bencoh | DocScrutinizer05: err.... I'm not sure I'd prefer wiki/www over repository.... | 00:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | particularly wiki is a tad unfortunate when it's down for a week | 00:00 |
DocScrutinizer05 | bencoh: well, that's what I said | 00:01 |
bencoh | wiki is great, but there is no public mirror for repository (ie extras*) afaict | 00:01 |
bencoh | whereas there are a few wiki dump / mirror around | 00:01 |
xes | DocScrutinizer05: sadly it is not possible. The high speed storage is full after we added talk. Run the other vm in the low speed one ...well, is a really a bad idea | 00:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | well, ok. So no shutdown of repo.m.o | 00:01 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ooh I see | 00:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | swap the drives? err needs hands | 00:02 |
DocScrutinizer05 | iirc we should have a 2 of 6 slots free in blade-a still | 00:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | should suffice for the blade-b highspeed raid | 00:03 |
DocScrutinizer05 | I might be wrong | 00:04 |
bencoh | a link to meanwhile? | 00:04 |
DocScrutinizer05 | excellent, just we prolly can't simply forward via DNS, could we? | 00:04 |
sicelo | thanks for the work | 00:05 |
sicelo | i agree with bencoh that we can live without wili for a while longer than without repos | 00:06 |
sicelo | wiki | 00:06 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ack | 00:06 |
bencoh | DocScrutinizer05: prolly not just dns | 00:06 |
bencoh | a reverse proxy would work though | 00:07 |
DocScrutinizer05 | so we got a DNS forward wiki.m.o -> t.m.o, maybe add a rewrite/redir to t.m.o webserver for the wiki.m.o URL? | 00:07 |
bencoh | (and you could even serve it as https with the proper cert, if you have it around) | 00:07 |
bencoh | wiki.m.o already redirects to t.m.o iirc | 00:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | that's what I said | 00:08 |
bencoh | "maybe add a rewrite/redir" I didn't get it then | 00:08 |
DocScrutinizer05 | wiki.m.o -DNS-> t.m.o -apache-3xx_redir-> | 00:09 |
bencoh | something like that, yeah | 00:10 |
bencoh | (preferably not a permanent apache redir, so that browsers won't cache it "forever") | 00:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | no, TEMPORARILY MOVED TO... | 00:11 |
bencoh | yeah | 00:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | dunno the 3xx code | 00:11 |
bencoh | me neither :) | 00:11 |
DocScrutinizer05 | 307 Temporary Redirect (since HTTP/1.1) | 00:13 |
princefakhan | bencoh: surprisingly well on my OnePlus 2. | 00:15 |
bencoh | princefakhan: can you play on cstrike servers? | 00:15 |
bencoh | and ... wait ... don't tell me you play cstrike on a touch phone?! o.O | 00:15 |
princefakhan | bencoh: havent tried that yet | 00:15 |
princefakhan | haha. not really. I actually hate playing games on touch phones | 00:16 |
bencoh | :) | 00:16 |
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*** DocScrutinizer05 changes topic to "SERVICE DOWNTIME til 11-27 see | "firmware" see ~tabletsdev ~combined ~emmc ~flasher sdk: ~sb | | Source: | Chanlog: | #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet" | 00:31 | |
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DocScrutinizer05 | ~#maemo down is SERVICE DOWNTIME til 2016-11-27, see /topic, see, TL;DR one blade broken, needs hardware swap. So wiki, bugs, a few more are down. Wiki mirror at | 00:36 |
infobot | DocScrutinizer05: okay | 00:36 |
DocScrutinizer05 | ~down | 00:37 |
infobot | it has been said that down is SERVICE DOWNTIME til 2016-11-27, see /topic, see, TL;DR one blade broken, needs hardware swap. So wiki, bugs, a few more are down. Wiki mirror at | 00:37 |
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*** DocScrutinizer05 changes topic to "SERVICE DOWNTIME til 11-27 see and ~down | "firmware" see ~tabletsdev ~combined ~emmc ~flasher sdk: ~sb | | Source: | Chanlog: | #maemo-ssu is where the (few) devels and maintainers of the maemo-future meet" | 00:37 | |
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princefakhan | | 00:40 |
princefakhan | | 00:40 |
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princefakhan | I am not sure if you can play on official servers | 00:41 |
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Oksana | About upgrading MicroB: is interesting, even though it should be noted that MicroB does not seem to use much XUL, if any. Not sure if other differences Goanna vs Gecko are relevant (XPCOM? IP-API?) | 05:12 |
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Maxdamantus | What would be the difference between upgrading microb and just using something else? | 06:24 |
Maxdamantus | or is microb here including the SMS UIs? | 06:25 |
Oksana | MicroB, or its engine at least, is used for SMS UI, yes. It may or may not be better to just write SMS UIs in Hildon, but that's complicated. | 06:39 |
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KotCzarny | oksana: newer js for one? | 08:12 |
KotCzarny | which might or might not be faster | 08:13 |
jonwil | I see no reason you couldn't keep the current microb blobs for use by those things that use them (i.e. rtcom-messaging-ui and nokia-maps) and replace just microb as a browser (both the open-source engine part and the mostly-closed-source UI part) | 08:19 |
jonwil | If we could throw away the piece of obsolete bug-ridden garbage that is adobe-flashplayer, replacing things becomes even easier. | 08:22 |
KotCzarny | jonwil: memory footprint | 08:33 |
jonwil | You could probably write a library that let rtcom-messaging-ui work with something new I bet and just keep maps (which doesn't keep the browser engine loaded in memory all the time like microb the browser and rtcom-messaging-ui does and doesn't use the browser-ui blobs either) as-is | 08:35 |
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warfare | DocScrutinizer05, bencoh: I've added the redirect from wiki.m.o to the web archive page. | 09:30 |
DocScrutinizer05 | great, many thanks! :-) | 09:31 |
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bencoh | yay :) | 09:39 |
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rEv9 | what is the status of the N900 and Maemo? is there still updates and development of maemo 5? Its hard to find any information about the latest updates for N900 | 11:07 |
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KotCzarny | keyword: cssu, mainlining, fremantle porting task | 11:14 |
KotCzarny | and infrastructure is under maintenance atm | 11:14 |
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rEv9 | but redirects to an page.. and is fremantle working on a N900 today? | 11:16 |
KotCzarny | 1/ see 'under maintenance' | 11:17 |
KotCzarny | 2/ porting task does reverse engineering closed apps too, so in a way it allows updates on the n900 too | 11:17 |
rEv9 | ah ok | 11:18 |
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bencoh | rEv9: bottom line is: it's quite alive and rocking :) | 11:39 |
bencoh | hm btw | 11:40 |
bencoh | DocScrutinizer05: could you add a notice to TMO regarding maintainance? | 11:40 |
bencoh | with a link to tmo maintainance thread | 11:40 |
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rEv9 | bencoh: so you use CSSU on your phone atm? do you recommend me to upgrade? | 11:49 |
bencoh | to CSSU, certainly, yes | 12:05 |
bencoh | I use cssu stable with a few packages cherrypicked from -testing | 12:05 |
bencoh | quite a lot of people use -testing on a daily basis, so it should be fine as well :) | 12:06 |
DocScrutinizer05 | bencoh: sorry, tmo is maintained by chem|st, I am not active in maemo maintenance and techstaff anymore | 12:09 |
bencoh | riight :) | 12:25 |
bencoh | nevermind | 12:25 |
sicelo | re - flash player .. is there even still a site that supports our flash player? | 12:27 |
KotCzarny | ads, mostly | 12:28 |
KotCzarny | and some games | 12:28 |
KotCzarny | google kongregate | 12:28 |
sicelo | what's that .. a game? | 12:28 |
Wizzup | I use gnash on my arm alptop | 12:28 |
Wizzup | laptopp | 12:28 |
KotCzarny | nah, site with games | 12:28 |
Wizzup | KotCzarny: hopefully a lot, otherwise a lot of content is gone | 12:29 |
sicelo | okay. [ /me doesn't play browser-games, and in fact detests everything that uses browser ... just using a browser to browse ;) ] | 12:29 |
jonwil | So much content these days has moved off Flash | 12:29 |
jonwil | to HTML and JavaScript and things for games and apps and content | 12:30 |
jonwil | and to HTML audio/video for media content | 12:30 |
Wizzup | new content, not old content | 12:30 |
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L29Ah | Wizzup: how's your gentoo? | 12:36 |
KotCzarny | i wonder if 'go compile yourself' can be used offensively in gentoo world | 12:39 |
Wizzup | L29Ah: good q, blog post is not there yet, I will make it ... let's see, before end of this week. however, my gentoo experiment was mostly for seeing how much I can get to work, and gentoo was the best choice for that | 12:44 |
Wizzup | however, I think I want to see if I can help with devuan and stuff after that | 12:44 |
L29Ah | i wonder if you got up phone calls and ui for that | 12:48 |
Wizzup | no | 12:48 |
Wizzup | that'd be in the devuan deparartment | 12:48 |
L29Ah | devuan sounds interesting, is there a roadmap anywhere? | 12:48 |
Wizzup | not yet. I promised fmg to make some map/plan and work from there, also to see what maemo parts we can port over | 12:54 |
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L29Ah | slap me when you have something, i may want to join the effort | 12:57 |
Wizzup | awesome. that's what we'd hope for | 12:57 |
L29Ah | i'm not a debian guy tho, just want to see fresh sw on n900 | 12:57 |
L29Ah | so there may be lots of dumb questions from me | 12:58 |
bencoh | sicelo: you might want to update flash player with the one from meego/n9 | 12:58 |
Wizzup | I'm also not a debian guy, so that'll be a fun journey | 12:58 |
Wizzup | there is a devuan image that you can download right now to try it out, but it doesn't come with usable phone sw (and careful about audio, I think), parazyd might know where to find that image | 12:59 |
bencoh | sicelo: and then changing advertised version (using any hex editor) in binary helps with some sites | 12:59 |
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L29Ah | til | 13:18 |
L29Ah | looks like the kernel is pretty much ready for all my n900 use cases | 13:18 |
KotCzarny | nice. what a pity he doesnt frequent #maemo | 13:18 |
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bencoh | KotCzarny: yeah... | 13:23 |
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bencoh | iirc fmg worked on this driver as well, so ... | 13:23 |
bencoh | I wonder why 2.5MP | 13:26 |
bencoh | and I wonder what happened to the previous driver (the default maemo one) | 13:26 |
L29Ah | isn't it closed-source? | 13:27 |
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bencoh | ah, I just noticed the signed-off-by :) | 13:27 |
bencoh | L29Ah: maemo kernel is open source | 13:27 |
bencoh | there are a few closed bits | 13:27 |
bencoh | but they sit in userland | 13:27 |
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sicelo | Wizzup: meego/n9? hmm ... is it known to work? | 16:59 |
sicelo | on N900 that is? | 16:59 |
L29Ah | bencoh: then i don't get why it was that troublesome to get all the features mainlined | 17:02 |
L29Ah | or were there device drivers in userspace? | 17:02 |
Wizzup | sicelo: I don't know | 17:11 |
bencoh | L29Ah: kernel changed quite a lot since the version we have in maemo ;) | 17:12 |
bencoh | and this part (v4l2) keeps changing afaict | 17:13 |
erstazi | sicelo: I am sure you could run an older version of meego however I am not sure how suggested that is (I have a n900 still as my daily personal phone) | 17:14 |
erstazi | sicelo: << this is 2015 | 17:14 |
L29Ah | i see | 17:16 |
erstazi | sicelo: you also might want to look into Mer which is branded as Meego 2.0. | 17:19 |
bencoh | latest mer/nemo doesn't work on n900 (because of qt5) ... and it'd be way to heavy anyway | 17:32 |
bencoh | and really working n900 nemo releases have been removed from there repositories | 17:32 |
bencoh | available nemo images for n900 all have a problem of some sort (broken sms, phone, wireless, dialer, battery, whatever) | 17:33 |
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sicelo | erstazi: yay! i have wanted to test meego for a long time ;) | 18:05 |
erstazi | sicelo: not sure how accurate that is so take head. You might want to backup before doing anything | 18:05 |
erstazi | sicelo: and read what bencoh typed | 18:06 |
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sicelo | i did try Nemo back in the days | 18:08 |
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DocScrutinizer05 | LOL, we been faster than silego themselves at realizing this: >>How can you easily add new features when you've used all the IO available already? How can Silego expand the number of IO? With the new I2C block, GreenPAK makes an ideal GPIO expander allowing you to add new features, logic, timing, and sensing to already highly integrated designs.<< | 19:21 |
DocScrutinizer05 | sorry ECHAN | 19:22 |
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KotCzarny | fmg: lol | 22:43 |
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freemangordon | KotCzarny: just managed to "boot" n900 uImage :) | 23:36 |
xes | #Maintenance Notice: i'm going to stop stage (repository) to create a backup copy. Due the size of the VM this operation could last many hours. Thank you for your patience | 23:36 |
freemangordon | KotCzarny: oh, if mer has working 3d graphics, then it will be even easier | 23:37 |
freemangordon | anyway, enough for today, night | 23:37 |
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