IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2017-07-10

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sixwheeledbeast^Sorry for the delayed response, yes I got a new token mailed and voted.00:50
sixwheeledbeast^Elections always seem to be when I am away or busy.00:51
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MaxdamantusWRT that systemd thing .. my system at work (debian) handles usernames starting with "0" fine.03:33
Maxdamantussystemd does, that is .. wher `User=0max` and the "0max" user actually exists.03:33
MaxdamantusIf it doesn't exist, it fails with status=217/USER03:34
Maxdamantusmust be either a recent regression or some behaviour that depends on another library .. didn't notice anyone mentioning something like that when reading through the issue though.03:35
* Maxdamantus is using systemd 22203:37
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DocScrutinizer05timeless: wb!20:30
DocScrutinizer05I wonder how networking works at all in containers20:31
DocScrutinizer05in the end you need virtual NIC (or bridge) just like on any other virtualization20:32
DocScrutinizer05unless you have a dedicated physical NIC for each container20:32
timelessthere are choices20:33
timelessyou can assign a device straight into a container20:33
timelessyou can let a container use NAT20:33
timelessor you can set up a bridge of a real device and then allow access to the bridge20:34
* DocScrutinizer05 needs to sort his mind re bridge vs NAT20:35
timelessfor more fun, my kernel is 2.620:35
DocScrutinizer05iirc a bridge is simply a sw-switch, right?20:35
DocScrutinizer05at least on my router, it seems to be20:36
timelessthat might be a reasonable way to look at it20:36
timelessroughly, a bridge allows multiple devices to claim to have distinct ip addresses together all of which can route out using the underlying device20:36
DocScrutinizer05thought the distinct IP addr would turn it into sth involving NAT20:37
DocScrutinizer05unless you do full routing20:37
timelessthe key difference is that w/ nat, you generally can't reach the connected devices from the host20:38
DocScrutinizer05on my router br0 IFs all have same network and thus IP20:39
timelessNAT is functionally equivalent to a program acting as a client and making all outbound requests on behalf of all the things that it's natting20:39
timelessfor more fun, this computer has two bond interfaces20:41
timelessiirc eth0+eth1 = bond0; eth2+eth3 = bond120:41
DocScrutinizer05bond is channel bundling for bandwidth?20:42
timelessand reliability in case one of the cards/cables fails20:43
DocScrutinizer05I heard from a sysadmin friend that systemd killed all the bond groups in their corporate infra20:43
timelessjoy, i can't wait for that20:43
timelesssystemd/udev are replacing the eth{randomnumber} system w/ a different means of assigning names20:44
timelesssle? 11?20:44
DocScrutinizer05Suse Linux Enterprise 1120:45
timelessi'm on rhel6 :)20:45
DocScrutinizer05with Service Level agreement and on-site suse dude who's cursing whole day long20:45
DocScrutinizer05systemd is real fun, the larger the infra the more the fun20:46
timelessi'm surprised they didn't test their rollout a couple of systems at a time20:46
timelessanyway, what i really want is a vbox style network20:46
DocScrutinizer05no idea about LXC here20:47
DocScrutinizer05neither about docker20:47
timelesswe've occasionally tried docker20:47
timelesswe decided it was a PITA and totally unusable20:48
timelessi personally decided that their OpenSource system was *awful*20:48
timelessthey were really really really bad at accepting PR requests via github20:48
DocScrutinizer05seems Poettering likes it, so it must be awful20:48
timelessin theory, it's a good idea20:49
timelessbut their docs, their PR system, their people... all lead me to not wanting to touch it w/ a 10' pole20:49
timelessthe idea is great. and i think that docker has a proper local network bridge20:50
DocScrutinizer05I only ever looked into Xen a tiny bit, with maemo infra. And the usual "everything for testing" on my personal workstation20:50
timelessi've used xen a bit, i think kvm a bit, vbox a bunch, occasionally vmware / fusion (iirc qnx/bb10 favored them)20:51
DocScrutinizer05I think a decent full virtualization is better than that para(?) stuff20:51
timelessoh, and i used solaris zones while hosting maemo stuff :)20:51
timelesssolaris zones were awesome. lxc is only now barely close to where solaris zones were 10 years ago :(20:52
timelessmy cross reference was done using a lot of magic20:52
timelessopensolaris host os, nexenta guest zone20:52
DocScrutinizer05aaah the awesome MXR(?)20:52
timelessnexenta is a debian solaris userspace20:52
timelessso i used that to get the sources from .deb's20:52
DocScrutinizer05a pity that vanished20:52
timelessyeah, sorry about that20:53
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DocScrutinizer05couldn't have done H-E-N without20:53
timelessit might be possible to talk to (say "host:")20:53
timelessoh, no, because there's too much magic involved20:54
DocScrutinizer05we should port that stuff to maemo infra20:54
timelessdreamhost doesn't know about it20:54
timelessi'm pretty sure the data is still in timeless.justdave.net20:54
timelessif you look at
DocScrutinizer05warfare: xes_^: any chance for that?20:55
timelessyou can see that the configs are mostly there20:55
DocScrutinizer05timeless: given you get access on a VM, would you be able and willing to port stuff to there?20:55
timelessanyway, solaris zones are basically proper lightweight virtualization20:55
timelessDocScrutinizer05: eventually, maybe. not anytime soon20:56
timelessright now i need to focus on fixing these two lxcs20:56
DocScrutinizer05sure, it's dead since3 what? 5 years now?20:56
timelesssomething like that...20:56
timelessanyway... lxc hell20:57
DocScrutinizer05at large or just networking?20:57
timelessjust networking20:57
timelessroughly i'm hosting a `pydio` instance (that i don't trust much) in an lxc20:57
DocScrutinizer05never heard of20:58
timelessand i just need to let the host talk to the pydio instance so that the internet can access it20:58
timelessit's basically a file sharing system20:58
timelessw/ semi-shiny ui20:58
timelessi don't really care. mostly it's a web server and scary [hence lxc]20:58
timelessin theory, this would be a good chore for docker20:59
jogaI'm not an expert on lxcs but we do use them at work20:59
joga(for bulk of the stuff anyway, not all of it)20:59
timelessi had this lxc working, but apparently not enough of it was set to automatically start after a reboot :-(21:00
jogaI handle them with proxmox21:00
jogamakes it nice and clicky mostly21:00
* timeless googles21:01
timelessjoga: did anyone at your company worry about AGPLv3?21:02
joga...not to my knowledge21:03
timeless... did anyone look at it? :)21:03
jogawell I didn't at least :)21:04
timelesssome of these licenses (and i can't remember which) have cascading impact on things that run nearby21:05
timelessimagine a "GPL-like license" on a "linux kernel" that required all userspace to be governed by that those same license terms21:05
timelesssadly, i can't remember which licenses have that property21:06
jogayou mean I couldn't host a webapp on a container in proxmox?21:06
timelessi'm not saying that21:06
timelessi don't remember which license was risky21:06
timelessbut in theory a poorly designed (or intentionally designed) license could require the associated webapp to also be open sourced21:07
jogawell, I assume it's fine since they also offer paid support (we have community licenses for now) etc., but not gonna research it on my N900 right now :)21:07
timelessthat page is actually pretty good. see also the "Use of kernel header files in user-space"21:09
timelessessentially the linux kernel developers have a carve-out designed to make sure that non GPL stuff is allowed to run w/o being tainted by GPL. But conceptually, w/o such carve outs, it could be pretty easy to consider "linux + all running applications on it" as a "derivative work" of "linux"21:10
timelessand "derivative work" is where open source licenses typically bind their magic21:10
jogaah well, we're not distributing the systems per se, just using it as an alternative to vsphere et al21:11
timelessso, v3 and agpl and friends were specifically to catch "apps in the cloud"21:11
timelesssuch that "accessing an app" qualified as "distribution"21:11
timelessif it's totally in house, you don't have a problem, because none of your people would exercise the clauses21:12
timelessin my case, the applications i'm hosting aren't only for my employer21:12
timelesswhich means i'm always slightly more cautious21:12
jogawell, basically the only layer outsiders access is some nginx instance21:13
timelessit's just always very hard to tell what a given license does and how it impacts other things21:13
timelessespecially if one hasn't played w/ it in a while21:13
jogaI suppose so21:13
timelessi haven't looked at agpl/agpl3 in perhaps 10 years21:14
timelessi do remember that some license near that family was designed to catch more things and have more cascades21:14
timelessbut i could easily be recalling the wrong license :)21:14
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timelessand i certainly don't remember the particulars :)21:14
timeless is an interesting read...21:19
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timelesssadly, the mailing lists linked from near the bottom aren't around21:26
timeless(at least the https links for browsing don't work)21:26
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kalinHi! I'm new here. Can someone help me to run PyOBD on my n900 pls?22:44
Wizzupif it's not packaged in maemo, try a chroot22:47
kalinit is packaged, but i have dependencies issues22:49
kalinand nokia droped down repos22:51
kalinis there mirrors of repos?22:57
Wizzupyes, but idk the shortcut for the help bot.22:57
infobotit has been said that maemo-repos is
timelessDocScrutinizer05: hey, do you think it's possible to create a bridge over a loopback? :)23:04
sicelokalin: i did use it for some time .. worked reasonably ok. would hang sometimes (although i think problem was largely my clone, cheap reader, as well as the car itself (early merc))23:07
sicelobut yes, fix your repos first23:07
siceloyou have been given links in KotCzarny's last comment ..23:12
KotCzarnythere are also one click repos there for slower learners23:14
kalini will try it23:19
timelessDocScrutinizer05: so... i think my problem is that my containers are systemd23:19
timelessi wonder if they "upgraded"23:19
timelesssystemd in containers is really not friendly to linux kernel 2.623:19
Wizzupthen deinstall systemd23:20
Wizzuplxc doesn't require it23:20
* timeless considers moving from debian to devuan23:20
Wizzupneither does a chroot23:20
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* timeless nods23:23
* timeless starts the painful process23:23
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* timeless sighs
WizzupI keep getting the same text every 30 mins or so23:44
Wizzupanyone know wtf is up?23:45
Wizzupis this a maemo bug, operator bug...?23:45
WizzupI've gotten it like 14 times23:45
sicelotext?  sms? o r email?23:45
Wizzupit's keeping me awake at this point23:46
WizzupI guess I can turn off vibration in silent mode...23:46
sicelono idea. never had that, although i vaguely remeber someone else once had .. maybe on tmo.23:47
WizzupI'll turn it into offline mode if it persists.23:48
VajbWizzup: u can disable vibration in same place where u set device silent...23:54
WizzupI know.23:54
WizzupBut I don't like doing that.23:54
Vajbthen i don't get ur problem :)23:55
WizzupI keep getting the same sms23:55
Wizzuplike it's a new one23:55
Wizzupevery 30 mins23:55
Wizzupthat's a *bug* somewhere23:56
Vajbhmm maybe network fails to get "ok got it" reply from ur phine23:56
WizzupI don't want to make my phone unusable by removing vibrate from silent23:56
Wizzupcould. other texts worked fine23:56
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Vajbsomewhat strange..23:58
Wizzuprebooted also23:58
Wizzupstill got it23:58
siceloif you have another phone, i'd say try moving the sim across for a while23:59
Vajbi think max dbls was like 3 of same, but that was when i cross country via boat23:59
Vajband they advertised roaming prices23:59
WizzupI am not in my home country, but still23:59

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