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*** Texrat has joined #maemo-meeting | 03:03 | |
Texrat | there we go | 03:03 |
Andrewfblack | Hey | 03:06 |
Texrat | alright... | 03:06 |
Texrat | hey first I wanted to say THANK YOU for joining in this effort :D | 03:06 |
Texrat | I was all alone there for a while... well except for epage | 03:06 |
Texrat | and your spreadsheet is off to a good start | 03:07 |
Andrewfblack | no problem | 03:07 |
Texrat | just need to broaden the overall scope | 03:08 |
Texrat | for one, European hotels tend to run closer to $200 per night :D | 03:08 |
Texrat | so your data is more US-centic | 03:08 |
Andrewfblack | I've talked to qgil in the past before about sponsoring me so it just natural to help help everyone get sponsorship | 03:08 |
Texrat | yeah Quim has been on me for some time to get expenses organized | 03:09 |
Texrat | he wants the clouncil to manage this instead of Nokia | 03:09 |
Texrat | council* | 03:09 |
Andrewfblack | so we are basiclly going to have to aim for twice the money or half the events | 03:09 |
Texrat | maybe not even half | 03:10 |
Andrewfblack | that is what e told me when I have asked before is that he knows I deserve it just didn't want to be one to give the money out | 03:10 |
Texrat | we need to consider a handful of large events.... | 03:10 |
Texrat | yeah Quim hates that... trust me... lol | 03:10 |
Texrat | he had to pay one of my nights in Amsterdam | 03:11 |
Texrat | but he got reimbursed | 03:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Pish, we just need to get as many Maemo people together in different places as possible. | 03:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Screw the outreach. :P | 03:11 |
Texrat | lol | 03:11 |
Texrat | \go back to sleep you | 03:11 |
Andrewfblack | hey GeneralAntilles | 03:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Howdy-ho | 03:11 |
Texrat | ignore him | 03:11 |
Texrat | pain in the ass :p | 03:11 |
GeneralAntilles | Texrat, I'm just using up all of my excess karma. ;) | 03:12 |
Andrewfblack | lol he is my linux fest buddy now | 03:12 |
Texrat | ok seriously glad to have your input | 03:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Woo! | 03:12 |
Texrat | anyway... | 03:12 |
Texrat | who else is awake in here? | 03:12 |
GeneralAntilles | Probably nobody. | 03:13 |
Texrat | alright | 03:13 |
Texrat | anyway Andrew here's the nutshell | 03:13 |
Texrat | figure sponsorship of some sort for a half dozen or so big events | 03:14 |
Texrat | and some expense for occasional small meetups | 03:14 |
Texrat | but I sure can't see 30 | 03:14 |
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Texrat | oh geez | 03:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Shoot for one continental Maemo meetup per year? | 03:14 |
* lcuk peers in :p | 03:14 | |
Texrat | El Coque! | 03:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Then hit the bigger regional stuff with 1-4 person teams? | 03:14 |
Texrat | yes | 03:15 |
Texrat | then local stuff could have occasional expensing... flyers, dinner, etc | 03:15 |
Andrewfblack | I can think of about 6 in the US/Canada area | 03:15 |
Texrat | yeah but we can't hit 6 in one region | 03:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Emphasis on marketing materials | 03:15 |
Texrat | let's identify the big bang for the buck events that Nokia may or may not be involved in | 03:16 |
Texrat | right GA | 03:16 |
Texrat | working on that as you know | 03:16 |
GeneralAntilles | Try to con as many volunteers as possible into forgoing the personal expenses. ;) | 03:16 |
Texrat | lol | 03:16 |
Texrat | like I have been! | 03:16 |
GeneralAntilles | We should try to work up some generic booth decoration stuff. | 03:16 |
Texrat | spent a small fortune so far on glossy paper and printer ink | 03:16 |
Texrat | agreed GA | 03:17 |
Andrewfblack | I think in the US we should atleast do 3 one in south one in north and one in california | 03:17 |
GeneralAntilles | We want some nice maemo.org bannerage similar to this: http://blogs.nokia.com/pushn900/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/DSC_8407.jpg | 03:17 |
GeneralAntilles | Andrewfblack, a midwest one probably couldn't hurt depending on size | 03:17 |
Texrat | Andrew have you seen my updated list? | 03:17 |
Andrewfblack | I wouldnt print them your self I would do banners at copy store | 03:17 |
GeneralAntilles | Dallas or similar, maybe? | 03:18 |
GeneralAntilles | midwest-ish | 03:18 |
Texrat | nothing in Dallas of note | 03:18 |
Texrat | but again I've been compiling a nice list | 03:18 |
Texrat | hang on... | 03:18 |
Andrewfblack | Texrat, got a link to the list | 03:18 |
GeneralAntilles | Texrat, by the way, if you come to SELF I'll figure out a way to make it. :P | 03:18 |
Andrewfblack | GeneralAntilles, you can ride to SELF with me and the wife | 03:19 |
Texrat | http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=497424&postcount=13 | 03:19 |
GeneralAntilles | Hehe | 03:19 |
GeneralAntilles | So I'll be the creepy dude sleeping in the back seat? :D | 03:19 |
Texrat | you just wanna give me crap in person | 03:19 |
Texrat | list ^ | 03:20 |
Texrat | just added Akademy 2010 - Tampere Finland | 03:20 |
Texrat | I'm going | 03:20 |
Andrewfblack | Texrat, You thinking of going to SELF? | 03:20 |
Texrat | doubt it | 03:20 |
GeneralAntilles | We should start talking locations for the Summit 2010 | 03:20 |
Texrat | I'll be doing Texas Linust Fest | 03:20 |
GeneralAntilles | I think we cut it closer than we should've last year. | 03:20 |
Texrat | agreed gA | 03:20 |
Texrat | I say Canada | 03:20 |
GeneralAntilles | I'm inclined to agree, but I think I'm biased. | 03:21 |
Texrat | Canada works for a lot of reasons | 03:21 |
GeneralAntilles | But, hey, clearly we've got a quorum here. | 03:21 |
Texrat | lol | 03:21 |
Andrewfblack | looks like list is at 12 already | 03:21 |
GeneralAntilles | Former chair, current council member, some theme dude and a weird British guy. | 03:21 |
Texrat | cripes did I type Linust fest???? | 03:21 |
Texrat | el Cocque is talking too much | 03:22 |
Andrewfblack | who is the weird british guy | 03:22 |
GeneralAntilles | lcuk | 03:22 |
Texrat | you guys see my test maemo.org store? | 03:22 |
Andrewfblack | k | 03:22 |
Texrat | http://www.cafepress.com/cynicalsigns/7050511 | 03:22 |
GeneralAntilles | Texrat, I dislike cafepress. | 03:23 |
Texrat | well, me too but it's a start | 03:23 |
Texrat | dude... nobody else is doing shit, so I'm getting it done | 03:23 |
Texrat | I'll beg forgiveness later | 03:23 |
Texrat | maybe | 03:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Be nice if we had somebody who could handle store processing. | 03:24 |
* GeneralAntilles wishes Nokia were more helpful with the infra type support. | 03:24 | |
Texrat | you know, I sent an email out about all that, and zero replies | 03:24 |
Texrat | agreed | 03:24 |
Texrat | so I' | 03:24 |
Texrat | I'm about to just launch a lot of shit and wait for someone to scream | 03:24 |
Andrewfblack | I would handle store processing if council was ok with it | 03:24 |
Texrat | well we'll get back to you on that Andrew ;) | 03:25 |
Texrat | trust me | 03:25 |
GeneralAntilles | Expecting a volunteer to do it just wont work. | 03:25 |
GeneralAntilles | Maybe we can con Dave into it. | 03:25 |
lcuk | Texrat, why isnt lardman on any of the merchendise? | 03:25 |
Texrat | but meanwhile, I'm getting proof of concept going | 03:25 |
Texrat | ROFL | 03:25 |
Texrat | I need his design lcuk | 03:25 |
lcuk | i had to zoom into one of them to check whether it was his headshot | 03:25 |
Andrewfblack | Think we would be better off with having stuff done at a real screen printer and selling it that way | 03:25 |
lcuk | Texrat, ask him | 03:25 |
Texrat | you saw his shirt | 03:25 |
lcuk | his photo is iconic | 03:25 |
Texrat | gotta have it | 03:25 |
Texrat | agreed | 03:25 |
* lcuk nods | 03:25 | |
Texrat | Andrew, one step at a time | 03:26 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah, I have an idea for the mascot thread. | 03:26 |
lcuk | lardman | 03:26 |
Texrat | you are correct, but people need to see something first | 03:26 |
Texrat | I don't intend on running a maemo.org cafepress store full time | 03:26 |
Texrat | proof of concept | 03:26 |
lcuk | in seriousness Texrat i like the store :) i just got a new messenger bag for my laptop n stuff | 03:26 |
Texrat | trust me, I've been informed what Nokia wants to see | 03:26 |
lcuk | a maemo one will be cool | 03:27 |
Texrat | you bought from MY store???? | 03:27 |
lcuk | no, not yet but i got my first bag | 03:27 |
Texrat | lol | 03:27 |
lcuk | im gonna get a maemo one | 03:27 |
Texrat | I'll add one with just the maemo logo | 03:27 |
Andrewfblack | how are we going to decided which events to do and how gets to go | 03:27 |
Texrat | anyway the point now is to get the ball rolling | 03:27 |
Texrat | good question Andrew | 03:27 |
Texrat | first step is build a table, load it with data, then evaluate | 03:28 |
GeneralAntilles | http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=507809&postcount=264 | 03:28 |
Texrat | you focus on your spreadsheet, I'll handle the event table | 03:28 |
Texrat | oh, but do note Andrew that there are also table fees at some events | 03:28 |
lcuk | thanked! | 03:28 |
GeneralAntilles | Proper regional distribution followed by size/audience. | 03:29 |
Texrat | so add that... Linixfest charges $100 for texas event | 03:29 |
Texrat | what he ^ said | 03:29 |
Andrewfblack | I've found that I can talk my way out of table fees alot of tim | 03:29 |
GeneralAntilles | Put Andrew on it. | 03:29 |
GeneralAntilles | lol | 03:29 |
Texrat | well don't plan on that | 03:29 |
Texrat | we need to include it | 03:29 |
Andrewfblack | I talk my way into winning the big raffle at FLS lol | 03:29 |
Texrat | Quim wants a realistic proposal | 03:29 |
Andrewfblack | I'll add table fees | 03:29 |
Andrewfblack | whats our max budget we are going to ask for? | 03:29 |
Texrat | if we con free stuff that looks better on the back end ;) | 03:29 |
GeneralAntilles | Andrew got the freaking hook up at FLS. | 03:29 |
Texrat | I don't want to ask for a max budget | 03:30 |
Andrewfblack | I know but I mean what do you want to shoot for our total budget to be | 03:30 |
Texrat | we need to put together a general proposal with the proper breakdowns, then provide it to Quim | 03:30 |
Texrat | I'm not worried about a max | 03:30 |
GeneralAntilles | Flat-rate expenses? | 03:30 |
Texrat | for the most part, yeah | 03:30 |
GeneralAntilles | No more than 3 people per show (as a baseline) | 03:30 |
Texrat | agreed | 03:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Say, $50-$100 per person? | 03:31 |
Texrat | I was thinking 2 | 03:31 |
Texrat | well GA it depends | 03:31 |
Texrat | and that's why I said we need a table | 03:31 |
Texrat | broken out by International - regional -local | 03:31 |
Texrat | expenses will scale | 03:31 |
GeneralAntilles | Right, US expenses wont compare to EU expenses. | 03:31 |
Texrat | I don't need to fly to Austin, but I do to Canada | 03:31 |
Andrewfblack | ok so base budget on 2-3 people a show and I say we shoot for 15 or so shows if we on't get that much money we can cut some | 03:31 |
Texrat | hang on tho | 03:32 |
Texrat | 15 shows of what magnitude? | 03:32 |
Texrat | most likely regional | 03:32 |
Andrewfblack | regional ones | 03:32 |
Texrat | see, Quim has already made it clear that most expenses will cover people who don' | 03:33 |
Texrat | don't cross oceans | 03:33 |
Texrat | GA being the exception... Barcelona bum | 03:33 |
Andrewfblack | yeah I wasn't planning on any air trabel or anything | 03:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Yeah, we're not paying for $800 plane tickets unless we're flying rockstars to Summit-grade events. | 03:33 |
Texrat | exactly | 03:33 |
Andrewfblack | travel I mean | 03:33 |
Texrat | sooo... | 03:33 |
GeneralAntilles | Texrat, hey, I'm a key contributor to the maemo.org documentation process! | 03:33 |
Texrat | we cultivate outreach reps everywhere | 03:34 |
lcuk | GeneralAntilles, hows the private helipad coming along? | 03:34 |
Texrat | :p | 03:34 |
GeneralAntilles | and certainly not just getting a free trip to Europe! | 03:34 |
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Texrat | I can still give you grief | 03:34 |
Texrat | ljp? | 03:34 |
GeneralAntilles | We need more events like BCN, though. . . . | 03:34 |
ljp | just curious... | 03:34 |
Texrat | ok | 03:35 |
Texrat | man I agree GA... thought there would be follow up | 03:35 |
lcuk | GeneralAntilles, working weekends are exceptional things :) i wholeheartedly agree though they need a focus | 03:35 |
Texrat | we have GOT to improve coordination with Maemo | 03:35 |
GeneralAntilles | Actually, I'd really like to see the next Summit forgo some of the presentations in favor of more interactive stuff. | 03:35 |
lcuk | indeed we have texrat :) | 03:36 |
Texrat | Bingo GA | 03:36 |
Texrat | in fact as you say it's time to harden next Summit plans | 03:36 |
Texrat | more interaction, and some midrange talks (20 min) | 03:36 |
Andrewfblack | one thing we might want to look at also is not only 2 full sponsorships per event but say a little extra for food for locals that show up to help. | 03:36 |
lcuk | i spent some time last year going to barcamp events | 03:36 |
Texrat | hmmmm | 03:36 |
Texrat | well lcuk you're special | 03:37 |
Texrat | lucky sod | 03:37 |
lcuk | :) im trying to explain, having an unconference section with the smaller lightening talks occuring is good | 03:37 |
Texrat | Andrew maybe we just a discretionary allotment per event | 03:37 |
Texrat | need* | 03:37 |
lcuk | moreso than the 3 or 4 we had at the summit | 03:37 |
Texrat | yeah and no more lightning talks for me, holy shit | 03:38 |
lcuk | arrange the lightenings on the day | 03:38 |
lcuk | just give people the rooms | 03:38 |
lcuk | and a big wall board | 03:38 |
lcuk | they can fill in | 03:38 |
lcuk | with n900s this year of course | 03:38 |
Texrat | oh right! | 03:38 |
Texrat | Andrew, add a spot for 1 free N900 giveaway per large event | 03:39 |
Texrat | I have tentative approval | 03:39 |
Texrat | I think...lol | 03:39 |
GeneralAntilles | We should focus on BoF-type stuff. | 03:40 |
Texrat | agreed | 03:40 |
GeneralAntilles | Yeah, and we can rig it like the raffle at FLS. :P | 03:40 |
Texrat | lol | 03:40 |
Texrat | make 'em play Bullshit Bingo for one | 03:40 |
GeneralAntilles | "54232 . . . 54201 . . . 52101 . . . um, Andrew Black . . . 54310" | 03:41 |
Andrewfblack | lol still can't believe he said my name and not my number | 03:41 |
Texrat | Bullshit! er... bingo | 03:41 |
*** crashanddie has joined #maemo-meeting | 03:41 | |
crashanddie | 'ello | 03:41 |
Andrewfblack | do I need to estimate cost of n900 into budget? | 03:41 |
crashanddie | what's all this secret squirrel meeting channel about? | 03:41 |
GeneralAntilles | Hey, Seb. | 03:41 |
Texrat | hey dude | 03:42 |
GeneralAntilles | We're talking Maemo event money. | 03:42 |
Texrat | GA is not so secret | 03:42 |
Texrat | public squirrel | 03:42 |
crashanddie | ok, I'm at work so will have to just audit this discussion, I'll look every so often | 03:42 |
GeneralAntilles | and it's "Secrit Squirrel" | 03:42 |
Texrat | did we run out of steam already? | 03:46 |
Andrewfblack | any idea on a price of a screen printed tshirt and hat? | 03:46 |
Texrat | not offhand | 03:46 |
GeneralAntilles | Hats! | 03:47 |
GeneralAntilles | Screw those Europeans | 03:47 |
GeneralAntilles | I want some freaking ball caps | 03:47 |
Texrat | lol | 03:47 |
Texrat | right | 03:47 |
Texrat | http://images4.cafepress.com/product/430441854v1_150x150_Front_Color-White.jpg | 03:47 |
GeneralAntilles | Needs some color. | 03:48 |
Texrat | hence the "more colors available" | 03:48 |
Andrewfblack | what do I need to call the money that is used for like buying locals some lunch and stuff like that | 03:48 |
GeneralAntilles | Gray brim and beige, maybe. | 03:48 |
Texrat | http://images4.cafepress.com/product/430441854v1_350x350_Front_Color-Khaki.jpg | 03:48 |
lcuk | Andrewfblack, bribe | 03:49 |
crashanddie | t-shirts are roughly $15 a pop when ordered by 50 | 03:49 |
Andrewfblack | lol can't put that on buget | 03:49 |
Andrewfblack | bribe that is | 03:49 |
crashanddie | what is this for, btw? | 03:49 |
crashanddie | Can someone fill me in? | 03:49 |
GeneralAntilles | crashanddie, figuring out a general budget for events for Maemo. | 03:49 |
Andrewfblack | well I figure stickers/flyes/shirts an all woul be ordered by one person in bulk and sent to each person before their event cheaper that way | 03:50 |
GeneralAntilles | Both to send a couple people to regional stuff to run a booth and for larger Maemo get togethers. | 03:50 |
Texrat | you're right Andrew | 03:50 |
crashanddie | GeneralAntilles: one million dollars should do the trick | 03:50 |
crashanddie | per quarter, that is | 03:51 |
GeneralAntilles | Payable to me. | 03:51 |
crashanddie | but seriously, what are we thinking about, how many events, how many people per event, do we categorise each event in the same class? | 03:51 |
lcuk | andrew sundry expenses | 03:51 |
lcuk | is the usual, you can highlight examples in the initial breakdown | 03:52 |
Texrat | oh, man, do we have to catch the gatecrasher up? :p | 03:52 |
GeneralAntilles | crashanddie, maybe 2 larger continental Maemo events (Summit, plus one other) | 03:52 |
crashanddie | We should have booth events (2 people plus some memoribilia), organised events (summit), etc | 03:52 |
GeneralAntilles | Plus a number of regional Linux/Open source events | 03:52 |
GeneralAntilles | With 1-3 people per | 03:52 |
crashanddie | ok | 03:52 |
Texrat | that sums it up | 03:52 |
GeneralAntilles | Say, 4 for US and Canada | 03:52 |
lcuk | this is all well and good,but whos going to code the travelling salesman app for n900 | 03:53 |
Texrat | you | 03:53 |
lcuk | fuck | 03:53 |
Texrat | we'll call it LiqFly | 03:53 |
lcuk | :D | 03:53 |
lcuk | no flights | 03:53 |
GeneralAntilles | N900fly | 03:53 |
crashanddie | booth events are easy and pretty cheap: accomodation should be under $200 per night, food under $50 per day, travel would the main selection point: if we have people in the area they get priority, if nobody is available, travel in US/Canada is pretty cheap, so take an upper budget of $1200 return | 03:54 |
lcuk | GeneralAntilles, 2.51metres | 03:54 |
Texrat | that's the general idea crashanddie | 03:55 |
crashanddie | so just take a budget of $5 or $6k per booth event | 03:55 |
crashanddie | so yearly, $20k | 03:56 |
Texrat | lol | 03:56 |
Texrat | there's that number again | 03:56 |
crashanddie | and i wasn't there previously :P | 03:56 |
Andrewfblack | http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AiU3XI-DROJjdGhtTTJ3dHU3dFFDQzFYQ2dIV1hZN1E&hl=en I'm up to 30k now | 03:56 |
lcuk | thats cos you left "hookers" column on | 03:56 |
crashanddie | it's good to see we're all on the same page | 03:56 |
Andrewfblack | that includes a free n900 each event | 03:57 |
crashanddie | wtf are sundry expenses? | 03:57 |
GeneralAntilles | lol | 03:57 |
Texrat | discretionary | 03:57 |
Texrat | hookers | 03:57 |
Andrewfblack | cheap hookers | 03:57 |
Texrat | true | 03:57 |
Texrat | coke whores | 03:58 |
crashanddie | seriously? | 03:58 |
Texrat | ... | 03:58 |
lcuk | they are open sores | 03:58 |
crashanddie | no, I meant, what is it seriously | 03:58 |
Andrewfblack | I know most us show are 1day so that takes us back down to around 20k | 03:58 |
Texrat | discretionary | 03:58 |
crashanddie | not, "seriously? Hookers?" | 03:58 |
Texrat | lol | 03:58 |
crashanddie | Texrat: give me examples, my translator is broken today | 03:58 |
crashanddie | and brain | 03:58 |
lcuk | lunch with clients | 03:58 |
Andrewfblack | crashanddie, stuff you an spend on anything like lunch for someone who is local that shows to help with table | 03:58 |
lcuk | helpers dinners | 03:58 |
Texrat | crashanddie, things that come up | 03:58 |
crashanddie | hmm | 03:58 |
lcuk | coffee | 03:58 |
lcuk | parking | 03:59 |
Texrat | I want to say "bribes" but that's just more noise :D | 03:59 |
lcuk | etc | 03:59 |
lcuk | crashanddie, its pocket change | 03:59 |
lcuk | you need it to look professional :) | 03:59 |
crashanddie | yeah, don't see why Nokia should foot the bill for that | 03:59 |
Texrat | they may not either | 04:00 |
crashanddie | I mean, we're not poor guys | 04:00 |
Texrat | I am | 04:00 |
Andrewfblack | I am | 04:00 |
crashanddie | no you're not | 04:00 |
Texrat | oh yes I am | 04:00 |
Texrat | dude I lost $40,000 due to Nokia job loss | 04:00 |
crashanddie | the whole point that we're even considering leaving for a couple of days for an event like this countradicts the fact that any of us are poor | 04:00 |
lcuk | btw the online spreadsheet is cool | 04:00 |
Texrat | I am working poor now | 04:00 |
crashanddie | lcuk: indeed | 04:00 |
lcuk | the whole point of needing this spreadsheet is to remove the impact it has | 04:00 |
Andrewfblack | any of you can edit it also | 04:00 |
crashanddie | anyway, I don't feel like Nokia should be paying for things we wouldn't spend usually | 04:01 |
crashanddie | but that's just my point of view | 04:01 |
Texrat | no one is asking them to crashanddie | 04:01 |
Texrat | please trust the ethics of those working on this | 04:01 |
crashanddie | yes yes yes :) | 04:01 |
crashanddie | I don't see any travel in that spreadsheet | 04:01 |
crashanddie | well, I do, but $30 seems ridiculously small | 04:02 |
Texrat | Andrew started US centric | 04:02 |
Texrat | we need 3 levels: int'l, regional, local | 04:02 |
crashanddie | I know traveling in the US is cheap, but still... | 04:02 |
Andrewfblack | I also have a hybrid so I'm skewed on gas price lol | 04:02 |
Texrat | I told him some costs were too low... we can work on that | 04:02 |
Andrewfblack | I can go 500 miles for that $30 | 04:02 |
Andrewfblack | I upped hotels to $200 | 04:03 |
Texrat | Andrew as one who has done a lot of this stuff... take your estimated cost on anything and add 50% | 04:03 |
crashanddie | Personally I think $200 per person is too much | 04:03 |
crashanddie | I was more thinking around $100 per person x2 | 04:03 |
Texrat | and what doesn't get spent goes back to Nokia, carried forward, whatever | 04:03 |
crashanddie | or a double bedroom for $200 per night | 04:03 |
Texrat | we should certainly emphasize doubles | 04:03 |
crashanddie | depending on personal preferences | 04:03 |
Andrewfblack | well I travel to shows with my wife so that would be double :) | 04:04 |
Texrat | I was disturbed by the resistance to that re Amsterdam | 04:04 |
lcuk | dont be | 04:04 |
Texrat | would cut Nokia's expense in half for hotels | 04:04 |
Texrat | well, I was | 04:04 |
crashanddie | Andrewfblack: no, that would be single :P | 04:04 |
Andrewfblack | 500 max trip at 15 miles a gallon at $3 a gallon is $100 gas money | 04:04 |
Texrat | I'm a cheapskate | 04:04 |
lcuk | if it was that decision, i would prefer smaller hotels | 04:05 |
Texrat | yep | 04:05 |
lcuk | copenhagen had cabin hotels | 04:05 |
crashanddie | Texrat: I felt pretty bad after seeing the attitude of some people re: the hotel paid for them | 04:05 |
Andrewfblack | Texrat, spreadsheet has been updated if you want to look | 04:07 |
Texrat | ok | 04:07 |
lcuk | gas got cheaper? | 04:07 |
Texrat | I have an idea... | 04:07 |
Texrat | this is just for example so don't take numbers literal | 04:07 |
Texrat | if people double up, expense is say $200 allowed | 04:07 |
Texrat | for solo, $75 each | 04:08 |
Texrat | that way it's incentive based | 04:08 |
Texrat | encourages savings | 04:08 |
crashanddie | agreed | 04:08 |
Texrat | wait-- I did that wrong | 04:08 |
Texrat | lol | 04:08 |
Texrat | should not cost more for soubling up | 04:08 |
Texrat | doubling | 04:08 |
crashanddie | heh | 04:09 |
Andrewfblack | that 200 for hotell you mean? | 04:09 |
Texrat | anyway I think you get the idea | 04:09 |
crashanddie | yeah | 04:09 |
Texrat | yeah | 04:09 |
Texrat | but it dodn't work out like I was thinking | 04:09 |
crashanddie | Texrat: well, the incentive I see there is: live together and have access to a better place | 04:09 |
Andrewfblack | well in us 75 would only leave someone paying about 20 on hotel bill | 04:09 |
Texrat | I blame a long day at work | 04:09 |
Texrat | um Andrew | 04:09 |
crashanddie | Andrewfblack: depends which hotels! | 04:10 |
Texrat | my average hotel cost comes to $75 easy | 04:10 |
Andrewfblack | well if event is at hotel you get a good deal normally | 04:10 |
Texrat | sometimes | 04:10 |
crashanddie | Andrewfblack: I'm currently in a hotel where I'm paying $120 (AUD) per night, for a fully serviced 2 bedroom flat... | 04:11 |
lcuk | me >> bed | 04:11 |
lcuk | gnite guys \o | 04:11 |
crashanddie | lcuk: nite man | 04:11 |
crashanddie | and it's bed << me | 04:11 |
crashanddie | you suck at C++ | 04:12 |
Texrat | night lcuk | 04:12 |
Andrewfblack | I personally think around $100 is more then enough to budget per hotel room but texrat said 200 should we split the differance alittle? | 04:12 |
Texrat | wait | 04:12 |
Texrat | I think I see my calc error | 04:12 |
Texrat | it should be formulaic | 04:13 |
Texrat | $100 for one person, $175 for 2, $250 for 3, etc | 04:13 |
Texrat | that encourages room sharing | 04:13 |
Texrat | stupid me | 04:13 |
crashanddie | we need to write an expense guideline | 04:14 |
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Texrat | yup | 04:15 |
crashanddie | for example, no drinks/snacks from room service can be expensed, etc | 04:15 |
Andrewfblack | isn't that basiclly what I'm working on | 04:15 |
Texrat | yup | 04:15 |
crashanddie | unless they go toward the daily food allowance | 04:15 |
Andrewfblack | I just did flat $40 for food | 04:15 |
Texrat | although I would say we ;) | 04:15 |
Texrat | I said a while back before Andrew jumped in I was forming a subcommittee | 04:16 |
Texrat | Events and Community Outreach | 04:17 |
Texrat | so I can assume everyone in this chat is a volunteer ;) | 04:17 |
crashanddie | well, I'm in Australia | 04:17 |
Texrat | and? | 04:18 |
crashanddie | well, Brisbane, also known as the Qt for Maemo development team homebase | 04:18 |
Texrat | that makes you the rep there ;) | 04:18 |
Andrewfblack | Part of what got me my free N900 was the community outreach I did last year and my awsome themes :) so you know I'm a volunteer | 04:18 |
Texrat | that's obvious ;) | 04:19 |
Andrewfblack | speaking of themes I suggest all n900s at shows use maemo.org theme lol | 04:19 |
Texrat | of course! that was why I said I was loading it | 04:20 |
GeneralAntilles | Andrewfblack, you need to put together a boot image deb | 04:21 |
GeneralAntilles | and add a maemo.org to the desktop background. | 04:21 |
crashanddie | I think we need a Quim-themed theme | 04:22 |
Andrewfblack | GeneralAntilles, once themes get fixes once theme gets so big optificaton is breaking them | 04:22 |
crashanddie | as well as an Ari one | 04:22 |
GeneralAntilles | crashanddie, Oz Girls style? :P | 04:22 |
crashanddie | I don't want to see Quim in a bikini | 04:23 |
Andrewfblack | GeneralAntilles, what should boot image be? | 04:23 |
GeneralAntilles | Andrewfblack, steal my old one minus the web 2.0 effect? | 04:23 |
Andrewfblack | which one is that | 04:23 |
GeneralAntilles | The Diablo on in Extras. | 04:24 |
Andrewfblack | you mean I have to pull my n810 out lol | 04:24 |
GeneralAntilles | http://maemo.org/downloads/product/OS2008/maemoorg-splash/ | 04:26 |
crashanddie | back on topic please | 04:26 |
crashanddie | That budget that we've seen is good for local things | 04:26 |
crashanddie | however it doesn't cover anything else. Anyone who's over a 100 clicks or doesn't have his own car will be unable to go to any of these events for $10 | 04:27 |
Texrat | right, which is why we need regional and international levels | 04:27 |
Andrewfblack | my bad typo should be $100 | 04:27 |
crashanddie | ok, so that's probably acceptable for regional things then as well | 04:28 |
Texrat | depends | 04:28 |
Andrewfblack | $100 should cover gas for car or bus ticket | 04:28 |
Texrat | some regional events will require short flight, train, what have you | 04:28 |
crashanddie | Andrewfblack: buses aren't popular in Europe | 04:28 |
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Texrat | hey Jason! | 04:29 |
Andrewfblack | train? | 04:29 |
zerojay | hey | 04:29 |
crashanddie | Andrewfblack: that would be more than $100 | 04:29 |
Texrat | we now have Canadian representation | 04:29 |
Texrat | zerojay anyone who jumps in this chat automatically becomes an outreach volunteer :p | 04:29 |
crashanddie | Andrewfblack: to give you an idea, a return from London to Manchester is what, GBP 240? So roughly $400 | 04:29 |
crashanddie | that's train | 04:30 |
crashanddie | Return from Paris to Lyon will probably be $350 | 04:30 |
Andrewfblack | $400 for 200 miles | 04:31 |
Texrat | yup, and that's regional | 04:31 |
Andrewfblack | can't you rent a car for cheaper then that | 04:31 |
crashanddie | will be roughly the same, and a lot slower, + gas | 04:31 |
Andrewfblack | I think we will have to assume that the people have their own car or are willing to eat some cost if they get almost $400 for the show | 04:32 |
Texrat | let's assume the people involved are ethical, for one thing | 04:32 |
Texrat | we're not talking random strangers | 04:33 |
Texrat | so I expect that they'll only expense what they used | 04:33 |
Andrewfblack | yeah I wont ask for $200 for hotel if it cost me $85 | 04:33 |
crashanddie | well, expenses required | 04:34 |
zerojay | oh, we going on a road trip? | 04:34 |
crashanddie | I mean, receipts | 04:34 |
Andrewfblack | which if we have $200 for hotel and they need more for travel as long as they dont go over their total budget I think that should be ok | 04:34 |
lcuk | thats granted, ive never been able to claim any expense without at least photo of recpts | 04:34 |
lcuk | but im not here :p | 04:35 |
Andrewfblack | lcuk, got my themes fixed yet lol | 04:35 |
Andrewfblack | any other changes to budget? | 04:35 |
Andrewfblack | lcuk, found a temp fix for theme opt bug just make your theme folder name real long and it wont optify it lol | 04:38 |
lcuk | file that as a bug, it needs looking at | 04:40 |
lcuk | whether its optification or the theme selector itself or even your theme :p | 04:41 |
Andrewfblack | ok | 04:41 |
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Andrewfblack | looks like everyone faded away let me know if I need to change anyting else to budget | 04:44 |
Texrat | I'm here | 04:44 |
Andrewfblack | lol | 04:44 |
Texrat | just drooping | 04:44 |
Andrewfblack | anything else we need to talk about tonight? | 04:45 |
Texrat | nah, we can do this again | 04:46 |
Andrewfblack | ok | 04:47 |
Texrat | I'm done for now though | 04:47 |
Texrat | good talk | 04:47 |
Andrewfblack | about bed time here start new job i morning | 04:50 |
Texrat | congratulations | 04:54 |
Texrat | wish I was | 04:54 |
Andrewfblack | I taking a littl paycut but I hope new company has more room to grow over the next few years | 04:55 |
Texrat | hope you like it | 05:02 |
Texrat | anyway I gotta bail | 05:02 |
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crashanddie | sorry about the disconnect | 05:23 |
Stskeeps | Andrewfblack: issue is when package name = dir name | 09:16 |
jebba | Stskeeps: you got any hints for this. I'm still stuck here: | 09:50 |
jebba | W: Failure trying to run: chroot /RAMDISK/MER/mer-images-0.01/mer-armel-smartq7 mount -t proc proc /proc | 09:50 |
jebba | Stskeeps: btw, i did a branch and added a README + small fix (break?): http://gitorious.org/~jebba/mer/jebbas-imager | 09:50 |
jebba | Stskeeps: I was able to make a i386 image :) | 09:51 |
jebba | The broken part: "mount -t proc proc /proc" is because mount is armel, but the host is x86_64. So no-go. | 09:53 |
jebba | you must not build these within a qemu-armel root, do you? heh. | 09:54 |
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