we're taking this option to try to make things smoother/easier for the community by reducing further politics/bickering).23:03
MentalistTraceurIf that's not a popular sentiment, then I have to wonder out loud if Woody and Jim are likely to agree to a community desire to have them vote Rob out of his directorship.23:03
keriomy .02 goes to banning and ignoring rob23:03
Woody14619MentalistTraceur: There are other consiquences to that.23:04
qwazixMentalistTraceur, after todays meeting I think it is unlikely that Jim will vote Rob out23:04
Woody14619qwazix, I disagree.  I don't think he'd be willing to do it in the next 2 weeks.  But if another stall tactic is played?23:05
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: +123:05
qwazixWoody14619, you probably know better23:05
MentalistTraceurkerio (and anyone else supporting just outright Rob from every means of communicating with the community): That's the way of dictatorial governments - silencing and cutting off the opposition (even if it's for good intentions - afterall, most such acts are). There are times when it's ethically acceptable, but I do not think we are at that point yet.23:06
kerioi see it more like the behaviour of a surgeon cutting off a tumor23:06
* DocScrutinizer05 looks at this meeting, without blaming anybody, ponders who caused all this, turns away weeping and puking23:06
GeneralAntillesSave the for somebody clearly acting in bad faith.23:07
qwazixMentalistTraceur, you have a point there. We can still ignore him without banning him :)23:07
DocScrutinizer05btw what communication of Rob to community?? are you nuts?23:08
GeneralAntillesTo my earlier point about what helps the community. This is the hand that's been dealt, how do you best play it to ensure the infrastructure stays upup and there's recourse for individuals to redress their representatives moving forward?23:09
DocScrutinizer05WE SUCKERS are the only ones listening to him23:09
DocScrutinizer05as soon as we stop that, do you think ANYBODY in community will bother about HiFo or Rob?23:09
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: About HiFo yes. About the HiFo BoD probably. About Rob, maybe not, although I assure you there's probably people, less visible to us, in the community, who support his take on things.23:10
Woody14619qwazix: Listen to meeting audio:  Offset 16:40.  JimJ talks about elections and his position on Board.23:10
Woody14619I don't think we have worries when it comes to Jim.23:11
MentalistTraceurCan someone PM me a link to the audio?23:11
qwazixWoody14619, ok, but I'm in a noisy env. right now, I will listen to it later23:11
MentalistTraceurThank you.23:12
Woody14619And 19:40...23:12
DocScrutinizer05can somebody create a transcript of that please?23:13
DocScrutinizer05there are many (incl me) who have difficulties undertsnading non-pidgin english speakers23:13
Woody14619Jim states he'd prefer to step down to make way for community members with merrit.23:14
GeneralAntillesTranscript is a 4 hour job23:14
qwazixWoody14619, just to be clear I do believe that you probably know better, idk if the language barrier made that statement look like sarcasm or something23:14
Woody14619qwazix, no I get that.  Was just trying to give you an sample of where I'm getting that from.23:15
* Woody14619 just not realizes he's had no lunch... as his office mate is leaving for the day.23:15
MentalistTraceurWoody14619: It's probably best to ask him directly - if he would support a reelection if, come two weeks or so from now or whenever the next Council tries to do the reelection, Rob threw a spanner in the works again.23:15
kerioi just don't get what's in for rob by doing this23:16
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: so now you found my secret how to keep at BMI=1723:16
qwazixDocScrutinizer05, 17 ?!?23:17
MentalistTraceurAnyway, so my proposal is we take the Board-proposed move for now, election wise (announce it as us accepting their proposal as a compromise, not because we think Rob's interpretation is right, but in the interest of simplifying things.) If it turns out that Rob is plotting something, I'm sure the next Council and the rest of Board will tear him a new one.23:17
qwazix(and I thought that keeping 25.0 was a hard work)23:18
kerioyeah, because that worked well before23:18
Woody14619kerio: you have a better idea?23:19
DocScrutinizer05yet I don't see anything else to do23:19
MentalistTraceurkerio: Clarify. When before have we done something along those lines? Unless you mean the wait-to-push-red-button wait, in which case, different waits, on my end, for somewhat different reasons.23:19
kerioDocScrutinizer05: we could set up a paypal account to get donations to pay for a hitman23:19
DocScrutinizer05except tell Nokia that community has no board that Nokia could hand maemo assets to, to donate it TO COMMUNITY23:19
MentalistTraceur(..and also different in terms of position of legalistic validity.)23:19
Woody14619DocScrutinizer05: And now you know why my BMI is 37.... same thing, different approach. :P23:20
Woody14619DocScrutinizer05: I don't think asking Nokia to stop is a way to go.  Do that and we may never get those.  They may in fact pull the plug on the whole thing.23:21
Woody14619Besides... It hasn't been handled in 4 months.  What makes you think it will happen in the next 2 weeks?23:21
DocScrutinizer05yes, most likely it would nuke stuff for good23:21
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Woody14619Wow... BMI charts are odd.  Says over 220# for me is "obese", but my trainer says if I was at 0% body fat I'd be at 230#.23:25
Woody14619How could be be obease and 0% body fat?23:25
qwazixThe other thing I hate (I said that before but I want it to be here on the log) is changing the tune right now. It might be true but I've seen too many politicians change tunes for the sake of the $people and it sounds like a lame political excuse to my ears.23:26
qwazixWoody14619, BMI doesn't take into account many things23:26
GeneralAntillesAverages, Woody1461923:27
GeneralAntillesBMI charts don't factor in body composition23:27
GeneralAntillesAlso: 0% and you'd be dead23:27
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GeneralAntillesqwazix, not a change of tune, but doing what has to be done for the health of the community?23:28
Woody14619GeneralAntilles: No... I was at 0% until I was 22. :)  6', 97# from 19 to 23.23:28
Woody14619Though I was severly hypoglycemic.23:29
MentalistTraceurFucking internet connection.23:30
qwazixGeneralAntilles, Rob is wrong MCC=HFC + elections for BoD is clearly a different tune from vote for HFC and make sure you vote the same for MCC and then we will do board election if the elected HFC agrees to it.23:30
MentalistTraceurUSA's internet providers all deserve to be lined up and sumarily executed.23:30
qwazixthe second tune is clearly == "Rob was right"23:31
kerioMentalistTraceur: get a bouncer!23:31
qwazixMentalistTraceur, from what I read they do.23:31
Woody14619qwazix, It's nothing to do with if HFC agrees to it.  It's that they have to make the legal document to set election standards for HF.23:31
qwazixMobile Carriers even more so23:31
Woody14619Once that's im place, I'm calling for elections again, and there's no excuses left.23:32
MentalistTraceurqwazix: Yes. kerio: This would help me with the issue of having intermittent connections to the internet at large how?23:32
Woody14619qwazix: Yes... on mobil carriers...23:32
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MentalistTraceurWoody14619: Yes on both mobile and 'vanilla' internet ISPs, honestly.23:32
MentalistTraceurAt least all the big ones.23:32
Woody14619So, I have this voting booth I have to go monkey with...23:33
qwazixMentalistTraceur, a bouncer on a cheap vps in europe :)23:33
MentalistTraceur(Though I have a highly positive opinion on Sprint, but they do CDMA instead of GSM so they're useless to me.)23:33
Woody14619I hope to have the full voting table ready by tomorrow...23:33
Woody14619Council needs to word the letter to go out with tokens... for the referendum at the very least.23:34
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: obviously the plans are not widely understood so far, so please take the burden to again explain them to the gory details, from step one23:34
MentalistTraceurqwazix: Oh, gotcha. Still, my anger was more at intermittent connection overall.23:34
GeneralAntillesWoody14619, some other measurement system, then. True 0% is dead. :P23:35
DocScrutinizer05I also understood that next HFC would need to call for BoD elections again23:37
Woody14619GeneralAntilles, well, excluding keytones...23:37
MentalistTraceurJust fyi guys, it's taken me all the spare time I think I'll have this week to just come here today. So if I haven't mailed out drafts for all the relevant announcements/etc that we need to make this week by the end of the weekend, assume I'm incapacitated and feel free to write them up without me.23:37
Woody14619Not ifI get there first DocScrutinizer05. :)23:37
DocScrutinizer05so please let's get this utterly straight, for the sake of everybody not suffering even more confusion on top of the mess we already have23:38
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: As I understood it: Woody will try to get the Board their own elections by then. But, if that fails, the next HFC will have to do it. But at least the next Council will be officially the HFC from Rob's perspective, so he can't deny that election call.23:39
Woody14619Just sent mail to council with draft of the token ail I made before this...23:39
MentalistTraceurIf I misunderstood, then the first part is wrong, but the part about HFC is true.23:40
Woody14619MentalistTraceur: Assuming I don't just turn to Jim to nuke...23:40
Woody14619And/or he goes there.23:41
DocScrutinizer05my question still stands: why was board not able to appoint HFC==MCC, when we alread are about to vote on that premise anyway, in 2 weeks23:44
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MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: You mean during this meeting?23:45
DocScrutinizer05such election as proposed now still leaves us with THREE entities23:45
Woody14619Because Jim was confused on it and Rob went off in left field until he dropped and had to go.  Despire me trying to interupt a few times.23:46
DocScrutinizer05and they will stay three entities, or precisely two discrete segregate council entities, no matter how identical the votes, the candidates, the rules, whatnot23:47
Woody14619DocScrutinizer05: and to be clear, even then we'd still have 3 enties.  Since that appointment would have been for you 3 for the rest of your term.23:47
DocScrutinizer05I don't see that#23:48
Woody14619And would have still been 3 entities, until a referendum is passed to make MCC into HFC, and HFC adopts all rules of MCC.23:48
DocScrutinizer05when HiFo declares MCC==HFC then that applies forever, no?23:48
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Aiui the MCC entity can only be ended from the MCC side. That, in my perception, was what the referendum we launched was supposed to do. 'End' the MCC entity formally, and acknowledge that the community saw the HFC as the continuation in spirit of the MCC.23:48
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DocScrutinizer05I think we are already running a referendum that makes all MCC rules in line with HFC rules, so MCC has no problem with that?23:49
DocScrutinizer05MentalistTraceur: nobody is ending MCC entity23:49
Woody14619Then there are 3.  Just 2 are so tightly phase-locked that they are essentially one.23:50
DocScrutinizer05MCC is accepting a new duty: HFC23:50
DocScrutinizer05that doesn't end MCC23:50
Woody14619IF you have 3 receiver chips, and run two off the same frequency clock, do you now have one chip?  No.. Still two.23:50
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: Yeah, I've noticed. But I stand by the argument I've made repeatedly that that was the more appropriate route, and the statement that as far as I was concerned, ending the MCC entity was the point of the referendum.23:50
DocScrutinizer05meh, that's what? an analogy?23:51
DocScrutinizer05MCC CAN NOT end itself23:51
Woody14619Well, it can, but it woudl take a referendum, or a double-miss on an election followed by it and another group agreeing to it.23:52
DocScrutinizer05the point of referendum is in getting rules to obey in line for both entities, so one physical entity can follow and execute both23:52
Woody14619(That's the only rule standing to allow it now)23:52
Woody14619Reguardless.... They are and will continue to be 3 entities... the question is if it will be 3 separate groups of people vs 2 (or 1).  I'm willing to be the community will say 2.23:54
Woody14619Short of bylaw changes, or MCC rule changes anyway.23:54
DocScrutinizer05Woody14619: when Mr Medorn gets appointed Director of Berlin Airport company, he isn't stopping his existence and job as Director of e.g. Deutsche Bahn23:55
DocScrutinizer05THAT's an analogy23:55
Woody14619Correct.  But legally, Deutsche Bahn!= Berlin Airport Company because of that.23:56
MentalistTraceurDocScrutinizer05: And the point of that was so we can clean up the mess of having two entities. As I've said before, if both council entities exist, there is still nothing in the referendum preventing me from choosing to run for just one of the Council entities. So long as it's MCC accepting the duty of being HFC, there is still nothing preventing anyone from technically trying to run ...23:56
MentalistTraceur... for just one or the other. Also, if the current referendum passes, the MCC entity will be able to end itself, by having no one run for it (because we no longer need a Nokia representative to chip in on what happens.)23:56
DocScrutinizer05unless HiFo accepts/appoints "HFC *is defined* as MCC", we always will have 2 council entities that will have 2 unrelated elections and possibly unrelated members23:57
MentalistTraceurWhich really was the endgame intent when this was discussed, both before and after the bylaws interpretation, 2 councils mess - to have a transition period of 'MCC=HFC' for a term, then have just HFC continue.23:57
Woody14619DocScrutinizer05: Which is something HFC can in many ways do...23:58
* qwazix yawns23:58
Woody14619K... I've been in a meeting all day.  I need to get in 3 hours of work and would like to eat before 8pm.  So I really need to go.23:58
Woody14619Plus I still want to get the stupid election list setup right so we can do any of this.  We need to send tokens this weekend...23:59
Woody14619So please, someone on Council, (or kerio, fk if I care) look at the token letter, adjust and mail me with it or update it in the admin pages.23:59

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