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sixwheeledbeast | office 365 isnt it? | 00:27 |
bencoh | mmmh, I'm actually wondering whether extra-cauldrons (the build automation) works ... | 00:29 |
bencoh | I uploaded a package to drop.maemo.org, I can download it back from there | 00:30 |
bencoh | but it hasn't trigger any build process yet | 00:30 |
bencoh | (I uploaded it 5h ago) | 00:30 |
bencoh | that's .... odd | 00:30 |
bencoh | it doesn't show in https://www.mail-archive.com/extras-cauldron-builds@garage.maemo.org/ either | 00:31 |
bencoh | xes: if you have access to cauldron / have any idea how it is supposed to work, could you please check what's wrong with it? | 00:31 |
bencoh | (oh and, I uploaded it in the right order, ie .dsc last) | 00:32 |
sixwheeledbeast | I recall it was a cronjob every hour? | 00:37 |
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Maxdamantus | My compny outsources email to Office 365. | 01:02 |
bencoh | sixwheeledbeast: repository import should be a cronjob every hour yeah (at least that's what I gathered from wiki page) | 01:14 |
bencoh | and iirc build process should trigger upon upload | 01:15 |
bencoh | but anyway, package was uploaded 6h ago | 01:15 |
sixwheeledbeast | Can't remember how I uploaded them from the dev env, it's been years. | 01:16 |
bencoh | I uploaded a few the same way | 01:35 |
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sixwheeledbeast | Ah the web extras assistant on garage.m.o | 01:44 |
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sunshavi | bencoh: I uploaded some years ago tcc for n800 and it was almost inmediately | 01:57 |
xes | bencoh: i will give a look. Have you any package to check? | 01:58 |
sunshavi | xes: zile | 02:05 |
sunshavi | i think | 02:05 |
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Oksanaa | Of course, my phone is moving slowly as a snail today, after reboot. At least, systemui drop-down shows up when I press the power button... | 02:17 |
buZz | Oksanaa == spam bot | 02:17 |
Oksanaa | buZz == equation bot | 02:19 |
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xes | [2019-07-18 23:08:46] Processing package zile 2.3.21-2. Uploader: bencoh, builder: builder1 | 02:36 |
xes | [2019-07-18 23:08:51] Building zile 2.3.21-2 for target 'maemo-fremantle-armel-extras-devel' | 02:36 |
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sunshavi | xes: it was done? | 04:40 |
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sunshavi | when pressing the blue arrow and backspace osso-term closes. ¿Any workaround for avoiding it? | 05:33 |
brolin_empey | Heh, apparently I am not the only person who uses ‘¿’ in English. | 05:54 |
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brolin_empey | KotCzarny: Lots of organisations outsource their internal email to G Suite or Office 365 or similar. | 05:57 |
brolin_empey | FatPhil: Did you check if you can still buy a Nokia A/V cable on eBay? I think some of the ones I have are from eBay years ago. If you cannot find any that is feasible to acquire, I can probably give you one of the spare ones I have if you want to cover the cost of mailing it from Metro Vancouver, Canada. | 05:59 |
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Maxdamantus | sunshavi: does it also close the Settings window? Would be nice to know that I'm not the only person with that problem (though for me it happens when holding `sym` + `enter`) | 07:04 |
Maxdamantus | `sym` + `backspace` for me is mapped to F13 | 07:04 |
sunshavi | Maxdamantus: hmmm. my case is sym + backspace. Could I disable F13 with gconf+ | 07:06 |
sunshavi | ? | 07:06 |
Maxdamantus | (I've observed that holding `sym` + `enter` seems to cause a bunch of the Maemo applications to close, `osso-xterm` just happens to be the only application where that seems to happen accidentally) | 07:06 |
Maxdamantus | sunshavi: your `sym` + `backspace` is probably not mapped to F13. That's just something I did myself explicitly. | 07:07 |
sunshavi | Maxdamantus: How could I know the exact map on my case? | 07:07 |
sunshavi | maxdamantus: how have you done that? | 07:08 |
Maxdamantus | sunshavi: if you have `xmodmap` installed, you can look at `xmodmap -pke | grep 'keycode \+22 ='` | 07:09 |
Maxdamantus | sunshavi: I've done it by modifying the xkb map in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-51 | 07:11 |
sunshavi | Maxdamantus: I remember I have done that too | 07:11 |
Maxdamantus | sunshavi: I don't think aniy of this is a solution to your problem. I'm just wondering if your problem with sym+backspace is the same as my problem with sym+enter | 07:11 |
sunshavi | probably if i check the modifications I did in the past to rx-51. The solution could be there | 07:12 |
sunshavi | on my case | 07:12 |
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xes | sunshavi: bencoh: garage took care of zile but builder was blocked so i had to restart it. Now the best thing to do is to upload again the package increasing the build number | 09:26 |
bencoh | xes: I see ... thanks! | 09:31 |
xes | bencoh: yw | 09:31 |
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bencoh | I bumped version number and pushed source package to drop.maemo.org again, let's see if it works ... :) | 12:38 |
bencoh | woohoo http://maemo.org/packages/view/zile/ | 12:41 |
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FatPhil | bencoh: if you're doing requests - can you do 'an' too? http://fatphil.org/words/an.html | 13:27 |
FatPhil | wow, just read that page for the first time in many years - there's an interesting trivium embedded within it! | 13:28 |
bencoh | well, assuming it's already packaged and we still have a maemo5-friendly debian/ folder for it ... | 13:28 |
FatPhil | note that debian has completely rewritten their version, which has made it less useful for a serious (?) anagrammer. | 13:29 |
bencoh | hmm | 13:29 |
FatPhil | A mate at work did an NMU for the package, and the maintainer got all pissed off by that, and wanted to prove to the world that he wasn't useless, so he broke things. | 13:30 |
bencoh | >_> | 13:30 |
KotCzarny | nothing like folks acting like 12yo girls | 13:30 |
FatPhil | at least that's my version of history, other versions are available! | 13:30 |
FatPhil | the changes he made were justified, and mine were a complete bodge (as I still belived in ISO-8859 at the time) | 13:32 |
FatPhil | he made it properly UTF-8 aware. | 13:32 |
FatPhil | (I think, I only ever anagram english) | 13:32 |
FatPhil | however, he removed the prioritisation of the letters, which makes anagramming so much easier (it tries to get rid of the most hard to use letters first) | 13:33 |
bencoh | meh, https://salsa.debian.org/debian/an shows no debian/ folder | 13:34 |
bencoh | that's pretty useless in that case :/ | 13:34 |
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bencoh | xes, sunshavi: looks like package import still doesn't work though | 17:59 |
bencoh | http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-devel_free_armel/zile/2.3.21-3/ | 17:59 |
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xes | bencoh: http://maemo.org/packages/package_instance/view/fremantle_extras-devel_free_i386/zile/2.3.21-3/ | 18:42 |
xes | i think you should also take care of warnings | 18:42 |
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