IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2020-09-18

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peresicelo: all the talk of having a fully charged battery, how does it apply to a battery that is only holding a few minutes of operation?00:27
sicelohow long, for example?00:32
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perewhat do you mean?  how long the battery will hold?  I doubt it last more than 5 minutes.00:44
sicelo hmm, that doesn't sound very good. anyway, maybe you can try, and hope for the best :)00:52
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perewant to avoid bricking it before I get a replacement battery. :)01:06
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sixwheeledbeastconsidering boot consumes a fair bit of battery it may not do that.01:31
infobotwell, polarcell is BL-5J Replacement - Wannasee Electronic on Ebay or
sixwheeledbeastthey are fairly unbrickable software wise you can normally just reflash01:33
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infobotfrom memory, lazyflashing is
infobotrumour has it, flashing-cmdline is, or
perebtw, anyone know why ./ uses prebuilt binary flasher-3.5 instead of 0xFFFF which is already in Debian?09:18
L29Ahbecause it was written before 0xFFFF became a thing maybe09:19
KotCzarnyand because 0xffff didnt support flashing all areas09:19
KotCzarnyi think09:20
L29Ahi remember flashing the official firmware with 0xFFFF w/o problems09:20
perewould have felt a lot safer to not download random binary from the internet and running it as root...09:23
KotCzarnyyou can do it in this case09:25
KotCzarnysafe source09:25
pereKotCzarny: not really.  already from the start it uses a protocol where it is documented that some actors on the internet replace the tcp stream on occation.  note http in
KotCzarnyyeah, yeah. keep on paranoiding if you like, im just saying its a safe source09:28
* L29Ah inserts a trojan in oscp09:30
KotCzarnypeople run androids and ios' spyware yet they go into paranoid mode09:30
perewhat is paranoiding about my statement?09:30
KotCzarnypere: i'm saying you can safely run things from that site09:30
KotCzarnyL29Ah: you should have instert trojans into mp3 streams instead09:30
pereyour use of 'safely' seem rather strange to me, ignoring documented facts about life.09:31
KotCzarnysee? paranoid09:31
perenope, I do not see it.  any sensible web site and user these day use https everywhere, and do not download random prebuilt binaries from the internet using http.09:32
L29Ahif pere is paranoid, i'd like everyone being at least as paranoid as him09:32
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KotCzarnysure, you can put trojaned binaries (or source) on https, it would be so much safer09:33
KotCzarnynowadays all software is a blackbox, no matter if source is available or not (as there are cases where trojan code isnt obvious and triggers on weird set of events)09:34
KotCzarnyadd that to the fact that nokia is no more, and there are no official firmware download sites09:35
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pereKotCzarny: not all software, but perhaps all your software.  you might find <URL: > illuminating as an alterantive approach.09:36
KotCzarnysure, and you can get reproducible builds of trojans too09:37
KotCzarnyand mind you, some trojans are just bugs that got in the software for different reasons09:38
L29AhC just has to go09:38
KotCzarnyon n900 you are trying to reflash with legacy (old) code that cant support modern network protocols09:39
KotCzarnygo to maemo-leste if you want open-sourced version09:39
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pereI tried leste, but was recommended to not use it to flash the internal storage. :)09:49
pereanyway, I am starting to understand the mentality that caused the flash recipe to be the way it is, and suspect it will stay on http and use prebuild binaries until that change.09:50
sixwheeledbeastStuff had to be backed up somewhere when nokia pulled the plug there is no "true" source any more. All of the versions you will find are private copied that are not technically suppose to be distributed.09:51
sixwheeledbeastI am should you could modify the script to do what you need. flash it all is just bash after all09:52
peresure.  my observation is about the recommendations provided, which could of course be individuall ignored by the receiver, without affecting the message sent. :)09:53
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pereanyway, is 0xffff now able to replace flasher-3.5 completely, or is there still some functionallity missing?09:54
sixwheeledbeasti don't believe it had full functionality09:57
sixwheeledbeastbut had other function that nokia one didn't09:58
sixwheeledbeastYep nokia FIASCO images where signed 0xFFFF doesn't support these you have to unpack them with Nokia one first.09:59
perebtw, on a freshly flashed image, I am unable to install easy-deb-chroot because libxmu6 is unavailable.  which repo is this expected to be in?10:03
infobotmaemo-repos is probably
sixwheeledbeastno idea10:04
infobotpkg is, like,
pereI already got a repo named maemo.  perhaps the wrong one?10:04
sixwheeledbeastthere's a good few repos and mirrors of some of the nokia ones.10:05
pereheh, just give me 403 forbidden. :(10:05 too. :(10:05
KotCzarnydo you have dynamic ip?10:06
sixwheeledbeastthere is a hard blocklist on *.m.o10:06
KotCzarnytry triggering a change on router10:06
KotCzarnyor some proxy10:07
peresixwheeledbeast: yes, tor.10:07
sixwheeledbeastmost exit node will be in the forum spam list10:07
pereno worries, I get that the site do not want me there. :)10:08
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KotCzarnytoo much spam probably10:08
sixwheeledbeastthe site is old and maintained voluntarily10:08
perethe repo enabled already is fremantle-1.3 free non-free, which I guess lack libxmu6. :(10:09
sixwheeledbeastnobody really knows how the CMS works either.10:10
sixwheeledbeastIt was just dumped over by nokia10:10
perecould anyone with libxmu6 already installed run 'apt-cache policy libxmu6' and let me know where it came from?10:13
sixwheeledbeastnokia ssu repos10:14
sixwheeledbeastyou will probably need some mirror to get it10:14
sixwheeledbeastdoes the application manager show errors?10:15
KotCzarnydo you have nokia mirror repo enable?10:16
perethree non-working repos and when trying to install easy-deb-chroot it complain about the missing library.10:16
pereI'm working on replacing the nokia source with a mirror now.10:17
KotCzarny etc10:17
sixwheeledbeastthey need to work, there is warnings which have to be ignored but they need to work.10:17
infobotapt-get update spits out Warnings about Nokia GPG key expired, it's not an Error that should break anything. Ignore it10:19
sixwheeledbeastwe can't fix it10:19
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sixwheeledbeastalso maemo was designed to add packages via the application manager which can be slow, using apt your results may vary.10:22
pereI managed to get easy-deb-chroot installed now. :)10:29
sixwheeledbeastif it works10:35
perestill downloading images...10:45
perethere a easy-deb-chroot for leste?10:47
KotCzarnyleste is a debian..10:50
KotCzarnyso what would be the use?10:50
siceloPut leste on sd card and boot it from uboot or flasher/0xffff11:02
siceloeasy deb image - i use debian_jessie2sulu_armhf.img which seems to be the latest11:04
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pereKotCzarny: the use case would be to run different versions of debian.11:43
sicelothe problem with easy deb stems from the old kernel in maemo, consequently glibc (or similar). you cannot easily overcome that in chroot11:45
pereoh, I see. :(11:48
KotCzarnybut since maemo-leste isnt constrained by old kernel..11:49
siceloI cab most definitely recommend Leste as long as, for N900 at least, you don't depend on voice calls over cellular11:51
KotCzarnyor if you can script those from command line11:51
KotCzarnyas some basic voice is working afair11:52
siceloone way :-(11:52
sicelono one (yet) knows exactly how to get audible voice in both directions.11:54
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peresicelo: too bad the sulu image is so old.  debian 6, while latest stable is 10.12:04
siceloYeah. All the more reason to focus on Leste :-)12:05
peresicelo: is there work going on to reverse engineer phone calls for n900?12:06
sicelothe driver is there :-)12:06
sicelowhat needs to be reverse engineered (or alternatives found) is sime nokia filtering stuff for the audio (in pulseaudio)12:08
sicelobut the N900 beomg so old itself, the number of skilled people willing/able to put effort into those remaining bits is steadily diminishing :-(12:10
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pereyeah.  guess most of them are left in a drawer somewhere.12:14
sicelopere: btw, if you have a chance to look at Motorola Droid 4, Leste has it working too, and also with 3D accel. Bonus point - voice calls work :-)12:17
pereIf I can just stuff it on my sd card, I am happy to test it. :)12:18
pereis there a way get pipe (|) on the default keyboard?12:18
siceloyou would need to remap the keyboard (which isn't hard)12:19
sicelootherwise, press the blue key (above shift) and then Ctrl to get a symbols keyboard12:20
infobotrumour has it, keyremap is
KotCzarnycan be useful if you use some chars often12:20
KotCzarnyi have mapped some often used shell chars that way12:20
pereah, finally, I got access using ssh.  then I can use a real keyboard. :)12:23
sixwheeledbeastI edited the xterm bar instead of a remap12:25
sixwheeledbeastdepends where you plan to use pipe.12:26
pereyeah.  I just needed it once to get to a point where I could ssh in. :)12:28
sixwheeledbeastIt is in the third layer by default12:31
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pereso, with a replacement in place on my n900, and a fresh installation of what at least sources.list calls 'beowulf', the battery status after charging it fully and disconnecting from power is 'callibration needed'.  what does that mean?23:33
perereplacement battery, I tried to write.23:33
KotCzarnywhat was the bot bit?23:34
KotCzarny~listkeys battery23:34
infobotFactoid search of 'battery' by key (12 of 18): heh, no bottom view. can't tell if the battery #DEL# ;; zaurus battery ;; batterypatch ;; ipaq battery ;; #maemo battery ;; battery damage ;; as battery acid #DEL# ;; flips ibot's battery disconnect switch ;; wmbattery ;; battery life ;; battery pack ;; batterytest.23:34
* pere start to wonder why the user information needed to understand the user interface is hidden in a irc bot, and not in the user interface...23:34
KotCzarny~listkeys calib23:34
infobotFactoid search of 'calib' by key (8): bq-calibrate ;; calibratebq27200 #DEL# ;; xcalibrate source ;; bq27k-calibration ;; caliban instant messaging ;; iirc, the xcalibrate ;; xcalibrate ;; anyway, a framebuffer based calibrator.23:34
infobotrumour has it, bq27k-calibration is
KotCzarnysee the link23:35
* pere installs ntp to get a correct clock, while contemplating the wisdom of having an internet connected gadget that do not set the time automatically by default.23:36
pereKotCzarny: thanks.23:36
pereI was greeted with a simple "Sorry, if you aren't a bad bot, it seems that you are using an IP address or a proxy that is listed in the forum anti spam blacklist.23:37
pereFeel free to contact our staff on irc freenode #maemo channel."23:37
KotCzarnyjust use some other proxy than tor23:38
KotCzarnylots of bad people abusing tor23:38
KotCzarnywhich results in 'that's why we cant have nice things'23:38
KotCzarnyanyway, i'm off to bed23:39
peregood night. :)23:39
perelots of good people using tor.23:41
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