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sjaensch | hi everybody | 16:15 |
VDVsx | GeneralAntilles, can you remove the sticky topic ? | 16:15 |
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VDVsx | I can't change it that way | 16:15 |
VDVsx | sjaensch, hey | 16:15 |
GeneralAntilles | Ah, right, um, time to play with the new services | 16:15 |
GeneralAntilles | One minute | 16:15 |
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GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, only X-Fade can do it. | 16:16 |
GeneralAntilles | We really need to get a successor set. | 16:16 |
GeneralAntilles | Did you fill out that alt contact form? | 16:17 |
VDVsx | yes | 16:17 |
VDVsx | but didn't received anything | 16:17 |
GeneralAntilles | OK, cool. | 16:17 |
GeneralAntilles | VDVsx, w00t said to get him to poke someone after 7 days. | 16:17 |
VDVsx | ok | 16:17 |
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roshenia | wf? | 16:25 |
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andre__ | yo. | 16:31 |
VDVsx | hey | 16:31 |
VDVsx | where the rest of the maemo.org team :D | 16:31 |
VDVsx | *where's | 16:31 |
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danielwilms | hello | 16:32 |
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VDVsx | let's wait 2~3 minutes, to see if dneary and jeremiah show up | 16:33 |
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VDVsx | ok, lets start :) | 16:36 |
VDVsx | andre__, karstenb , 9.12-1 Working bugzilla 3.4, migration path notes | 16:36 |
VDVsx | any updates ? | 16:36 |
karstenb | lets do all three together... | 16:36 |
karstenb | Continued working on the different Bugzilla 3.4 tasks. Not a terribly productive month for me. Got lost slightly between tasks, and fell behind schedule and hours in Jan (part-time). Carried over to Feb. | 16:36 |
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karstenb | Also, sorry for not communicating status better. My bad. | 16:36 |
karstenb | As for Feb, please carry over 9.12-1, -5 and -7. I propose MUST for all of them. | 16:37 |
dneary | Hi | 16:37 |
karstenb | Pleae feel free to uppercase MUST. ;) I definitely want to get this wrapped up for good this month. | 16:37 |
VDVsx | ok | 16:37 |
VDVsx | changing status on the SHOULDs | 16:37 |
andre__ | karstenb, GeneralAntilles also asked me "did you ever get a chance to poke Karsten about the public VCS?" | 16:37 |
karstenb | yes, please :) | 16:37 |
VDVsx | ok, done | 16:38 |
VDVsx | next dneary | 16:39 |
dneary | Hi | 16:39 |
VDVsx | 9.11-08 No orphaned pages and revise Wiki navigation | 16:39 |
VDVsx | dneary, hey | 16:39 |
dneary | Made some good progress the past couple of days | 16:40 |
dneary | Down to 28 in a second | 16:40 |
dneary | Wiki navigation is coming along too | 16:40 |
VDVsx | hey, very good progress in the last couple of days, also I noticed a lot of refactoring in some articles :) | 16:40 |
dneary | And amigadave is doing great work on extras and packaging pages | 16:41 |
VDVsx | so, carry it as a must ? | 16:41 |
dneary | I put it at 80% - a quick run through the navigation & I'll be marking this mostly done | 16:41 |
dneary | Yes | 16:41 |
VDVsx | ok | 16:41 |
VDVsx | dneary, 10.01-03 Document processes for maemo.org infrastructure Must | 16:42 |
dneary | See the pages linked off http://wiki.maemo.org/Maemo.org_team | 16:42 |
dneary | Again, everyone has helped a lot here | 16:42 |
VDVsx | btw, I liked that page to the front page of the wiki | 16:43 |
VDVsx | carry it as well ? | 16:43 |
dneary | Thanks to Jeremiah and Henri for taking time to tell me a bunch of stuff which is now documented about Midgard & packaging, and Andre for documenting everything to do with bugzilla | 16:43 |
dneary | which page to the front page? | 16:43 |
dneary | I need to get Niels | 16:43 |
dneary | basically | 16:44 |
VDVsx | dneary, meamo.org team | 16:44 |
dneary | And feri, who's been documenting everything at maemo.org/infra | 16:44 |
dneary | VDVsx, Maybe... | 16:44 |
VDVsx | I already did that :D | 16:44 |
dneary | There's some duplication with Maemo people | 16:44 |
dneary | And I should talk to Reggie & Karsten too, but it feels somehow like they're doing less stuff that only they can do | 16:45 |
dneary | Hopefully by the end of February we'll all be redundant and anyone else can take over our jobs | 16:45 |
VDVsx | lol | 16:46 |
VDVsx | 9.09-01 Push packaging policy updates Should X-Fade, danielwilms 60% | 16:47 |
VDVsx | danielwilms, any updates ? | 16:47 |
danielwilms | sorry...but this hangs here internally | 16:47 |
danielwilms | little circle of people who can do that | 16:47 |
danielwilms | and they are pretty busy | 16:47 |
danielwilms | I hope that it gets forward soon...otherwise we have to see how we can work on this as a community thing | 16:48 |
danielwilms | unfortunately not so much progress in the last month | 16:48 |
VDVsx | ok, carry it as a should ? or change priority ? | 16:48 |
VDVsx | do you think this can be done next month ? | 16:49 |
danielwilms | I hope so | 16:49 |
VDVsx | *this month | 16:49 |
VDVsx | danielwilms, ok, changing to MUST, since is a old task | 16:50 |
danielwilms | ok | 16:50 |
VDVsx | danielwilms, 9.09-10 Implement SSO sync-API endpoint for garage Should | 16:50 |
danielwilms | We had a meeting last week with bergie and alexey | 16:51 |
danielwilms | changed the priorities a bit... | 16:51 |
danielwilms | so that I first integrated the database, alexey used in midgard2 into cas | 16:51 |
danielwilms | this is done | 16:51 |
danielwilms | carry 9.09-10 over as a must | 16:52 |
VDVsx | danielwilms, ok, what's missing in the SSO front ? do we have the other services ready ? | 16:52 |
VDVsx | apart from garage | 16:53 |
danielwilms | bugzilla is missing | 16:53 |
danielwilms | and talk | 16:53 |
danielwilms | midgard, wiki and garage are integrated | 16:53 |
danielwilms | hopefully next month is the real server in place so that we can set that up on the real test server | 16:54 |
VDVsx | ok | 16:54 |
VDVsx | is indeyets around ? using a different nick ? :) | 16:54 |
VDVsx | danielwilms, ah, you have another one: 10.01-07 Wiki & Midgard2 data sync Could | 16:55 |
danielwilms | this is planned for feb...I just put it there last week that we won't forget it | 16:56 |
VDVsx | ok, no problem | 16:56 |
VDVsx | 10.01-01 Refine the karma system Must | 16:57 |
VDVsx | that's mine | 16:57 |
VDVsx | we already have a consensus in everything expect the app karma, so I'll carry a small task for the apps karma | 16:57 |
VDVsx | I already sent the proposed changes to bergi, no news so far :( | 16:57 |
VDVsx | and the karma count is currently stuck | 16:58 |
VDVsx | dneary, do you know the timeframe for the next council elections ? | 16:59 |
dneary | VDVsx, Haven't thought about it | 16:59 |
dneary | Let me check | 16:59 |
VDVsx | when the list of candidates and voters should be extracted | 16:59 |
VDVsx | we're open for new tasks | 17:00 |
dneary | Election: March 2010 | 17:00 |
dneary | Election open 1 week | 17:00 |
VDVsx | dneary, so, this need to be deal this month | 17:02 |
dneary | http://maemo.org/vote/ (cannot open database) | 17:02 |
dneary | Migration issue, I guess | 17:02 |
VDVsx | publish the lists and start accepting candidates | 17:02 |
VDVsx | dneary, fill a bug :D | 17:03 |
dneary | VDVsx, Counting back from the election, there's the election date, which for the last election was 28/09/09 | 17:04 |
dneary | Thus, election should happen before the end of March | 17:04 |
VDVsx | ehehe | 17:04 |
VDVsx | nice | 17:04 |
VDVsx | I think, we still have time | 17:04 |
dneary | Back 1 week for election, 1 week for canvas, 1 week for nominations open, 1 week for announcement of election | 17:04 |
dneary | So we can announce the election & dates at the end of February & have some margin for error | 17:05 |
dneary | We can already fix the dates for karma for candidates & voters | 17:05 |
VDVsx | ok, so new tasks,I already have some from X-Fade: | 17:06 |
VDVsx | - Maintainer part for Packages interface | 17:06 |
VDVsx | - Work with Jeremiah on repository management tools change | 17:06 |
VDVsx | - Cleanup repository, remove old versions. Script already ready. | 17:06 |
VDVsx | and 3 small improvements to the package interface | 17:06 |
VDVsx | dneary, election stuff this month, right ? | 17:07 |
VDVsx | name for the task ? :) | 17:08 |
dneary | I guess "Announce March 10 Community Council elections" | 17:09 |
VDVsx | added as MUST | 17:09 |
andre__ | (bug 8599 should get fixed for the election, I'd say) | 17:09 |
povbot | Bug https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8599 Karma is not recalculated | 17:09 |
dneary | And have it point to [[Community Council/Council election Q1 2010]] | 17:10 |
VDVsx | andre__, yeah, perhaps I should ping bergie again | 17:10 |
* Jaffa agrees | 17:10 | |
dneary | andre__, That's above & beyond my capabilities :) | 17:10 |
VDVsx | dneary, more new tasks or we're done ? | 17:11 |
jebba | http://wiki.maemo.org/Maemo.org_proposals | 17:11 |
dneary | VDVsx, Give me a sec | 17:11 |
dneary | Move on, I'll be back | 17:11 |
VDVsx | jebba, want to propose something ? or take a task ? | 17:11 |
dneary | There's one more I wanted to commit to this month | 17:11 |
VDVsx | dneary, ok | 17:11 |
VDVsx | andre__, anything new ? you've 3 MUST already | 17:12 |
jebba | VDVsx: proposed: http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:rsyncd http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Move_DNS http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:Wiki_dumps | 17:12 |
VDVsx | any takers ^ ? | 17:12 |
dneary | andre__, By the way, I wanted to talk to you about using Bugzilla to track documentation bugs - it's not very obvious where to post bugs about (say) the wiki or the developer guide | 17:12 |
andre__ | VDVsx: actually these MUSTs are more Karsten's MUSTs I must say. Bugday again, definitely, in the next three weeks. | 17:13 |
andre__ | dneary, sure - proposals welcome :) | 17:13 |
VDVsx | jebba, I'll assign the rsyncd stuff to Jeremiah, I think we can do it | 17:13 |
VDVsx | andre__, bugday added | 17:13 |
jebba | ok | 17:14 |
sjaensch | VDVsx: while I don't know the current status of DNS, I could provide an additional secondary (slave) server for the zone if needed | 17:14 |
GeneralAntilles | andre__, good excuse to reel in some more canconfirms. | 17:14 |
andre__ | oh yeah :) | 17:14 |
VDVsx | DNS is up to tero I guess | 17:14 |
GeneralAntilles | Tero and Niels need to handle the dNS | 17:14 |
VDVsx | Niels is on Holidays and already booked, so no away :) | 17:15 |
VDVsx | danielwilms, any new task ? | 17:16 |
sjaensch | how about Tero? | 17:16 |
VDVsx | I'll ask him | 17:16 |
dneary | wiki dump needs someone with access to crontab | 17:16 |
dneary | That's Niels, Ferenc | 17:16 |
VDVsx | Neils again | 17:16 |
VDVsx | :D | 17:16 |
dneary | I might be able to get admin access for the database | 17:17 |
sjaensch | who is filling in for him? :) | 17:17 |
dneary | sjaensch, Henri mostly - Ferenc is on holiday this month also | 17:17 |
dneary | sjaensch, Mostly we're not going to be making changes until he gets back next week | 17:17 |
dneary | For obvious reasons very few people have root access to Maemo's servers | 17:18 |
dneary | Henri says hi (I have him on IM) | 17:18 |
dneary | He's on a bus, no IRC access | 17:18 |
sjaensch | dneary: ok. Well, I'm mostly interested in helping with infrastructure. So if there are things like rsync or DNS, I can provide some hardware. | 17:18 |
dneary | He says he will do the karma changes this month | 17:18 |
GeneralAntilles | If you've got IM and an N900, you have IRC. :D | 17:18 |
sjaensch | and do the setup of course | 17:18 |
dneary | And some infrastructure stuff - he's trialing maemo.org off a much faster midgard2 | 17:19 |
dneary | sjaensch, I'd love to be able to say anything on the subject, but I'm not the man to talk to I'm afraid | 17:19 |
VDVsx | ah, almost forget, my new ones: - start the testing Squad(will think in a better name) and -GSoC '10 | 17:21 |
danielwilms | VDVsx: sorry, was in a discussion...tero is on vacations, new task for feb would be the appdownloader ready for extras-testing | 17:21 |
VDVsx | danielwilms, ok, thanks | 17:21 |
VDVsx | Jeremiah is also on vacations ? anyone knows ? | 17:22 |
sjaensch | so everybody with root access is on vacation? ;) | 17:23 |
dneary | sjaensch, No | 17:23 |
dneary | sjaensch, I believe danielwilms has root access to most machines | 17:23 |
dneary | And as you can see here: http://maemo.org/infra/ | 17:24 |
VDVsx | sjaensch, there's Nokians with root access, in case of a urgent matter :) | 17:24 |
jebba | dneary: 404 | 17:24 |
dneary | jebba, Shouldn't be | 17:24 |
GeneralAntilles | Same here? | 17:25 |
GeneralAntilles | er | 17:25 |
sjaensch | dneary: same here | 17:25 |
dneary | I think it's connected to the mysql database being down | 17:25 |
GeneralAntilles | Maybe on testing only? | 17:25 |
GeneralAntilles | Oh | 17:25 |
dneary | Same for me, of course - but it shouldn't be a 404, usually it contains a list of maemo.org servers, services and admins | 17:25 |
danielwilms | it has restricted access | 17:25 |
dneary | Ah, indeed - I wasn't logged in | 17:26 |
dneary | That explains it. | 17:26 |
dneary | Shouldn't that be public? | 17:27 |
GeneralAntilles | Some naming issues on that page. ;) | 17:27 |
* VDVsx checks | 17:27 | |
VDVsx | don't have enough powers for that page :) | 17:27 |
GeneralAntilles | s/Maemo.org/maemo.org/g s/Maemo Server/maemo.org Server/ etc. | 17:27 |
dneary | Eero also has root access on everything, and on stage, for example, jeremiah, Ed Bartosh, Marcell & danielwilms have root access too | 17:28 |
dneary | GeneralAntilles, Maemo Server is roughly accurate | 17:29 |
dneary | maemo.org project manager is probably better | 17:29 |
GeneralAntilles | dneary, I don't see any nokia.coms there. ;) | 17:29 |
dneary | Tero | 17:29 |
dneary | GeneralAntilles, Nor do I, but I'm sure that daniel knows several | 17:29 |
GeneralAntilles | In the list of servers, that is. | 17:30 |
GeneralAntilles | and unless that list is including stuff beyond maemo.org, it really is maemo.org Servers. | 17:30 |
jebba | anyone have perms to make that list public? | 17:30 |
VDVsx | is there a need to make the list public ? | 17:31 |
sjaensch | I'm logged in, but still can't see the page | 17:31 |
jebba | ... | 17:31 |
sjaensch | VDVsx: is there a need not to? | 17:31 |
dneary | jebba, I *could* make it public, but I think that we should ask the people who created the page first | 17:32 |
VDVsx | sjaensch, yes, so persons don't need to be bugged :D | 17:32 |
dneary | Namely, Niels, Ferenc, Tero... | 17:32 |
GeneralAntilles | What group is it currently limited to? | 17:32 |
danielwilms | sjaensch as the dns stuff goes into tero's area, I would suggest to wait until next week, when he is back and ping him then | 17:32 |
sjaensch | danielwilms: thanks, will do | 17:32 |
dneary | So add a task "Make maemo.org/infra public, or explain why it's private" | 17:33 |
dneary | And assign it to Niels? | 17:33 |
VDVsx | ok, done, that could be added to a wiki page, with 'less' information, IMO | 17:35 |
danielwilms | and the infra page has too much contact information, and make sense to keep that closed for the people, who are working with the machines...general contacts are ferenc, niels, tero and me when there are problems or proposals or otherwise the list | 17:35 |
danielwilms | VDVsx that might be a good idea | 17:36 |
VDVsx | ok, I think we're done for today :) | 17:37 |
VDVsx | thanks all!! | 17:37 |
danielwilms | thanks! bye! | 17:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Thanks, VDVsx. | 17:37 |
GeneralAntilles | By the way, while people are here. | 17:37 |
GeneralAntilles | Any Nokians or Maemo-related contractors should contact me if they're interested in picking up an IRC cloak. | 17:37 |
GeneralAntilles | http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:maemo.org_IRC_cloaks | 17:38 |
Jaffa | Another item whilst people are here: visibility of key people's holidays need to be higher on maemo-community | 17:38 |
dneary | GeneralAntilles, Does it give me magical powers? | 17:38 |
GeneralAntilles | dneary, you're already cloaked, so you tell me. :P | 17:38 |
GeneralAntilles | karstenb, by the way, public VCS for 3.4? | 17:38 |
dneary | Jaffa, I understand that - but when I updated http://wiki.maemo.org/Administrator_holidays | 17:39 |
VDVsx | Jaffa, http://wiki.maemo.org/Administrator_holidays | 17:39 |
dneary | Niels said "I'm not keep on people knowing I'm going to be away from home all week" | 17:39 |
Jaffa | dneary: A valid point | 17:39 |
Jaffa | And one I entirely understand. | 17:39 |
karstenb | GeneralAntilles: yeah? | 17:39 |
dneary | And Ferenc went on holiday before I knew he was going (just found out today he's away for the month) | 17:40 |
andre__ | that Administrator_holidays is simply unvisible. who will ever find it? | 17:40 |
GeneralAntilles | karstenb, is there one for the stuff you're working on? | 17:40 |
dneary | http://wiki.maemo.org/Special:Whatlinkshere/Administrator_holidays | 17:40 |
Jaffa | dneary: It's *that* that's the real problem. I don't mind if it's a cabal who knows, but it turns out "we" find out after the fact | 17:40 |
VDVsx | andre__, is liked in the maemo.org page | 17:40 |
GeneralAntilles | karstenb, I want to start poking at templates and the like. | 17:40 |
karstenb | GeneralAntilles: Not yet. Theoretically trunk, but that better be flamed I'm afraid... | 17:41 |
karstenb | GeneralAntilles: I'll ping you! :) | 17:41 |
GeneralAntilles | karstenb, cool. | 17:41 |
dneary | while I have some of the council | 17:41 |
dneary | Who's going to be at FOSDEM? | 17:41 |
dneary | Anyone want to tag team for a presentation of the Maemo Community Council? | 17:42 |
VDVsx | I'm me only one here, I guess | 17:42 |
VDVsx | I can't go this year :( | 17:42 |
w00t | (/me grumbles about not being able to go to FOSDEM and returns to quiet attention) | 17:42 |
dneary | Jaffa/GeneralAntilles, Going to FOSDEM? | 17:43 |
GeneralAntilles | dneary, why, somebody gonna buy me a plane ticket? ;) | 17:43 |
Jaffa | dneary: Hadn't considered it | 17:44 |
* VDVsx points at andre__ and lcuk :D | 17:44 | |
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andre__ | I'm at Fosdem. | 17:47 |
andre__ | don't we have a wikipage for that, listing all people? | 17:47 |
andre__ | http://wiki.maemo.org/FOSDEM_2010#Attendees | 17:47 |
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jeremiah | Hi. Just got out of a long meeting. :( | 17:52 |
jeremiah | Do we have logs somewhere? | 17:53 |
GeneralAntilles | jeremiah, poke mgedmin. | 17:54 |
VDVsx | jeremiah, http://mg.pov.lt/maemo-meeting-irclog/%23maemo-meeting.2010-02-02.log.html | 17:59 |
VDVsx | I've a new task for you | 18:00 |
VDVsx | jeremiah, http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:rsyncd | 18:00 |
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jeremiah | Thanks gan | 18:09 |
jeremiah | VDVsx: Okay, I'll check it out and get on it! :) | 18:09 |
jeremiah | VDVsx: There is nothing there. | 18:10 |
VDVsx | jeremiah, humm, where ? | 18:11 |
jeremiah | The wiki link | 18:11 |
VDVsx | I can see a small description and a example here: http://wiki.maemo.org/Task:rsyncd | 18:12 |
jebba | WORKSFORME | 18:12 |
jeremiah | äsch | 18:12 |
jeremiah | my browser chopped off the bit after the colon | 18:13 |
VDVsx | jeremiah, you should stop using IE6, hihihihi | 18:13 |
* jeremiah clubs VDVsx with an old AOL cd | 18:13 | |
VDVsx | :D | 18:14 |
jeremiah | :) | 18:14 |
jeremiah | So yeah, I'll set up a rsync server :) | 18:14 |
jeremiah | I bet that was jebba-jabba who wanted ti | 18:14 |
jeremiah | it | 18:14 |
jebba | ya | 18:14 |
jebba | i have mirrored the repo onto Amazon's S3 cloud, btw. | 18:15 |
VDVsx | jeremiah, so, you know who to ask for more details, if needed :D | 18:15 |
jeremiah | w00t | 18:15 |
w00t | ? | 18:15 |
jeremiah | doing it now | 18:15 |
w00t | blargh. | 18:15 |
* jeremiah slaps w00t | 18:16 | |
w00t | :P | 18:16 |
jeremiah | Feeling violent today! :) | 18:16 |
jeremiah | Who is going to FOSDEM? | 18:17 |
jeremiah | VDVsx? | 18:17 |
jeremiah | jebba-jabba is too far away. :P | 18:17 |
w00t | :( | 18:17 |
odin_ | ah jeremiah are you to guy to see to get a patch into debhelper | 18:17 |
jeremiah | odin_: No, you want to talk to Joey Hess. :) | 18:18 |
jeremiah | He wrote it. | 18:18 |
jeremiah | And maintains it. | 18:18 |
VDVsx | jeremiah, can't go this year :( | 18:18 |
jeremiah | aww | 18:18 |
odin_ | well I mean maemo's debhelper (into the SDK), maybe this patch would not be accepted upstream (but can try) | 18:18 |
jeremiah | odin_: I unfortunately do not have access to the SDK tools. :( | 18:18 |
jeremiah | So you'll want to submit the patch to Niels (x-fade), ed bartosh, or perhaps Daniel Wilms. | 18:19 |
jebba | odin_: what's the patch? | 18:19 |
jeremiah | Those guys all are inside the corporate firewall | 18:19 |
jeremiah | I sit outside it. | 18:19 |
jeremiah | Like an old peice of . . . poo | 18:20 |
GeneralAntilles | jeremiah, hey, that makes us poo, too. | 18:20 |
jeremiah | Nah. | 18:21 |
odin_ | http://www.darrylmiles.org/temp/maemo/debhelper- this is BETA, I have an update to it but it needs real testing by people | 18:21 |
jeremiah | odin_: What does it do? | 18:21 |
jeremiah | tl;dr | 18:21 |
odin_ | it addresses the optification issues that still remain with some files still being put into /usr/share/xxx with no way to override | 18:21 |
jeremiah | oh, that sounds cool and useful | 18:22 |
odin_ | now you can debian/rules: export DH_OPTIONS=--prefix=/usr/local | 18:22 |
jeremiah | w00t! | 18:22 |
jebba | odin_: you mean to fix https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=7707 ? | 18:22 |
povbot | Bug 7707: maemo-optify-deb produces recursive symlink for plugins in derivative packages | 18:22 |
jeremiah | (not you w00t) | 18:22 |
* w00t stabs jeremiah in the eyeball. :P | 18:22 | |
* jeremiah bleeds profusely | 18:23 | |
odin_ | my patch does nothing with the "maemo-optify" script, this fixes remainig issues (maemo specific) in the original debhelper tooling | 18:23 |
odin_ | I need to roll a debhelper7 integration and patch too, the v5 is really just for maemo's SDK, but without this patch I'm not going to fix debian/rules or bodge around maemo's optification with the packages I have, so I needs testing, promoting, releasing and the auto-builder updating | 18:25 |
odin_ | its backwardly compatible, if you don't use the DH_OPTIONS=--prefix then the output should be just as before (if it is not, that is a bug!) | 18:26 |
odin_ | but anyhow thanks for confirming jeremiah is not the person to target it at | 18:27 |
jeremiah | jebba: Are you going to be around to test the rsync daemon? | 18:28 |
jeremiah | I created the rsync.conf file, do you want to test jebba? | 18:33 |
jebba | jeremiah: ya sure, what's the URL? | 18:35 |
jebba | jeremiah: also, you happen to have the various reprepro configs & scripts. AFAICT they are not on the main server yet, but waiting to be deployed? | 18:36 |
jeremiah | hmm | 18:37 |
jeremiah | okay. I'll have to read up on this then | 18:37 |
jeremiah | [repository.maemo.org] path = /var/www/repository.maemo.org comment = Extras Repositories for Maemo 5 (Fremantle) read only = yes use chroot = yes max connections=256 list = yes uid = nobody gid = rsync dont compress = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.rpm *.deb *.iso *.bz2 *.tbz | 18:37 |
jeremiah | sorry | 18:38 |
jeremiah | rsync -avz repository.maemo.org: . | 18:38 |
jeremiah | ^^ That is what I am using. | 18:38 |
jeremiah | But it is asking for authentication | 18:38 |
jebba | rsync: failed to connect to repository.maemo.org: Connection refused | 18:38 |
jebba | rsync -vvv rsync://repository.maemo.org/ | 18:39 |
jeremiah | yeah, that is what I'm getting | 18:39 |
jebba | i mean, is the *hostname* repository? LIke is that the actual box the rsyncd is running on? | 18:39 |
jebba | perhaps firewall. Port 873 it runs on. | 18:39 |
jeremiah | hmm, could be | 18:40 |
jeremiah | I'll telnet | 18:40 |
jebba | heh | 18:40 |
jebba | you can run it as rsync rsync://localhost on the box to see if it is up and running | 18:40 |
jebba | (unless you bound it to a specific ip) | 18:40 |
jeremiah | I might be able to bind it to a specific ip | 18:41 |
jebba | if needbe. | 18:41 |
jeremiah | repository.maemo.org is the akamai stuff | 18:41 |
jeremiah | So, no go there | 18:41 |
jebba | ah, ya, so need like rsync://stage.maemo.org or something | 18:41 |
jeremiah | yar | 18:41 |
jeremiah | Yeah, when I do it with stage, I think it works | 18:42 |
jeremiah | hmm | 18:42 |
jeremiah | I'm betting firewall | 18:42 |
jebba | ya, most certainly | 18:42 |
jebba | like if you can hit it from inside but not outside... plus it's probably blocked by default i would assume. | 18:43 |
jebba | otherwise it's not much of a firewall ;) | 18:43 |
jeremiah | Can't hit it from inside either | 18:44 |
jeremiah | opening tcp connection to localhost port 873 | 18:44 |
jeremiah | rsync: failed to connect to localhost: Connection refused (111) | 18:44 |
jeremiah | rsync error: error in socket IO (code 10) at clientserver.c(122) [receiver=3.0.3] | 18:44 |
jeremiah | _exit_cleanup(code=10, file=clientserver.c, line=122): about to call exit(10) | 18:44 |
jebba | /etc/init.d/rsync restart see if it's running. Also check /etc/default/rsync or similar as it may be disabled by default. | 18:47 |
jeremiah | Because rsync is less efficient than HTTP for transferring compressed files, apt-proxy can selectively use rsync for uncompressed Packages and files and HTTP or FTP for .deb files. | 18:47 |
jeremiah | ^^ That is from the rsync web site | 18:47 |
jebba | cute | 18:48 |
jeremiah | It is in /etc/default/rsync | 18:49 |
jeremiah | And disabled | 18:49 |
jeremiah | Restarted | 18:50 |
jeremiah | Now going to test | 18:50 |
jeremiah | telnet works | 18:50 |
jeremiah | daemon listening | 18:51 |
jebba | ah cool. | 18:51 |
jeremiah | So it works locally | 18:51 |
jebba | ya, now firewall ;) | 18:51 |
jeremiah | But we'll have to poke a hole in the firewall | 18:51 |
jeremiah | :) | 18:51 |
jeremiah | I will send a request. | 18:52 |
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jebba | thx :) | 19:12 |
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