IRC log of #maemo for Wednesday, 2017-01-25

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sixwheeledbeastNice to see the riddle of the mystery memory leaks in h-h is getting answers. Amusing how they where all marked as WONTFIX in bug tracker blaming extras packages for the leaks.00:22
* kerio shakes his fist at elop00:22
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sixwheeledbeastor yes s/Amusing/Disappointing is another way of expressing that00:22
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buZzhmm curious ...
buZzwonder if that'll work on n900 :)10:29
buZzguess i should install easydebian or something?10:30
bencohwhat's that ?10:31
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buZzis that 'easy-deb-chroot' ?10:33
buZzbencoh: its the Arduino IDE, they now have a arm release10:33
bencohwhy would you want that on n900?10:33
buZzfor infield reprogramming10:34
buZzwith less hardware ;)10:34
bencohThe environment is written in Java and based on Processing and other open-source software.10:34
buZzyeah , gcc , avrdude10:35
buZzspecific recompiles of gcc though10:35
buZzand patched avrdude10:35
bencohwhy would you want to run such a bloat on n900? :/10:35
buZzjava isnt bloat specifically10:35
bencohI'd suggest gcc/avrdude and your favourite text/code editor on n90010:36
* buZz install easy-deb-chroot10:36
buZzi'll download the debian image at work :)10:40
Maxdamantusspeaking of which, does anyone here use vim a lot, and if so, does it tend to crash xterm in Maemo for you?10:41
MaxdamantusI always have to use vim really slowly in osso-xterm, otherwise it crashes.10:41
Maxdamantusit ocassionally crashes when doing things in irssi too, but nowhere near as often as in vim if I try to do things at a natural speed.10:42
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Maxdamantuswriting things in insert mode is fine, but command mode usually crashes if I try entering too many things at once.10:43
buZzi havent been able to crash osso-xterm with irssi yet10:43
Maxdamantusit's fairly rare with irssi.10:44
buZzor anything else :P10:44
buZzbut i only own a n900 since 201710:44
MaxdamantusThe irssi thing might have to do with tmux, since I'm pretty much always using irssi in tmux in ssh.10:44
buZzi just use screen, cause i'm ancient10:45
Maxdamantusbut vim seems to crash consistently through tmux/ssh or just when running it from maemo or a debian chroot on the device.10:45
Maxdamantusbtw, root exploit found in screen in the last few days.10:45
buZzstill, if vim crashes, it shouldnt pull xterm along10:45
MaxdamantusIt's not vim crashing, just xterm.10:46
buZzlocal root if you use the logfiles in screen, nice one10:46
buZz(i dont use that)10:46
MaxdamantusIt's not a matter of whether you use them.10:47
Maxdamantusit just depends on where the +s bit is.10:47
Maxdamantusif it's setuid root, then any user can create empty/log files as root.10:48
buZzon multiuser systems yeh10:48
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Maxdamantuswell, on systems where you already have programs running under supposedly non-trusted users.10:49
Maxdamantusthere's a reason there are usually 30 or so users in /etc/passwd, even on a "single-user" system.10:49
buZzyeah, if you give them passwords to log in, you're not so sane ;)10:50
buZzor even a shell10:50
bencohMaxdamantus: I use vim on n90010:55
bencohbut I ditched osso-xterm a long time ago10:55
bencohthat's actually one of the very first things I did10:55
bencohI use (plain old) xterm with some fine-tuned Xdefaults, and a heavily patched xorg keymap10:56
bencoh(so that I can type pretty much any character I need)10:57
bencohsome day I'll ditch maemo input method and replace it with ibus, too ...10:58
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MaxdamantusYeah, I could mostly get by with rxvt-unicode. The main things I was missing when trying to use it as my main terminal were page up/down and something to interact with X selections.11:07
Maxdamantusso for the latter I just used `xclip` a lot more than usualy.11:07
MaxdamantusDunno what to do about page up/down .. my layout is already fairly full.11:09
MaxdamantusHave pretty much just fit every printable ASCII character on it.11:09
Maxdamantuswith one double modifier.11:10
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n0xAnybody here?11:48
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ff_Maxdamantus: for page up/down home/end I use in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/nokia_vndr/rx-51 file13:55
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MaxdamantusMm, I already have up/down/left/right under the modifier.14:13
MaxdamantusGuess I could just make it shift+level214:13
Maxdamantusfor pgup/pgdown14:13
buZzlol wtf, easy-deb-chroot's image downloader only has debian 5 or 6? :D14:18
buZzkinda very ancient14:18
Wizzupat this point I'd suggest to get alpine chroots instead14:20
buZzhm, 'alpine linux' the distro?14:22
buZzif i search 'alpine' in app manager, it finds some licensing program?14:23
buZzis that what you ment? :P14:23
buZzAlpine - an Alternatively Licensed Program for Internet.14:23
buZzNews & Email - is a terminal-based tool for reading, sending, and managing electronic messages.14:23
buZzok, that cant be what you ment :P14:23
ff_also xbindkeys is nice, by every shift + mod5 + ctrl + any key combination we can start "evkey -d -t -1 /dev/input/event1" and then any commands14:26
ff_buZz: I thin jessie is the newest, so it's debian 814:30
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ff_from here
buZzooo cool! i can use that with easy-deb-chroot ?14:48
buZzthanks :D14:50
ff_more gratitude for sulu :)14:51
buZzthanks sulu :D14:52
ff_he compiled 2.6 kernel & build distro14:52
ff_it work with kernel power, don't know with stock kernel14:54
buZzi think i run power kernel indeed14:55
buZzi guess most CSSU runners do14:55
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ff_you may right, ker pow here and it works fine14:58
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* DocScrutinizer51 idly wonders if it's about time for CSSU to roll a real full system update to fremantle PR2.016:55
DocScrutinizer51of course with keeping compatibility for *all* apps that do not have a tightly mainatined and thoroughly tested update in CSSU16:57
DocScrutinizer51even if that might need LD_PRELOAD or chroot for some apps17:00
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DocScrutinizer51can't be too hard in theory at least to write a generic backward compatibility wrapper that takes care about all apps that are listed in a config file containing all apps of unknown compatibility to PR2.017:02
DocScrutinizer51PR2.0 could finally sanitize optification (aka nuke it), introduce new kernel and glibc, and possibly even switch to thumb if we could manage to provide genuine thumbified fiasco image etc17:07
ff_for now is it possible to unpack/mount combine img, modify it, pack/build the img and flash device with it?17:17
ff_which tool can be used to build combine & fiasco image?17:20
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DocScrutinizer51use fiascogen17:50
Vajbi thought that that pali's tool can create images now?17:52
Vajbthat xf000 or something like that17:52
DocScrutinizer510xffff maybe too17:55
Vajb-.- see, that's why i usually shut up. Not even close17:55
ff_if fiascogen can generate combine too?17:56
DocScrutinizer51that's its purpose. 0xffff maybe only can extract, or somesuch limitation18:00
sixwheeledbeast0xFFFF my favourite number :)18:00
DocScrutinizer51also 0xffff is a flasher, not an image builder18:01
ff_fiascogen from maemo sdk18:01
ff_too much effort for me with sdk, anyway is there any faster method to access to clipboard than python gtk?18:03
ff_python is quite slow18:04
DocScrutinizer51effort with sdk?18:05
ff_I don't have access to PC now18:06
DocScrutinizer51so what do you need a fiasco builder for?18:06
ff_modify image, build and use it as fast backup18:08
DocScrutinizer51>>for now is it possible to unpack/mount combine img, modify it, pack/build the img and flash device with it?<< yes, with a linux PC and fiascogen18:09
DocScrutinizer51also see18:09
infobotbackupmenu is, like,, or one-click install handling dependency issues:
DocScrutinizer51I *guess* you could also run fiascogen on target (N900)18:11
DocScrutinizer51BM doesn't18:11
NeKitis it possible to have rootfs with latest CSSU packages to use it inside chroot/LXC on another device?18:11
DocScrutinizer51but there's an explanation how ro build a fiasco from BM backup18:12
DocScrutinizer51NeKit: not really18:12
ff_so backupmenu is the best for now I think18:16
ff_is it possible to run osRescue.img in RAM and reboot that boot osRescue on the same device? :D18:20
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enycDocScrutinizer51: whats' the story with the kernel, why is it stuck on 2.6.28 and not at least 2.6.32 f.example   ooi ?18:51
DocScrutinizer51it's about the closed blobs mainly PVR afaik18:52
DocScrutinizer51maybe also API changes18:52
DocScrutinizer51ff_: no18:53
ff_because of resetting RAM during reboot?18:54
ff_I know that's silly, but I'm just curious18:56
bencohff_: wait, what do you want to do?18:56
bencohoh, I think I get it18:58
bencohwell, you can actually do something quite close to it, using kexec18:58
ff_on n900, put osRescue.img into RAM, reboot device, but do something once in boot region that osRescue will boot from RAM18:58
bencohbut I wouldn't assume kexec for arm worked well with kernel 2.6.2818:58
bencohkexec is actually meant for that - put kernel/initrd in some place in ram, run some command instead of the usual reboot, and kernel jumps to new kernel after doing some cleaning18:59
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bencohactually motorola droid4 (nice hw kbd / slider, omap4 with separate modem) had a locked bootloader but cyanogen guys were able to load custom kernels on it using kexec19:02
bencohbut I suspect android kernel there was a bit more recent19:02
bencoh(if it wasn't for the locked bootloader I'd prolly have bought a droid4 already)19:03
ff_yeh, something like that, thanks19:03
bencohwell ...
bencohdoesn't look good19:04
bencohit might actually be because of the wdog actually19:05
bencohlet's say that new kernel doesn't have time to reconfigure wdog ... then it will hang19:06
NeKitheh, I'm currently trying my luck to get Droid 419:06
ff_I was thinking of buying droid4, but you mentioned about locked bootloader...19:07
bencohNeKit: well, if you succeed in doing anything useful with it19:07
bencohI mean ... apart from kexecing19:08
NeKitif it doesn't get confiscated by Russian customs first, but what's wrong with kexec?19:08
bencohnothing per-see, it just means that you have to 1. trust their bootloader 2. run an android kernel + some userland first19:09
bencohthen you can jump to <insert open OS here>19:09
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bencohto my knowledge nobody reversed the RIL used there, btw (since cyanogen reuses blobs_19:10
bencohso you'd have to reverse it your self if you wanted to use phone19:10
NeKitit can be reused through Mer ofono plugin19:10
bencohon keep android and slap libhybris/ofono on top of it. nemo/sfos-style19:10
infobotbencoh meant: or keep android and slap libhybris/ofono on top of it. nemo/sfos-style19:10
bencohbut that means moar blobs19:11
bencohit's possible though, that's how sfos works on all those androiphones19:12
NeKitthe good thing that it's relatively hardware-agnostic then19:12
bencohthis might be a way to get more people to work on the hildon/maemo-like port19:14
bencohapart from the fact that maemo-like usually means Xorg, and that wont really work on top of android/hybris afaict19:15
bencohxwayland on wayland on android, maybe :>19:17
NeKitI could start hildon on Redmi Note 2 with libhybris graphics, but it was hacked to render directly to SurfaceFlinger instead of returning picture to Xorg19:17
bencohNeKit: hildon-gtk2 or hildon-gtk3?19:17
NeKithildon-gtk2, but it shouldn't matter19:18
bencohNeKit: maemo apps still expect gtk2, which means xorg19:18
bencohunless you hacked gtk2 as well?19:18
NeKitXorg is running, just not displaying anything19:18
bencohsure but how does gtk2 render?19:18
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NeKitit renders to pixmap as usual, then Hildon loads it to texture and uses OpenGL to render everything19:20
bencohwell I guess I'm missing something / should dive into the gtk/hildon relationship19:21
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freemangordonNeKit: and how's that supposed to work in non-compositing mode?21:47
NeKitit won't :)21:48
freemangordonyeah, my question was rhetoric.21:49
NeKitI looked at Raspberry Pi OpenGL + Xorg example (their driver doesn't have Xorg support). It's possible to do rendering to offscreen buffer, then copy it to pixmap and to Xorg21:51
NeKitnot sure how much doing multiply copies would hurt perfomance, but it's better solution probably21:51
freemangordonNeKit: it seems you know the stuff, why don;t you join the porting party? lets have it first running on upstream linux, then we'll find a way to run it on wayland/libhybris21:51
freemangordonNeKit: we can use clutter for that I guess21:52
freemangordon(offscreen rendering)21:52
freemangordonbut, I guess the performance will be terrible, pipeline flush on every frame21:53
NeKitwell, I'm not sure how I can be helpful to the porting party right now, since I don't have GTK+/Maemo experience21:57
NeKitwhat I wanted to try is integrating libhybris builds to make it more or less run on recent devices21:57
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freemangordonNeKit: well, porting hildon is just a part of the job that needs to be done, there is stuff like moving to modern init system (be it upstart or systemd), packaging, etc. The point is - if there is something usable, more people will be attracted. At least this is what I hope for.22:02
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NeKitto start apps without source code, like Maemo system apps, would chroot be needed?22:26
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bencohin a classic Xorg environment, I'd expect both libs to coexist nicely in the same rootfs22:38
bencohsince different ABI means different lib version number22:38
bencohwe might have issues with share (/usr/share and the likes) files though22:39
bencohif they become incompatible for any reason we'd have to rebuild old libs with a different share prefix22:40
bencoh(or new ones for that matters)22:40
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DocScrutinizer51or use mount namespaces23:44
DocScrutinizer51per process or per user23:45
DocScrutinizer51pretty simple23:45
DocScrutinizer51a 5liner wrapper script23:45
DocScrutinizer51I'm quite sceptic that stuff like 'modern init system' is anything needed to improve attractiviry of maemo. Rather support for existing apps incl their old init system is a key issue. Seen too many OS fail just because no initial stock of working apps been available so they died from no chicken no egg23:51
DocScrutinizer51linux is attractive because of basic compatibility to 1990 apps23:53
DocScrutinizer51stuff like wayland and systemd and their proponents are denying that and think new ==leete==better23:55
freemangordonDocScrutinizer51: the problem is that maemo init system is a mixture of upstart and sysv and that doesn't fit in anything upstream23:56
freemangordonwe already discussed that - the less forks to support, the more time will be used for more sane tasks23:56
DocScrutinizer51my init system on my PC also doesn't fit into upstream. Maemo is maemo's upstream *particularly* for sich distro specific stuff like init system23:57
freemangordongive me 5 fulltime job devs and I will make it like that23:57
freemangordonbut until then, it is better to stick to the wide-spread distros23:58
DocScrutinizer51oh, and the waaay more demanding task to MAKE A WHOLE NEW (to maemo) INIT system is feasible part time?23:59
freemangordonit is not whole new, scripts just need to be ported and this is trivial23:59

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