IRC log of #maemo for Monday, 2015-06-29

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antranigvsomeone remind me the name of that player that had the ability to do remote controling?14:25
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KotCzarnygoogle: maemo oscp14:51
KotCzarnyor: oscp player14:51
antranigvwhat abou oscp on N9 ?14:51
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KotCzarnywhat os it uses?14:53
KotCzarnyif some kind of linux, sure14:53
antranigvmeego, KotCzarny (:14:53
KotCzarnyif n9 uses pulse audio, just copy /opt/oscp/bin/oscp there14:53
KotCzarnyif pure alsa, then look for armel oscp binary on sf page, moment14:54
KotCzarnyyou will probably have to install libao if it isnt installed already14:55
KotCzarnyto check just run: ldd oscp and see which libraries are missing14:55
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KotCzarnydamn dsl providers, what did i miss?15:01
antranigvKotCzarny: no worries, nothing, I am still trying15:05
antranigvit's not my N9, so (:15:05
KotCzarnykk, please report on the oscp tmo thread if you succeed, maybe ill make a proper package if it works15:06
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zGrrmoin :)18:06
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KotCzarnyantranigv: and? did it work?20:27
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