IRC log of #maemo for Sunday, 2016-01-10

tryagainyeah, now i can apt-get these packages. I guess there was something wrong with my sources.list or missing /etc/apt/properties.00:01
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tryagaini'm a bit confused how to follow by editing sources.list. Which deb line sould i add to  the file to connect to "unstable" repository00:19
freemangordontryagain: adding stuff to sources.list shouldn't break anything in SB00:23
freemangordonjust don;t do apt-get upgrade, but install only those packages you need instead00:24
freemangordonoh, you've fixed it00:25
tryagainyeah, now i have advanced a few steps, now all dependencies are met (with packages from downloaded manually)00:26
tryagainand the build goes on00:26
freemangordonotherwise, the line in sources.list should look like "deb fremantle/sdk unstable" IMO00:28
freemangordonthough not sure00:29
freemangordonnot fremantle/sdk ofc00:29
freemangordonthat one: "deb unstable"00:29
tryagainapt-get complains on wrong syntax...00:30
freemangordonoh, wait, maybe it should be "deb maemo unstable"00:31
tryagaini think i have tried that too. But it's not of big concern to download two packages manually.00:32
tryagainok, looks like the build now goes its way. I guess it would take quite a while under double emulation. Thank you bencoh and freemangordon.00:42
bencohcompilation isnt emulated :)00:43
bencohit's a cross fcc00:43
tryagainah, that's really great! Anyway, i do not expect it to finish very soon00:44
tryagainwe use rsvg to convert lots of svgs to png, and i guess rsvg would be run under emulation.00:45
freemangordontry parallel=N in DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS could speed it up, Also, make sure there is no "thumb" in that env var00:45
bencohwhy do you need freetype from ?00:45
tryagainit was said that freetype on maemo is broken (not includes upstream fix) and it causes navit to crash.00:46
bencohare headers broken as well?00:47
tryagaini guess not.00:47
freemangordonmaybe that one :)
freemangordontryagain: just make it depend on mp-fremantle-community-pr and you're good to go :)00:49
tryagainmp-what? :)00:49
infobotrumour has it, cssu is, or (Community Seamless Software Update)00:49
freemangordonthis is CSSU metapackage00:50
freemangordontryagain: BTW I am missing the background on why you're trying to build navit in SB. Could you elaborate? As if you're going to put it in some repo, please consider building it also for cssu-thumb00:51
tryagainso if it's installed, i can expect that freetype is fixed?00:51
freemangordontryagain: , search for freetype00:52
freemangordon"21.2011.38-1Tmaemo2 (20.03.2012) "00:52
bencohfreemangordon: hmm.... mp-fremantle-community-pr doesn't exist on non-cssu devices00:52
bencohso... what's the point?00:52
freemangordonI know00:53
freemangordoninstall CSSU :P00:53
bencoh-_- :]00:53
bencohapt-get users will see a missing dep, but what about ham users?00:53
freemangordonanyway there are tons of other fixes00:53
freemangordonthere will be "probles" page00:53
tryagainmm... cssu-thumb? I'm completely new to maemo, do not have such a device. Just trying to keep navit available for maemo after we kill autotools support in favor of cmake.00:54
infobotcssu-thumb is probably <Doc_Scrutinizer05> [thumb2 microb] indeed seems to render like mad, subjectively, or, or
freemangordontryagain: in short - gcc 4.7.2 and stable thumb200:54
bencohtryagain: oh and... if possible, please upload navit to extras :)00:54
bencoh(as a source package)00:54
freemangordonhmm, wait, iirc there *is* cmake in maemo00:56
bencohthere is, yeah00:56
bencohmight need some adaptation though, because it's quite old00:56
VajbSicelo: today that pnatd trick for missing network worked. It was like i doubt. I did it wrong somehow at first.00:56
DocScrutinizer05Humpelstilzchen: stryngs: the J-shaped steel is a spring helping to define end positions of stand00:57
bencohdidn't work with the project I wanted to build, last time I tried00:57
tryagainbut currently debian recipe used to build navit is based on autotools00:57
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: bit the stand, but the camera cover00:57
tryagain*navit for maemo00:57
bencohtryagain: did you manage to build it with cmake (on your fremantle_x86 sb)?00:57
* freemangordon checks again00:57
DocScrutinizer05touch the J with finger, feel how it comes up and goes fown again when you move stand00:58
tryagaini'm now at the stage to reproduce it's build with autotools00:58
bencohah, ok00:58
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: yep, my bad00:58
DocScrutinizer05it's this spring that makes stand stay "open"00:59
freemangordonyeah, yeah00:59
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freemangordonPali: since ling ago iirc01:04
Paliwe do not have backup?01:05
freemangordonno idea, but I guess no01:05
freemangordonwhy do you need that?01:05
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Palijust found links to that site01:05
freemangordonwas there anything else but the kernel?01:05
DocScrutinizer05Vajb: ((pnatd trick) please you - or any other user who knows details - elaborate on the nature of the problem01:06
* freemangordon wonders why there is not a single reply to an oops mail after 3 days01:07
Palithere were indexed all source packages from and maybe also from garage and maemo.gitorious.org01:07
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freemangordonwell, better ask on admin channel, xes or warfare could have a clue01:07 is a massive loss. Was extremely useful. Alas it been run by a "community member", not by Nokia01:08
DocScrutinizer05so asking techstaff won't help01:08
DocScrutinizer05I *think* it was either timeless or crashanddie who ran it01:09
DocScrutinizer05not only the DNS A record vanished, I clearly recall the website/service itself been broken before that01:12
DocScrutinizer05techstaff could create a new mxr on maemo infra, if we had the special flavor lxr 'scripts' to implement it01:13
DocScrutinizer05mxr was somewhat patched version of lxr01:14
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DocScrutinizer05in a certain sense it been a community-driven service supported by Nokia just like internettablettalk/t.m.o01:15
DocScrutinizer05thus it had a subdomain01:15
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DocScrutinizer05Pali: I dunno if more than just kernel was indexed on mxr01:16
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Paliwas, I remember01:17
DocScrutinizer05maybe kernel and the core fremantle apps which are not blobs. I don't think it indexed comlete garage/extras/whatever01:17
DocScrutinizer05but then, maybe I simply never checked for such stuff on mxr01:18
DocScrutinizer05without mxr, the H-E-N would prolly never have happened ;-)01:18
DocScrutinizer05mad useful thing01:18
DocScrutinizer05timeless: MXR was your project?01:19
DocScrutinizer05timeless: if so, would you happen to still have the patched LXR sources needed to build it?01:20
DocScrutinizer05rather, the maemo specific patches on top of
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DocScrutinizer05Pali: maybe there's a MXR garage project?01:23
Palido not know01:23
DocScrutinizer05prolly best to wait until original MXR owner pops up here01:23
DocScrutinizer05I'd like to see MXR resurrected finally01:24
DocScrutinizer05it already been flawed/broken before the big migration, and after that even the DNS got killed by Nokia01:25
bencohthere was definitely more than kernel references01:25
bencohI remember reading hildon stuff there01:25
bencohamong other things01:25
DocScrutinizer05all the better01:25
bencohbeing able to run it on infra would be cool01:26
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DocScrutinizer05I'm absolutely sure techstaff would be willing to provide a VM to set up MXR on it01:26
DocScrutinizer05but we need a volunteer taking care about the actual implementation01:26
DocScrutinizer05maybe this would even be the reason to finally populate blade-C with CPU, RAM, and HDD01:27
DocScrutinizer05would 'only' need a few 1000 Euros from the HF-treasures01:28
DocScrutinizer05a pity to have two non-functional blades on this supermicro01:29
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DocScrutinizer05*Version*=1&*entries*=0  513USD01:33
DocScrutinizer05plus some RAM plus (2?) HDD01:34
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DocScrutinizer05umm sorry we need two CPUs per blade01:52
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DocScrutinizer05of course we could also use better CPUs, like this one: ;-) Alas even higher core count isn't compatible due to TDP of the supermicro frame02:00
DocScrutinizer05 has 130W TDP, ooops our frame can handle up to 135W :-D02:02
DocScrutinizer05so we just need 5200USD for the CPUs and we have a real numbercrunching monster ;-)02:03
DocScrutinizer05of course we can handle an additional VM on blade-a/b too, but we're short on RAM, and also short on primary storage on both02:19
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DocScrutinizer05facilities like OSUOSL run their own 'public' facility-wide RDBMS and ask all their users to not run local databases but rather use the provided one. So ideally we should move the database VM to the new blade-c and then the VM where it been so far gets available for MXR02:27
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DocScrutinizer05warfare: xes: wtf is wrong with scratchbox?
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DocScrutinizer05warfare: xes: I pasued scratchbox VM on blade-a02:56
DocScrutinizer05paused, even02:56
DocScrutinizer05I'll tentatively restart it in a few minutes, if load on blade-a goes down, assuming this was only a very heavy backup of whole site at once03:00
DocScrutinizer05ohmy, BackupPC_dump, should get a decient renice, eh?03:11
DocScrutinizer05restarting scratchbox03:11
DocScrutinizer05the backup pretty much brings down the whole site03:12
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DocScrutinizer05I still wonder ehat the heck is so special about scratchbox so it gets literally completely unresponsive during BackupPC run03:19
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DocScrutinizer05see in ganglia how even the CPU dropeed out two times during last hour, before I finally stopped the sb VM @ ~1:57 til ~2:1203:23
DocScrutinizer05ssh also was unresponsive03:24
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* DocScrutinizer05 makes mental note to never look at ganglia during sunday 0:00 to 3:0003:37
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TheOneLawgood morning03:52
TheOneLawor evening, as the case may be03:52
TheOneLawSorry, it seems that you are using an IP address or a proxy that is listed in the forum anti spam blacklist. Feel free to contact our staff on irc freenode #maemo channel.03:52
TheOneLawnot that anyone lives here anymore except us ghosts in the machines...03:54
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DocScrutinizer05TheOneLaw: are you using Tor?04:06
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TheOneLawDocScrutinizer05:  I am using VPN which seemingly works from some locations and not from others. I guess it is the default server from this location, I will try an alternate and see what happens thanks for the link I will go read up. have a nice weekend04:45
DocScrutinizer05yw :-) a nice weekend to you too04:47
DocScrutinizer05ooh, the MXR link wasn't meant to address your problem04:47
DocScrutinizer05it was a followup to some topic we discussed earlier04:48
TheOneLawoops this is weird - I clicked the link you posted and that link works just fine, being simply
TheOneLawThe link that fails is to which is broken - this means there is a blockage on TMO and not on generally, which is confusing but I guess the block is just for the forum04:50
DocScrutinizer05yes, the filters are different for,, and wiki/bugs.maemo.org04:51
TheOneLawI suppose the exit node for the VPN may have a bad reputation ?04:51
TheOneLawback in a moment while I reboot my vpn04:51
DocScrutinizer05prolly yes. The filters use publicly known blacklists04:51
TheOneLawnew exit server same issue will try yet again...04:53
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TheOneLaw_that works, just had to keep reloading the VPN until I found an exit node not blacklisted - how cool is that ?04:57
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DocScrutinizer05timeless: many thanks!05:19
timelessthe branding is um... dunno, probably availabl05:20
timelessdepends on whether or not is reachable05:20
DocScrutinizer05well, the branding is not THAT important ;-)05:20
timelessyeah, it is reachable05:20
timelessadd as the hosts for and you can reach it05:20
DocScrutinizer05if by branding you mean the orange skin and stuff05:20
timelessyou should be able to clone the mxr config from there05:21
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timelesshg clone
DocScrutinizer05would you be (hypothetically) be interested in helping to set MXR up on server infra?05:21
timelessas long as you are talking to instead of {nxdomain}05:22
timelessi could probably yeah05:22
timelessanyway, that should get you most of the way05:22
timelessin fact, just using a cname should make you fairly happy, afaik the server still works, it's just a missing/bad cname05:22
* timeless needs to return to the real world05:23
DocScrutinizer05for the (chan) record:
timeless or something :)05:23
timelessadds the cname05:23
DocScrutinizer05I had """" in my etc/hosts ;-)05:30
DocScrutinizer05fixing it05:30
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DocScrutinizer05 :-D05:32
DocScrutinizer05timeless: alas
DocScrutinizer05well, not expecting it's still working. It's however still reachable05:36
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vahehow to fight injustice,closed source,JavaScript if you block tor :-/07:13
vaheSorry, it seems that you are using an IP address or a proxy that is listed in the forum anti spam blacklist.07:13
vaheFeel free to contact our staff on irc freenode #maemo channel.07:13
vaheI use tor because it's not your business who I am and where and what are you reading...07:14
robbiethe1stI'm not sure anyone is awake07:14
robbiethe1stChances are tor or that IP was banned due to abuse07:14
robbiethe1stSo blame whoever abused it07:15
vaheabuse of what?))))07:15
robbiethe1stThe forum I'm guessing(spam?)07:15
vaheI spent a lot of time using tor? )))07:16
robbiethe1stNo, someone else used tor and spammed?07:16
DocScrutinizer05all of tor is banned. And we had this discussion like 3 times during last 2 weeks already. It's pretty unfortunate and silly that complete * is blocking those IPs, instead of only blocking the login page07:16
robbiethe1stOr something like that07:16
vahewhy you need spam? )) this is a group of maemo instead of Windows ,Yes? ))07:17
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robbiethe1stI'm not sure he speaks English very well?07:18
DocScrutinizer05[Wed 06 January 2016] [23:28:57] <DocScrutinizer05> Neo900 is about security. Tor is about security. Neo900 has a subforum on tmo. I have a hard time explaining to Neo900 customers that to access Neo900 subforum (or any other maemo-org page) they must not use Tor07:18
vahewe must fight for the spam,closures, javascript codes,fight! I'm for freedom07:19
vaheFREEDOM !07:19
DocScrutinizer05[Wed 06 January 2016] [23:24:28] <DocScrutinizer05> no matter what, it's pretty offensive to READ-block all NAT and NAT-like services' IPs to be found on a RBL from * And not blocked from registering or identifying to maemo, but blocked from mere *reading*07:19
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DocScrutinizer05I suggested to limit the IP filtering to only the login page, since non-authenticated visitors can't post07:21
DocScrutinizer05alas somebody has to *implement* that07:22
vaheDocScrutinizer05:  thank you for your understanding07:22
DocScrutinizer05yw :-) I'm annoyed by it as well07:22
vahequick question,will there be future neo900 N900 in addition to other smartphones?07:24
DocScrutinizer05vahe: for now you might try
DocScrutinizer05the 'proxy' option there will probably show you each talk.m.o webpage even when you're using Tor07:25
DocScrutinizer05vahe: please rephrase your question07:25
DocScrutinizer05ohshit, sorry07:26
vaheOK :D07:27
vaheDocScrutinizer05: except the Nokia N900 and neo900 there are other phones with maemo?07:28
DocScrutinizer05prolly not07:29
DocScrutinizer05it might be possible some folks are porting maemo5 to other hardware platforms07:29
vaheDocScrutinizer05: I use this search engine
DocScrutinizer05does it have a proxy function?07:31
vahethml,no javascript :D07:32
DocScrutinizer05well, I suggested ixquick because it acts as proxy for you, allowing you to access tmo even from Tor07:33
DocScrutinizer05you can even klick links on tmo within proxy and won't leave the proxy07:33
DocScrutinizer05you however can NOT enter text strings into the proxied webpage07:34
vaheI was also and still have the lock07:34
DocScrutinizer05also javascript won't work in the proxied pages07:34
DocScrutinizer05I'm not sure I managed to transport the message07:36
vahethanks for the help ,I will find the answers here :)07:36
vaheI am from Armenia and bad know English,I freesoftware,open source activist07:38
DocScrutinizer05  go there, then click on the little "Proxy" link right to the :
DocScrutinizer05this will work also when you use Tor07:40
vaheCAPTCHA ,write the code ,but not included07:40
vaheaaa Yes07:45
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vaheturned out,thank you07:46
vaheDocScrutinizer05: THANKS07:46
vaheI did not correctly )))07:48
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SiceloVajb: \m/08:00
SiceloDocScrutinizer05: pnatd ... needed when N900 for some reason refuses to register to network when you are sure it is there. seems to happen a lot after you've been out of coverage for a long time. when you're back in coverage N900 *may* no longer be 'interested' to connect. It's not a matter of waiting, as even an hour can pass. I explained this in the channel some  months ago, and you suggested the pnatd thing (AT+CFUN=0), which has worked from me 100% of08:03
DocScrutinizer05:-)  Ahh.08:04
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Luke-Jrweird thing the other day08:04
Luke-JrI was scheduling an appointment, using my N900 to VNC to my PC08:04
Luke-Jrand the appointment desk lady asked me what I was using and wrote down the name O.o08:05
DocScrutinizer05name of N900, or of VNC?08:05
Luke-JrN900 lol08:06
DocScrutinizer05you didn't tell her "Neo900"????08:06
Sicelowell, time flies .. it's not even months .. rather, years:
DocScrutinizer05did I already suspect a bug in cellmo firmware back when?08:07
Luke-JrDocScrutinizer05: well, I tried to explain to her that this was very old and there were newer devices, but she didn't want to write down those names for some reason lol08:08
Sicelowe didn't talk much about it .. i gather we were in #neo900. have logs for that chan?08:08
DocScrutinizer05it's known that radio stack steps down in repetition frequency for network scans until, well, several minutes. But for sure it should search for network at very least once per hour08:08
Luke-JrDocScrutinizer05: how's the Neo900 coming along btw?08:09
DocScrutinizer05still hassle with finances and orga08:10
DocScrutinizer05and I'm still suffering a burnout08:11
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DocScrutinizer05but we hope we can come up with a working prototype during the next maybe 3 months08:12
DocScrutinizer05...and that this in turn will generate more preorders, so we hit the 'economic feasibility' threshold08:13
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DocScrutinizer05then otoh public interest seems to increase. Dunno if some new snowden files made it to the yellow press or whatever08:15
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Luke-JrPyra will probably be done sooner though; seems like the most direct competition08:16
Luke-Jrunless their phone stuff doesn't work - then that might prove to be a boost for Neo08:17
DocScrutinizer05well, Pyra is a tad too large and not really usable as phone anyway, since it has no earbeace to start with08:17
DocScrutinizer05earpiece even08:17
DocScrutinizer05plus Pyra has no software for phone usage. Since it doesn't run maemo or at least one of the other tailored-for-phone distros like QtMoko or SHR or08:18
DocScrutinizer05so yes, for sure you can initiate calls with Pyra, but I doubt I would want to try and carry Pyra on me to receive inbound calls08:19
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pigeonsLuke-Jr: i dont know if you heard but paypal is holding neo900 group's money with typical paypal shenanigans.08:19
DocScrutinizer05ooooh, pyra has no vibrator either ;-)08:21
Luke-Jrthat may be a real killer loss :|08:22
DocScrutinizer05and I'm not even sure about the power consumption of Pyra in idle with cellmodem enabled and online08:22
Luke-JrI was never impressed by N900 for that08:22
Luke-Jrwait.. Pyra really has no vibrator? doesn't every recent game platform have a vibrator? O.o08:22
DocScrutinizer05no, afaik Pyra has none08:22
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Luke-JrDocScrutinizer05: sure you don't want to do a non-vapourware iControlPad2? :P08:23
Luke-JrDocScrutinizer05: keyboard+case that attaches to any old phone08:24
Luke-Jrs/old/new :p08:25
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DocScrutinizer05no, I think just a kbd is not tempting to me, and prolly neither to enough other customers08:25
DocScrutinizer05Neo900 is maemo plus kbd plus resistive awsome-screen plus our very unique maximum tamper-safe improvements08:26
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DocScrutinizer05I wouldn't want a $random-phone plus iControlPad2, when TLAs are the ones who actually take control over my phone. I wouldn't take it as a gift08:28
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DocScrutinizer05N900 had a relatively decent separation of modem and APE. None of the recent smartphones does08:29
DocScrutinizer05incl Jolla08:30
Luke-Jrmaybe a Pyra Phone Edition fork then? <.<08:32
DocScrutinizer05that's what STEP2 is meant to be08:33
DocScrutinizer05I got a pretty long term evolution plan for all this stuff08:33
DocScrutinizer05and step one in this plan is to produce a N900 clone and port maemo to it, as a test case08:34
DocScrutinizer05step two is STEP208:34
DocScrutinizer05which is a phone with a OMAP5 and a larger screen08:35
DocScrutinizer05with kbd and r-ts08:35
DocScrutinizer05unless we find something even smarter (for an idea about that, think laser image of kbd HID)08:36
DocScrutinizer05not that I'd consider those laser projected 'keyboards' really useful for that usecase08:36
DocScrutinizer05and of course STEP2 also comes without OS, we will follow the concept toprovide the hardware and info so community can develop all of the needed software08:38
DocScrutinizer05sort of the exact opposite of Jolla08:38
DocScrutinizer05Jolla tried to make money from software development, getting the hardware from arbitrary subcontractor. We sell hardware and don't care about software, just make sure that *any* software can get ported to our hardware since it's _open_ hardware (open in documentation)08:40
DocScrutinizer05as well as open in bootloader etc08:40
DocScrutinizer05no ticoization08:40
DocScrutinizer05tivoization even08:41
DocScrutinizer05N900 was reasonably open, alas N9 was already tivoized08:41
DocScrutinizer05and so is Jolla08:41
* Maxdamantus wonders if he could just get one of those larger backplates and stick a pi zero inside.08:49
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VajbSicelo: after reading that backlog i realise that ur problem was bit different. I lost whole gsm/3g connectivity not just gprs. But at+cfun fixes it. It must be as deep restart of modem as restar of device is since it was asking also pin.10:16
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bencohDocScrutinizer05: of course pyra has a vibration motor10:40
DocScrutinizer05ooh, didn't know10:42
DocScrutinizer05I admit I forgot most of the details from proofreading an early schematics of Pyra10:44
bencohtbh the only thing that'd prevent it from being my phone is the form-factor10:45
bencohn900 is "big", pyra is "huge"10:45
SiceloVajb: i also get that too :)10:50
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tryagaingood morning or whatever it is in your timezone11:55
tryagaini now have a bunch of deb files from my navit compilation, which i've done by ssh'ing into maemo sdk vm11:56
tryagainthen i have installed them with dpkg under armel target, everything went without errors11:56
tryagainthen i have clicked at maemo sdk icon on the vm desktop, emulator xephyr screen appeared11:57
tryagainbut i do not see my application icon anywhere11:57
tryagainafter a few clicks here and there, app manager began searching for updates, and i was unable to stop it11:58
tryagainjust closed the xephyr window11:59
tryagainnow my sb seems to be broken again: fakeroot spt-get install cmake says no package11:59
tryagainfakeroot apt-get update downloaded a bunch of package indexes12:00
tryagainthen fakeroot apt-get install cmake says there are lots of unmet dependencies12:01
tryagaini guess i broke it the same way as i done the day before yesterday12:02
tryagainis there some magic way to recover besides starting from fresh vm image?12:03
bencohcheck your apt config12:04
tryagainha, no /etc/apt/preferences12:04
bencohyour sources.list is probably broken as well12:05
freemangordontryagain: afaik ARM emulation is broken with xefyr12:05
bencohmissing preferences wouldn't explain the cmake/no package error12:05
bencohfreemangordon: ah?12:05
freemangordonyou can;t boot arm maemo in SDK, only z8612:06
tryagainand sources.list is the same as it was yesterday before i applied bencoh's suggested sources.list settings12:06
freemangordonwhat works is aemu image qith Qt SDK12:06
bencohtryagain: check apt-cache policy12:07
* freemangordon needs to finish his coffee first :)12:07
tryagainit's not the sb supplied sources.list, it's my modified file restored from somewhere12:07
tryagaini guess i'll just reapply the changes12:08
bencohtryagain: try adding your repositories to a file in sources.list.d/12:09
freemangordontryagain: maybe upload .debs somewhere, so someone who has device to test them12:09
bencohinstead of modifying sources.list12:09
tryagainah, sure12:10
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tryagaini think i begin understanding sb. When I clicked the SDK icon, it switched my environment to x86. So now my ssh with armel is no more actually related to armel target.12:15
tryagaini should have logged out from sb before launching xephyr icon12:16
tryagainha, even command prompt is now changed to x8612:17
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tryagainlogging out and in, then selecting armel target seems to have fixed it12:20
tryagainyesterday' sources.list and preferences are in place. And cmake successfully installed12:21
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DocScrutinizer05a `pwd` gives it away12:26
DocScrutinizer05err well not really since it's a 'chroot'12:26
DocScrutinizer05in sb `>42findme`. In host PC a `find /scratchbox -name 43findme -ls`12:28
infobotDocScrutinizer05 meant: in sb `>42findme`. In host PC a `find /scratchbox -name 42findme -ls`12:28
bencoherrr.... that's ugly :p12:28
DocScrutinizer05you'll be amated about the path12:28
DocScrutinizer05meh! coffetime12:29
bencohDocScrutinizer05: lsof -n on host? :)12:29
DocScrutinizer05hmm, well. That could tend to be a few 100 or even 1000 of lines12:29
bencoh(if you really want to know about which directory is used)12:29
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DocScrutinizer05unless you do in sb `cat >42findme`. In host PC lsof -n | grep 42findme12:31
bencohwait, what? no, you dont need to cat to any file, your shell already holds a fd to current dir12:32
bencoh(scratchbox shell, I mean)12:32
DocScrutinizer05and you think scratchbox shell sees the full pathname of host? interesting and possibly correct approach12:34
DocScrutinizer05dang, no chroot active here to test :-)12:35
DocScrutinizer05nevertheless a lsof is quite lengthy12:35
DocScrutinizer05how would you find the interesting lines in that noise?12:36
bencoh|grep scratchbox or something like that I guess12:37
DocScrutinizer05dunno was at "and you think..."? It makes sense since lsof uses kernel info12:37
tryagainscratchbox bash cwd shows up /scratchbox/users/maemo/home/maemo/navit-cmake/build12:37
DocScrutinizer05/dev is a bindmount into sb chroot iirc12:37
bencoh/scratchbox/users might be shared by both targets anyway12:38
kerioscratchbox is a mess12:38
freemangordonyeah, raght12:38
DocScrutinizer05hehe, like every chroot and then some on top12:39
DocScrutinizer05I mean, it seems to be a chroot in which you run qemu, right?12:39
bencohvirtually, yes12:40
bencohjust with a lot of hacks on top to play nice with the toolchain12:40
DocScrutinizer05yeah, that too12:40
bencoh(and binfmt_misc to launch qemu on-the-go)12:41
* DocScrutinizer05 headdesks12:42
bencoheveryone needs binfmt to start init, riiight? :p12:45
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DocScrutinizer05fsck systemd12:45
tryagaindamn, cmake just segfaults12:50
tryagainand backtrace is #0  0x00178fa0 in ?? ()12:51
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KotCzarnyyeah, sb hacks run deep12:53
DocScrutinizer05looks like no debug info12:54
KotCzarnytryagain: self compiled cmake?12:55
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DocScrutinizer05actually I wonder if cmake is a arm binary and what gdb does with a arm binary12:56
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bencoh/usr/bin/cmake: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.14, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), stripped12:57
bencohso yes it is12:57
DocScrutinizer05stripped, mhm12:57
bencohyeah, that too12:58
bencohcmake runs here, but I haven't tried it on navit12:58
KotCzarnycmake runs fine in sb, i've compiled few projects with it for arm12:58
DocScrutinizer05err wut, you think it segfaults because of the source to compile?12:58
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KotCzarnymaybe that sb-image is broken somehow (i always install sb/sdk with two scripts from sdk)13:00
DocScrutinizer05I'd think cmake wouldn't even touch navit13:00
DocScrutinizer05or does it?13:00
DocScrutinizer05nfc about cmake, I only know make13:01
freemangordonPali: what is the correct way to restore CAL from mtd1ro freom here ?13:02
freemangordonas onenand but finally managed to ruin CAL13:02
Palifreemangordon: why do you need to rewrite/restore mtd1ro?13:02
Palido you have backup of original mtd1ro from that phone?13:03
freemangordonhmm, wait, maybe it has recovered after flashing13:03
freemangordonPali: yes, remember I sent it to you to check it re osso-product-info, it is still on my web server :)13:03
tryagainKotCzarny cmake from repos13:04
Paliah, right, I have it too in /tmp (tmpfs) on laptop13:04
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: try   mtd_debug write <device> <offset> <len> <source-filename>13:04
Palicorrect way is to use nandwrite13:04
KotCzarnytryagain, to be sure grab some other cmake based project and try compiuling13:04
tryagaini run gdb on core file13:04
KotCzarnytoo early13:04
Palifreemangordon: nandwrite13:04
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PaliI can test your mtd1ro dump on laptop in nandsim13:05
tryagainKotCzarny do you have some working cmake projects samples handy?13:05
freemangordonhmm, it boots after reflash, lets see if there is still MAC addresses13:05
KotCzarnytryagain: wildmidi ?13:05
DocScrutinizer05nandwrite has more fancy options13:05
freemangordonPali: besides MACs there is nothing useful in there, right?13:05
Paliso I could tell also which params are for nandwrite13:05
KotCzarnyits small enough, needs some cmakefile.txt fixing but its trivial13:05
Palifreemangordon: there are calibration data for WIFI13:05
Palithere is partition table of NAND13:06
DocScrutinizer05freemangordon: there's quite a bit of stuff in CAL13:06
Paliused by NOLO and Nokia kernel13:06
KotCzarnyclone this13:06
Palithere is phone-info block with IMEI and HW revision (and other unknown number)13:06
Palithere are calibration data for BME13:06
Paliregulatory data for fmtx13:07
DocScrutinizer05and a history of all flashed systems13:07
freemangordonhmm, settings->about product gives me MACs and IMEI, I guess it has recovered somehow13:07
Paliand there is also other bb5 certificates13:07
DocScrutinizer05I guess it should. You told me cat /dev/mtd1ro worked13:07
freemangordonthat was a weeek ago13:08
Palifreemangordon: create new mtd1ro dump and compare with old version13:08
KotCzarnypali: can one flash mtd1ro to different phone (with broken settings), i know its calibration data, but would it work?13:08
freemangordonhmm, yes13:08
PaliKotCzarny: nobody tested it yet (or at least I do not know...)13:09
freemangordonok, wifi connects too13:09
freemangordonI guess I am lucky13:09
DocScrutinizer05I tried nanddump and compared to `cat`, there was no difference13:09
DocScrutinizer05so all the fancy parameters are prolly not needed13:09
freemangordonnandwrite needs them13:10
DocScrutinizer05well, nanddump and nandwrite are siblings13:10
freemangordonbut nandwrite needs info on what tipe of flash it works, iirc13:11
DocScrutinizer05prolly you need the same parameters in nandwrite which you used to create the dump with nanddump13:11
DocScrutinizer05on a raw dump you need nandwrite --oob13:12
DocScrutinizer05or you used --omitoob and --omitbad on nanddump13:13
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DocScrutinizer05a plain cat /dev/mtd1 >nand.dump  always contains bad blocks and oob13:14
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Pali"cat /dev/mtd1ro > mtd1ro" should be equivalent of "nanddump -i -o -b -f mtd1ro /dev/mtd1ro"13:15
DocScrutinizer05err wut?13:16
DocScrutinizer05prolly nope13:16
DocScrutinizer05I think a cat reads bad blocks and oob13:17
KotCzarnydo it and compare13:17
DocScrutinizer05hmm ok13:17
DocScrutinizer05ooh, I did no nanddump, I only did a mtd_debug_read_mtd1_0_0x60000.bin13:19
DocScrutinizer05and that is identical to a dd_if=mtd1ro.bin13:19
DocScrutinizer05I should compare both to a nanddump13:20
PaliI have that mtd1ro from freemangordon, see this:13:20
DocScrutinizer05since nanddump definitely is supposed to dump bad and oob blocks13:20
Palisudo nandwrite /dev/mtd1 mtd1ro && sudo cat /dev/mtd1ro > mtd1ro.dump && sha256sum mtd1ro mtd1ro.dump13:20
Pali7167e9feb05de056d650be6bccef55bba690ad4d76d8059ac73e06d9d1915ff9  mtd1ro13:20
Pali7167e9feb05de056d650be6bccef55bba690ad4d76d8059ac73e06d9d1915ff9  mtd1ro.dump13:21
Pali(done via nandsim on laptop)13:21
KotCzarnywhy is there mtd1 and mtd1ro anyway?13:21
Palion /tmp/13:22
DocScrutinizer05hmm, this doesn't tell much? or I'm in severe need of a coffee13:22
DocScrutinizer05could you do a nanddump -f mtd1ro.dump2; sha256sum mtd1ro.dump mtd1ro.dump213:23
Palilooks like my nanddump on laptop does not accept -i param13:24
Paliso going to look what version we have on n900 and why it has -i13:24
tryagainKotCzarny hm, crashing on wildmidi too. I have removed that apple if()..endif() paragraph to get rid of parse error. But it segfauts right after -- Check for working C compiler: /scratchbox/compilers/bin/gcc13:24
DocScrutinizer05well, why do you need -i?13:25
tryagainmaybe i need a fresh vm again13:25
tryagainhave to go now, will be afk for a few hours13:25
Paliit is ued in 0xFFFF for dumping mtd content and patch some images to FIASCO format13:25
Pali-i         --ignoreerrors       Ignore errors13:25
Pali(in maemo version)13:25
Palistatic boolignoreerrors = false;// ignore errors13:26
DocScrutinizer05aah --ignoreerrors very good. Yes13:26
Paliignoreerrors = true;13:26
Palifunny in whole code is only assignment to that variable13:26
Palino check13:27
Paliso it is useless :-)13:27
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Palimaybe reason why on laptop (where I have new version of nanddump) there is no -i param13:27
DocScrutinizer05there are no errors to ignore ;-)13:27
Paliremoving -i from 0xFFFF call as it is useless and non working with new nanddump version13:28
DocScrutinizer05-n         --noecc              Read without error correction13:28
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Pali$ sudo nanddump -o -b -f mtd1ro.dump2 /dev/mtd1ro --> nanddump: error!: mtd_get_dev_info failed13:30
Palino output :-(13:30
DocScrutinizer05maybe you should tell it about offset and length13:31
DocScrutinizer05and use /dev/mtd13:31
Pali0xFFFF uses snprintf(command, size, "nanddump -o -b -s %d -l %d -f %s /dev/mtd%dro", offset, length, file, mtd)13:32
Paliand this I tested more times on N900 and it is working13:32
Pali(now without -i :))13:32
DocScrutinizer05well, offset of mtd1? which is always 013:33
DocScrutinizer05or offset of mtd1 in mtd?13:34
DocScrutinizer05for dumping mtd1 from /dev/mtd1ro the offset is 013:35
Paliit is offset where other images starts13:35
Palie.g. kernel does not start on offset 0x0 on /dev/mtd3 but at offset 0x80013:36
DocScrutinizer05hmm yes13:36
Palibecause before kernel image is NOLO header13:36
DocScrutinizer05and for mtd1 aka CAL the offset is always 013:37
Paliyes, CAL is without NOLO header13:37
DocScrutinizer05obviously ;-)13:37
DocScrutinizer05well, anyway if you say a `cat /dev/mtd1ro` does NOT dump oob and bad blocks, so where from would nanddump get those oob and bad blocks when dumping /dev/mtd1ro?13:39
PaliDocScrutinizer05: nanddump does not use read() syscall13:40
Palibut rather some ioctl()13:40
DocScrutinizer05is there some weird magic in nanddump which determines offset of mtd1 partition in mtd and then uses /dev/mtd?13:40
DocScrutinizer05aaah, ok13:41
Palino, nanddump uses /dev/mtd1 (not /dev/mtd)13:41
DocScrutinizer05thanks a lot :-)13:41
Palithis is reason why I used nanddump in 0xFFFF instead implementing that ioctl magic13:41
Paliit is safer13:41
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DocScrutinizer05ok, so you're most likely right that a cat does not read bad blocks and oob13:43
KotCzarnytryagain: then something is up with your sb install13:54
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keriocats don't read at all13:57
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brolin_empeyKotCzarny: For the love of dogma?14:00
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fishbulbhey, I attempted to change the repos using the link in that thing that was supposed to automatically install them14:05
fishbulbthe repos didnt' install, from the wiki14:05
fishbulband now mms has fucked up14:05
fishbulbwhen it worked perfectly before14:06
fishbulbit was working with no flaws now it can't send or recieve messages14:06
KotCzarnywhich autoinstall link?14:06
fishbulbthere are two links for the mirrors14:07
fishbulbthat you click on and it's supposed to automatically install the repos14:07
fishbulbin the wiki14:07
fishbulbafter that, fMMS doesn't work14:07
KotCzarnyyou know that by clicking random things without knowing what you need to do you can end up with bad config?14:08
fishbulbalso none of the repos work, I don't know how to diagnose why14:08
fishbulbit's in the WIKI14:08
KotCzarnyyes, but did you read descriptions?14:08
fishbulbit's in the maemo wiki14:08
KotCzarnyThese two are an alternative mirror, the same as the two above:14:08
fishbulbyes it said click on this to autoinstall14:08
fishbulbwhatever, why would those repos cause fMMS to stop working?14:09
KotCzarnyi guess you have conflicting repositories and you did upgrade without checking what is going to be done and something got even more broken14:10
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fishbulbok what "something" though14:10
fishbulbyes I probably have conflicting repositories, those don't have anything to do with fMMS14:11
fishbulbit uses pxt settings14:11
freemangordonfishbulb: could it be that eMMC got corrupted?14:11
freemangordoncould you start fmms from the terminal, to see what error it spits14:12
fishbulbok wait14:12
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fishbulbwhat is it called?14:13
freemangordonwell, something in /opt14:13
fishbulbapparently not14:13
freemangordonlemme check14:13
fishbulboh fucking hell14:13
fishbulbI really really need this right now!14:14
fishbulbI wouldn't have thought clicking a link on the maemo wiki was unsafe14:14
KotCzarnyclicking is not unsafe14:14
bencohwhich link and why would it be unsafe?14:14
KotCzarnydoing system upgrades with messed sources list is14:14
fishbulbthe link to install the repo mirrors14:14
fishbulbwho said I upgraded anything14:15
freemangordonfishbulb: try /opt/fmms/fmms_gui.pyc14:15
bencohfishbulb: they're just mirrors, and they justwork(tm), nobody reported anything about it (?)14:15
fishbulbwhy are you blaming me? those mirrors were on the fucking wiki14:16
KotCzarnyfishbulb, because clicking the link would start package manager, and it might have offered you to upgrade system14:16
bencohI'm not blaming you14:16
freemangordonfishbulb: fishbulb: try /opt/fmms/ , without 'c' at the end14:16
KotCzarnyfishbulb, but what else is in your sources?14:16
fishbulbno idea14:17
fishbulbyeah fmms starts up fine, but now it can't download the mms I was just sent14:17
fishbulband it didn't send the 3 I sent before14:17
fishbulbI'm not sure why, the vodafone settings are still in there14:17
fishbulbit says "downloading mms" then "operation failed"14:18
freemangordonwhen was the last time you've send mms'?14:18
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fishbulblast night14:18
freemangordondid you try a reboot? as fmmsd sometimes got stuck14:19
fishbulbI recieved some perfectly after that repo thing didn't work14:19
freemangordonfishbulb: ^^^14:19
fishbulbyeah I just reset it a couple of times14:19
fishbulbhey the terminal spat some shit out14:20
freemangordonpastebin it14:20
fishbulbwhat? how14:20
fishbulbI'm on my computer not my phone14:20
fishbulbI don't know how to get this crap off my phone14:21
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freemangordonfishbulb: do you have openssh installed?14:21
fishbulbthis is costing me14:21
fishbulbI think so I'm not sure14:21
fishbulbcan't I use the usb link somehow?14:21
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fishbulbman this is also my only camera so I can't take photo of the screen14:22
KotCzarny2 mirrors14:22
fishbulb+STOPIFACE=/sbin/ifconfig gprs0 down14:22
fishbulb+ /sbin/ifconfig gprs0 down14:23
fishbulb+ exit 014:23
fishbulb^^ that seems relevant14:23
freemangordondo you have some kind of "autodisconnect" shit?14:23
fishbulbthen mavodi-0-89-40-3-22b-0-0-2-22b-4269c414:24
fishbulbthen some stuff about the attachment14:24
fishbulbno there's no autodisconnect stuff14:24
fishbulbfMMS is set to "havoc" and that has worked14:24
freemangordonyeah, should work14:24
fishbulbI know, it should14:25
fishbulbbut it's not?14:25
freemangordontry "/opt/fmms/ fmms.log  2>&1"14:25
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fishbulbI'm resetting the phone14:26
freemangordonthe command is "/opt/fmms/ > fmms.log  2>&1"14:26
fishbulbthat's ok it's still rebooting14:26
freemangordonthat should redirect all messages to fmms.log file14:26
freemangordonif you execute that command from a dir somewhere in /home/user/MyDocs you should be able to get that file when connected via usb mass storage14:27
freemangordonjust make sure you don;t have usb cable connected when executing it14:27
freemangordonas it will unmount MyDocs14:28
fishbulbsyntax error14:28
fishbulbbad fd number14:28
bencohyou could also ssh over usb, by the way14:28
freemangordonbencoh: it is harder14:29
fishbulbis that a 1 or l14:29
fishbulboh 114:29
freemangordonit is "one"14:29
fishbulbso every problem will be logged14:29
freemangordonevery output from what you execute14:30
fishbulbok I got the mms, it tried to download, and I'll just give you that error14:30
fishbulbok I tried to send a few, and it said "message sent" but the person never got them14:32
fishbulbI'll give you the log now?14:32
fishbulbplease be discrete if it contains phone numbers14:32
fishbulbuh, will it?14:32
freemangordonno idea14:32
fishbulbI think I better look at the log14:33
fishbulbwhere is it?14:33
freemangordonnever looked at what fmms gui spits. I am using mms once every 3 years :D14:33
freemangordonin the directory you've executed the command in14:33
fishbulbthis is my main phone, I use it all the time14:33
fishbulbit's the only way this thing will send photos14:33
freemangordonmy n900 too, I just don;t use mms14:34
freemangordonfishbulb: comeon. you can send mails14:34
fishbulbdude, normal people use mms14:34
fishbulbit's easiest for them to use that14:34
freemangordondude, no idea about normal people, I use mails when I have to send a picture14:34
fishbulbMOST PEOPLE14:35
freemangordonmss does resizing14:35
fishbulbwith a phone14:35
fishbulbyeah probably14:35
freemangordonnot probably14:35
freemangordon100% sure14:35
fishbulbthis is a shitty hack, I'm frustrated at the phone, not you14:35
fishbulbhang on14:35
fishbulbI noticed that it does in the settings14:35
bencohlast (and first) time I tried to use fmms (because the other person needed to send me some mms (or whatsapp ...)), it just didnt work14:36
fishbulbum yeah man the log file isn't there14:36
freemangordonbencoh: it works14:36
freemangordonfishbulb: WHERE?14:36
freemangordonbencoh: it is tricky to be setup and doesn't like some MNOs, but most of the time it works14:37
bencohfreemangordon: I'm sure it does, it was probably serviceprovider-related14:37
bencoh(and/or I didnt set everything properly)14:37
bencoh(and/or both)14:37
freemangordonfishbulb: in which directory you were when you executed the command?14:37
fishbulboh. shit. no idea?14:37
freemangordonyou just started the terminal and executed it?14:38
fishbulbwhy wouldn't I do that14:38
freemangordonit is in /home/user then14:38
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fishbulbwhat do I open it with14:38
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freemangordonfishbulb: text editor14:38
freemangordonor do cat fmms.log | more14:39
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fishbulboh what the fucking hell14:40
fishbulbit can't resolve
fishbulbthere are TONS of things it can't do apparently14:41
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fishbulbhow do I copy this14:41
fishbulbcan't resolve
bencohdoes it use the rigt APN?14:42
freemangordoncopy to where? PC?14:42
DocScrutinizer05does it use ANY APN?14:42
freemangordonfishbulb: ^^^14:42
fishbulbis this anything to do with those fucking repos14:42
fishbulbwhat do you mean any apn14:42
fishbulbwhy is this doing this now14:42
DocScrutinizer05I mean can you browse the internet14:42
freemangordonwhen connected to GPRS that is14:43
bencoh doesnt say anyting about pxt-get, btw. strange14:43
fishbulbyes it browses the internet still fine14:44
bencohand no, unless you (re)installed/upgraded something that would play with your phone/data settings, this has nothing to do with the repos14:44
fishbulbok, then no, I didn't do that14:44
fishbulbunless the application manager did some weird shit when I started it14:44
fishbulbI NEVER use application manager14:45
fishbulbI use fapman14:45
DocScrutinizer05OH MY!#14:45
infoboti guess speedyham is 30 times faster than HAM
infobothmm... fapman is Faster Application Manager, a frontend for apt which uses own repositories catalog, and shouldn't be used to do system upgrades (like CSSU), or actually for anything since ~speedyHAM. It also does "apt-get autoremove" after every operation, by default. In short, it's been identified as source of system corruption and thus deprecated, or see ~hamvsfam14:45
KotCzarnyregarding speedyham it should be noted that it requires cssu14:45
fishbulbyeah well, fapman has zero repos in it now14:46
fishbulband whatever the hell application manager has14:46
fishbulbdoesn't work14:46
fishbulbwhich doesn't matter, I don't need to install anything, I need to send and recieve photos14:46
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fishbulbhow do I get this log to someone who can use it?14:46
DocScrutinizer05you need to contact a DNS server14:46
fishbulbwhat? I'm browsing the web fine14:46
fishbulbwith the device, through gprs14:47
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freemangordonfishbulb: mms uses different connection14:47
fishbulbok yeah it does14:47
freemangordonfishbulb: double-check your mms settings in fmms14:47
fishbulbwhy would they have changed14:47
fishbulband how could they possibly have changed?14:47
KotCzarnycurl --upload-file fmms.log
fishbulbthat bullshit I clicked on in the wiki?14:47
freemangordonvodafone could have changed them14:47
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fishbulbno vodafone didn't randomly change the same settings that have always worked, as far as I know14:48
DocScrutinizer05fishbulb: it's a pain to try and help you. every second word is bitching about stuff that we all *know* is unrelated14:48
freemangordonand just coincided with you clicking on that wiki link14:48
KotCzarnyfishbulb: clicking the link started application manager, which in turn reset sources list to its own config and probably thats why fapman comes out empty14:48
bencohKotCzarny: uploading sensible/private info to a public server? no way14:48
freemangordonfishbulb: move that file to /home/user/Mydocs14:49
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fishbulbI don't know that it's unrelated14:49
freemangordonthen connect via USB14:49
freemangordonthen copy the file on your PC14:49
fishbulbI removed the repos from fapman becuase they were old and came up with nothing14:49
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freemangordonit is up to you how to move it further14:49
freemangordonit is /home/user/MyDocs14:50
freemangordoncase is important14:50
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: :nod:14:50
fishbulbcannot preserve ownership of _____BLAHBLAH____ operation not permitted14:52
fishbulbwhat's rename14:52
fishbulbin terminal14:52
freemangordonyou can ignore that ownership error14:53
KotCzarnyfmg, why isnt vfat mounted with quiet by default?14:53
freemangordonfishbulb: "mv fmms.log /home/user/MyDocs/"14:53
freemangordonKotCzarny: in cssu?14:53
fishbulbis there likely to be anything sensitive in this log file14:53
fishbulbI couldn't really see anything14:53
KotCzarnyfmg, apparently in stock (didnt check cssu)14:54
freemangordonfishbulb: you have it, just open it and check14:54
freemangordonKotCzarny: no idea, you should ask Nokia about that :p14:54
fishbulbI don't think there's anything14:54
fishbulbwhere is it?14:55
fishbulbI'm using debian14:56
fishbulbI can't find mydocs14:56
KotCzarnythere wont be14:56
freemangordonit is the root dir of mass storage device14:56
KotCzarnywhole mydocs is mounted14:56
DocScrutinizer05it's called MyDocs14:56
freemangordonDocScrutinizer05: when connected in mass-storage mode14:56
fishbulbyeah the file isn't in there14:56
freemangordonthe you did something wrong14:56
KotCzarnyis it mounted on pc at all?14:57
DocScrutinizer05yeah, mydocs14:57
fishbulbit's mounted14:57
DocScrutinizer05it's called MyDocs14:57
* freemangordon checks14:57
DocScrutinizer05not mydocs14:57
bencohfreemangordon: we have the same warning in cssu(stable) iirc14:57
fishbulbit's only mounting the card14:58
fishbulbnot the n90014:58
freemangordonbencoh: ask Pali, he tweaked mount options14:58
freemangordonfishbulb: exit the terminal14:58
freemangordonand reconnect usb cable14:58
fishbulbyeah I'm doing that. duh. it was open and looking at the stuff14:58
KotCzarnybencoh: what is mount |grep /home/user/MyDocs output?14:58
freemangordonyour terminal is holding MyDocs opened, so it cannot be unmounted from the device's OS14:59
KotCzarny(does it have quiet or not)14:59
fishbulbok how do I get this to someone who can make sense of it?14:59
fishbulbI'm using freenode webchat14:59
bencohKotCzarny: I dont see quiet14:59
freemangordonfishbulb: if you think thereis no provate info in that file, just copy the content to, for example15:00
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fishbulbI am hoping there isn't15:00
KotCzarnyi wonder if quiet was omitted for compatibility with remote possibility of having mydocs as extX partition15:00
fishbulbjust don't be dicks about it if there is please15:00
freemangordonfishbulb: if you use, make sure it is not public visible15:01
bencohoh and, chan is logged and logs are public15:01
DocScrutinizer05expires in: 24h15:02
DocScrutinizer056h if available15:02
freemangordon10 minutes is available15:02
bencoh15:01 < pabs3>
bencohSicelo: ^15:03
fishbulbit expires in an hour15:03
KotCzarnyping: unknown host
KotCzarnyi bet on bad settings in apn15:03
KotCzarnyor fmms15:03
fishbulbwhat's the deal with that, of course it's known15:03
bencohfreemangordon: you might want to read pabs3 link as well :)15:04
fishbulbit's always worked before15:04
fishbulbin fact it worked last night15:04
KotCzarnyunless it resolves ONLY when on vodafone network15:04
KotCzarnycan it be you are on wifi?15:04
bencohKotCzarny: it most probably does15:04
fishbulbthat's turned off15:04
fishbulbback in a while15:04
freemangordonbencoh: yeah :)15:04
fishbulbKotCzarny: you'd know that it uses it's own connection15:05
fishbulbit doesn't connect to "the internet" it connects to "mms"15:05
KotCzarnyfishbulb: your device cant resolve those vodafone names, are you sure you are on vodafone network?15:05
KotCzarnyroaming maybe?15:05
bencohfreemangordon: did you ask him to do some tests, or is he just following git activity ? L(15:05
fishbulbno, I'm in the same place I uusally am15:05
fishbulbI would have told you if I was in another country15:05
freemangordonbencoh: I asked him nothing15:06
fishbulbthan usual15:06
DocScrutinizer05>> Maybe voice format is not 4kHz, 16bit, stereo after all?  <<  ROTFL15:06
KotCzarnyfishbulb: there could be also interoperator roaming15:06
fishbulbback in a few minutes I have to put something on the oven, no they are not roaming15:06
bencohDocScrutinizer05: :))15:06
fishbulbthey are local15:06
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freemangordonfishbulb: what are your fmms settings?15:06
fishbulbI'[d have given you any important info like this15:06
fishbulbwait one moment please something is about to explode and burn15:07
freemangordonok :)15:07
freemangordonhmm, "DNSIP="15:07
freemangordonis zero allowed here?15:08
KotCzarnynot really15:08
KotCzarnywho knows what they have on their network tho15:08
KotCzarnyits peer2peer, so they might do magic anyway for packets15:09
KotCzarnyalso: + /usr/bin/nslookup
fishbulbbig vat of packets15:10
fishbulbI mean beans15:10
fishbulbum. so it could be their phone?15:10
freemangordonfishbulb: double check against your fmms settings15:10
fishbulbdude these are exactly the same settings as have worked for several years now15:11
freemangordonfishbulb: no, your device simply cannot connect to the server to get mms15:11
freemangordonfishbulb: so, you think vodafone changed nothing for the last several years?15:11
fishbulbwell this is a new development and I did not change the settings15:12
freemangordonjust check those settings, dammit15:12
KotCzarnythey might have kept some old settings for compatibility and just dropped them this year15:12
fishbulbyeah but they're all the same settings15:12
fishbulbthey also would have told their customers15:12
bencoh.0 addresses are legit15:13
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fishbulbas I said they'er all the same15:14
fishbulball thje settings are the same15:14
bencoh(although a lot of netadmin dont know about it and block it)15:14
bencoh(I wouldn't call them "netadmins15:14
KotCzarnybencoh, its 'old' broadcast address15:14
fishbulbok there are "advanced settings" in fMMS and there are no ip or dns addresses15:14
bencohKotCzarny: no15:14
fishbulbthough do there have to be?15:14
KotCzarnyif you have really old stuff on your network things might get weird15:14
bencohKotCzarny: it would be "net address" in a /24 subnet15:15
KotCzarnyah, right15:15
freemangordonfishbulb: yes, your setting must be the same as told by your MNO in order fmms to work15:15
KotCzarnyforgot that it applies to class c mostly15:15
fishbulbok weird, in the advanced settings, there are no ip or dns settings there anymore15:15
fishbulbfields are blank15:16
fishbulbI didn't do that.15:16
freemangordonwell, fill them :)15:16
fishbulbum. with?15:16
KotCzarnysee mms part15:16
fishbulbKotCzarny: ALL of those settings are in there15:17
fishbulblike I said15:17
fishbulbbut there's "advanced settings" in fMMS15:17
fishbulbthat has fields for IP address, DNS and secondary dns15:17
freemangordonyou don;t need those iirc15:18
fishbulbyeah, there never has been any settings15:18
KotCzarnyyou need proxy setting15:18
bencoh"there are no ip or dns settings there anymore"15:18
fishbulbwhy? I don't use a proxy15:18
KotCzarnyif you miss it it tries to do dns resolve15:18
freemangordonbut mms uses it15:18
fishbulbI don't know if there ever was settings in there15:18
freemangordonfishbulb: did you compare your setting with what is in do they match?15:19
fishbulbmatch precisely15:19
fishbulbthere's no place to put that 505 though15:19
bencohwhat about pxt-get then?15:19
bencoh(in your first log)15:20
fishbulbwhat about pxt-get ?15:20
fishbulbit said it didn't work15:20
bencoh14:40 < fishbulb> it can't resolve
fishbulbthe recipient got none of the messages that said "message sent"15:20
freemangordonbencoh: that comes from the mms itself afaik15:20
fishbulbjust read the log file instead of whatever I said15:20
bencohfreemangordon: ah15:20
fishbulbI was reading random parts of the log file out "loud"15:20
fishbulbI was typing shit from the screen, into this15:21
KotCzarny+ exec sudo /opt/fmms/fmms_magic START gprs0
fishbulbyou know15:21
fishbulbthen it doesnt' start for some reason15:21
freemangordonfishbulb: you could try to delete all mms you have so far and then try to send another one. It is possible there is some bad mms. Or, vodafone has changed something that made fmms incompatible15:22
fishbulbnah they  haven't changed a thing15:22
fishbulbonly thing might be their mms shit is down, but usually if ANYTHING goes down they send a text saying so15:22
bencohor fapman autoremoved some file you need (?)15:22
fishbulband I got a few pictures of a radiator and some tubes like... last night15:22
fishbulbno, I think application manager could have only done that15:23
fishbulbI really hope not15:23
fishbulbfapman is inert, I removed the repos, it was only coming up with extras devel15:23
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fishbulbthe main ones weren't working15:23
fishbulbso I clicked the link on the WIKI15:23
fishbulbit opened up appman for the first time in months and months, hung for a while, I don't know what it did.15:24
fishbulbadded the mirrors I'm guessing, but I couldn't find any of the normal apps anyway15:24
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freemangordonit checks for updates15:24
KotCzarnyalso, for testing you dont need another person, you can send mms to yourself15:24
fishbulbwell, the version of fmms is still the same and so are the settings that I can manually enter through the GUI15:24
fishbulbthe problem IS that I can't get these pictures15:25
fishbulband just a few hours ago, I actually did recieve some from another person15:25
freemangordonthere is newer fmms in extras-devel15:25
fishbulbof a radiator and hoses and shit that I fixed but wasn't sure15:25
freemangordonno idea if it would help though15:25
fishbulbfrom the log, how broken is this exactly?15:25
fishbulbcould it be vodafone has a problem at the moment?15:25
KotCzarnysunday is a fine day for dropping deprecated settings for an operator15:26
fishbulbthey don't even have a human help line here15:26
fishbulbKotCzarny: can you assume they don't change their settings because 24 million or so people would be calling in saying their phones don't work15:26
freemangordonwhat log says it that their DNS has no clue about
fishbulbtheir dns?15:27
fishbulbso it's their fault probably15:27
freemangordoncould be15:27
fishbulbman how do I even get through to a person15:27
fishbulbI recieved an mms15:27
KotCzarnyfishbulb, if they announced it few years ago, and just kept deprecated ones for compatibility, they could, most people change phones every 1-2 years15:27
freemangordoncan't be 1005 sure15:27
fishbulbit came to the phone, but I can't download the picture15:27
freemangordon100% that is15:27
fishbulbthey could but it's unlikely15:28
fishbulbthis city alone has 6m people15:28
KotCzarny hehe, they dont have n900 there15:28
fishbulbit'd create havoc15:28
fishbulbthey never did.15:29
fishbulbn900 never came with mms remember15:29
bencohwhat if you try manually connecting to their mms APN and do nslookup from there?15:29
fishbulbthis is a hack15:29
fishbulbfrom where15:29
freemangordonyes, what bencoh said15:29
KotCzarnyenter that mms proxy setting15:29
bencohfrom a terminal, once you're connected15:29
fishbulbenter the proxy setting where?15:29
KotCzarnyif they have it there should be NO dns resolves15:29
KotCzarnyfishbulb: in fmms settings15:29
freemangordon"Connection settings"15:30
bencohKotCzarny: ah, right, it might be resolved by their proxy ....15:30
freemangordon"HTTP proxy"15:30
fishbulbyou mean the same proxy that I told you is the same as the site15:30
fishbulbno settings are different15:30
freemangordonfishbulb: please, do a screenshot of your fmms settings and upload them somewhere15:31
fishbulbthey're identical to that15:31
fishbulbtrust me I can read numbers15:31
freemangordonthen I am out of ideas15:31
fishbulbplus this is my ONLY phone15:31
KotCzarnyProblem: "Name or service unknown"/"No route to host"/"Connection refused" or similar when sending15:32
KotCzarnySolution: Make sure you are connected to the MMS APN - if you still get the error, try pinging the mmsc host from the terminal. If it still fails, double check your connection settings. If your provider list a "MMS Proxy" or "MMS Gateway", input this in the HTTP Proxy settings for the connection15:32
fishbulbI don't get what could have messed this up15:32
fishbulbif only I had a backup from a couple of days ago15:32
fishbulbright, person is asleep, I'll try tomorrow15:33
fishbulbhope they don't mind not working tomorrow.15:33
fishbulbit sends to myself alright?15:36
KotCzarnybut as i said, your settings are wrong15:36
fishbulbI just sent another picture to myself and it worked15:37
KotCzarnymms proxy15:37
KotCzarnybencoh: + /sbin/route add -net netmask gprs015:37
fishbulbhow is that wrong now15:37
KotCzarnyapparenytly on this network .0 shouldnt be allowed as an ip15:37
fishbulbhow did that even change15:37
fishbulbit never changed15:38
fishbulbI am sending myself pictures15:38
bencohKotCzarny: gprs interfaces behave as point-to-point anyway, so...15:39
KotCzarnybencoh, yeah, still, there is an ip of .0 which it tries to use later: + MMSCIP1=.015:39
KotCzarnysee the log he pasted, lots of wtf15:40
KotCzarnydoes fmms store settings as a txt file?15:41
freemangordonKotCzarny: gconf iirc15:41
fishbulbit's a bunch of python15:42
fishbulbit's from 201015:42
fishbulband has worked since then15:42
fishbulbmostly worked. actually. across some networks and inbetween some countries, it doesn't15:43
fishbulbbut this number it's always worked with15:43
KotCzarnyfishbulb, things change, even at operator level15:43
fishbulbno they don't15:43
fishbulbnot when literally millions of phones are at stake and half of australia is too dumb or young to manually input any of these settings15:44
bencohunless "modern" phones just update their conf OTA15:44
fishbulbI wouldn't know, I don't own a modern phone15:44
KotCzarnyfishbulb: most operators send settings when you put sim in the phone and connect first time15:44
bencohwhich means their dumb owners wouldnt need to change it manually15:44
KotCzarny(probably keep # of phone and simcard in db)15:45
fishbulbusually that's what would happen15:45
fishbulbsince this is a hack job and mms was never supported on the n90015:45
fishbulbthanks for the help I15:45
fishbulb have to eat15:45
KotCzarnyfishbulb: still, they send the settings via regular sms then15:46
bencohKotCzarny: hmm, not really15:46
fishbulbthat's what I remember from TEN years ago15:46
fishbulbwhen phones had buttons15:46
fishbulbeven IF I had the money for some slimline android piece of retardedness with a quadcore processor and battery as thick as a credit card, that dies in 4 hours15:48
fishbulbI wouldn't buy one15:48
KotCzarnyyou should put that proxy setting into fmms15:48
fishbulbare you looking at screenshots or anything15:49
fishbulbthere isnt' a place for proxy settings15:49
KotCzarnyfmms author suggests otherwise15:50
fishbulbwhere are they?15:50
freemangordonin settings, "HTTP Proxy"15:51
fishbulbI'm done15:51
fishbulb6 images went out into the ether15:51
fishbulbone came into my phone and I can't open it15:51
fishbulbit's 1am and I have to go, thanks for the help15:51
fishbulb5 images came through fine just hours ago15:52
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KotCzarnyi've just installed fmms15:54
KotCzarnysettings->connection->http proxy15:54
KotCzarnyeither your fmms is broken or i dont know15:54
KotCzarnyamazingly, mms settings are already done, could be that fmms has a db of operator settings15:55
KotCzarny(i've never used mms on this phone before)15:55
freemangordonor, you have that installed before :)15:55
KotCzarnyfmg: nope15:56
bencohnot sure what he's doing / why he needs that, but ...15:56
KotCzarnyanyway, http proxy setting field is there, dont know how he could overlook it15:56
freemangordonbencoh: me neither15:56
freemangordonbut I guess he tries ofono15:57
bencohlooks like it, yeah15:57
bencohofono+pa+cmtspeech from what I gathered15:57
bencohI guess it stands for pulseaudio15:57
freemangordonwhich one?15:57
bencoh" Switch from very ugly pipes hack to pa_simple. Audio plays, not sure " for instance15:58
bencohyeah it's pulse15:58
bencohwhich means he has a working pulseaudio/cmtspeech setup15:58
bencohquite interesting, too :)15:59
bencohit's a shame he doesn't hang around here15:59
* freemangordon is afk for a while15:59
bencoh(same with sre, but...)15:59
KotCzarnyfmg, i think fmms just added new connection setting16:00
KotCzarnyso it has operators db for sure16:00
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KotCzarnythat was quick16:08
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KotCzarnydid he get n900 recently? because he writes like a n00b16:17
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KotCzarnyand to everyone snorting on 'on device devel' he apparently does it too16:21
KotCzarnypali: you can probably invite him to #maemo (or some other n900 related channel)16:23
PaliKotCzarny: pavelm is not on irc right now, so cannot invite him16:36
Pali~seen pavelm16:36
infobotpavelm <> was last seen on IRC in channel #maemo, 438d 5h 1m 34s ago, saying: 'Hello!'.16:36
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KotCzarnypali: invite as in writing private email what it is and if he would like to come there :)16:51
PaliI think he has no time for idling on irc...16:52
Palibut if you need something, write him email and wait for answer :-)16:52
Palibe is active on kernel MLs16:52
KotCzarnyhe seems to struggle with basic n900's things ;)16:52
bencohKotCzarny: I doubt he's "struggling" you know :)16:52
Palihe try to use debian with upstream kernel on n900...16:53
bencohyeah :)16:53
kerioi want mainline kernel ;<16:53
bencohkerio: soon(tm)16:53
KotCzarnyi'm happy some core kernel dev got n900 and liked it16:54
KotCzarnybencoh, he tried to rsync /dev/mtd ;)16:55
Palikerio: compile it :-)16:55
kerioPali: yeah but stuff will stop working :(16:55
Paliyes :-)16:55
Palibecause *you* did not fixed it yet!16:56
kerioPali: where's the linux 4 bootimg16:56
Paligithub --> linux-n900 tree16:56
keriowould hildon desktop even start16:56
sslayerhow much work needs to be done?16:57
Palisslayer: see
sslayeri've seen that you and freemangordon have been working pretty hard these days16:57
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Palicamera subsystem is broken, bluetooth driver is broken16:58
PaliIR diode is broken16:58
PaliDSP driver is broken16:58
KotCzarnypali, main thing is phone imo16:58
Paliaudio alsa controls are different/incompatible with mainline kernel16:59
Palimodem as kernel part should work16:59
Paliand power management is also missing17:00
sslayerthat's quite a few things17:00
KotCzarnyuhum, gsm-voice and pm then for priorities17:00
KotCzarnyeverything else can wait17:00
Paliand there are also problems, that sometimes something randomly is not working...17:00
PaliKotCzarny: gsm voice is in userspace, closed pulseaudio blob17:01
Palikernel part should work17:01
KotCzarnypali, no escape from pa then? :/17:01
Palisomebody should check if Maemo pulseaudio blob is working for gsm voice calls or not :-)17:02
PaliKotCzarny: jonwil & freemangordon doing RE research for that pulseaudio blob17:02
PaliKotCzarny: so after PA code wil be finished & working, somebody could take it and rewrite it to alsa...17:03
Palibtw, pulseaudio uses this lib for communicating with kernel gsm voice:
Paliso maybe different approach from other side could work: write alsa driver for cmtspeech17:05
KotCzarnyi wouldnt mind userspace support, makes it easier to port to different audio archs then17:06
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bencohwhat's wrong/incompatible with alsa?17:07
Palibencoh: different alsa controls17:08
KotCzarnybencoh, its more about opening it for choices, what if your distro of choice use pa?17:08
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keriofreemangordon: yes...17:38
keriothat's exactly what Pali posted :>17:38
KotCzarnywhite-on-black? argh17:38
freemangordonKotCzarny: default settings :)17:38
freemangordonthat device suffers a reflash about 3 times a day :D17:39
Palinope, retro green color :D17:39
KotCzarnyi love what you did there tho17:41
freemangordonBTW, we should define "phone", as GPRS data works with upstream kernel17:42
KotCzarnygsm-phone vs sip-phone17:43
freemangordonPali: BTW, any clue what "Jan 10 17:42:58 Nokia-N900 wlancond[1523]: Error in netlink message length" is?17:43
freemangordonthis is with phonet up17:43
Palino idea17:44
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KotCzarnystruct size changed somewhere?17:44
freemangordonKotCzarny: it has no problems with wlan17:45
Palifreemangordon: wlancond uses wext, not nl80211 stack17:46
Paliso make sure that full legacy wext stack is compiled in linux kernel17:46
freemangordonI should ask the guy who maintain rx51_defconfig :p17:47
Palithat error message comes from this socket: socket(PF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_ROUTE)17:47
freemangordonif ((len - (int)sizeof(*hdr) < 0) || len > res)17:47
Paliso I think that wlancond does not check properly for message type17:48
freemangordonstruct nlmsghdr *hdr17:48
Paliand in upstream kernel was added another message type with other lenght17:48
Paliand wlacond try to parse that message (unknown for wlancond) and fails because of wrong length17:48
freemangordonPali: maybe we should create some "upstream-support" package, fixing all those little issues (sgx, etx)17:52
Palisgx is not touched17:52
Palijust that hal device for rtcom-call-ui17:53
freemangordonPali: hmm, I am adding || true in /etc/event.d/sgx17:54
freemangordonfor the fb- stuff. at least that was needed back then17:54
Paliall sysfs entries used in /etc/event.d/sgx exists17:55
Palino need to modify that file17:55
freemangordonyes, but some echoes return 117:56
freemangordonat least used to17:56
freemangordonI'll try without them17:57
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fishbulbI might as well try every option to get fMMS (re_+18:03
KotCzarnyfishbulb: you lied, there is http proxy option in settings in fmms18:04
fishbulbI wasn't lying, if it's there it's not obvious18:04
fishbulboh wait. yes there is, it's in the main settings you put in there18:04
KotCzarnyits obvious, you go to settings and its named.. 'http proxy'18:04
fishbulbbut I already said all those settings are as the vodafone site says they should be18:05
KotCzarnywhat is entered in 'http proxy' field?18:05
fishbulbproxy port 808018:05
freemangordonPali: hmm it one can neither reboot nor poweroff with upstream. Any hint how to capture a trace?18:06
fishbulbI've double checked all of that :/18:06
Palifreemangordon: I tried to debug this problem... but nothing...18:06
Paliask Tony18:07
freemangordonI'll try to catch him on IRC later on, to see if I can convince him to boot maemo on his device with upstream18:07
Paliok, in past I send email to LKML what is needed for patch and install for upstream kernel + Maemo18:08
freemangordonI hope all our fixes are compatible with his version of n90018:08
fishbulbhis version?18:08
KotCzarnyfishbulb: and what is in mmsc field?18:08
freemangordonyes, he has development board18:08
Palihe has development board18:08
fishbulblasers and shit attached?18:08
freemangordondunno, never seen it18:09
KotCzarnyand please stop swearing18:09
fishbulb"shit" is acceptable for TV18:09
PaliI bet it is RX-71 board18:09
fishbulbbut since I don't have one18:09
freemangordonPali: yes, you're right, 4.4 doesn;t need sgx tweaked18:09
Palifreemangordon: there are still that division by zero :-)18:10
Paliand that sgx script invoke it18:10
fishbulbdoes whatsapp or whatever it's called, work?18:10
fishbulbthat's the only other way of sending pictures18:10
freemangordonI know, but because of that onenand breakage, I can;t keep my device in working condition long enough to check what's going on18:10
fishbulbhey I have a couple of spare devices, one has the usb traces pulled off the actual board18:11
freemangordonPali: i need to do other stuff for about an hour or so, will continue later18:12
fishbulbone of those traces came off when soldering, and the fix for that isn't worth it18:12
fishbulbwhat's it good for? it can't charge normally or connect via usb anymore18:12
fishbulbthe linux kernel has inbuilt support for n900 as a cell modem18:13
fishbulbwhich is cool, if the usb port isn't broken. I saw pinouts for the gpio pins on the back.. but I don't have tiny components to make a hacked on usb18:14
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fishbulbdoes anyone happen to know if that hardware hack even works?18:28
fishbulbwhat are these things worth now?18:30
fishbulbthere's a slight resurgence in them18:30
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freemangordonPali: I wonder if we should discuss upsteram kernel stuff on #linux-omap or #armlinux instead of #maemo19:59
freemangordonthere are guys who know lots of stuff and are friendly (tmlind, nishant, javier,...)19:59
freemangordonwe might get some help there, hopefully19:59
freemangordonafter all, it is not maemo to blame for a kernel oops, device hanging on reboot, etc20:00
KotCzarnywhy not both?20:01
KotCzarny#armlinux and #linux-omap20:01
freemangordonwriting to 2 irc channels simultaneously?20:02
freemangordonsorry, don;t get it20:02
KotCzarnyie. ask the same question in both of them and see where it takes off?20:02
freemangordonit was not about asking questions20:03
freemangordonbut rather allowing guys who know that stuff to read our discussions and eventually joining the conversation20:03
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sslayer /opt/usr/bin/getmewheels: symbol lookup error: /opt/usr/bin/getmewheels: undefined symbol: _ZTIN10QtMobility26QGeoServiceProviderFactoryE20:34
sslayerthis is on scratchbox as X8620:34
sslayeris there something i'm missing to install?20:34
sslayerit has compiled succesfully on scratchbox20:34
sslayerso i guess the -dev files are there20:35
sslayerbut not the .so itself?20:35
KotCzarnyi think you are trying to use c++ mixed with c code20:35
sslayerbut ldd doesn't show any not found library20:35
KotCzarnyand c++ symbols are mangled by default20:35
sslayeri don't know what i'm doing :)20:36
sslayerthis getmewheels i didn't write20:36
sslayerbut it works fine on the n90020:36
KotCzarnythere is a fix for it dont remember, let me google20:36
KotCzarnyerm, no20:37
sslayerah, wait20:37
sslayeri think this .deb file was not well done20:37
sslayerdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: libqtm-12-dev libqjson-dev libqoauth-dev libqca2-dev libcurl3-dev20:37
sslayer[sbox-FREMANTLE_X86: /tmp/N900/getmewheels] > apt-get install libqtm-12-dev20:37
sslayerReading package lists... Done20:37
sslayerBuilding dependency tree20:37
sslayerReading state information... Done20:37
sslayerE: Couldn't find package libqtm-12-dev20:37
sslayerso... where's that package?20:38
KotCzarnyre symbol name mangling: it's done because same function name can be defined multiple times for different args, and they are resolved later20:39
sslayeri think my problem is that i'm missing libqtm-12-dev20:39
sslayerthat isn't on my sb for x86 but it is for armel20:40
KotCzarnycompile for arm and test on device20:40
sslayeri think that'll work20:40
sslayerbut i want to test it on sb20:40
sslayerwhere i'm about to do some changes to libqt-network20:41
KotCzarnyexport DISPLAY=ip:0.0 ?20:41
sslayerif i do that on the n900 i may break it20:41
sslayerand i don't want to :)20:41
KotCzarnythough i dont remember if n900 allows remote x connections20:41
KotCzarnyyou can try sshfs mounting sb directory on n900 and run via ./20:41
sslayerit seems libqtm-12-dev is in some repo i was missing20:44
sslayeror something20:44
sslayeri think sometime in the past i screwed up my sb installation for x8620:44
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xorlyPali: hi, have you tried any recent version of u-boot? I'm getting errors about unconfigured pullups on i2c, but they are turned on...20:54
Palixorly: no, have not tested yet20:55
Paliplease send email to u-boot ML about this problem20:55
Paliand CC to me and omap + arm maintainers20:55
Palithere should not be regressions, and if yes --> then bisect and force man who broke it to immediately fix it :-)20:56
bencohsslayer: c++filt to unmangle c++ symbols, by the way20:58
sslayerbencoh: thanks20:59
xorlyPali: uhhh, I'm not such hardcore developer. I never wrote to any ML. IKD how to find that problem.20:59
Palixorly: just write error which you see... and what does not work20:59
KotCzarnybencoh: what does it do?21:05
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KotCzarnydoesnt that break things?21:05
bencoh       c++filt - Demangle C++ and Java symbols.21:05
freemangordonPali: there is something fishy about  ti,twl4030-power-n90021:06
freemangordonI can't find any reference to it, but in the dts21:06
Palifreemangordon: I know I sent email about this problem21:06
freemangordonI bet that is one of the reasons why reset/poweroff does not work21:06
freemangordonyep, I read that mail21:06
Pali"Nokia N900: twl4030-power different data in DTS and board code"21:07
Paliha!! now it reminds it that reboot and poweroff is broken since 3.x kernels (for some x >= 0)21:07
KotCzarnybencoh, but its only for debugging, not actually fixing anything21:08
bencohKotCzarny: I never said anything else :)21:08
KotCzarnyi thought it was miracle cure to let one use c++ compiled libs with c code ;)21:09
freemangordonPali: I will try to hack twl4030-power to use twl scripts from KP21:09
bencohthere is no miracle cure for that (the cure would be getting rid of c++). you need to go through pain and tears21:09
Palifreemangordon: also note that there could be kernel crash whehn doing shutdown21:09
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bencohwrap every C++ call21:10
KotCzarnybencoh: yeah, usually just adding few glue funcs i need21:10
KotCzarnynot everything, just those i actually need21:10
Paliso tony with his uber board could test it via serial console :P21:10
bencohfreemangordon: do you have serial on your n900?21:11
freemangordonPali: :nod:21:11
Palifreemangordon: same problem is in qemu21:12
Paliand there is no crash21:12
Palino output!21:12
Palijust kernel do nothing...21:12
Paliso this could be easier for you to debug in qemu...21:12
freemangordondo you see  twl4030_power_off called?21:12
PaliI have not played with it a lot, do not know21:13
freemangordonalso, how to poweroff in qemu? with your rootfs?21:13
Wizzup_init 021:13
KotCzarnymore like 'kernel didnt finish loading'21:13
Palifreemangordon: poweroff -f21:14
bencohI guess there is no acpi-shutdown equivalent, so you cant use system_powerdown in qemu monitor :]21:14
Palisame as on any linux machine :-)21:14
KotCzarnyctrl-alt-del ? ;)21:14
freemangordonI used to use  init 021:14
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Palithere are no runlevels21:15
Paliso you need to call what last init.d script for shutdown doing...21:16
freemangordonooh, "147.016448] omap_i2c 48070000.i2c: Too much work in one IRQ"21:17
freemangordonthousands of those21:17
bencohwhen shutting down?21:18
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ceenei didn't notice the nick was the wrong one22:01
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fishbulbis anyone here from before when I my fMMS stopped working?23:05
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fishbulbmagically stopped working after I clicked the repo mirror list from the maemo wiki23:06
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fishbulbif I reflash how do I keep my texts, MMS and calendar settings?23:11
fishbulband calls23:12
fishbulbwhatever went wrong definitely went wrong after I clicked the maemo wiki link for installing the repos23:13
freemangordonfishbulb: make a backup23:13
fishbulbI really wish I did that23:14
fishbulbbut I trusted the wiki wouldn't break anything23:14
jonwilfishbulb: What exactly is broken?23:16
fishbulbI have no idea23:16
fishbulbthe repos are for one23:17
jonwilso the symptoms you have are?23:17
fishbulbI got a log of the stuff fMMS spat out23:18
fishbulbmms was working perfectly23:18
fishbulbnow it isn't23:18
fishbulbafter I uesd those mirror repos23:18
fishbulbmaybe it's possible that fMMS was upgraded from a devel repo?23:18
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jonwilwhat does your /etc/apt/sources.list look like (and the files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d)23:22
freemangordondammit, rootfs got corrupted again :(23:22
freemangordonit seems it always happens after some oops23:22
fishbulbhow do I get that into here without manually typing it23:23
jonwildo you have ssh activated on the phone? You can pull the file down via sftp if you do23:23
fishbulbI think so23:24
fishbulbis sources.list a directory?23:25
fishbulbwait, leafpad isn't installed23:26
ceenenope, but sources.list.d is23:26
fishbulband I can't install it23:26
jonwilYou should be able to use sftp to pull down the file from your phone23:26
fishbulbwhat about logs from app manager, because the links on the wiki23:26
jonwilapp manager doesn't matter, its whats in your sources.list stuff that matters23:27
fishbulbthe "install repos" links broke something23:27
fishbulbit was after I clicked the auto install mirror repos thing that this happened23:27
jonwilthose links change things in your sources.list23:27
jonwilor sources.list.d23:28
jonwilwhich is why I am asking about those23:28
jonwilyeah that file23:30
fishbulbhow can I list what's in there23:30
fishbulbvim and leafpad aren't installed, I was pretty sure they were23:30
jonwilpull it off the phone with sftp and open it in a text editor23:30
jonwilor do you not have sftp setup?23:30
fishbulbI don't have that set up23:30
jonwilyou could try cat23:31
jonwilthat can display the contents of files23:31
fishbulbcat hildon-application-manager.list23:31
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fishbulbis one23:33
fishbulband linenoise mirrors are the other ones23:33
fishbulbcommunity extras and extras testing for the http://repository.maemo.org23:34
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jonwilwhat do you get when you do dpkg -l fmms?23:34
jonwilwhat version does it list?23:36
fishbulb| status=not/inst/cfg-files/unpacked/failed-cfg/half-installed23:36
fishbulbthere's more crap23:37
fishbulbwhat's all that half installed warning stuff?23:37
jonwilThe fmms line starts with ii, correct?23:39
jonwilso it says ii    fmms    1.3.6-1, right23:39
fishbulbthen the short description23:39
jonwilok, so hildon-application-manager.list, I need to see the exact contents...23:40
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fishbulbI need to somehow paste the contents here23:40
fishbulbI can't type out all the repos exactly23:40
fishbulbbut why would sources.list.d affect mms sending and receiving like it has for AGES?23:41
jonwilsomehow you got a version installed that doesn't make sense23:41
jonwiland seeing the repos will tell me where it might have come from23:41
fishbulbwhich version is this?23:41
jonwilnot sure, thats why I need to see the repos list :)23:41
fishbulbis it some broken devel version?23:41
jonwilI dont know yet23:42
fishbulbI hvae the maemo repos and the linenoise ones23:42
fishbulbI haven't manually edited it, the link from the wiki23:42
fishbulbthe one that installs the repo mirrors automatically23:42
jonwiltype out the entire line for repository.maemo.org23:42
fishbulbI have the linenoise ones installed23:42
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fishbulbdeb fremantle free non-free23:44
jonwildo you have cssu installed?23:44
fishbulbdeb fremantle free non-free23:44
jonwilok if you type apt-get install fmms what do you get as output?23:46
jonwildoes it display anything about version numbers?23:46
jonwilor does it just say "fmms is already the newest version"?23:47
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fishbulbdone, yes, it says that23:47
fishbulbthere's extras testing23:48
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fishbulbdoesn't seem to be extras-devel in there23:48
jonwilok, so somehow you ended up with fmms 1.3.6-1 which is the version in extras-devel23:52
jonwilextras testing has fmms 1.3.5-323:52
jonwiland extras has fmms 1.3.323:52
fishbulbthe linenoise repos are in there23:52
fishbulbis there any comment on which version works?23:52
jonwilno idea23:53
fishbulbssu/apps/ ./23:53
fishbulbssu/apps/mr0/ ./23:53
fishbulbare the last parts of the linenoise repos in sources.list.d23:53
fishbulbthe last two repos, which I assume are going to be the more unstable ones23:56
jonwilwhat are the urls for the linenoise repos?23:56
jonwilthe http:// part23:56
jonwilor the full lines for that matter23:57
fishbulbdeb httpL23:58
fishbulbdeb ./23:59
fishbulbdeb ./23:59

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