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M4rtinK | everything you ever wanted to know about modRana 0.49.2, but were too afraid to ask: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=1442148&postcount=1658 | 00:55 |
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deepy | can I get alpine to save my password? | 10:26 |
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Sicelo | mutt can. i think alpine should be able as well. not sure however (never used alpine) | 13:41 |
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drmagoo | Hi. Anyone here who knows where I can download the flasher for linux and the latest maemo version for my N900 ? | 19:15 |
bencoh | ~flasher | 19:15 |
infobot | methinks flasher is at http://www.jedge.com/n810/flasher/maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2.tar.gz (also .exe!), or http://www.chakra-project.org/ccr/packages.php?ID=5027 or generally http://www.google.com/search?q=maemo_flasher-3.5_2.5.2.2.tar.gz. HARMattan(N9): https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/fl/flasher-harmattan/flasher-harmattan.tar.gz, or -- list of filenames/md5sums: http://pastebin.com/sYKdNJSH, or http://galif.eu/nokia/ | 19:15 |
bencoh | ~combined | 19:15 |
infobot | combined is probably the rootfs fiasco image of maemo. For N900 latest (PR1.3.1) see http://nds2.fds-fire.nokia.com/fdp/interface/FiRe/2011/9/--FID--A0A22MVWFVFAM/--LID--FiRe1317015685654/RX-51_2009SE_21.2011.38-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin, or http://galif.eu/nokia/ | 19:15 |
bencoh | ~emmc | 19:15 |
infobot | it has been said that emmc is is http://nds2.fds-fire.nokia.com/fdp/interface/FiRe/2010/5/--FID--A0A22YHFSICNA/--LID--FiRe1275051276916/AE98ED9D_RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.CENTRAL-EUROPE_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin or see ~emmc2 | 19:15 |
bencoh | something like that | 19:15 |
stryngs | hmmmmm | 19:16 |
stryngs | Why is the device passlock hardcoded? | 19:16 |
stryngs | How do i truly reset it to 12345? | 19:16 |
stryngs | even erasing /etc before a reflash did nothing to fix it | 19:16 |
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drmagoo | bencoh: thank you very much =) | 19:17 |
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drmagoo | dumb question, which image do I flash it first with? if I want it to be reset to factory defaults ? Or will the emmc-image do that ? | 19:36 |
stryngs | _10. | 19:38 |
stryngs | _2* is secondary | 19:38 |
stryngs | don't have it memorized =-) | 19:38 |
bencoh | see wiki | 19:40 |
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Ras_Older | stryngs: Install John the Ripper to your N900 and bruteforce your current lock code then you can set it to whatever you like it to be. | 19:44 |
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stryngs | Ras_Older: I know how to do it, what i want to know is how to clear, not how to bruteforce | 19:45 |
Ras_Older | Well after you know your current one you can set it off? | 19:46 |
stryngs | What if i didnt know the current one Ras_Older =) | 19:47 |
stryngs | I do ofc, but i've never been able to reset to 12345 | 19:47 |
stryngs | which is weird | 19:47 |
Ras_Older | wat :D I just said that bruteforce your current one so you can set it off after that | 19:47 |
Ras_Older | as in | 19:47 |
Ras_Older | "echo root:$(grep -A 13 lock_code /dev/mtd1|tail -1): > /root/phone_lock_hash" | 19:47 |
Ras_Older | and then "john -i:digits phone_lock_hash" | 19:48 |
Ras_Older | for that you need to have John the Ripper installed | 19:48 |
stryngs | Ras_Older: I'm not trying to figure out how to bruteforce the phone, I understand that part. What if I buy an n900 on ebay that is locked | 19:48 |
stryngs | I'm assuming if you lock it and it dies, that it stays locked | 19:48 |
stryngs | ive never tried | 19:48 |
stryngs | but if the lock doesnt stay after powerdown then yes i guess u could unlock it | 19:48 |
Ras_Older | Yes I think that the lock will stay after power down but it should be resetted after a reflashing the phone? If someone knows for sure feel free to correct me. I've never needed to truly reflash my phone. | 19:51 |
Ras_Older | gah typos :D sorry I'm in a bar at Jyväskylä (FIN) and feeling a bit tipsy *cough* | 19:52 |
Ras_Older | stryngs: ah damn it yes of course now I got your meaning :D In my case there was a lock code (like 47825 or something like that) set by the old user but it was disabled. So I needed to figure wtf it was to re-enable it again without flashing the phone. | 19:55 |
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stryngs | Interesting Ras_Older | 19:59 |
Ras_Older | stryngs: http://talk.maemo.org/showpost.php?p=538825&postcount=2 | 19:59 |
stryngs | ty, ill check i tout | 19:59 |
Ras_Older | Not a problem! | 20:00 |
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stryngs | Heh, leads to : http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=37808 | 20:02 |
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Ras_Older | Yeah well reflash the phone, install your tools and get the key. Then you can do whatever you like with it. | 20:06 |
stryngs | ill have to play with it the next time i decide to refresh | 20:07 |
stryngs | definately curious now =) | 20:07 |
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bencoh | cant you just clean/reset/reflash the cal partition ? | 20:10 |
Ras_Older | Its never meant as serious safety measure but atleast it will keep your data protected from someone who has access to your device briefly (jealous girl/boyfriends for example!). | 20:10 |
stryngs | oh yeah, i would never look at it as such. unless something is encrypted, once it is physically owned, it should be considered pwned | 20:11 |
Ras_Older | yep agreed with that | 20:12 |
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jake42 | somewhere in the maemo wiki there was a page about the test points of n900 (USB, possible Serial..) , but I can't find it now. could someone point me to it please? :-) | 21:45 |
Sicelo | http://wiki.maemo.org/N900_Hardware_Hacking | 21:46 |
jake42 | Sicelo: ah, thanks! | 21:48 |
Sicelo | yw | 21:49 |
Sicelo | the serial really works, as long as you remeber it is not 5V ;) | 21:50 |
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jake42 | I soldered a new microUSB receptical to a broken n900. I'm a n900 noob. What is expected behavior when plugging a n900 to a pc running linux? | 22:26 |
jake42 | nothing happens so far, which is probably a bad sign regarding my soldering :-) | 22:26 |
jake42 | right? | 22:27 |
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capsuLe | Hello !! :D | 22:47 |
capsuLe | nice evening all | 22:47 |
capsuLe | little holiday without web , but with my N900 maemo ;) recently flashed with ur help ! ( usb cable from box , didn"t work :) | 22:49 |
freemangordon | jake42: yeah, bad sign | 22:49 |
freemangordon | n900 should ask you about mass storage/pc suite | 22:50 |
capsuLe | do you know software maemo application for read *.pgn (chess game /database) | 22:51 |
capsuLe | miniture and chess haven't this option | 22:51 |
jake42 | freemangordon: ok, so I'll probably have to the hot air station out again, but first I'll try to measure between D+/- on usbcable to those D+/- testpoints | 22:52 |
freemangordon | jake42: make sure your cable is ok | 22:53 |
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jake42 | freemangordon: a nexus 4 shows up at lsusb | 22:54 |
jake42 | so should be working.. | 22:54 |
freemangordon | anything in dmesg when you connect n900? | 22:54 |
jake42 | not at all | 22:54 |
freemangordon | yeah, I guess then you have no option :) | 22:54 |
jake42 | maybe it needs alittle more solder paste | 22:55 |
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