IRC log of #maemo-meeting for Thursday, 2012-08-30

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ZogG_laptopWoody14619, ping20:14
Woody14619ZogG_laptop: pong20:39
Woody14619Sorry for late reply.  Just in from lunch, and was not at my desk most of the morning.20:40
ZogG_laptopWoody14619, if yo ucatch X-Fade. tell him apps4meego is down20:41
ZogG_laptopboth web and client<-> web20:42
ZogG_laptopWoody14619, did i miss meeting btw?20:42
Woody14619I'll mail him, and mention it if I catch him.20:43
Woody14619I have been on vacation through this past Tuesday, so, I don't know the status of what meetings were held and which were not.  Still catching up at the moment.20:43
ZogG_laptopWoody14619, i think last one had noone here :)21:34
* Stskeeps views tumbleweeds21:35
StskeepsWoody14619: how's the community?21:35
Woody14619stskeep & zogg_laptop: Sorry, got pulled away.  I generally am at work from 15:00 to 23:00 UTC.21:42
Woody14619stskeeps: I don't really have a good handle on the pulse of the community right now.  I came back from vacation pretty much at the same time Quim made his announcement.21:43
Stskeepsyeah.. no surprises there sadly21:43
Woody14619From the forums, it looks like people still have reasonably good spirits.21:44
ZogG_laptopi see it more as few working solely21:45
Woody14619We have been given contact info for people to talk to that are taking up specific parts of Quim's position.  But it's being divided up to a few people already in place, not a single replacement really.21:45
ZogG_laptopthe problem is if they have same spirit and ideas21:46
StskeepsWoody14619: i think it's fair to say that linux as we know it is dead in nokia.21:47
ZogG_laptopQuim did a lot and used a lot of his personal time21:47
Woody14619I think we're still in a reasonable position for the short term.  If the new NFP doesn't spin up soon, and generate enough buzz to be able to take the hand-off by the end of the year though?  I think things will not be happy.21:48
Woody14619stskeeps: I'm affraid you're right on that one, even without the "as we know it" qualifier.  I think Linux is dead in Nokia... Period.  Which IMHO doesn't spell good things from them long term.21:49
Woody14619zogg: Yes, he did.  And he is keeping in contact.  But once his desk at Nokia is empty, and he's moved on, it will be harder for him to help. Both because if lack of position and because he'll be busy spinning up his new job.21:51
Stskeepshopefully we'll have the stuff surrounding jolla more spun up by years end too21:52
ZogG_laptopi personally looking into Jolla and BB21:52
Stskeepsthough much of it already is, if you're paying attention21:52
Woody14619I am happy for him... Just wished he could have held on a few more months.  But the fact that he has been here as long as he has was a true blessing.21:52
StskeepsWoody14619: i think their last day is in september.21:52
Stskeepssimple as that21:52
ZogG_laptopStskeeps, just in this forum, what i don't like is jolla has a name already and spirit, but no info. kinda cloudy21:53
StskeepsZogG_laptop: name and a spirit and lots of information if you look around :)21:53
Stskeepsthat spirit will be developed on21:53
ZogG_laptopyeah but i want to see actual info.21:53
Stskeepsi can say as much as i have been paid by them succesfully, so they're not fraudulent21:53
ZogG_laptopdidn't say that21:53
Stskeepsthat's already a good start there :P21:54
Woody14619Yup... Same info we have.  Not an exact date, but early/mid september.  I'm not sure there actually is a clear date set yet actually.  Not uncommon for someone at that level of managment.21:54
ZogG_laptopas i understand there would be device soon, but would there would be dev devices, why still no forum/site. any previews. how open/apis and stuff like that21:55
ZogG_laptopjust sometimes good ideas end up not the best way =(21:55
StskeepsZogG_laptop: probably because there's nothing traditional about the way things are being done21:55
Stskeepsand who says you don't have a dev device in your hand..21:56
ZogG_laptopi don't21:56
ZogG_laptopmer is one thing, nemo is another, jolla maybe be different21:57
ZogG_laptopit's like comparing maemo5 and maemo6 :)21:57
ZogG_laptopanyway i need to go to buy cigarettes, brb if anyone interested to keep talk to me :P21:57
Stskeepsit's actually my job to kick these things off a bit, but i'm fairly happy to see the amount of community activity in nemo21:58
ZogG_laptopStskeeps, i got my rpi. gonna try mer soon on it. or maybe nemo.21:58
ZogG_laptopbe right back21:58
Stskeepsespecially on parts where it'd be difficult to do open development21:58
ZogG_laptopi'm here :P22:15
ZogG_laptopStskeeps, as i see most companies do release api's, sdk, and stuff like that before they release phone22:16
ZogG_laptopi'm not an example as i'm noob with only half app :P but i think it's important for others22:16
ZogG_laptopas well what is important is support from 3rd parties22:16
ZogG_laptoplike games, whatsapp,instagram and shit like that22:17
ZogG_laptopand i think it's important now, as you can see how less and less devs we have since maemo522:17
ZogG_laptopharmattan barely has devs and community what maemo5 had22:18
ZogG_laptopand maemo5 now is ... it still has some dinos but most of them just idle there.22:18
ZogG_laptopi hope we'll still have MohammadAG. and i hope you'll have some support for middle east and Israel, not like Nokia.22:19
ZogG_laptopnokia maps are blank here :P22:20
ZogG_laptopStskeeps, anyway the most important point i have to say is that people's trust and spirit shrank with all the past Nokia didn't and even if Jolla is not Nokia, it's still the feeling people have22:21
ZogG_laptopoh, and don't do round corners and slide to unlock, so u wouldn't have to pay with coins to Apple :P22:22
ZogG_laptopok, wouldn't bother you. it's too late :P22:24
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