IRC log of #maemo for Saturday, 2014-02-08

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Maxdamantusweird .. is the usual 2.6.28 kernel known to be problematic with g_file_storage with 64 GiB devices?03:15
Maxdamantus[351556.174106] Buffer I/O error on device sdf, logical block 707891003:15
Maxdamantus[351557.729225] sdg: detected capacity change from 63864569856 to 003:15
Maxdamantus(from the host)03:15
MaxdamantusI seem to be able to dd the SD card fine on the phone.03:16
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DocScrutinizer05Maxdamantus: sounds like IO-error, iow a bad block on card or a glitch in interface05:20
DocScrutinizer05or maybe simply overheating?05:20
MaxdamantusYeah, I noticed it happens on my laptop as well.05:20
Maxdamantusbut I can copy it with dd on the phone, laptop, and a USB card reader.05:21
Maxdamantusare MicroSD cards known to cause block errors when overheating?05:22
DocScrutinizer05all electronics are known to fail when overheating05:25
DocScrutinizer05except some very special designs that rather fail when too cold ;-)05:26
DocScrutinizer05one more pupular example: sulfur battery05:27
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Maxdamantusmaybe I should've said "from" instead of "when".05:28
Maxdamantuslike .. how do you overheat a harddrive?05:29
DocScrutinizer05hmm? easily05:29
Maxdamantusit would probably be fairly uncommon for HDs to fail from overheating.05:30
DocScrutinizer05au contraire05:30
DocScrutinizer05there are towers with dedicated fans for the HDD slots05:30
DocScrutinizer05but I fail to see how's that related to a uSD stopping to work because it exceeded maximum operating temperature05:31
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DocScrutinizer05of course such failure will regularly show as IO-error05:32
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silviofHi, the three toolchains "cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm7", "cs2007q3-glibc2.5-i486" and the thumb-tc are state of the art for the n900?08:32
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silviof... or exists somewhere newer toolchains08:34
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silviofuu - and what are the main developing repositories? maemo.gito... or gito../community-ssu?08:50
silviof... and exists a script where I can download all repositories (or maybe a repositorie with all reps as submodules)?08:52
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MaxdamantusHmm .. does the device normally turn off while it's at the uboot shell after a few seconds?11:37
Maxdamantusis it because of one of the watchdogs?11:37
Maxdamantusit's about 20s in11:38
MaxdamantusYeah, disabling all three of the "auto reboot" things fixed it.11:41
Maxdamantusdisabling only the "OMAP watchdog" didn't.11:41
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keriowhy do you need to "fix" that12:59
DocScrutinizer05no, afaik uBoot should tickle the watchdogs13:04
DocScrutinizer05not sure about it13:04
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DocScrutinizer05though, you could actually start to question the usefulness of those watchdogs anyway13:08
DocScrutinizer05in the end what else do they do than rebooting the device - sth I should be able to do myself via long press of power button any time13:09
Ashley`<DocScrutinizer05> though, you could actually start to question the usefulness of those watchdogs anyway13:09
Ashley`For me, they never rebooted my device when they should.13:10
Ashley`Only when for example, installing packages with pacman, etc.13:10
DocScrutinizer05sure, when your device locks up for obscure reasons while in your pocket, you may miss events like inbound calls and timer alarms13:10
DocScrutinizer05Ashley`: when *should* they reboot?13:12
Ashley`<DocScrutinizer05> sure, when your device locks up for obscure reasons while in your pocket, you may miss events like inbound calls and timer alarms13:12
Ashley`for example :P13:12
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Ashley`There should be a way to disable it and enable easily13:12
Ashley`without R&D etc13:12
Ashley`But I don't know if that's possible13:12
DocScrutinizer05Ashley`: did that ever happen to you?13:13
Ashley`so for me they're unuseful :P13:13
DocScrutinizer05so, how can you say the WDs never rebooted when they should?13:13
Ashley`I meant, they rebooted my device, but only when I didn't want to13:14
Ashley`(muh english :s)13:14
DocScrutinizer05I wonder if you can set flags via softupd and maemo generic flasher13:14
DocScrutinizer05or maybe even pretty straight forward via libcal13:15
DocScrutinizer05resp calvaria13:15
DocScrutinizer05then otoh I guess there IS a way to stop a WD. A generic linux way13:16
DocScrutinizer05and definitely there's a way to *start* WDs13:17
Ashley`hm? (I was asking for disabling them some time ago, and people told me that it's possible only in R&D)13:17
DocScrutinizer05well, stoppig the WD is one thing. Stopping the kernel and whatelse to tickle (and thus restart) WDs is another thing13:18
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DocScrutinizer05in /dev there's twl4030_wdt and watchdog13:24
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DocScrutinizer05no idea where's the bb5-based watchdog (assuming there must be one)13:28
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DocScrutinizer05umm, maybe there isn't?13:31
DocScrutinizer05or is lifeguard the BB5 modem?13:31
DocScrutinizer05I think lifeguard is dsme13:32
DocScrutinizer05and I'm actually not sure if the modem ever uses the reset line it has into CPU13:33
DocScrutinizer05The watchdog is automatically started once you open ‘/dev/watchdog’. To stop the watchdog, you will need to:13:38
DocScrutinizer05Write character ‘V’ into ‘/dev/watchdog’ to prevent stopping the watchdog accidentally13:38
DocScrutinizer05Close the ‘/dev/watchdog’ file13:38
DocScrutinizer05An exception on stopping the watchdog by closing the file is when ‘CONFIG_WATCHDOG_NOWAYOUT’ is enabled in your kernel configuration. When this option is enabled, the watchdog cannot be stopped at all. Hence, you will need to feed / kick it all the time or it will reset the system13:39
DocScrutinizer05To kick or to feed the watchdog you can do it in two ways:13:40
DocScrutinizer05Write any character into ‘/dev/watchdog’. You can write any character into /dev/watchdog, but, my suggestion, don’t write ‘V’ character (See the ‘Starting-Stopping Watchdog’ point above)13:40
DocScrutinizer05Use IOCTL to insert ‘WDIOC_KEEPALIVE’ value.13:40
DocScrutinizer05hmm, I can't spot any process holding a file handle to 7dev/watchdog or /dev/twl4030_wdt13:44
DocScrutinizer05lsof doesn't show any open handles to those13:45
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sixwheeledbeastAh, I found what's missing in CSSU-S to get the headset button working on OMP.19:01
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pari42does any one know where i can get system images for the n810?20:47
pari42is saying that the url is not found20:48
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silvioffreemangordon: is the kernel development going on a separate mailinglist? or alkml?22:25
silviofHi, the three toolchains "cs2007q3-glibc2.5-arm7", "cs2007q3-glibc2.5-i486" and the thumb-tc are state of the art for the n900?22:25
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