IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2016-07-25

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vectis3_Thanks Doc. Is it suitable for n8*0 though? Isn't maemo5.0 for n900?01:03
vectis3_ahh.. maemo4repo01:07
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Sicelookular sucks. bleh01:48
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Vajbhmm apt shows 56 updates. Is there new cssu update coming soon?10:07
Vajbalso how common is it that when i uninstall dicer (dice throwing app). It installs BlessN900 and fcam-drivers?10:12
KotCzarnyvajb, maybe you've left extras-devel enabled ;)10:12
VajbKotCzarny: i sure have, but didn't install any updates.10:13
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DocScrutinizer05Vajb: extras-devel has newer but often broken versions for a *lot* of apps/libs/whatnot. Most generally you do NOT want to bulk-update them all indiscriminately10:55
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: you should enable extras-devel *only* to install a particular selected and cherrypicked app (update), and then immediately disable extras-devel again10:57
DocScrutinizer05otherwise chances are very high that you would run into issues with stuff not working after a bulk-update10:59
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VajbDocScrutinizer05: i wasn't about to :) I was just wondering of the amount of possible updates and speculating the propability of upcoming cssu update.11:19
DocScrutinizer05this isn't related to CSSU at all11:20
DocScrutinizer05cssu doesn't happen in extras-devel11:21
DocScrutinizer05cssu has its own devel repo which is an absolute nogo-area except you are a devel of cssu and want to debug your own packages in that repo11:22
KotCzarnyvajb, you can try disabling non essential repos, do update and then see whatare proposed upgrades11:25
KotCzarnyunless there is a way to tell apt-get upgrade not touse some repos11:25
KotCzarny*easy way11:25
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kwtmI tried to use dbus-send to get my (first) N900 to connect to Internet from within a script, but it doesn't work any more.  The same script on my spare N900 works. The only difference I can think of is that the first N900 was upgraded to Power Users kernel with CSSU (I think that's what it's called) features, whereas the spare one  has no CSSU.  Is there a difference in what dbus signals are used to connect?17:09
kwtmPreviously I used:  dbus-send --system --type=method_call /com/nokia/icd string:"put iapID here" uint32:017:09
Sicelokwtm: what type of Internet are you trying to connect to? (wifi/gsm/etc.)17:40
Siceloif GSM (3G/2G), the iapID may not necessarily be the same, even if it is the same SIM card17:42
kwtmSicelo: Mainly wifi and mobile data.  I got the IAP id from grepping gconftool -R, but it didn't work.17:43
kwtmI got the iapID from running gconftool on that phone itself.  Also I tried "[ANY]" as a iapID which is supposed to work, or at least launch the "Where do you want to connect to?" dialog., but no response.17:43
kwtmIs there any way to list the IAPid's?  Is gconftool -R the correct way?  Is there some /etc/system/iap thing that I can use?17:45
Sicelogconftool is fine17:45
kwtmOk.  Will keep looking for a solution.17:45
kwtmSorry, gotta go in a few minutes (going to work), in case I stop responding after a few minutes.17:46
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