IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2018-09-17

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{-0-}going from flopswap 0.1.9 to 0.2.4 seems to have broken my sudo!01:32
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DocScrutinizer05flopswap breaks sudo?? Cannot imagine how06:52
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infobothmm... flopswap is
sixwheeledbeastseems wiki is out of date, Id have to check.11:19
sixwheeledbeastI can't imagine how either, how is it broken?11:33
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{-0-}sixwheeledbeast, was able to ssh in as root, after setting user passwd gainroot worked again without asking for password21:34
{-0-}pastebin for why I suspected flopswap ( great app, thank you ):
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{-0-}on a seperate note, replaced the old uSDcard with an A1 rated one, ok, it's a fresh install as well, but it just feels zingier :)21:42
{-0-}4k reads (sequential and random) and sequential writes are about 30% faster, 4k random writes 3x as fast!21:44
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