IRC log of #maemo for Friday, 2017-09-22

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Boyetosixwheeledbeast: There are things some of us do on a daily basis, in situations where pulling out a laptop isn't practical. Can you pay for things in cafes, etc with crypto on-the-go using your N900? Catch an Uber?02:33
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jonwilDont know about crypto on-the-go but for Uber there is
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Vajbwe don't have uber nor do we use crypto moneys07:44
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KotCzarnyalways on spying device? botnet slave?07:52
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blap  my latest IRC art :)09:37
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TheKitcan 0xffff boot kernel + initramfs without flashing?22:33
TheKitif yes, what format does it expect initramfs to be? it doesn't detect gzipped cpio as initfs22:33
TheKitif I force the type, it boots, but initramfs is ignored by kernel22:34
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Enrico_MenottiTheKit Are you using Maemo's kernel? Since on the N900 the initrd is not used, I suspect it is disabled in the kernel (by hard coding).23:02
TheKitno, postmarketOS kernel23:02
Enrico_MenottiAh. So you may try to put the initrd on memory card (embedded or external) and tell the kernel to look for the initrd there.23:04
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