IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2017-09-18

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Vajbnot exactly a maemo question, but whats wrong in this syntax? "if answer != "y" || "n")" It works, but not they way i wanted. I wanted it to trigger if answer is not y or n, but now it triggers at any input and i can't wrap my head around it.06:50
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Oksana if {answer != "y"} || {"n"}, I would guess07:23
OksanaAka, "n" is always true07:23
OksanaBut, I am not sure what ")" stands for in your example07:23
Vajboh i mistyped. It was supposed to be (answer....07:28
Vajbso it is just closing )07:29
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OksanaEither way, my argument still holds. What would happen with this? (if answer != "y" && answer != "n")07:42
* Oksana expects that || means or and && signifies and, but haven't tried scripts for a long time07:43
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Vajblet me try what happens07:59
Vajbsame problem as from the start08:02
Vajbit just triggers no matter the letter and doesn't move to else even if letter is y or n08:02
Vajbsigh i give up and clean my house instead08:03
OksanaIs it possible in your script to print out values of answer, answer != "y", answer = "y", and others?08:03
Vajbi wouldn't know. Im just taking my first steps on programming :)08:04
Vajbthey want us to learn typescript08:04
blapis Lisp/Scheme also on the menu someday Vajb?08:06
Vajbi don't know haven't check next courses08:07
blapscheme got me thinking in new ways08:09
* Oksana has heard that Smalltalk is one of the most liked programming languages08:09
blapthe syntax though ugh08:09
Vajbi kinda like typescript so far, but i don't like to fail no matter what08:30
Vajband now im failing no matter what i try08:30
Vajbto be exact. I wanna make script that asks y or n and answers accordingly. If i use any other character than y or n it gives error.08:34
Vajbsounds simple enough, but i don't seem to make it08:35
KotCzarnyin bash i simply use: read ans; if [ "$ans" = "y" -o "$ans" = "Y" ]; then echo yes; else echo no; fi08:47
KotCzarnynever touched scheme08:48
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VajbKotCzarny: tried to translate that to typescript, didn't work :)11:53
VajbI'll figure it out eventually.11:53
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blapcool, i can copy a random set of music or podcasts to my phone SD card12:15
blapls |sort -R |tail -$1 |while read file; do cp -v $file $2; done12:15
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Maxdamantusif(["y", "n"].indexOf(answer) != -1)13:53
MaxdamantusShould work in TypeScript.13:53
KotCzarnywhat about upper case?13:53
Maxdamantusif(["y", "n"].indexOf(answer.toLowerCase()) != -1)13:54
MaxdamantusTypeScript seems like a bad language to be taught as an introductory language.13:57
MaxdamantusIt has a static type system, but it relies on fairly careful reasoning to ensure your code is actually well-typed (given that it compiles)13:59
Maxdamantusdue to its unsoundness WRT structural subtyping (assumes covariance of data structures), and its use of `any` typing, etc14:00
Maxdamantusand when you actually do have type errors, they're not even caught at runtime, unless they happen to be real ECMAScript type errors (in which case `TypeError`s will be thrown)14:01
MaxdamantusI see it as a language that acts as a pretty good workaround for the lack of type safety in ES, not as something that would be optimal to learn to understand something about programming or type theory.14:03
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WikiwideFeature request for camera: using an image as semi-transparent overlay while shooting a photograph.23:26
WikiwideUsecase: creating time lapse sequences of photographs. Such an overlay would make it easier to avoid movement of camera from one day to another.23:27
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KotCzarnyit's easier to be done in postprocess23:34
KotCzarnyie. in software after23:34
KotCzarnyjust requires some key points in the scene to be permanenet23:35
WikiwideSure, but post-processing implies that the images will have to be cropped at least.23:36
WikiwidePre-processing allows to make sure that all angles and distances are correct.23:36
KotCzarnyassuming your onion image is similar enough in the angles, distance etc23:37
WikiwideBecause not everybody is going to have a tripod mount sitting to specify where the photographing should take place.23:37
Wikiwide/me is probably too picky; hoped that gstreamer has such a image-overlay-over-camera-stream functionality23:43

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