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Estel_ | Hello guys, sorry for not being able to make it into meeting. We've had serious and fatal lightning storms line here, which, in addition to killing few people, disabled mobile network access coverage for whole city (or more, I've heard some places are still off-line) | 01:51 |
Estel_ | I've seen logs - Jaffa, especially huge thanks to You for participating | 01:52 |
Estel_ | Your comments and suggestions are very valuable | 01:52 |
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gregoa | hm. I still don't understand why maemo might want to create a NFP instead of just joining SPI as an associated project | 04:59 |
Stskeeps | gregoa: as a start it'd be maemo.org and not Maemo the OS and i think "Vote:" http://www.spi-inc.org/projects/associated-project-howto/ would make for interesting discussion | 05:32 |
Stskeeps | since for many bits and pieces we'd have to actually utilize non-free bits, similar to that of developing on windows | 05:32 |
Stskeeps | and maemo.org as itself isn't a open source development project, .. more of a community | 05:33 |
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gregoa | Stskeeps: the non-free bits might an issue. - or not, debian has also the 'contrib' and 'non-free' areas in its repositories. maybe it's more a question how maemo(.org) sees itself (as a free software project or as a user community of some devices or ...) | 14:47 |
Stskeeps | yeah.. but maemo doesn't hang together withoutt t the closed blobs | 15:00 |
Stskeeps | so just saying its complex | 15:00 |
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