IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2016-01-16

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ceenei'm still trying to calibrate my new polarcell00:47
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ceenebut VDQ turns itself to 0 well before battery is empty00:47
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Maxdamantusceene at what voltage?04:21
Maxdamantuss/ /: /04:21
infobotMaxdamantus meant: ceene: at what voltage?04:21
Maxdamantusceene: I think I had a similar problem and just ran the flash LEDs from shortly before I predicted it would reset again for the first calibration.04:25
Maxdamantusthen at that point it should be able to calibrate better the second time.04:26
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DocScrutinizer05ceene: >>  The Valid Discharge Flag (VDQ) in the FLAGS register is set when this condition occurs and remains set until the learning discharge cycle completes or an event occurs that disqualifies the learning cycle.<<   and   >>A learning cycle can be disqualified by any of the following conditions: 1. Cold temperature: Temperature ≤ TCOMP[3:0] (°C) when the EDV1 threshold voltage is reached. 2. Light load: A capacity learning cycle is05:32
DocScrutinizer05disqualified if average current is less than or equal to 2 times the initial standby load when the EDV1 threshold voltage is reached. 3. Fast voltage drop: VOLT ≤ (EDV1 – 256 mV) before EDV1 is set. 4. Excessive charging: Cumulative Charge > 255 NAC counts (910 μVh) during a learning discharge cycle (alternating discharge/charge/discharge before EDV1 is set).<<05:32
DocScrutinizer05this boils down to: don't charge during learning cycle (self evident), do discharge with a moderate load that's not too low but also not too high05:34
DocScrutinizer05particularly don't cause load bursts when batt voltage is about to reach EDV105:35
DocScrutinizer05ideally you keep backlight lit, this will warrant a proper calibration05:36
infobotmethinks bq-calibrate is, or
DocScrutinizer05"Ho ever" :-P05:41
DocScrutinizer05actually there's a lot of cargo cult action suggested in that tmo post. I suggest to rather ignore it all together, it's confusing at best05:46
DocScrutinizer05infobot: no, bq-calibrate is, or
infobotDocScrutinizer05: okay05:52
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MaxdamantusDocScrutinizer05: there are a few other cases listed. I'm not entirely sure, but I think the "Excessive self-discharge" one might be relevant.06:12
Maxdamantuswhen I got a new battery (polarcell), the LMD was at something like 1100 mAh, and after fully charging the new one and letting it discharge, it stayed at 6% with NAC = 68 for a few hours, then eventually NAC went to 67 and VDQ changed to 0 at the same time.06:14
Maxdamantusso from there the NAC and RSOC dropped as I would expect, but VDQ had already been reset, presumably because it was discharging far more than it had expected to given the existing LMD.06:15
Maxdamantusiirc, I might've observed that twice before just trying to discharge it less efficiently by leaving the light on for the last few hours.06:16
MaxdamantusI have the log of it happing at least once.06:17
Maxdamantus18:15 3760 6    6    -40  71   71   71   65535 105   27  1    006:21
Maxdamantus20:39 3702 6    6    -127 68   68   68   65535 32    21  1    006:22
Maxdamantus6% at 3.7 V for two and a half hours.06:22
MaxdamantusRight, 68*16 = 1088, which was my LMD at the time.06:24
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* Maxdamantus wonders why there's a big red "Not Recommended For New Designs" line at the top of every page in the bq27200 document.06:30
MaxdamantusBecause it was a bad system in the first place, or because it's simply been superceded (and whatever that is will end up with the same line eventually)?06:31
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* Maxdamantus suspects the former.06:32
robbiethe1stActually, probably the latter06:33
robbiethe1stI've seen that in a lot of 'old chip' pages06:33
Maxdamantusnot sure how other hardware does it, but I imagine it usually doesn't require typical people to do full discharges before telling them anything useful about the battery.06:33
robbiethe1stBecause they want you to use a new design chip(which is probably better supported)06:33
Maxdamantusunless the devices have a couple of batteries that they can switch between as they calibrate each one.06:34
robbiethe1stY'know, I'm still not sure how accurate any of these devices battery meters are. I just know that, say, my Nexus 7 tablet charges to "100%" and shuts down at like 3%. Whether there's another 50% capacity in the battery, I'll never know.06:35
robbiethe1stOn the other hand, my old Iriver mp3 player with Rockbox on it had an even worse gauge; you'd do something stressful and it would drop by like 30% in one minute; let it sit there and it would come back up just as quickly.06:36
MaxdamantusYes, but whatever it does, it probably doesn't expect people like my mum to make sure she does a full discharge at least once every 30 cycles.06:36
MaxdamantusThat Rockbox thing probably just directly translates voltage to estimated charge.06:36
robbiethe1stI've never done a full discharge(intentionally) on my N900, but I've never expected it to be 100% accurate, either,06:37
MaxdamantusSo you're just seeing the voltage drop.06:37
MaxdamantusIf you've never done a full discharge you're probably not relying on bq27200.06:37
MaxdamantusMaemo doesn't use it by default. It's just some piece of hardware that is largely unused but wasn't removed.06:38
robbiethe1stNo, I guess not. I'm not sure how the stock calculator works either06:38
MaxdamantusI think it works similarly.06:38
Maxdamantus(just by looking at the voltage, and possibly some extra guesswork in software)06:39
MaxdamantusThe difference with bq27200 is that it also monitors current, so can more-or-less measure how much power is actually passing through.06:40
MaxdamantusThe caveat is that with that device in particular the user has to do a full discharge at least every 30 cycles.06:41
Maxdamantuswhich is probably unreasonable to expect of most consumers.06:41
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MaxdamantusCycle Count since Learning: 26 Total Cycle Count since last full reset: 24706:54
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KotCzarnyhmm, shouldnt proper battery meter rely on more than one source of information? ie. charge amount, discharge amount, battery history10:00
KotCzarnyand counting self discharge into it too10:01
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MaxdamantusWhat is "charge amount" and "discharge amount"?10:21
MaxdamantusBatteries are weird. They don't exactly store a particular amount of charge.10:23
MaxdamantusThe amount of charge you get out depends on things like the discharge rate and ambient temperature.10:24
KotCzarnymaxd: during charge one can measure roughly how much charge went in10:24
MaxdamantusThat's what bq27200 does, though it makes its own mind up as to what information it provides.10:25
KotCzarnyi wonder if bme-replacement does its own calculations10:25
Maxdamantusown calculations based on what?10:25
KotCzarnyon the data above10:26
MaxdamantusI think bme-replacement is just a reimplementation of bme, which doesn't use bq27200.10:26
KotCzarnythen it has to calculate charge state by its own10:26
MaxdamantusIf you want to use bq27200, you basically have to do what I said earlier—intentionally do a full discharge at least once every 30 cycles.10:27
MaxdamantusIt doesn't tell you how much charge has passed through it since the last query.10:27
MaxdamantusIt tells you what it thinks about the state of the battery based on its own calculations.10:27
MaxdamantusSD cards are weird too.10:30
MaxdamantusThe speed of transfer depends on things like the datastructure the controller has built up over time for your block device.10:30
freemangordon1Maxdamantus: bme-replacement uses bq27xxx10:32
MaxdamantusAh, okay.10:32
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MaxdamantusThat's probably what I'm using then.10:32
MaxdamantusSo there wasn't something that simply reimplemented bme (producing similar behaviour)?10:33
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freemangordonMaxdamantus: none I am aware of10:33
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Maxdamantus“Requires No User Calibration” .. hmm10:47
KotCzarnyAutomatic Capacity Reduction With Age10:48
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Vajbi have slight problem with yappari. If i type fast and press twice the same letter it makes the symbol from long press. Also somtimes single presses are registered as long presses for symbols. Does anyone else have this? And maybe it's more of a inconvenience than problem actually.12:56
KotCzarnyvajb, this sounds more like general problem than app specific12:57
Vajbhappens only in yappari12:57
Vajbit feels like app freezes for some microseconds and then continues and misses or wrongly prints my typing12:58
KotCzarnystart iostat or vmmstat in another window and observe swap activity?12:59
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Vajbi have cpu and memory monitor next to battery symbol and memory shows about half way and cpu peaks when wrong letters appear13:01
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Vajbseems i don't have iostats nor vmmstat installed.13:07
KotCzarnyits in sysstat pkg13:08
KotCzarnyand its vmstat not vmm13:08
KotCzarnyand iostat not iostats13:08
MaxdamantusVajb: what about in the terminal?13:09
MaxdamantusI suspect removing/disabling HIM will fix it.13:10
Maxdamantusif you don't need the VKB or "symbols" UI anyway.13:10
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: first I'd disable the longpress-symbol nonsense13:11
infobotextra, extra, read all about it, jrtools is
Vajbi rarely use vkb..13:12
Vajbdon't have that problem in terminal13:12
DocScrutinizer05gconftool-2 -s /apps/osso/inputmethod/ext_kb_repeat_enabled --type boolean true13:12
Vajbsymbols i need sometimes13:12
DocScrutinizer05then I'd probbaly try to renice yappari and see if that _maybe_ helps13:13
Vajbif i disable long press symbols how do i reach them then? fn+button with wanted symbol?13:13
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Vajbwill fn lock still work? (double click locks it on)13:14
DocScrutinizer05in the end I guess it's a bug in yappari which prolly has some busyloops13:14
Vajbi see.13:14
DocScrutinizer05you *might* want to run yappari under strace13:15
Vajbactually that's why i asked if someone else is having this "feature" too13:15
Maxdamantusand if you disable HIM altogether, sym (fn+ctrl) works as the normal Xorg compose key.13:15
Vajbim afraid i lack the skill of know-how there :)13:15
DocScrutinizer05then try (re)nicing yappari. Pretty simple from terminal: nice yappari13:17
Vajbanyway, thx for all of ur suggestions. Will investigate it more when i get back home.13:17
Vajbsays "no such folder"13:18
Vajbnice yappari says no such file or directory*13:19
DocScrutinizer05then find the yappari binary. Prolly another fsckdup package that has no proper symlink in /usr/bin, so I'd search /opt for it13:20
DocScrutinizer05then: nice /opt/yapparidir/yappari-starter or whatever the right path and name13:20
DocScrutinizer05find /opt -iname '*yappari*'13:21
Vajbyes just looked opt it's not there13:21
DocScrutinizer05start yappari, then use htop or ps aux to find the full pathname of the binary13:22
DocScrutinizer05or look into the .desktop file, iirc it's to be found under /user/share/apps/hildon-desktop/ or something like that13:23
Vajbmaybe it was me typing y instead of Y13:24
Vajbnice'ing started yappari again13:24
VajbUnsupported date format character at 1 (%-d.%-m.)13:24
Vajband that was the output in terminal13:25
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DocScrutinizer05no output expected really13:26
DocScrutinizer05just for the record: ls -l /usr/share/applications/hildon/*appar*13:26
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Vajbanything specific to look from that output?13:27
Vajbsh: /usr/share/applications/hildon/yappari.desktop: Permission denied13:28
DocScrutinizer05 :-D13:29
Vajblast line13:29
Vajbah :D13:29
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: /usr/share/applications/hildon/yappari.desktop has the commandline to yappari, I guess13:29
DocScrutinizer05cat /usr/share/applications/hildon/yappari.desktop13:29
DocScrutinizer05it's the file that defines your yappari desktop icon which you click to start the app13:31
DocScrutinizer05anyway not needed anymore since you already found /usr/bin/Yappari13:31
Vajbyes i played with them once to get certain pdf file to start from icon13:31
DocScrutinizer05you could edit the .desktop file if it turns out `nice /usr/bin/Yappari` fixes your problem13:32
Vajbok. So basically Exec=/usr/bin/Yappari13:33
Vajbturns to Exec=nice /usr/bin/Yappari13:34
DocScrutinizer05iirc tthat's absolutely correct13:34
Vajbi'll see how yappari works now for few days13:34
Vajband maybe even inform ppl here :)13:35
Vajbim guessing nice'ing is valid till i restart program from app menu?13:35
DocScrutinizer05it's no setting but rather a runtime option13:36
Vajbcool, thx for ur suggestions DocScrutinizer0513:36
SiceloVajb: new problem, or always had it?13:36
Vajbcare to explalain what it does?13:36
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: suggestion: nice --help;  man nice13:37
VajbSicelo: i think i've had it most of the time13:37
ceeneyappari doesnt do any busy loop that i know of13:37
ceeneinput textbox is just a qt widget13:37
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: xyz --help   is always a good idea under linux13:37
Sicelomy Yappari behaves. (just got myself banned throught stupidity recently :P ... moved to another number)13:37
ceenealthough i also suffer that bug, Vajb13:37
Vajbi think it got samething to do with heavy cpu use at same time13:38
ceenei believe that as well13:38
DocScrutinizer05which is a busy loop usually13:38
Vajbdunno if it's yappari hogging resources or some other process13:38
* Maxdamantus remembers some discussion here about yappari and busy loops.13:38
ceenebut i don't know if the loop is of Yappari's or if it's a coincidence or if it is of QT13:38
Vajbmaybe qt then.. just guessing here :)13:39
DocScrutinizer05if it wasn't yappari, then the same problem would show up in every kbd input13:39
ceenei've never profiled a qt app, but i guess i can do it13:39
ceenehow many qt apps are out there?13:40
Vajbi tried that facebrick or what ever it was, but it was written in qt and also felt sluggish13:40
DocScrutinizer05quite a few13:40
* ceene has just acquired his second N900 to tinker with13:40
KotCzarnyceene, how hard would be rewriting yappari in different toolkit? (gtk2 etc)13:40
DocScrutinizer05and even qt is part of yappari, just a linked lib13:40
Siceloceene: \m/13:40
KotCzarnymaybe doing libyappari ?13:40
ceenevery hard13:40
ceenethere's libwa13:41
ceenethat is a work of coderus mostly13:41
ceenebut i won't be porting yappari to anything...13:41
ceenetoo much work13:41
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ceeneit's not like yappari is perfect, but it isn't unusable either13:42
Vajbto throw in my two cents it seems that nice'ing helped13:42
Maxdamantusnvm, it was about the loop inherent in event-based systems.13:42
DocScrutinizer05my very own guess is: yappari has several threads and the internet communication thread blocks the whole process while waiting for or processing some network activity13:42
ceeneso... if it's (more or less) working, don't touch it13:42
Vajbi had browser opening and high cpu use and yappari got my input perfectly13:42
freemangordonor searching trough the database13:42
freemangordonthough that would be IO bound, not CPU13:43
freemangordonunless it is encrypted13:43
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: yeah, db is another candidate. Does yappari use any db?13:43
Siceloyes. may db :)13:43
ceenethere's still no crypto on yappari13:43
ceeneeach conversation is a sqlite db13:44
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: IO wait blocks CPU too13:44
freemangordonbut nice wouldn;t help13:44
DocScrutinizer05particularly when it's maybe swap13:44
freemangordonif it is IO13:44
DocScrutinizer05yes, on IO nice doesn't help13:44
ceenebut ionice would13:44
DocScrutinizer05that's why I said **maybe** nice helps13:45
freemangordonceene: does yappari do some search on key entry?13:45
DocScrutinizer05ceene: yes, but only on storage-IO, right?13:45
freemangordonalso, how many threads are there?13:45
ceenenope, it doesn't act on textchange13:46
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: actually no, swap should be affected as well13:46
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: number of threads is easy to diagnose, unless you don't have the binry to run13:46
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: by what?13:46
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: how do you think, do I have watsapp?!?13:46
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: ischeduler13:46
MaxdamantusIsn't yappari written in Python? I'd expect basically one thread to do computations at once. Python code itself can only be running in one thread at a time.13:46
DocScrutinizer05yeah, stroage/swap/whatever13:46
freemangordonMaxdamantus: no, QT13:47
ceenei can't answer about threads... none explicitly created by yappari, but i guess network connection is run by qt on a separate thread13:47
freemangordonI doubt13:47
ceeneit's c++/qt13:47
DocScrutinizer05ceene: htop is your friend ;-)13:47
freemangordonthat is why you have signals/slots in Qt13:47
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DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: hehe, right13:48
ceeneDocScrutinizer05: i think what you said about network could be it13:48
DocScrutinizer05I'd almost bet on it13:48
freemangordonceene: my bet would be that there is sync wait somewhere13:48
ceeneif you're writing something and you receive loads of data, they will be processed13:48
freemangordonwich blocks Qt from executung the event loop13:48
ceeneand cpu would go to that slot and get stolen from the UI13:49
DocScrutinizer05strace will tell13:49
freemangordonceene: but that can be fixed, just run local Qt event loop on every 1k of data (for example)13:49
DocScrutinizer05you just need to somehow set a marker on strace output as soon as you notice the issue occuring13:49
freemangordonthat way processing won;t block the UI13:50
freemangordonceene: is source available on github or some other place besides repos?13:50
ceeneI'd be very happy if I got one or two contributors :)13:51
freemangordonceene: not me, I don't use watsup,viber and similar shit13:51
ceeneoh, but you enjoy coding! :P13:52
ceenei don't use yappari much myself, to be honest13:52
ceenei don't have friends lol13:52
Sicelo009Ni've got family who aren't receptive to persuasion13:53
DocScrutinizer05*maybe* you could run `strace yappari` to log into a file, and have a concurrent session via ssh+wlan with a `echo '#######MARKER########' >>logfile.txt`13:54
DocScrutinizer05anyway use the strace options for profiling13:55
ceenethere's also gprof and others13:55
DocScrutinizer05and actually you should be able to tell each single keypress from strace log as well13:56
DocScrutinizer05to locate the context where the issue happened13:56
ceeneyep, and also check if something is runnig without any user event13:56
DocScrutinizer05of course there will run quite a lot of stuff without _user_ event13:57
freemangordonhmm, looks scary
DocScrutinizer05but yeah, you will see where the CPU spikes are13:57
ceeneif there's no network input nothing should happen?13:58
ceeneyes, that's quite scary if you ask me13:58
DocScrutinizer05yep, except of a few keep-alive timers etc13:58
ceenethere's duped code13:58
ceenethat i've yet to refactor13:58
ceenei even added some debug because i thought some function was never called, but it seems it is13:59
DocScrutinizer05  any questions, Watson? ;-P14:00
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: IIUC keep-alive, as every othe message, passes through 700 LOC  function14:00
freemangordonceene: you'd better try to log entryfunction time of that monster14:01
* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks14:02
DocScrutinizer05else if (child.getTag() == "sync")  else if (child.getTag() == "participant")  else if (child.getTag() == "add")14:02
DocScrutinizer05etc pp14:02
DocScrutinizer05child.getTag() looks like a candidate for a local var, eh?14:03
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DocScrutinizer05the whole thing looks like a candidate for a case14:03
ceeneat least it's now else14:03
ceenei think when i got it, it were only if's...14:04
DocScrutinizer05the compiler prolly isn't that smart to optimize child.getTag() for a single call14:04
freemangordonno way IMO14:04
freemangordonceene: see
DocScrutinizer05after all this method could deliver a different result on each new invokation14:05
freemangordonceene: this function is your friend once you found where is the UI thread blocked14:05
DocScrutinizer05and iirc child is a tree of sorts, this could get really nasty14:05
ceenethanks, freemangordon14:06
freemangordonusually those lists have some kind of "isSubset()" stuff14:07
DocScrutinizer05change that whole monster to a case construct, with a single child.getTag()14:07
freemangordondunno the english mathematical terms for operations on rows of values :)14:08
ceenec++ supports case on qstring?14:09
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freemangordonc++ or Qt?14:10
freemangordonno, but you can make a QStringList and get indexOf14:10
freemangordonand then switch on that index14:10
freemangordonceene: also, while at it, please covert to:14:11
freemangordonif (!in->nextTree(node))14:11
freemangordon    return false;14:11
freemangordonthat way you'll ident the whole case left, making the code way more readable14:12
DocScrutinizer0518 times Child.getTag.  And a real master instance of WAAAH:  else if (child.getTag() == "media" || child.getTag() == "duplicate")14:12
ceenewell, at least a QString childTag seems like something useful14:13
KotCzarnyhehe, code slaughter day? i mean review14:13
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: relax, it is not thaaaat bad, you should see what happens in adeclock :p14:14
freemangordonpassing integers through QString ;)14:14
ceenethe best review is the one that removes the most code and keeps functionality14:14
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freemangordonlike that " Showing  with 0 additions     and 427 deletions."14:15
freemangordonunfortunately I still can't pull myself together and find time to finish that14:16
KotCzarnyrewrite from scratch?14:16
freemangordonno, just rewrite it the way it should've been written from the start14:17
DocScrutinizer05ooh, isn't adeclock what had been pushed to replace the stock maemo clock without any real need?14:17
* freemangordon hides14:17
freemangordonyes, the same14:17
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: if you need technical reasons why it should not have been included, look at the last ~10 commits there :)14:18
DocScrutinizer05cya folks, have fun!14:18
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sixwheeledbeastyou say no real need, but it has extra functionality.14:28
KotCzarnymy battery is funny14:28
ceenemine is uncalibrated14:29
KotCzarnyLast Measured Discharge: 1410 mAh14:29
KotCzarny         Charge:0 NOACT:0 IMIN:0 CI:0 CALIP:0 VDQ:1 EDV1:0 EDVF: 014:29
KotCzarny         ILMD=1869 EDVF=3000 EDV1=3248 ISLC=1814:29
ceenei can't get mine calibrated14:30
ceenesooner or later vdq turns itself to 014:30
ceenei don't know why14:30
ceenemaybe pali knows what to do14:31
KotCzarnyCycle Count since Learning: 14 Total Cycle Count since last full reset: 2414:33
KotCzarnyceene, try the maxd suggestion, start some app, music player for example14:33
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: I was not talking about usability, but for quality14:34
ceenefully charge and fully discharce with a heavy load?14:34
KotCzarnyceene, medium load14:34
KotCzarnymaybe just enable wifi14:35
ceenebut that's basically what i'm doing now14:35
ceenenormal use14:35
sixwheeledbeastfreemangordon: I don't disagree, but the extra bits are nice14:35
sixwheeledbeast"without any really need"14:36
infobotfrom memory, maemo-flashing is, or - on linux PC - download&extract, cd into it, do sudo ./flash-it-all.sh14:38
sixwheeledbeastalso it was a closed package before anyway IIRC14:40
freemangordonsixwheeledbeast: sure, all this is correct, it is just the quality of the code is...14:45
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DocScrutinizer05ceene: you seen what I suggested?14:48
DocScrutinizer05re bq27200 calib14:48
ceenei think i missed that14:48
ceenewhen was that?14:49
ceenei can serch it on the log14:49
Maxdamantusceene: just leave the flash LEDs on for a few hours.14:49
Maxdamantusceene: that will discharge it at a reasonably stable rate.14:50
ceeneon airplane mode?14:50
MaxdamantusWouldn't bother with airplane mode.14:50
DocScrutinizer05airplane mode? hmm?14:52
infobot[bq-calibrate], or
MaxdamantusI doubt those scripts are going to help.14:53
MaxdamantusI'm pretty sure it's not going to calibrate if there's to great a jump between the calculated discharges.14:53
ceenei'm reading it... what's "fastcharger"?14:53
Maxdamantusas evidenced by my log where NAC sits on the magic number, LMD/16 (mentioned in the cryptic text about learning cycle disqualification) for two and a half hours before VDQ is set to 0 at the same time as NAC continues decreasing.14:55
Maxdamantuss/to great/too great/14:55
ceenethe thing is, mine is a new polarcell, so it's gonna be almost twice as big as the old one14:55
MaxdamantusYes. That's the situation I was in.14:56
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MaxdamantusThe LMD was 1088 or 1089 mAh, while the Polarcell ended up being over 1590 mAh.14:56
ceeneand you did only that, charge fully and let it discharce with the flash on?14:56
MaxdamantusI didn't discharge it all the way with the flash on. I left it on overnight.14:57
ceenebut i've done that with no success14:57
Maxdamantus(so it would've been on for the last few hours)14:57
ceenei mean, i've charged it, used it for a while, left it during the night, although with leds off14:58
ceeneshouldn't that work?14:58
MaxdamantusYou should probably also log the output of something like to see where it resets.14:58
ceeneor it needs a heavier load?14:58
MaxdamantusNo. It needs a load.14:58
ceeneso i can use it for today14:58
ceenecheck if vdq=114:58
ceeneand light on leds or whatever14:58
ceeneand go to sleep14:58
ceenea loop of to check the log tomorrow won't hurt14:58
MaxdamantusPreferably while it still reports 10% or so CSOC.14:59
Maxdamantus(at least)14:59
ceenei'll try that today, thanks!15:00
MaxdamantusThe point of that is to cause it to remember *something* closer to the actual value, so it doesn't sit at 6% (100/16)% for a few hours before giving up.15:01
Maxdamantus(batteries usually become less efficient when you're drawing more current from them—I guess bq27200 just doesn't know how to compensate for that)15:01
DocScrutinizer05ceene: fastcharger is a nokia wallwart15:04
DocScrutinizer05((almost twice as big)) then you need to run several calib learning cycles, until LMD doesn't adjust significantly anymore15:05
DocScrutinizer05LMD adjusts only 1/8 per calib, iirc15:05
DocScrutinizer05or was it 1/6. can't recall15:06
DocScrutinizer05seems you'll need 6 calib cycles to adjust from a relative 100% LMD to a 200%15:07
DocScrutinizer05((charge fully and let it discharce with the flash on?)) please read ~bq-calibrate15:09
Vajbceene: my solution was to discharge as fast as possible to get it calibrated15:09
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: too fast is also wrong15:09
Vajbi was streaming radio from internet till it shutdown15:09
MaxdamantusDocScrutinizer05: can you explain how ~bq-calibrate works around the behaviour I observed?15:09
ceenelooks like there's no right way15:10
DocScrutinizer05it works but you get massively incorrect calibration15:10
Vajbmy problem was also that too early shutdown15:10
Vajbbut i changed from stock to mugen15:10
Vajbfor first calibration jump it needed fast discharge15:10
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: that's why my script shuts down bme prior to calibration15:10
Vajbothers were more gentle discharges15:11
Siceloin 'useless' news .. am more & more happy with fennec. definitely not fast, but useable15:11
ceeneSicelo: did you try midori on debian's chroot?15:11
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: aah yes, that works15:11
Vajbyup can confirm it worked :)15:12
Siceloi still will try. had problems with my chroot. old squeeze on works, but the wheezy gets corrupted when i install openoffice. meant to ask in here what i could do about that15:12
ceenei just don't install openoffice15:12
ceeneit's too big for the n900 anyway15:12
Sicelothe problem is the insane amount of IO that goes on. ceene, the squeeze chroot came with it, and works fine for my occassional needs :)15:13
Siceloso i want it in wheezy (libreoffice by the way)15:13
DocScrutinizer05anyway calibration will fail when current at calibration time is < 2 times the last measured standby current, so you should enable some consumer, ideally screen backlight15:13
ceeneokay, the lesson is basically let it consume moderately15:14
ceenelike leds, or screen backlight or pulseaudio ;)15:14
infoboti heard bq-calibrate is, or
ceeneok, thanks a lot!15:15
DocScrutinizer05the tmo posthas all my babbling that's maybe relevant for this thing15:16
ceenenah, i like your summary15:16
Siceloceene: by the way you say midori has html5 in chroot?15:17
ceenemidori on squeeze hasn't got full html5 support15:17
ceenebut it loads a hell lot of things15:17
Sicelo009Nin wheezy it's 'fine'?15:18
ceenei don't use any other browser at the moment15:18
ceeneit is probably15:18
ceenei wanna build a very small chroot using buildroot15:18
ceenewith just latest midori15:18
ceeneand see how it works15:19
ceenei guess i'll have to patch libc6 like on the post on tmo15:19
Sicelo009Nlet me bring up wheezy & install midori right away15:19
MaxdamantusYou could probably just use debootstrap and specify only midori.15:19
Maxdamantus(so it will pull in midori and its dependencies)15:19
ceeneoh, but buildroot does that as well15:20
ceenewith the added benefit that i can select compilation options and all that15:20
ceenei like buildroot a lot :P15:20
infobotphonecontrol is probably
DocScrutinizer05why the heck there's no backlight control for 'always on' in there?15:26
Sicelowaiting for DocScrutinizer05 to add it :)15:26
DocScrutinizer05mhm,  My beloved bookmarks15:28
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ceenethere, we did something15:32
Sicelothere are lots of gems hidden in gconf apparently15:33
ceeneit's like regedit...15:33
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DocScrutinizer05ceene: kerio: updated
DocScrutinizer05please test15:42
DocScrutinizer05kerio: automatic backlight always-on15:42
ceenewill do tonight!15:43
ceeneor maybe right now, why not15:44
ceenei have two n900 now, i can charge one and play with the other! :)15:44
DocScrutinizer05please make sure actually outputs "VDQ:"15:45
ceene Charge:0 NOACT:0 IMIN:0 CI:0 CALIP:0 VDQ:0 EDV1:0 EDVF: 015:46
ceeneit does15:46
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DocScrutinizer05I added a check :-)15:48
DocScrutinizer05I hope I didn't add any typos15:50
Sicelo009Nanyone knows or can devise a way to completely remove an email account from N900 via command line only (think SSH)15:54
ceeneit seems to work15:54
ceeneit's waiting for it to charge15:54
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DocScrutinizer05ceene: alas the original script would wait infinitely if the isn't in place or not working16:16
DocScrutinizer05thus I added a test in V2.0116:17
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ceeneright, it's going fine16:28
ceenenow it has to charge and all that16:28
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ceeneby the way16:43
ceeneis any nitdroid image that works or something like that?16:43
Sicelo009Nthere is i believe. what you'd need it for? they aren't considered the best way to use Android or N900 :)16:45
ceeneand which should be the best way?16:46
ceenei just want to fiddle around16:46
Sicelobuy cheap android :p16:46
Sicelo009Ni might end up buying one myself for my work emails (EAS with provisioning enforced)16:47
ceenetruth is, modest is a shitty mail client16:48
xeloWorking ActiveSync would be great ...16:49
Sicelo009Nbut the 'real' problem is not even modest here .. rather activesync daemon16:49
ceeneactivesync works for me16:50
Sicelo009Nxelo: activesync does work, and very well :)16:50
Sicelo009Njust if your organization enforces policies, then you're in trouble16:50
ceeneSicelo009N: could you set up a client that connects to your work's server?16:51
Sicelo009Ni'm in such organization, and right now crafting email to request alternative policy for my mailbox .. to be honest, i expect a simple "request rejected" reply :p16:51
Sicelo009Nceene: how? pointers would help. we have only EAS/OWA. no IMAP/POP16:52
xeloJust discover a N950 at my employers devicearchive, and was trying to sync it with my own horde by using MfE, unfortunately it does not work (Invalid Host)16:52
Sicelo009NN950/N9 should support provisioning .. xelo you sure other devices can sync fine?16:52
ceeneSicelo009N: i don't know... it'd be a matter of searching an exchange client that runs on a server of yours and forwards that mail to some other place16:53
ceenei do exactly the reverse16:53
ceenei have a server that downloads email using IMAP idle16:53
Sicelo009Nproblem is ... no linux activesync client :p16:53
ceeneand then an exchange server that shows my n900 the mail downloaded16:53
ceenethere's a server...16:54
ceenethere's no client?16:54
xeloSicelo009N: yes, that works very well with Android, WP8.1, and TzPush in Thunderbird16:54
xelosorry afk for 30 mins. Will be Back later16:54
Sicelo009Nwe don't have clients16:55
ceeneevolution-mapi - Exchange support for the Evolution groupware suite16:56
Sicelo009N is email i'm writing to IT Department :D16:56
ceeneyou may want to "forget" about your device not responding to remote-wipe16:57
Sicelo009Nmapi is not EAS .. that's standard exchange protocol (aiui). but exchange protocol is not 'exposed' to Internet by our server. in short, you can't even setup Outlook at home16:57
ceeneand could you set up something on your work computer?16:58
Sicelo009Nremote wipe .. i have to address that, as it's the main reason they have provisioning enabled. however, i'm hoping that the 'iPhone hole' (Find My iPhonr) might be leverage enough to use my own means (smscon)16:59
ceeneit may be16:59
ceenemaybe if you go talk to them and show them your n900 they fall in love with it16:59
Sicelo009Non work computer no, cannot install anything .. besides, firewalls, etc. different vlan16:59
Sicelothose admins are in netherlands. i'm in south africa :p17:00
ceenedoesn't seem feasible then17:00
ceeneor you could ask to be transfered to the netherlands for a couple weeks17:00
Siceloyeah. i'll be stuck with OWA if they reject this request17:00
Sicelotbh i don't even care too much about emails .. but I'd love to sync my work calendar to N90017:01
ceenei'd like to extract a snapshot of my n900 so that it can be flashed back again with 0xffff17:05
ceeneis that doable?17:05
Sicelo009Nbackupmenu is one most commonly used method17:06
ceenei expect to break lots of things17:07
ceeneso i think flasher will be faster17:07
ceenealso, i'd like to be able to redistribute then one of these images17:07
ceeneand make people follow just the standard flashing procedure17:07
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Sicelo009Nyes, BM can make flashable images. never tried it myself, but i seem to recall so17:08
ceenealso, no matter how bricked the phone ends up, the flasher will always be able to restore it, won't it?17:08
ceeneso the way to do what i want is to use backupmenu?17:09
ceenebut what if i overwrite the whole filesystem with say, a debian install?17:09
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Sicelo009Nshould be fine. but you may want to confirm with DocScrutinizer05 or go through BM thread on tmo17:12
Sicelo009Nsuggesting doc because i know he had some interest in this before.17:24
ceenei think my new n900 is faster than my old one17:25
ceeneis that feasible or it's just because i have very little things installed and few deb sources?17:26
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ceeneFiasco image: -u [dir]        unpack fiasco image to directory (default: current) -g file[%sw]    generate fiasco image with SW rel version (default: no version)17:29
ceene0xffff does what i want, i think17:29
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Siceloceene: yes, 'empty17:45
Siceloceene: yes, 'empty' device will feel faster :)17:45
ceeneCan I restore my BackupMenu images through the Nokia Flasher?17:46
Sicelomy thumb N900 (main device) is magnitudes slower than my 'empty' backup N900 (non-thumb)17:46
ceeneNot currently. This is a planned feature, but not in the current version. It -is- possible to convert a BackupMenu image to a Nokia Flasher rootfs image, but it requires a Linux PC with mtd-utils.17:46
ceeneso i can do what i want :)17:46
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Sicelowhat's your secret mission? :)17:51
ceenefully replace the operating system with a flashable image17:52
ceenethat operating system will then be either debian or a buildroot image17:53
ceenesomething like that17:53
ceenethere are priorities, however17:54
ceenei still want to finish porting openssl and qt to use latest tls17:54
Sicelobut .. u-boot wouldn't do what you need without need for flashing?17:54
ceenebut that's not a flashable solution17:55
ceenethat'd require installing things or whatever17:56
Siceloi don't know N900 low-level stuff .. but i'd guess with your image you'd need some way to have the bootloader load your image17:56
ceenei assume the bootloader knows how to boot the kernel17:56
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ceeneand that the kernel is flashable17:56
ceenethe secret mission as you call it, is to reverse what most people are doing17:57
ceeneinstead of having debian inside a chroot17:57
ceenei want to have maemo inside a chroot17:57
Siceloexactly .. so that's where uboot comes in .. loads your kernel without reflashing each time (which i seem to recall is considered to wear the NAND fast .. which is why multiboot is/was considered bad)17:58
ceenei already did that on an Android phone17:58
Sicelowow.. maemo in android chroot?17:58
ceeneokay, so u-boot it is for development at least17:58
ceeneno, no17:58
ceenei run android17:58
ceeneon an chroot17:58
ceenei mean17:58
Siceloceene: take my works with grain of salt .. ask the guys who know this better than i do17:58
ceenei took an android phone, made it boot the same kernel but with a rootfs that was on the sdcard and that contained a debian image17:59
ceenethis debian image then loaded original android rootfs and started it17:59
Sicelothat said, i personally have played with booting debian and arch both in chroot and also natively. native is nicer :)17:59
ceeneso the debian was the real OS, and Android was the one that lived on a chroot17:59
xeloSicelo are you sure MfE works on N9/N950?18:00
xeloIf I try "Manual Setup" and enter the ServerAddress, MfE says: "Invalid Host address for MfE Server".18:00
xeloMy service does not offer autodiscover, and uses a SSL-certificate signed by Which might be a problem,18:00
xeloBut according to the logs, MfE is not even interested in the Addresses I entered:18:00
xeloJan 16 16:57:16 (2016) mfeplugin[2016]: [Debug] Connecting to URL:  "https://:443/Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync"18:00
ceenexelo: on N900 MfE works just fine18:00
Sicelolooks like funny address that?18:00
Siceloxelo: got N900? test with it :)18:01
xeloSicelo: unfortunately: no18:01
Sicelothe N9 i've used in the past is back with its owner, .. but worked fine on it18:01
Sicelogive either myself of ceene a temporary account on that server?18:02
Sicelogawd my typing is bad today18:02
xelodoesn't matter :)18:02
ceenefor quick testing I see that 0xffff lets you load a kernel on RAM18:02
Siceloeven flasher-3.518:02
ceeneso I guess I can boot an arbitrary kernel without uboot nor flashing18:03
ceenethat's great for development18:03
Siceloceene: by the way, you think it'd be 'possible' to put android chroot on N900?18:03
Siceloor we'd have kernel problems?18:03
ceeneandroid uses a heavily patched kernel18:03
ceenewe'd need one of the kernels from nitdroid18:03
ceeneif that kernel boots and the android image boots with that kernel, then it is possible to run android on top of whatever18:04
Sicelomaybe when i have no N900 at all, i'll move to Tizen :/18:05
ceenei got myself another n900 just this morning :)18:06
xelo> give either myself of ceene a temporary account on that server?18:06
xeloWould work out for you both if you want. I'd need your mail and gpg-keys to communicate login data18:06
Siceloxelo: you have cacert ca on your N9?18:06
ceeneand there are more for sell, but i don't think i want to collect them...18:06
xeloThe Certificate manager Gui says yes, but I higly doubt it. Running OpenMode btw.18:07
Siceloceene: my 2nd N900 has bad flex, and SD cards non-dected .. so yeah, i may need another N900 if i can get one easily18:07
Siceloxelo: no gpg for me :)18:09
Siceloyou could send via irc pm? i'm in via ssl ... insufficient?18:09
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xelobad idea, on the other hand, i'm giving an e-Mail account to a strange, what could possibly go wrong ^^18:11
ceenebut we're no strangers18:12
ceenewe're all a bunch of people who would know how to harm you, as we are all quite capable computer users18:12
ceenebut we're all so pretty that we'd never do that18:12
ceenei'm busy hacking my n900 :P18:13
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xelooh, just tried to install cacert again:18:13
xelocertificate_install: aegis_storage.cpp(1935): ERROR commit: access denied, cannot commit '/var/lib/aegis/ps/Ss/certman.ssl-ca'18:13
ceenehow i hate cacert, ssl and all of that18:13
ceeneit's like if you want to set something secure18:14
ceeneyou have to know a hell of things18:14
ceeneand if you do one wrong step you may not know it18:14
ceeneand end up thinking you're secure when you're not18:14
xelojepp, that describes it quite good18:14
xeloSicelo you've got a PM18:16
tryagain_hi, can please anybody accept my extras upload invitation request?18:23
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Siceloceene: fwiw, N900 worked with xelo's server :)18:29
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ceenei did made my imap-to-mfe proxy so that I could get PUSH on the N90018:30
ceeneas modest doesn't implement imap idle18:30
ceenebut mfe does push email18:30
Sicelo009NIDLE would have been really nice. I miss it from my 9300i days18:30
xeloyeah; I neede MfE for contacts, don't wanted to use syncevolution to retrieve them from carddav18:31
ceenei hate modest18:31
ceeneit's the worst mail client i've ever used18:32
ceenemutt is better18:32
Siceloi use mutt a lot ;)18:32
ceeneeven when you don't know how to use it, that i don't18:32
ceenei mean, i know how to send emails18:32
ceeneand read them18:32
ceenebut not much18:32
ceeneand even then, i like it more than modest18:32
xelotry to open an attachment :-)18:32
Siceloon my N900, that is .. but, i don't really have anything against modest18:32
ceeneto be honest, i like android's gmail :/18:33
ceenei feel ashamed of saying that here18:33
Sicelowhat is your biggest issue with modest? (besides lack of IDLE)18:33
ceenebut it's the truth18:33
ceeneit's ugly as hell18:34
ceeneit's slow as hell18:34
ceenei can't configure my gmail account because it has thousands of emails18:34
Sicelo009Nmaybe you should try the one in devel18:34
ceeneand modest tries to read them all18:34
ceeneso it simply tries to suffocate my n900 to death18:34
Sicelo009Nthere's a limit of sorts available .. i think 250 or so18:34
ceeneand that seems to be too much...18:35
ceenealso, i can't search messages18:35
ceeneon android's gmail I type "whatever" and i get a list of mails mentioning that18:35
Sicelo009Nah yes, search is missing. and mutt is so good at it18:35
ceeneof course in modest i don't need to search for anything, because this proxy that i've setup only has a few mails on it18:35
ceeneso i just simply gaze around the subjects18:35
Sicelo009NAndroid gmail ... isn't that gmail only?18:36
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ceenebut if it's something from two months ago, then there's nothing i can do18:36
ceeneyes, i just meant the app for android18:36
Sicelo009Nah, the one that can also configure Yahoo/Exchange, etc?18:36
ceenei've found myself opening midori to go to the html version of gmail (latest is too power hungry) and search there18:36
ceenedon't know, the 'Gmail' app is the only one i've used18:37
ceenei think the one you say is different18:37
Sicelo009Nmutt is available for N900. works well18:37
ceenei'd like something a little more graphic :/18:37
Sicelo009Ni don't know android apps so well myself. just know they are generally to email clients on Android.. on is general, and the other is gmail-specific. you can't use it for other accounts. i could be wrong18:38
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ceenei've only tested the 'Gmail' one, which I believe only interfaces with gmail.com18:38
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ceenebut it's interface is quite good if you ask me18:39
ceenei'd like something that is at least half of that18:39
freemangordonceene: any clue how to tell  QMaemo5ListPickSelector to show less than 5 rows?18:40
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ceenefreemangordon: sorry, no idea... maybe scorpius used it on yappari and it's there somewhere?18:40
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ceeneif doesn't help i don't know if it's possible even18:41
ceenemaybe by passing it a custom view with void QMaemo5ListPickSelector::setView ( QAbstractItemView * itemView )18:42
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infobotfrom memory, kp is
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ceenehow fast is n900's usb?18:50
ceenei was thinking a weird thing18:50
ceenehow about a device that presents itself as a mass storage device but which is interfacing to a RAM chip18:51
ceeneso we set that mass storage device as swap and turn swappiness to the maximum18:51
ceeneinstant ram expansion!18:51
Sicelowe're USB2.0. but, i wonder if drivers, etc. won't be bottleneck18:52
ceenewell, we could write a special driver for this18:53
ceeneremove the mass storage emulation18:53
ceeneand reduce the software to the minimum18:53
ceenedon't know, just a wild idea :)18:53
SiceloSD card .. not fast?18:53
ceenea chip of ram would be faster18:54
ceenewhy was the optification done that way?18:57
ceenewouldn't unionfs have been better?18:57
ceeneinstead of modifying packages, modifying what the filesystem looks like18:57
NIN101"chip of ram" would not be faster, USB 2.0 is too slow. optification was, afaik, a quick hack.18:59
NIN101maybe if you could get max usb 2.0 throughput it would be faster than most micro sd cards.19:00
Siceloeek.. upgrading kernel-modules, and now there's diversion of joikuspot.ko (which i'm not even using)19:01
Sicelolocal diversion of /usr/bin/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko to /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko19:02
Sicelo009Nwhich one is the "real" one?19:03
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ceenewhat is that?19:06
Siceloi guess a kernel module that was/is used for hospot stuff. not sure19:07
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Sicelo009Ndpkg-divert --test --remove /usr/bin/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko         Removing `local diversion of /usr/bin/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko to /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko'19:09
Sicelo009Ndpkg-divert: rename involves overwriting `/usr/bin/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko' with different file `/lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko', not allowed19:09
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Sicelo009Nany ideas how i could handle this? need to update kernel-modules to 2.6.28-20103103+0m5+cssu1.219:10
ceenedpkg -S /usr/bin/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko ?19:12
ceeneto see which is the package that owns that19:12
Sicelo009N# dpkg -S /usr/bin/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko19:13
Sicelo009Nlocal diversion from: /usr/bin/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko19:13
Sicelo009Nlocal diversion to: /lib/modules/2.6.28-omap1/JoikuSpot_Bouncer.ko19:13
Sicelo009Ni'll just end up deleting the bugger :D19:13
Sicelo009Nafter all, installing the modules will restore the file :/19:13
Sicelo009NPali: ping19:14
Sicelo009Nok, ignore that. deleting file and removing the diversion worked19:17
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PaliSicelo009N: pong19:23
Sicelo009Ni needed help with a kernel module.. joikuspotbouncer.. but 'solved'19:25
Sicelo009Ni deleted it in /usr/bin, removed the diversion, & installed modules. seems to be fine19:26
Sicelo009NPali: /opt/boot contains lots of images. i can safely remove them? i'm using MyDocs/bootmenu.img.d/ currently19:28
ceenePali: is there something on the kernel that is not too difficult to fix for someone how codes well in C but hasn't written anything for the kernel?19:28
Sicelo009Ni think i should be 'fine'19:28
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PaliSicelo009N: you should not delete /opt/boot images because they are used for generating those in MyDocs19:39
Sicelo009Nah yes, i've notice :)19:40
Sicelo009Nrebooting now.. hope i broke nothing19:42
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Sicelook.. nothing broke. but i'm unhappy. so CSSU1.2 kernel is not a power kernel?19:46
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Sicelobattery won't charge for example (i'm on replacement bme)19:47
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Sicelonon-booting N900 now :D19:53
Sicelobooting again. let me go wash my old car. enough maemo madness19:57
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freemangordoncould someone check how big is /usr/bin/worldclock on cssu-testing?20:13
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ceeneii  clock-ui            0.6-1+0cssu6        UI part of the clock20:19
ceene-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        569288 Dec 23  2014 /usr/bin/worldclock20:19
ceeneii  clock-ui            0.6-1+0cssu7        UI part of the clock20:20
ceenelrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           13 Jan 16 17:02 /usr/bin/worldclock -> maemo-invoker20:20
ceene-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        12016 Apr 30  2015 /usr/bin/maemo-invoker20:20
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ceenewhere's latest kernel v4.X available?20:25
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Paliceene: check worldclock.launch20:40
ceene-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       620564 Apr 30  2015 ./usr/bin/worldclock.launch20:41
ceenePali: where can i get sources for latest bootable kernel?20:41
Paliok, so 620564 vs 56928820:41
Paliceene: kp?20:41
ceeneno, your 4.x20:41
ceeneany branch?20:42
Palibranch name has scheme v<VER>-n90020:42
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ceeneand is there a defconfig i can use?20:43
ceenei'll be trying to boot it at least :)20:45
freemangordonceene: wait, where those 2 came from?20:46
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ceenethe first one20:46
ceeneis from my main n90020:46
ceenethe other one20:46
ceeneoh, sorry20:46
ceenethe other one is cssu-thumb20:46
ceenejust installed it today20:46
ceenemaybe it isn't what you wanted20:46
freemangordonI wanted ARM version size20:46
freemangordonso, cssu6 is 569288 and is smaller than -thumb one?20:47
ceenethat's then the first tow lines? .deb version 0.6-1+0cssu6 filesize 56928820:47
ceeneit seems so20:47
freemangordonhmm, weird20:47
freemangordonunless I didn;t build it in the -thumb target :)20:48
freemangordon-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       451392 Jan 16 20:07 /usr/bin/worldclock.launch20:48
freemangordonthis is ARM version from the code on github :)20:48
freemangordonPali: ^^^20:49
ceenethey are quite different then20:49
freemangordonI finally found time to work on that20:49
freemangordonceene: well, look at the commit log and you'll see why20:49
freemangordonI've stripped maybe... dunno... 1000 LOC?20:49
freemangordonor more20:49
ceeneand it still works?20:50
ceenethat's nice :)20:50
freemangordonand it works better ;)20:51
ceenehow much code can a clock need?20:52
freemangordonlots of20:53
freemangordonas UI is not exactly simple20:53
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ceenewhich architecture variant is the n900?21:01
ceenei mean21:01
ceenearm920t, arm1136j-s, or what?21:01
ceenethose are examples21:01
ceenei don't how would you call it, the arm processor itself21:01
freemangordonceene: "cat /proc/cpuinfo" :)21:02
ceenecpuinfo always confuses me21:02
ceeneas there is cortex a721:02
ceeneand the hell of them21:02
freemangordoncortex is SOC21:02
freemangordonnot CPU21:02
infobot[soc] System On Chip - many embedded cpus include a variety of peripherals as well which makes them more than just a CPU.  Send Out Cards -  Summer of Code (a google project)  U of U's School of Computing (
ceenealso, i don't find any match on the list of buildroot arm supported architectures21:02
freemangordonmaemo is armel21:02
freemangordonbut you may want to use armhf21:03
ceenebuildroot lets me choose among this, and later on it lets me choose hf and thumb21:05
ceenearm920t arm922t arm926t arm1136j-s arm1136jf-s arm1176jz-s arm1176jzf-s mpcore cortex-A5 cortex-A7 cortex-A8 cortex-A9 cortex-A12 cortex-A15 cortex-M3 fa526/626 pj4 strongarm sa110/sa1100 xscale iwmmxt21:05
ceenei don't know which of these should I choose21:05
ceenecool, thanks!21:06
ceenenow it lets me choose EABI or EABIhf, I'll test both21:06
ceeneand also "floating point strategy" which can be soft float, VFPv2, VFPv3, VFPv3-D16 and NEON21:07
ceeneand later on, ARM vs Thumb221:07
freemangordonwhich kernel?21:07
ceeneyes, i'll be compiling Pali's one21:08
freemangordonthumb2 then21:08
freemangordonceene: you build debian, correct?21:08
ceeneno, not right now21:08
freemangordonwhat are you doing then?21:08
ceenei'm using buildroot to build a very basic rootfs21:08
ceenejust a shell and little else21:09
freemangordonstill, the same21:09
ceeneand little by little i'll be adding things21:09
freemangordonyou'd better choose EABIhf21:09
ceenealthough first thing will be trying to boot maemo with this kernel21:09
freemangordonceene: you need to do some thing to maemo to be able to boot it with upstream kernels21:09
ceeneit wonÂ't boot by default?21:10
ceenewhat needs to be done?21:10
ceeneis it written somewhere?21:10
Palifor n900 use gcc flags: -march=armv7-a -mcpu=cortex-a8 -mtune=cortex-a8 -mfpu=neon21:10
Palifor thumb build add flags: -mthumb -mno-thumb-interwork21:11
Paliand for hardfp add: mfloat-abi=hard21:11
freemangordon-mno-thumb-interwork is by default iirc21:11
freemangordonbut doesn;t hurt either to add it21:12
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Palifor softfp use instead: -mfloat-abi=softfp (needed for Maemo5)21:13
ceenegreat, thanks!21:13
freemangordonceene: but!!!21:13
Paliceene: do not change /etc/event.d/sgx file (as written in that LKML post)21:13
freemangordonceene: there is still a nasty bug that ruins onenand fs after the first powerdown/reboot21:14
freemangordonso you'd better not try it now :)21:14
ceenebut flashing again will fix it, won't it?21:15
ceeneok, then i don't mind21:15
ceenethat's why I bought this new n900 :)21:15
ceenei want to help you guys test all of this :)21:15
freemangordoncool. who know, you may even find that bug :)21:15
freemangordonknows even21:16
ceenei don't know...21:16
ceenewell, I can code in C21:16
ceenei made a living of that, in fact21:16
ceeneC+vhdl :)21:16
ceenebut i've never touched much the kernel itself21:16
ceenewell, gotta go now21:18
ceenethanks for all the info!21:18
freemangordonhmm, thumb-build worldclock is 223k :)21:19
freemangordonI guess I can shave a few KB more, but it doesn't worth it21:25
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zZap-Xdoes this work on a nokia n900 running maemo  ?21:48
freemangordonyes, though the version on n900 is newer21:49
zZap-Xfreemangordon: do i need to install the microb-browser package from a repro?21:55
zZap-XStable release1.0.4 / December 17, 2008  ?21:56
zZap-Xthat seems old21:56
SicelozZap-X: don't you have a "Browser" already on N900? look in your application list?21:56
zZap-XSicelo: yes, but that was last updated in 2008?21:57
Sicelono.. there was no N900 in 200821:58
zZap-Xoh ok21:58
Sicelobut yes, microb is old21:58
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zZap-Xare there any alternatives to n900 what can run maemo?22:24
Sicelono .. Nokia N922:24
freemangordonSicelo: N9 can;t run maemo22:26
freemangordonwell, it "can" but there is no maemo for N922:26
SiceloM6 :)22:27
Sicelothat's what I meant22:28
KotCzarnyits more jolla than maemo22:28
Siceloyou're putting the egg before the chicken :p22:29
KotCzarnypah :P22:30
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zZap-Xneo900 costs a lot!!!22:37
zZap-Xwould of been cheaper for them to get a chinese firm to make a dedicated phone22:38
zZap-Xwith new hardware22:38
Sicelonot the design goal22:39
Sicelothe idea is to keep maemo ... so esp. you need drop-in replacement cpu for example22:40
zZap-Xi want nokia to start re-making the n95022:41
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Sicelotell them :p22:41
freemangordonn950 is not that good22:42
freemangordonlots of problems22:42
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zZap-Xseems annoying that in this world of tech only the n900 / neo900 are the only options..22:46
* zZap-X wins 3 billion on lottery and donates to neo90022:47
KotCzarnynokia is no more22:48
KotCzarnyit's just m$ shack boy22:49
KotCzarnyfmg: how about n950 with maemo5 ?22:49
Sicelosame reason as N922:51
zZap-Xis the N9 faster than a N900?22:51
zZap-X1 GHz Cortex A822:52
Siceloyes. 1GHz processor, and 1GB RAM22:52
zZap-Xcan MeeGo OS be replaced with maemo ?22:53
MaxdamantusJust get one of those larger battery covers and stick a pi zero in it.22:53
zZap-Xgood idea22:54
* Maxdamantus would like to try that.22:55
KotCzarnymaxd: broadcom? bueeeeergh22:55
KotCzarnyanyway, nite nite22:55
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bencohMaxdamantus: noway.23:37
bencohjust have a look at the power you need for this (shitty) board23:38
bencohI seriously dont understand why people bother with this thing23:38
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