IRC log of #maemo for Thursday, 2012-05-10

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ShadowJKHey a stock-kernel fix for this would be a script to switch off sniff,park,hold on incoming/outgoing call, heh.00:26
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freemangordonShadowJK, how do you disable that?00:28
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DocScrutinizerMrPingu: he grew out of it00:28
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ShadowJKhciconfig hci0 lp00:28
ShadowJK(to see current link policy)00:28
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ShadowJKhciconfig hci0 lp rswitch00:28
ShadowJK(to disable everything except rswitch)00:28
ShadowJKhciconfig hci0 lp RSWITCH,HOLD,SNIFF,PARK00:28
ShadowJK(to put back the way it was)00:28
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freemangordonSo, it works when SNIFF is disabled?00:28
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infobotDocScrutinizer: infobot joined!00:29
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ShadowJKI disabled everything except rswitch00:29
ShadowJKSo I didn't specifically test sniff in isolation00:30
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DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: ShadowJK: isn't it quite simple? you just rename bt.ko to bt:with_patch.ko, then you modprobe either one or the other00:34
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, nah, you cannot rmmod bt.ko00:35
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: I's say you *should NOT* install fremantle and HARM in same scratchbox00:35
DocScrutinizerfreemangordon: even if you can't modprobe -r, you still can make it pick one of both at boot time00:36
freemangordonMohammadAG: and I will agree with DocScrutinizer in case you're going to use that for CSSU builds00:37
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MohammadAGand a proposed solution is?00:40
MohammadAGcan I have two scratchbox installations?00:40
freemangordonuse vmware images00:40
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MohammadAGperformance hit00:41
MohammadAGbut sure, Fremantle only it is...00:41
freemangordonMohammadAG, not such a big performance hit, that is what I am using, an dcan tell you that is fully usable00:42
freemangordonwell, 4 phenom cores, but still00:43
chem|stfor some reason MyDocs locked up read-only three times so far...00:45
DocScrutinizerMohammadAG: yes, basically you can have multiple SB instances00:46
DocScrutinizerthe main problem with SB is the "hardcoded" patch /scratchbox00:46
chem|stuh scratchbox is the devil in disguise00:47
DocScrutinizerI guess there's an 'unknown' cmdline option for installer, to install it to anywhere else00:47
Estel_quick off-topic lame question, who remember command to check hardware revision + another one to check already installed variant (global, UK, USA, asia etc) of N900?00:47
DocScrutinizerhow's that OT?00:48
Estel_I convinced my mother to sell her xperia x10 mini pro and buy N900 (sic!), found a 120$ used in ideeal condition here in Poland00:48
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Estel_off-topic from scratchbox talk :P00:48
DocScrutinizerEstel_: sysinfo-tool -l00:49
Estel_It got UK style plug charger, so its probably UK variant, but I would like to be sure00:49
DocScrutinizersysinfo-tool -g /component/hw-build00:49
chem|stEstel_: a used device I would reflash vanilla anyways00:50
chem|stjust to be sure00:50
DocScrutinizerany day00:50
Estel_I'll reflash it vanilla of course00:50
DocScrutinizerbtw there's simply no hw-variants, modulo the keymat00:50
chem|stEstel_: you do not need to know anything but what to flash00:51
DocScrutinizerlocalized hw variants I mean00:51
Estel_global versus UK/etc variants for fiasco doesn't matter?00:51
chem|stit's just a "shipped with" condition00:51
Estel_ah I see00:51
chem|stuk had limitations afair00:52
chem|stlike radio and stuff00:52
Estel_well, since bought N900 had to reflash only once, on day four, when I screwed multiboot item (not full reflash, just kernel) so I always though it does matter00:52
Estel_so all those things like fmtx unblock were written for people, who could just reflash to have it unlocked?!00:53
chem|stno just make sure you flash rootfs AND emmc at the same time without reboot00:53
Estel_yea, remember about that00:53
chem|stI never needed any unlock for fmtx00:54
chem|stbut boost00:54
Estel_BTW, yesterday, I was fixing one N900 with USBmport torn away with pads - I used testpads. as for data+/data-, only one lacking element is common mode choke, but what about +5V?00:54
Estel_it lacks 2A 5V fuse for sure when goes from testpads00:55
Estel_any other lacking things? DocScrutinizer? :P00:55
Estel_well, I've used jacekowski's fmtx (still using it) so boost not needed, also, kernel-power set it to 120 from version 48 or 4900:56
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Estel_damn connection00:58
Estel_I'm really thinking about using small custom PCB with springs touching correct testpads,in custom aluminum body for N90000:59
Estel_to create alternative plug for charging and USB, without wear&tear for default USB00:59
Estel_common mode choke lacking in USB circuit from testpads isn't any problem, untill You work on naked nuclear reactor01:00
DocScrutinizerEstel_: I elaborated on components and their names missing when using the testpads for USB, on tmo01:00
Estel_but I'm worried about +5V from testpads. Fuse can be incorporated into design01:00
Estel_yea, but latter01:00
Estel_blue_led denied lacking of ESD protection on data+ and - via testpads01:01
Estel_and it seems that he is right01:01
Estel_following tracks on schematics01:01
Estel_I'm less experienced than You, but it seems that really only common mode choke is missing on data+-01:01
Estel_which sound reasonable, as direct connection to chip, even in lab, would be insane01:02
DocScrutinizerplus tranzorbs I'd guess01:02
DocScrutinizerwhich are the real problem01:02
DocScrutinizeras those do all the ESD protection01:03
Estel_high power current switching?01:03
DocScrutinizerEstel_: sorry I have no link to my tmo post at hand01:04
Estel_ok, will ensure that. I'm hestitant to design anything that can hurt someone's device01:04
DocScrutinizeryou'll have to search it in those half dozen USB related threads01:04
Estel_no problem, I'll find it01:04
Estel_it's on "repair before and aftefr to late"01:04
Estel_seen it yesterday01:04
Estel_all info from there are 100% confirmed from Your own research?01:05
Estel_I'm asking, cause some time ago it was said that it's direct connection to USB chip, which isn't true, many FUD circulating around TMO when it goes to testpads and hardware01:05
Estel_if something is small, cheap and easily available I can incorporate it into cuatom body on small PCB01:06
Estel_when possible01:06
Estel_to add *before* testpads01:06
Estel_it would be "supercool" to allow people owning my custom alum body to have alternative USB connection with charging capabilities, yet, I still have to decide if doing smth like that is feasible for body replacement01:07
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DocScrutinizerEstel_: the info in that post listing names of components missing when testpads used has been done by me, directly from schematics01:09
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Estel_ok, thanks a lot01:10
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Estel_btw Your personal opinion on possibility to reproduce them on small PCB "outside" N900, i.e. connecting to testpads after PCB?01:11
Estel_(pcb would be incorporated into body replacement)01:11
Estel_to reproduce them cheaply*01:11
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DocScrutinizerI still recommend the proper fix, using original location of USB receptacle, and wiring to next possible contact01:14
Estel_damn, I'm really tempted by this feature request. Although I must be careful, someone already wanted me to include solar panel LOL01:14
DocScrutinizerif pads are gone01:14
Estel_yea, but proper fix require acces to motherboard01:15
Estel_and I mean project of creating replacement aluminum (black) body for N90001:15
Estel_with properly shielded hirose cables for connecting into motherboard and normal plugs on outer body side01:15
Estel_most people are already aware of this project :P (shameless note)01:16
DocScrutinizerwhy would you want an alu case? don't you need any BR, WLAN, GSM?01:16
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Estel_hey, if done properly it boost reception instead of lowering it, havent You heard about phones with alu body from factory::P01:16
* DocScrutinizer envisions Estel_ explaining customers "you're holding it incorrectly"01:17
Estel_very funny01:18
Estel_I'm planing to incoporate antenna elements outside I mean build in01:18
Estel_default N900 antennas are also plastic parts with antenna inside01:18
Estel_alu body will act like reflector, actually01:18
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DocScrutinizerbut not enclosed in an alu can01:19
Estel_of course01:19
Estel_unless You're treating it as tinfoil hat :P01:19
Estel_worriede that someone will hack u through l33t wifi01:19
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DocScrutinizerEstel_: antenna design is pretty fsckng difficult for 'normal' designs01:20
Estel_don't quote me on that, but I've also heard that simply connecting all antenna springs to allu case also boost reception, but I don't plan to use such approach :P01:20
Estel_yet I'm quite experienced with fractal antennas01:21
Estel_in 4nec it works, will try in real life :P01:21
DocScrutinizerit's near impossible to get anything semi-working in an alu case, without a RF design house to do the job and provide the experience01:21
Estel_BTW doesn't N950 had alu body?01:22
DocScrutinizernot at ends, where antennae live01:22
Estel_wtf I fucked words placement in that question01:22
Estel_which is how I plan to do it :)01:22
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Estel_do You think that it may turns out to be hard in design01:23
Estel_i.e. result in antenna that works only when held "correctly" ?01:23
DocScrutinizerquite a bit, but feasible if you're experienced in RF01:23
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Estel_hope that I'm experienced enough ;)01:24
DocScrutinizerand don't worry about "correct holding" - this applies to standard N900 as well ;-D01:24
Estel_btw I've hard that You tried to use hirose connectors and external antennas01:24
DocScrutinizerI did that on GTA0201:24
Estel_in Your case, it resulted in worse reception due to a) bad antenna b) lack of shielding on cable?01:25
Estel_ah I see01:25
Estel_c) fcked design of gta02 when it comes to hirose connectors? ;P01:25
DocScrutinizerwell, for what I did on GTA02, it worked01:26
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Estel_oh, so someone was spreading fud about Your results01:26
DocScrutinizerwhich basically been: attach test adapter to test receptacle, attach GSM antenna to test adapter01:27
DocScrutinizerand for FUD, I think you confuse me with somebody else01:28
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DocScrutinizeryou, or that someone01:28
Estel_possible, memories fade.01:29
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Estel_anyway, I'm off, thanks for today talk + freemangordon for debugging sessiosn :P01:30
Estel_see ya!01:30
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davuxthere's a script that calculates the WEP key for some modems (huawei):
davuxis there a way to hook into the connection process so that the calculated key can be set automatically?02:16
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davuxthe ideal scenario would be: click on "internet connections", select the one you would like to connect to, and the key would be calculated and set on the fly02:17
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iBorgok soo....03:23
iBorgi have n900 that was working fine03:23
iBorgnow it wont boot03:23
DocScrutinizerwhat's the exact symptoms?03:23
iBorgi get yellow (charge) light x2, then faint Nokia screen, then white pips for like 1 second, enough to go left to right and roght to middle left, then it switches off and repeats.03:24
DocScrutinizeriBorg: what's the exact symptoms?03:24
iBorgi have 2 new batteries fully charged03:25
iBorgsame issue03:25
iBorgoh and the phone wont do anything if the power cable is not plugged in03:25
iBorgie a fully charged battery put in and the phone wont turn on03:26
iBorgonly when the power cable and battery is in does it cycle03:26
DocScrutinizerit won't do *anything* when you insert battery and then press powerbutton?03:26
iBorgany ideas ?03:26
DocScrutinizerwhat's the yellow light like, when you plug in wallcharger? is it steady for some seconds?03:27
iBorgit lights up 2 times sometimes 3 and then faint nokia screen, then white pips and then off as described above03:28
DocScrutinizerso you say it blinks?03:28
iBorg2 times sometimes 303:28
DocScrutinizerand what are white pips?03:28
iBorgthe screen comes on pips = the screens white forward and back "progress bar"03:29
DocScrutinizerI think I've never seen that progress bar, maybe I'm just too tired03:30
iBorgok, so...03:30
iBorgwell when the phone boots the screen comes on03:30
iBorgtheres like 5 white dots on screen03:30
ShadowJKthe animated balls moving left/right like knight rider scanner03:31
DocScrutinizerfirst a "NOKIA" without backlight, then a blue NOKIA on white with backlight03:31
DocScrutinizeryes, then 5 dots03:31
iBorgyea 5 dots03:31
DocScrutinizerthe knightrider dots03:31
iBorg= pips lol03:31
iBorgyea thats the thing03:31
DocScrutinizeryou need to reflash03:31
iBorgthats been suggested...03:32
iBorgive tried to get the phone into that mode but it wont03:32
iBorgmuch to the dismay of my m8, he says there supposed to be a USB sign in top right when pressing U phone dont get that far03:33
iBorgive tied putting battery in, then the power chord. and pressing U03:33
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iBorgthe phone is here now just looping as above03:34
DocScrutinizerplease try the following: completely switch off phone, open slider and press&hold 'u' key, while holding the key you insert the original Nokia wallcharger03:34
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iBorgwith or without battery in ?03:35
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DocScrutinizerremove nad re-insert battery to make sure it's powered down03:35
DocScrutinizerthen hold 'u', plug USB charger03:36
iBorgok im waiting a few secs...03:36
iBorgbattery in..03:36
iBorgit buzzed...03:36
iBorgfaint nokia sign03:36
iBorg2 yellow lights#03:36
iBorgnight rider lights03:36
DocScrutinizeryur battery is too low03:37
iBorgand its turned off and now repeating..03:37
iBorgi have 2 battery03:37
iBorgand charger say they are both charged03:37
DocScrutinizerwhatever your charger may be, it's incorrect03:37
iBorghmm ok03:37
DocScrutinizeror both batteries are defect03:38
iBorgthe original battery was left in it flat03:38
DocScrutinizerin theory also N900 could have a very unusual defect to cause that, but we've never seen this so far03:39
iBorgits after it wouldnt take a charge that i got new 1;s03:39
iBorgim gona try the other battery03:39
DocScrutinizerdo you have a voltmeter?03:39
DocScrutinizerany other Nokia device to charge the BL-5J battery?03:40
DocScrutinizersome other Nokia phones use it as well03:40
iBorgi have a dedicated charger i brought03:41
DocScrutinizeryep, I suspect it's either crap by design, or defect03:41
iBorgdo u know a place i can get another charger?03:42
DocScrutinizerwell, I don't even know where you live03:42
iBorgebey ?03:42
iBorgebay ?03:42
DocScrutinizersorry, I'm on the continent03:42
DocScrutinizerchargers from ebay are of very indetermined quality03:43
iBorghmm i was thinking getting another n900 from ebay03:43
DocScrutinizeryou can find all from a plastic contraption with 2 wires to a plug for 5V wallwart charger03:44
DocScrutinizerto sophisticated charger with charger controller chip03:44
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DocScrutinizerthat should work as well03:44
DocScrutinizeror simply get another battery for 15 min03:44
iBorghave u got any links to chargers, so that i can find 1 in the uk of the same type ?03:44
DocScrutinizera charged one03:45
DocScrutinizermaybe from a friend with a compatible Nokia phone03:45
iBorgi dont know anyione03:45
iBorgmaybe a trip to the local phone shop ?03:45
DocScrutinizergood idea03:45
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DocScrutinizerinsist in buying a 100% charged battery03:46
iBorgi will give it a try03:46
DocScrutinizeror ask them for a proper charger03:46
iBorgor both03:46
DocScrutinizerthough the good ones are not exactly cheap03:46
iBorgthing is03:46
iBorghow much are they where u are03:46
iBorgeuros ?03:47
DocScrutinizerprobably 30+03:47
DocScrutinizerdon't buy a charger that has no indicator for charge progress03:48
DocScrutinizerat very least a red and green LED or sth03:48
iBorgi have 103:48
iBorgits green with no battery, then red when battery is in and charging, then it goes green once charged03:49
DocScrutinizereven simpler: ask the friendly dude in shop if he can probe the actual battery voltage for you03:49
DocScrutinizerit should be considerably >4.00V03:49
iBorgi will try it in the morning03:50
DocScrutinizermaybe 4.1V optimum 4.2V03:50
iBorgi will let u know how i get on03:50
iBorgthanks again03:50
DocScrutinizeranyway - the boting with 'u' held down should result in dim NOKIA screen with USB icon in upper right corner. If it doesn't stay there, it's trying to charge battery as that is too weak for flashing03:51
DocScrutinizertoo bad, when the system needs reflashing to even start charging03:51
DocScrutinizera deadlock03:52
iBorgi dont even see a USB sign for a moment03:52
DocScrutinizerso very first thing for you to do tomorrow; find somebody with a voltmeter and ask him to probe exact voltage of both your batteries03:53
iBorgmy dad has 103:53
iBorgi will pop there first03:53
DocScrutinizer(I gather you charged them immediately before you tried flashing)03:53
iBorgcharger was red for a few secs then went green03:54
iBorgas ive charged them both up already03:54
DocScrutinizerif yur father has a voltmeter, he maybe also knows how to check your charger for correct operation03:54
iBorgi have a datacable also03:55
DocScrutinizercharger immediately switching to "charge end" is usually no good sign03:55
iBorgdo i need a driver to charge the phone via usb/pc03:55
DocScrutinizerno, not a driver, just a working system on phone03:55
iBorgoriginally with the new batteries... it took about 3-4 hours to go green03:55
iBorgif i leave the phone 'cycling' then the battery does appear to run down, and require charging, then the charger stays red for some time, until green03:56
DocScrutinizerwhat's "some time" in minutes03:57
DocScrutinizer(and yes, bootloops will discharge battery)03:57
iBorgit depends on how long i leave it looping03:58
iBorgboth the new batteries were 'fully charged' when i put them away the other day03:58
iBorgthe batteries i got are identical to the original04:00
iBorgand the charger is the same as my friend has for his n900, but he lives 200 miles away04:00
DocScrutinizeryou should actually take your phone and Nokia wallwart PSU to phone shop, and ask to use a new BL-5J to do the boot+'u' test04:00
iBorgyea both my batteries are Bl-5J04:01
DocScrutinizera charged 'new' (or known good) BL-5J04:01
iBorgeven have the holograms on04:01
DocScrutinizerit might actually be your charger killing batteries04:02
iBorgok i will try and get it sorted tomorrow04:03
iBorgthanks again...04:04
iBorgi will let u know how i get on04:04
iBorgchat soon04:05
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DocScrutinizerWTF wiki now sends notifications with IP instead of proper URL04:05
DocScrutinizerlike "see: for changes"04:06
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DocScrutinizerwho's maintaining the mediawiki stuff?04:13
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: ??04:14
prontogod is my friend04:14
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: see above, maemo wiki sends nonsensical modification notice mails, with IP instead URL04:14
DocScrutinizerX-Fade: I suspect the whole system is using the "URL" that any user used to access html. So for as well as as well as it even uses this URL as the one to place into generated webpages' links and also into change-notification mails04:18
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davuxwhere can i find documentation on what exactly happens on selecting an internet connection from the list?04:26
DocScrutinizerhard to find good documentation on this04:29
DocScrutinizerprobably hard to find *any*04:30
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DocScrutinizeranyway seems there's some knowledge about the process. You might just ask...06:03
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* ShadowJK tests bt with just hf disabled07:50
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ShadowJKseems to work well07:54
ShadowJKbut the original issue can't reliable be reproduced07:54
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ShadowJKSo.. One phone is N900 stock, other N900 kp50 default kp50 bt.ko... N900 stock worked 5 minutes straight with disabled sniff08:04
ShadowJKhowever, now also kp50 is working it seems... :/08:05
ShadowJKhard to reproduce D:08:05
ShadowJKok excellent, now also kp50 went buzzy08:06
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SiceloThe chips have new requirements for security and power management, and Microsoft is the only one who can meet those needs.10:21
SiceloNice, very nice10:21
chem|sttime for mozilla to consider changing from featurefancy to code performance10:22
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jacekowskii don't really see any details in that article10:22
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tank-manno firefox on xbox either, so10:25
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vi__where can can I get a new N900 keyboard?15:05
vi__I bought one on ebay but it is shite quality.15:05
chem|stvi__: continent?15:10
chem|st1: QWERTY KEYMAT ENGLISH NOKIA Repair Parts 026574015:11
chem|stvi__: where are you at?15:11
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vi__chem|st: UK15:21
vi__uh huh...15:22
DocScrutinizervi__: depends on what you actually need15:24
DocScrutinizerthere'S domesheet and there's keymat15:25
DocScrutinizerand there's plastic kbd frame15:25
vi__I want the actual keyboard...15:27
DocScrutinizervi__: obviously new keymat won't help if the spring discs in domesheet are defect15:27
DocScrutinizervi__: damn, all that is keyboard15:27
vi__Some of the letters have worn off my old one (return and right arrow)15:27
vi__and I need some new letters15:27
vi__I do not know how else to say it.15:27
DocScrutinizerso you need a new keymat15:28
DocScrutinizernotorious problem with the paint coming off15:28
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vi__DocScrutinizer: what is the best solution?15:28
DocScrutinizermy daily N900 has a small spot on e/3 key already15:29
DocScrutinizervi__: new keymat :-)15:29
chem|stdomesheet + keymat, if not carefull15:29
DocScrutinizerof course you might consider applying some sort of protector foil to the new keymat15:29
chem|stDocScrutinizer: my e key lost its preasrepoint gtg15:29
StyXmanvi__: keymat is the black thinguie where all the letters are printed on and that you actually touch when you want to press the key15:30
DocScrutinizerchem|st: new domesheet15:30
vi__yes, but where do I get a new genuine one?15:31
DocScrutinizergoogle / ebay15:31
DocScrutinizerchem|st gave a good set of keywords, plus some link aiui15:31
vi__ebay only has fakes15:31
vi__I have emailed the link provided by chem|st to enquire if the keymat is a genuine nokia one15:32
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DocScrutinizerI bought my last one from a local seller here in Germany, for almost 20EUR, and it's been a genuine one and worked fine (means as the original one)15:33
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jean_brathi,i have an issue with my n900 and it does not boot,it turned off coz of low battery but now i am using a fully charged battery from an another phone15:38
jean_bratNOKIA screen comes and it fades away .. it does not show the usual booting bar with ....(4 dots) at akk15:38
DocScrutinizerjean_brat: reflash15:38
jean_bratany documents on how to do it?15:39
infoboti guess maemo-flashing is
DocScrutinizertake care about your battery! it needs to have sufficient charge to flash successfully. And your phone won't charge battery in that state15:40
DocScrutinizeryou need full battery to flash, you need flashed phone to charge battery! think about it!15:41
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jean_brati have a fully charged battery from my 580015:41
DocScrutinizergood! :-D15:41
jean_brata question.. if any thing happens such as power down of my system or something like that will i able to do it again?15:42
jean_brator is it a risky attempt?15:42
StyXmanjean_brat: I flashed my phone at least 3 times with no problems15:43
DocScrutinizeryes, no risk at all15:43
DocScrutinizeryou basically can't brick the N90015:43
StyXmanjust have a full battery and you're set15:44
DocScrutinizerworst case is that you'd need to do a coldflash15:44
DocScrutinizer*very* rarely needed but no problem, if you manage to run into that situation15:44
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DocScrutinizerin your case anyway a pretty normal reflash of *COMBINED* only will do15:46
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kent_autisticsup yall. does frequently going to network connections in the status menu consume much power? i want to connect to network internet easily but hesitant to add connectnow widget into my homescreens15:56
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hurrianno, it doesnt, only consumes power for waking up the wifi radio and screen, same as connectnow15:59
kent_autisticwhats up kapatid16:00
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DocScrutinizererr, connectnow??16:11
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DocScrutinizeris this some nifty widget to save one click on screen?16:12
kent_autistictwo clicks and 4 secs16:13
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DocScrutinizerooh, and btw what hurrian said is only partially true. It's true it only activates WLAN chip and screen and uses a bit of CPU cycles, but WLAN chip will do a scan and that's eating quite a bit of energy16:14
DocScrutinizerdang, you need 2 seconds / click? ;-D16:15
kent_autisticooooh thats what i wanted to know. sorry for the incomplete query. if frequent scans consume significant power16:15
kent_autisticthe scans take 2 secs!16:15
DocScrutinizerwell, if connectnow does scans in background to keep list of AP up-to-date, then I'd consider it a pretty nasty app and for sure a battery killer16:16
DocScrutinizerscans take more than 2sec16:16
DocScrutinizerfist results may show up after 2 sec16:16
DocScrutinizerbut I frequently see APs getting added to that list even 20s after I opened it16:17
DocScrutinizerthat's however the way WLAN chips work, not much to be done about it16:18
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DocScrutinizerbtw all this resulted in "period between scans" setting on settings-internet-wlan16:19
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vi__why not just make a widget with QBW or DCEW that uses the 'connect to any' dbus call?16:21
vi__This allows you to go online with 1 click prioritising wlan.16:21
vi__It checks for known wifi, then GPRS and if that failz, opens a 'choose connection' dialogue.16:22
DocScrutinizersounds cool16:25
DocScrutinizerI won't need it as my WLAN connects automatically anyway16:26
DocScrutinizerand fallback is GPRS which I never feel like shutting down16:26
vi__DocScrutinizer: so you are connected 24/716:27
DocScrutinizeryep, sure16:27
vi__how long does your battery last?16:27
DocScrutinizerotherwise my SIP number was a bit useless, and xchat wouldn't really work the way I want it to16:27
DocScrutinizerusually at least 16h, I.E. long enough16:27
DocScrutinizeron 2G16:28
vi__DocScrutinizer: you use n900 SIP? Do you use power kernel?16:28
DocScrutinizeroccasionally I switch to 3G for browsing and forget to return to 2G, and that may kill battery in like 5h16:28
DocScrutinizerno, not on my daily phone16:29
DocScrutinizerstock kernel16:29
jacekowskisip over 2g?16:29
DocScrutinizerjust did a SIP call 3 min ago16:29
jacekowskiover 2g?16:29
DocScrutinizerSIP over 2G tends to not really work nicely16:29
jacekowskisounds like a name of a torture16:29
DocScrutinizerI need to switch to 3G for convenient quality16:30
DocScrutinizerand I couldn't say it's always available for inbound calls anyway16:30
DocScrutinizerbut that's not the main reason for 24/7 online, so I don't mind that much when inbound calls don't make it to my N900 when I'm not at home (i.e. not on WLAN)16:31
DocScrutinizeroutbound calls via 3G anyway work flawlessly16:32
vi__Perhaps you might know if SIP quality suffers like skype quality when using PK?16:32
DocScrutinizersorry, no idea16:32
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DocScrutinizerbut I'd say it shouldn't, neither on SIP nor on skype16:33
DocScrutinizerI'd call it a regression in KP then16:33
DocScrutinizerwhich should get a ticket and investigation by Pali ;-)16:34
vi__heh, I think pali does enough16:34
DocScrutinizerPK is supposed to 'just work'16:34
DocScrutinizervi__: any info on the particular nature of that suffering?16:35
vi__sure.  When using skype the audio degrades (over about 5 seconds from the start of the call) to garbage at worst, choppy robot noises at best.16:36
vi__Even with 2 devices on the same wlan (if skype even does any real P2P for that matter)16:37
vi__I do not even want to use skype, however I know no way to skype<->SIP bridge.16:38
DocScrutinizervi__: any clue if that'S related to network jitter or audio/PA issues?16:38
DocScrutinizerand skype<->SIP bridge is POTS :-D16:39
vi__I suspect it is due to some kind of badly coded thing in N900 skype client.16:40
vi__Skype works fine for two computers together on my home LAN16:40
vi__just not N900 to computer16:40
vi__On 3G it is just not worth even trying.16:41
vi__However I seem to recall that skype worked 'ok' on nokia kernel.16:41
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DocScrutinizerwell, voice call quality issues are basically of the class "hard to reproduce", means there's way too many variables influencing the result16:44
DocScrutinizerso this means the fact it worked 6 months ago when you incidentally were on stock kernel doesn't mean the recent problems are caused by your transition to PK16:46
DocScrutinizercould be anything from PK to codec picked by skype to network weather16:47
DocScrutinizerfirst thing to evaluate was to switch forth and back between PK and stock 3 or 4 times and do a sequence of otherwise identical A/B tests16:50
vi__DocScrutinizer: I agree16:50
DocScrutinizercould be related to a lot of things in PK, if at all related to PK16:51
vi__however I don't want to mess with my n900 any more than I have to.16:51
DocScrutinizere.g. network subsystem - PK has netfilters etc16:51
DocScrutinizeraudio drivers16:52
DocScrutinizeror some strange dependency of skype to any idiosyncrasy of stock kernel16:52
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jean_braton the download page.. what is the correct image to be flashed EMMC of combined?16:55
jean_bratwhat is the difference between two?16:55
hurrianEMMC = 32GB storage, containing user programs and documents16:59
hurrianthe other one is the system16:59
jean_bratEMMC is not country specific?17:02
hurrianactually, you're better off flashing the GLOBAL images17:02
jean_bratso the procedure is to flash EMMC and then FIASCO?17:02
DocScrutinizeryou probably don't need to flash EMMC17:03
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hurrian*note: flashing EMMC removes all your stuff on the internal storage17:03
jean_brati will do it , just to clean em once it for all17:04
DocScrutinizerif however you do, then yes, the recommended sequence is to flash eMMC first, as this avoids the problem of unintended boots in between flashing17:04
hurrianthe order doesn't really matter, though17:04
DocScrutinizernot really17:04
DocScrutinizerbut eMMC first, or rather COMBINED last, is a safe way to make sure nothing goes awry during flashing procedure17:05
DocScrutinizerflashing COMBINED first and then eMMC requires strict avoidance of accidentals boots between the two17:05
DocScrutinizereven a few seconds suffice to end with a non working system, so you'll reflash COMBINED again as last step anyway17:06
jean_bratRX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM.bin  is the latest one i believe17:06
DocScrutinizerI think so17:07
DocScrutinizerrightmost col tells what's "recent"17:07
DocScrutinizerso there shouldn't be any doubt really17:07
jean_bratversion numbering is confusing17:09
DocScrutinizerthe advantage of flashing COMBINED first, then eMMC is you don't need to reboot or shut down device between the two steps17:10
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DocScrutinizerso this is considered the method for advanced users17:11
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DocScrutinizerwhile flashing COMBINEd last is the foolproof method17:11
DocScrutinizerless convenient but "works always"17:12
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jean_bratDocScrutinizer, its mentioned in RED that dont reboot between 2 flashes?17:15
DocScrutinizeryes, it's mandatory for the power-user method (COMBINED then EMMC)17:16
DocScrutinizerit's basically irrelevant for the foolproof method (EMMC first then COMBINED)17:17
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DocScrutinizerlook, flashing eMMC nukes /opt. First boot after flashing COMBINED *prepares* /opt17:19
DocScrutinizeryou can't rerun "first boot" /opt preparation process17:19
DocScrutinizerso the safe way is to flash COMBINED *after* eMMC17:20
DocScrutinizeror you make damn sure you don't run "first boot" after flashing COMBINED before flashing eMMC17:21
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DocScrutinizerif you accidentally did, it's "flash COMBINED *again*, after flashing eMMC"17:22
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DocScrutinizerif however your rootfs / system is severely messed up, it will refuse flashing eMMC. So you need to flash COMBINED _first_ then, to make flashing eMMC even work. Then you might have to flash COMBINED again, after flashing eMMC if you accidentally booted device before flashing eMMC17:24
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DocScrutinizerbaseline, whatever you do, you should end with a successfully flashed system, if only you did flash the right images for both eMMC and COMBINED, and you ended your several flashing procedures with a COMBINED flash17:26
DocScrutinizerfirst boot will take quite some time - don't shut down the system during that17:27
DocScrutinizerlike: several minutes17:27
jean_brathmm.. i have whole night to get through this17:28
chem|stthat is why your battery should have a charge of at least 80%17:28
DocScrutinizershould suffice17:28
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jean_bratso flashing EMMC requires an hour at least?17:29
chem|stDocScrutinizer: while downloading and transfering maps with nokiasuite MyDocs locked ro several times, should I be worried?17:29
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DocScrutinizerhmmm, probably17:30
DocScrutinizerI'd do a eMMC reflash17:30
chem|stmeans having a vanilla device again^^17:30
chem|stI do not like!17:31
DocScrutinizerfollowed by a fsck for bad blocks maybe - though I gather that doesn't help for MMC17:31
vi__Then you should install batterypatch for total max performance life.17:31
DocScrutinizerdo proper backups, fool! ;-D17:31
chem|stno wont do good17:31
chem|stvi__: what is batterypatch?17:31
DocScrutinizerbatterypatch BWAHAHAHA17:31
vi__chem|st: A bad TMO joke.17:32
chem|stall the good jokes I miss :(17:32
DocScrutinizeralmost as silly as nosmoke.exe17:32
chem|stor pepperoni_cutter.exe^^17:32
DocScrutinizerjean_brat: no, flashinf eMMC takes like 2..3 minutes iirc17:35
DocScrutinizerthis is not N9 ;-)17:36
vi__DocScrutinizer: is 'softpoweroff' on MCE a script?17:37
DocScrutinizerand flahser for N900 is flasher-3.5, not flasher-3.1217:37
jean_bratFremantle and Diablo flasher is not available in 64bit?17:37
DocScrutinizervi__: probably17:37
DocScrutinizerjean_brat: please read17:37
infobotrumour has it, maemo-flashing is
DocScrutinizerit's explained there17:37
DocScrutinizeryou need 32bit-compat-libs installed on 64bit systems17:38
DocScrutinizerand iirc there's some weird systemconfig bit to set, to make it work17:39
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jean_brat-k, --kernel=ARG  is for EMMC image correct?17:46
infobothmm... maemo-flashing is
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DocScrutinizerplease read the complete page17:51
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DarkchaosGuys, i have a serious problem. i started rm -rf * in /, was not what i wanted to do :/ but i could stop it very fast18:07
Darkchaosmy problem is now, I'm missing some busybox commands but I can access the gnu-utils and dpkg18:08
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merlin1991also, reslash18:08
StyXmanDarkchaos: does apt-get work?18:09
merlin1991StyXman: no point18:09
Darkchaosbut it's running. Is the no way to redownload these18:09
merlin1991post and preinst use busybox stuff18:09
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StyXmanyou can do an ugly thin which is force the reinstallation of all the packages18:09
merlin1991once busybox is gone you're fucked18:09
DarkchaosNo it doesn't because it's using tar18:09
merlin1991"post and preinst"18:10
merlin1991the shellscripts inside the package18:10
merlin1991they use busybox stuff, trust me18:10
Darkchaosbut I have tar etc because i later installed the gnu utils18:10
merlin1991also debs are not tar, but ar18:10
Darkchaosyes, but as long as the syntax is not that different, i could link "gtar" to "tar" which would work?18:10
jean_brathi i am facing an issue with the flasher and it displays18:10
jean_bratUSB device found found at bus 001, device address 011.18:11
jean_bratError claiming USB interface: Operation not permitted18:11
merlin1991"tar" and "ar" are completely different18:11
Darkchaosar is working18:11
merlin1991well you could try a18:11
merlin1991apt-get install --reinstall busybox18:11
merlin1991and go on from there18:11
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Darkchaoshmm ok flashing seems to be a nice idea as well, as my / was about 99% full, causing several errors such as impossibility of updating, forcing me to reboot the phone every day as calls were not incoming anymore18:13
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Darkchaosis flashing dangerous or hard?18:13
jacekowskiif you can read the manual18:14
jacekowskibut you can't brick your phone18:14
jacekowskiyou can make it unbootable, but it can be recovered with nothing more than normal usb cable and PC18:15
jacekowskiit may be complicated on windows18:15
Darkchaosand my contacts and sms are all stored in /home? so copyin all this should be enough?18:15
jacekowskimake a backup using normal backup app18:16
rm_workif you are not changing software versions, yes18:16
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rm_workif you are moving from like 1.1 to 1.2 or something, it could be problematic just manually copying /home over18:16
rm_workthat's why we recommend you use the built-in backup application18:16
rm_workassuming it still works :/18:16
Darkchaosor if im not flashing the emmc works?18:16
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rm_workerr this is maemo not harmattan, lol... so yeah, you should be fine18:17
rm_workjust backup your home18:17
Darkchaosok and contacts are in /home or smth not in /etc or something?18:18
Darkchaosand how can i determinate which version i need to not update the software?18:19
Darkchaosbecause I only want to keep contacts, sms and the call history, no applications18:22
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Darkchaosfuck, unnable to start up winscp to backup files :/18:24
jean_bratHi it took less the 3 mins to flash VEnnila and combined both18:24
jean_bratdon know if it deployed 32 gigs in 3 mins18:25
Darkchaoscan i save the data on the sd card somehow?18:25
Darkchaoswill this work?18:25
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jean_brathi i just flahsed it as per the instruction but device still does not boot18:30
jean_bratafter NOKIA logo ..... appears couple of times and then it turns off again18:31
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jacekowskijean_brat: then you didn't do it as per instruction18:32
infobotwell, maemo-flashing is
jacekowskiread the whole thing18:32
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Darkchaosand only saving /home is enought18:33
Darkchaosor how can i only backup several things18:33
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jean_bratjacekowski, i used the flsher script and deployed the vennila image and then diconnected the cable removed the battery for a while and reconnected it and deployed the combined image18:36
jean_bratwith -18:36
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jean_bratwith -R for the last one18:36
jean_bratit went without any issues neat and clean18:37
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jean_bratnow when i turn back on.. it does not go beyond that screen18:37
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DarkchaosI Have to find out which Image to use, but I have no clue where?18:40
jacekowskijean_brat: try doing it again18:40
jacekowskiand paste whole output to like pastebin.com18:41
jacekowskiand it takes like 5 minutes for first boot18:41
jean_bratok vennila is done again,18:42
Darkchaosguys please, how can i determinate my maemo version by only using the shell?18:42
jean_bratshell i have to keep the device connected to my laptop? after i install COMBINED..? untill it reboots?18:43
DarkchaosThe Problem is I cannot see the versions available because I have to shutdown my device for the IMEI, doing this, I cannot access maemo anymore18:43
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jean_bratjacekowski, what bothers me is.. on the task bar it keeps displaying n900 rom connected / disconnected during the procedure18:44
jean_bratdon know if its normal18:45
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jean_bratFinishing flashing... done18:46
jean_bratErasing CMT:  49%18:46
jean_bratCMT ?? don knwo what that means18:47
jean_brat100% (185600 of 185600 kB, avg. 13641 kB/s)18:47
jean_bratFinishing flashing... done18:47
jean_bratCMT flashed successfully18:47
jean_bratFinishing flashing... done18:48
jean_bratCMT flashed successfully18:48
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jean_brati still have my USB connected18:50
jean_bratshell i remove?18:50
jean_bratits doing something and vibrater is sounding ever 5 second18:50
chem|stthe vibrating is odd18:51
chem|stdisconnect and boot18:51
jean_bratand the light is blinking like the charging indication18:51
Darkchaosjacekowski: How do I know which firmware I'm running. (using debian) And whats the difference between emmc and usual flashing?18:51
jean_bratDarkchaos, i am in soup already.. by flashing emmc,, don know if it works18:53
chem|stDarkchaos: you flash the global image anytime, emmc is the device with home and everything18:54
chem|stbut without rootfs18:54
chem|stjean_brat: does it boot?18:54
Darkchaosthat means emmc is a "light" version which does not replace my operating system?18:54
jean_bratchem|st, does the screeb go black?18:54
Darkchaosbut only my Data18:54
jean_bratafter the progress bar?18:55
jean_bratdon know what is it doing..looks like dead again18:55
jean_bratno LED and no sound18:55
chem|stjean_brat: yes18:55
chem|stafair black but lit18:56
chem|stjust let it sit for 5-10 minutes18:56
jean_bratchem|st, how many times we can flash this thing?18:56
chem|stDarkchaos: if flashing emmc you are forced to flash rootfs18:56
chem|stjean_brat: alot of times if battery was 100% at first18:57
jean_bratno ROM.. i got 2 batteries here18:58
chem|stno ROM?18:58
jean_bratROM has limits of flashing or something?18:58
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jean_bratok 1 more time.. and this time i wont use -R i will flash and reboot manually18:59
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jacekowskiDarkchaos: it's somewhere in settings -> about18:59
jacekowskiDarkchaos: there are two types of flash on n90018:59
jacekowskiDarkchaos: emmc and nand18:59
jacekowskiDarkchaos: you have to flash both18:59
chem|stjean_brat: eMMC19:00
chem|stah didnt want to hit enter...19:00
chem|stjace said it19:00
jean_bratyes vennila and combined images19:01
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jean_bratback to back by removing the battery after vennila19:05
chem|stjean_brat: why do you remove the.... nevermind the manual said so right?19:06
jean_bratif this does not work i will do it in reverse order19:06
jean_brattime for the first boot19:07
chem|stthat fast?19:07
jean_bratstill not working brother19:07
chem|stwasn't even a minute for rootfs...19:07
jean_brati don know actually the script executes fine..19:08
jean_bratbut the bar keep displaying n900 rom recognied n900 rom removed19:08
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jean_bratdon know if its actually deploying the image19:09
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Darkchaoswhat confuses me, the filebrowser on the n900 displays the backupped int_kb_layout but not the folders in MyDocs19:11
Darkchaosnevermind, it has to be because .sounds -> hidden19:11
DarkchaosVersion: 20.2010.36-2 ?19:12
jean_bratchem|st, anything wearied ?19:12
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jean_brati am gonna do this in windows now19:13
jean_bratironically i have 64 bit19:13
jean_bratof both19:13
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DarkchaosRX-51_2009SE_20.2010.36-2_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM.bin       200174197       PR 1.3 version 20.2010.36-2     Latest Maemo 5 Global release for Nokia N900  is this ok?19:14
Darkchaosand than the eMMC content 10.2010.13-2?19:14
chem|stDarkchaos: yes19:15
chem|stjean_brat: ehrm what does it do when pressing the powerbutton19:15
jean_bratit displays NOKIA logo and <.....> for few seconds and screen fades away19:16
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jean_bratchem|st, what is the estimated time to root both vennila and combined?19:18
jean_bratbecause in my case it takes 1 minute or less19:18
chem|stdepends... 5 minutes?19:18
chem|stcant remember, upgrading was a long time ago19:18
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jean_brati think my phone is good for nothing now19:19
chem|stjean_brat: if nokia logo then DOTS you are just to wait, it takes some time to populate opt and stuff19:20
jean_bratno there is no sign of any activity no light nothing19:20
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jean_brati should have kept the device connected?19:21
jean_bratuntill it reboots?19:21
chem|stno, just leave it for 5-10mins19:21
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chem|stthere is no indication apart from screen gets lit again and dots apear19:22
Darkchaosok so what do i have to install first, the global release and then shut off, battery exchange and then flash eMMC ?19:23
Darkchaosor first the eMMC19:23
infobotit has been said that maemo-flashing is
Darkchaos"NOTE: Always flash the eMMC image first, then the FIASCO image immediately after that." or is fiasco something other then combined19:23
Darkchaosfiasco == expert?19:23
chem|stfiasco is the combined19:24
Darkchaosonly for experts. noobs rootfs and then emmc19:24
chem|stfollow the instructions step by step19:24
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chem|stgtg l8er19:26
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spark666why uboot conflicts whit kernel-power?lol :P20:18
ShadowJKneed special versions for uboot20:19
spark666ShadowJK: And what version its that?:D20:21
ShadowJKdoesn't uboot live in place kernel usually does?20:21
freemangordonu-boot flashes it's owwn kernel image, thus the conflict ;)20:21
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spark666and version of kernel will use?a better one?20:22
freemangordonafaik omap120:22
freemangordonwell, maybe it depends where you got u-boot from20:22
freemangordonrepos or Pali's sever20:23
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freemangordonI think it is omap1 (stock one) but not sure, better ask Pali20:23
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freemangordonthere is u-boot on Pali's server which boots KP50 by default20:24
spark666but Pali's server its a repo or?20:24
merlin1991in the repos there is uboot-pr1.3, which flashes uboot with attached image of omap120:25
freemangordonPali's u-boot is in repos too, and afaik it extracts currently flashed kernel an makes it default, something like that20:26
freemangordonBut again, better ask pali for details20:26
merlin1991hm didn't know palis uboot is in the repo20:26
spark666the only uboot i found  on repos is uboot-pr1.320:26
freemangordonspark666, that uses omap1 for sure20:27
spark666Pali: are you here ? :P20:27
freemangordonand better look here for upstream one20:27
spark666ok i will take a look,ty20:28
freemangordonmerlin1991, might be wrong, I am using debs from u-boot thread, NFC fhat is in repos20:28
freemangordonmerlin1991, when you will have time for *-thumb repos?20:28
merlin1991whenever you want to20:29
freemangordonaah, go ahead then :)20:29
spark666btw where i can find a list whit all repos?i enabled the one from maemo wiki20:29
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merlin1991apart from extras-devel and the cssu repo there aren't any repos I know of that are proper20:30
freemangordonmerlin1991, lets have the infrastructure in place, .debs will come shortly after that20:30
spark666i have them20:30
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merlin1991freemangordon: don't forget to put your stuff on gitorious aswell ;)20:32
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freemangordonmerlin1991, ORLY :P20:39
freemangordonof course I will20:39
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Darkchaosfuck, I have no space left on my SD MemoryCard^^20:54
Darkchaoswhat folders are important20:54
Darkchaosi guess /home/developer?20:54
Darkchaos.bookmarks perhaps20:54
Darkchaossome apps and settings of them are not needed i guess as well as the cache20:55
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chem|stDarkchaos: how about using the backup tool or is zip gone?20:57
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DarkchaosBackUp tool works but there is no information about saving contacts etc20:57
chem|stDarkchaos: they are within, and how about using the export function of abook?20:57
DarkchaosWhat's abook? The default contact book?20:58
Darkchaoshalf of the gui is even missing already :(20:58
Darkchaosbut im dumb, i could have already exported those contacts to Paper20:58
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Darkchaosok the rm does not work but using rm `ls` is wrong as well, as it is not "" ing the files21:00
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rm_workrm does too work21:15
* rm_work hides21:15
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Darkchaosdo you recomend using the NSU or the Flasher?21:18
Darkchaos:D it has been working :D21:19
Darkchaosbut i was using a damaged ssh session :D21:19
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Darkchaosbut now i'll use the default filemanager21:19
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Darkchaoscan you give me some tipp how to reflash? First i have to reflash rootfs right?21:19
Darkchaosand then restart and flash COMBINED?21:20
chem|stNO rebooting in between21:20
Darkchaosso no "-R" when flashing rootfs21:20
ShadowJKAs long as you don't boot N900 in between, it's fine21:20
chem|stDarkchaos: follow what infobot says21:20
Darkchaosbut there was something about rebooting, was that the only rootfs?21:20
Darkchaosye i do, but there is not really clear what rootfs and emmc is etc, but after I have saved all data I will read through again21:21
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ShadowJKYeah, the terminology isn't consistent21:21
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ShadowJKthe rootfs/fiasco files are newer, and there are only like 2 emmc files (use the newer one, obviously)21:22
Darkchaosand first the rootfs of course?21:22
Darkchaosor let's call them the COMBINED ones21:22
Darkchaoserr and the emmc version is not really matching my maemo version number, is this usual?21:23
ShadowJKThey only made two because it didn't change21:23
DarkchaosOk i belive in you and the 8MB Backup made by Maemo21:24
Darkchaoserr and you recommend flasher instead of NSU?21:24
ShadowJKI haven't tried nsu, but I've heard bad things about it?21:25
ShadowJKBut then again, I've also heard bad things about flasher on windows21:25
DarkchaosThat's why I'll use Debian in a VM, I hope this will work21:25
DarkchaosAnd there was a Kernel which supported a WLan Router (being one), Is this the Point were I implement it, or can this be done later on-the-fly?21:27
DarkchaosAnd just to know, what happens if the usb connection stops while flashing? (my usb port is a bit damaged)21:28
ShadowJKYou'll have to flash again21:28
Darkchaoshaha nice I even damaged the turn-off switch21:28
Darkchaoswell shouldn't i first flash the eMMC the remove the battery and then flash the rootfs as it's written here?21:31
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spark666i installed locate on my n900 but it doesnt work..any ideas?21:41
jogaupdatedb? what does "doesn't work" mean anyway?21:43
spark666i know about updatedb21:43
spark666but i get a "not found" error21:44
jogaa *what* "not found" error?21:44
jogacommand not found? file not found?21:44
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spark666sh :updatedb :not found21:45
spark666and same whit locate21:45
jogaspark666 how did you install it?21:46
spark666from appmanager21:46
jogaseems I don't have the same repos enabled then21:47
joga(can't find it)21:47
spark666i have the testing and friends enabled to :P21:47
jogatried dpkg -L <pkg name> ?21:48
jogato list the files that come with it21:48
spark666okey ill try it ty21:48
DarkchaosOT: Did anybody try to port What's App to Maemo? I don't know why, but here in Germany nobody uses his facebook or irc or skype chat, but what's app21:48
DarkchaosI don't get why, if they have facebook, even because what's app is mailing your whole addressbook?!21:49
chem|stDarkchaos: dito21:51
chem|styes they are after it21:51
spark666man locate works ,to read the man,only the command doesnt work21:52
jogaspark666 tried with full path?21:52
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spark666joga: how could i miss that?tnx21:53
spark666but why it need the full path?21:53
Darkchaosbecause it isn't linked in /bin or /usr/bin or /usr/sbin or smth, i'm not that into linux but it searches the command in the current directory and then in those folders21:54
spark666maybe i should symlink it?21:55
jogaDarkchaos actually current directory is not usually searched21:56
DarkchaosWhy not? It could be that there is a file named locate?21:56
Darkchaosor is this only in case he uses sh or ./ infront?21:56
jogaDarkchaos I've never used a linux system that searches the current path...21:57
joga(sure, it's about the shell of course but sounds unusual to me)21:57
Darkchaoswell you could want to execute bash scripts in there?21:58
jogaI want it to search stuff in dirs I put in $PATH and that's it21:59
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jogathen I add just ~/bin for example to PATH and put my scripts there21:59
spark666btw does this ash has something like bash has the .bashrc?22:00
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Darkchaosfuck, I should have written a presentation about led's instead Im about 5 Hours already fixing my fucking mobile phone22:01
Darkchaoswaiting for the download to finish, the flashing doesn't take long or?22:01
Darkchaos10 minutes? (5 minutes per file?)22:01
spark666Darkchaos: language clean pls :P22:01
Darkchaos:D ok22:01
jogaI don't think it takes very long22:01
DocScrutinizer(<spark666> i know about updatedb) it's a bug, see ~jrtools22:01
jogacan't remember exactly though, but minutes anyway22:01
Darkchaosreplace the word with: "well"22:01
spark666DocScrutinizer: ty22:02
infobotsomebody said jrtools was
spark666DocScrutinizer: should i symlink them then?or create an alias?22:03
ShadowJKyou can write presentation while waiting for downloads ;p22:03
Darkchaosyes but at the moment I'm to excited :D22:04
Darkchaosand at the moment here where i'm living its at 9pm too hot -.- (It is Germany :D but it's like in asia or something to much water in the air, so you sweat all the time)22:04
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Darkchaoswhat if my phone is not entirely loaded?22:09
ShadowJKcharged? flashing wont work22:10
Darkchaosyes that's what i meant, its about 95% loaded22:10
Darkchaosbut problem is due to the memory effect I can never entirely charge it22:10
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Darkchaoswell i'll try now, wish me luck :)22:11
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DocScrutinizerspark666: I'm actually not exactly sure what's your particular problem, the problem of updatedb though is that it searches for /usr/bin/find and that's not available, only usr/bin/gfind is22:14
spark666DocScrutinizer: it works only whit full path,same as locate22:15
DocScrutinizersince updatedb is a shellscript, I made a sed cmdline that fixes the issue22:15
Darkchaosok virtual machines don't work22:16
DocScrutinizer~ # which updatedb22:17
DocScrutinizer~ # bash22:17
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# which updatedb22:17
DocScrutinizerIroN900:~# echo $PATH22:17
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spark666i dont have bash22:18
DocScrutinizerwhich gupdatedb22:18
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DocScrutinizerI.E. it's already symlinked22:20
DarkchaosIt says Booting device into flash mode, and then the charged led begins to shine, and then: "suitable USB Device not found, waiting."22:20
spark666Darkchaos: its ok22:20
Darkchaosyes? because the terminal reports that its could find a suitable usb device after the flashmode boot22:21
Darkchaosdoes this boot take a few minutes?22:21
Darkchaosi can see a dimmed nokia on the screen22:21
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DocScrutinizerDarkchaos: boot will take minutes after jumping dots22:24
DocScrutinizernot on NOKIA screen22:24
DarkchaosI cannot see jumping dots, I see Nokia and on the right the disappearing usb symbol22:25
Darkchaosthats all22:25
DocScrutinizerthen the phone is in proper flashing mode, battery is sufficiently charged, and you should already have started flasher22:25
DocScrutinizerflasher shall be started before plugging in phone22:26
DocScrutinizerit will "wait" after "no USB found", then you plug in N900 with 'u' held down, and it shall start flashing22:26
Darkchaos"Suitable USB device not found, waiting. blah found device... Booting device into flash mode. Suitable USB device not found, waiting"22:27
Darkchaosso it looses connection when attempting to boot in flash mode22:27
DocScrutinizeryou probably have problems on PC side, witjh22:27
DocScrutinizerwith module cdc_ether etc22:27
Darkchaosmaybe because it's running in a vm and after that isn't available to the windows driver?22:28
DocScrutinizeror you have a fsckdup rootfs on N900, and try to flash eMMC22:28
Darkchaoshow can I fix this?22:29
DocScrutinizerhard to diagnose unless we know exactly what you're doing22:29
Darkchaosrm -rf /* -> I want to reflash my os, I definately have version 2010-20. something - 3622:30
Darkchaostrying to flash the emmc22:30
DocScrutinizerafter rm -rf /* you got a thoroughly fucked rootfs, you'll need to flash COMBINED first, flashing eMMC won't work22:31
DocScrutinizerso you flash COMBINED, eMMC, COMBINED *again*22:32
DocScrutinizershould get you out of any trouble22:33
Darkchaosyeah :)22:33
DocScrutinizerand please read complere page at22:33
infobotmaemo-flashing is probably
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DarkchaosWhen flashing the eMMC content, the safe way is flash the eMMC/VANILLA image first, then remove battery for a moment, and then flash the FIASCO/Rootfs image. Do not boot up the device between the two i.e do NOT use the -R parameter at the end!22:34
DarkchaosThat confused me22:34
DocScrutinizerhow is that confusing?22:34
Darkchaoswell i thought i have to flash eMMC first22:35
DocScrutinizeryou have to flash COMBINED *last*22:35
Darkchaosok :) thank you now the flashing works22:36
DarkchaosI think this is the best that happend to me because I had 99% on / even if I don't know why :D22:36
Darkchaosand nitdroid never booted, mounted fs gone read only after 100 acceses22:36
Darkchaosunmounted by themselfes22:37
DocScrutinizerDarkchaos: just 5 lines after yur quote there is: >Note however that eMMC flashing will fail when your rootfs is completely messed up, the recommended flash sequence then is rootfs, eMMC, rootfs *again*.<22:37
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spark666where can i see the features log of kp5022:37
Darkchaosafter 1 day of using the icons on my desktop freezed22:37
Darkchaos*embarassing *22:37
DarkchaosI never thought that It would be that easy :)22:39
Darkchaosshould be done. booting now :)22:39
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DocScrutinizerfirst boot will take minutes22:40
spark666it will take some time dont panic22:40
DocScrutinizerdon't abort it22:40
spark666freemangordon: tnx22:42
DocScrutinizeranyway I declare May 10. the day of maemo reflashing22:42
freemangordonsorry for the highlight :)22:42
DarkchaosIf it has booted how can i import the backup lateron? :D22:42
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DocScrutinizerbackup app ->restore22:43
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vi____what is the address for cssu irc?22:43
DocScrutinizerand obviously again mass storage mode, for anything on MyDocs22:43
Darkchaoshell yeah, my phone just rose like a phenix out of the ashes22:43
freemangordonvi____, #maemo-ssu22:44
Darkchaoswell i have to copy them out of the sd external card, because i even broke this functionality :D22:44
vi____the man who gives his girl a new phone as a present...22:44
vi____...then steals the battery!22:44
freemangordonyeah ;)22:44
freemangordonbut gives her his old one (the battery i mena) :D22:45
vi____how do i determine if the orientation lock is on?22:46
vi____freemangordon: I did the same to mrs vi__22:46
freemangordonby looking at your status bar22:46
vi____with a 580022:46
DocScrutinizervi____: it's visible as an icon in statusbar22:46
freemangordonnah, it does not make sense, 5800 has the same 1360 mAh as n90022:47
* DocScrutinizer plumbs a few more "_______" to vi____ 's ass22:47
vi____the ___ is my e-peen22:48
vi____I have a script that does some stuff depending on the orientation of the n90022:48
Darkchaoswell ok, my backup application says "no backups available"?22:49
freemangordonyou can check a gconf value, look at CSSU wiki for which exact one22:49
freemangordonvi____ ^^^22:49
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DocScrutinizeryou probably stored them to either uSD or MyDocs. In any case you have to restore those contents22:50
Darkchaosthey are in the /home/user/ folder22:50
vi_however when the orientation lock is enabled the orientation lies22:50
DocScrutinizerthe backup app looks in to particular path/dir locations only, for backups to restore22:51
Darkchaosaww that is bad :/22:51
DarkchaosI have a folder "Backup" but there is a hidden folder "backup"22:51
freemangordonvi_, there are d-bus signals you can use in latest h-d22:52
DocScrutinizerone is /home/user/MyDocs/backups/22:52
Darkchaosoh shell is per default installed :)22:52
freemangordon*signals and methods22:52
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Darkchaoswell i cannot see this folder, maybe in usb mode?22:53
DocScrutinizerthe other is /media/mmc1/backups/#22:53
DocScrutinizerthe other is /media/mmc1/backups/22:53
Darkchaosthe problem is the captial "b"22:53
DocScrutinizerno capital B22:53
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vi_cthulhu calls22:54
DocScrutinizer /home/user/MyDocs/ is what you see on mass storage mode22:54
Darkchaosyeah but as i copied it to the sd card I copied it as "Backups" but i cannot see a "backups" via integrated filemanager22:54
freemangordonthe call of chtulhu?22:54
prometoyshi, is there an easy way to configure the status menu? except deinstalling extensions for it?22:54
DocScrutinizer~wiki  call of chtulhu22:54
infobotI couldn't find a matching article in wikipedia, look for yerselves:
DocScrutinizernfc about HFM22:55
DocScrutinizermight do the MSDOS bullshit of autocapitalizing every dir22:56
DocScrutinizeror your input-method did that for you, when you typed the destination dir name22:56
DocScrutinizeranyway unlike MSDOS unix / linux is case-aware22:57
freemangordonDocScrutinizer, it is a song of Metallica22:57
DocScrutinizerI thought it's sth like "montezuma's revenge"22:57
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DocScrutinizerwtf gone Darkchaos ?22:59
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DocScrutinizerprometoys: there's a terribly clumsy way to edit an XML file23:00
DocScrutinizerit's so friggin annoying and sensible to obscure details it doesn't like about your editing that I actually preferred to forget the name of the file23:01
Sazpaimon_ - Banned23:02
Sazpaimon_oh man23:02
Sazpaimon_that looks so good on my eyes23:02
DocScrutinizerthough I have to look into it eventually again, to get rif of double profile settings now that I have tweakr and profile-manager installed23:02
DocScrutinizerget rid, even23:02
prometoysdocscrutinizer: thx, just found an option in cssu tuner to make fmtx entry always visible, this was what i was looking for23:02
prometoysi prefer to ignore the other items instead to edit the xml file23:02
DocScrutinizeryeah, that's what I currently do as well23:03
DocScrutinizeras that XML file is a *bitch*23:03
DocScrutinizerSazpaimon_: UH????23:05
DarkchaosMass-Storage-Mode is only providing me the sdcard?23:06
DocScrutinizernope, mass storage mode is exporting /home/user/MyDocs/ and /media/card/ (or whatever the name of uSD)23:06
Sazpaimon_DocScrutinizer, that guy got on my nerves23:07
DocScrutinizerwhich guy?23:07
* DocScrutinizer shrugs23:08
DocScrutinizernever seen23:08
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DocScrutinizerSazpaimon_: are you sure you're in right chan?23:08
Sazpaimon_DocScrutinizer, yeah he's a TMO member23:09
Sazpaimon_yeah I dont know why i still go there either23:10
DocScrutinizerI suggest you use the term "banned from tmo"23:10
DocScrutinizerso I can ignore the useless info ;-)23:11
DocScrutinizerinstead of worrying if I missed sth here on IRC23:11
Sazpaimon_there's actually been more activity in #maemo than usual23:12
DocScrutinizeryeah, day of first-time-reflashers23:12
* DocScrutinizer suspects some rogue pkg published via tmo ;-P23:13
DocScrutinizeror some BS statement along the line "nitdroid is *AWESOME*!!1!11!11!"23:13
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vi___I am now on a real keyboard23:14
DocScrutinizerhey, doesn't make much difference23:14
DocScrutinizerthe '___' still looks the same ;-)23:14
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vi___Is there a way to query the current screen dimensions?23:15
vi___ala xrandr23:15
DocScrutinizerumm, probably yes23:16
DocScrutinizersomewhere in X23:16
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DocScrutinizeror Qt23:16
Darkchaosdoes the backup automatically install all apps again? because it said restoring applications and now i have the programmmanager and it's doing nothing^^23:16
DocScrutinizerAIUI portrait rotation based on aspect ratio which basically is X>Y?prtrait:landscape23:17
DocScrutinizererrr, the app restore offers a menu to (un)select arbitrary apps out of the backup'ed set23:18
Darkchaosok, If i try to do something it says "Progress Running. Please wait"23:18
Darkchaosnow its finished :)23:18
DocScrutinizeryou should have a checkbox at left of each app23:18
Darkchaosnow it works^^23:18
vi___that is how I would determine orientation, however how do I determine the dimensions...23:20
vi___...only using bash.23:20
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DocScrutinizerooh, bash23:26
DocScrutinizerno idea, sorry23:26
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vi___cat /sys/devices/platform/omapfb/graphics\:fb0/virtual_size23:27
DocScrutinizeryou *might* deduce from terminal properties (lines, cols)23:27
vi___^ nope23:27
DocScrutinizervi___: kudos23:27
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DocScrutinizerdoes this rotate?23:28
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vi___it is just the raw size of the famebuffer23:32
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vi___If you put:23:36
vi___gconftool-2 --type string --set /apps/connui-cellular/operator_name_online23:36
vi___$(ifconfig wlan0 | awk '/inet addr/ {split ($2,A,":"); print A[2]}') | grep -v23:36
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vi___into a script in /etc/network/if-post-up.d23:37
vi___AND you have custom operator widget installed23:37
vi___Your operator name will be your IP address23:37
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DocScrutinizerhey :-D23:43
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vi___if ( $(gconftool-2 --recursive-list /apps/osso/hildon-desktop | grep -m1 'orientation_lock' | cut -d ' ' -f 4) = 'tru23:46
vi___e' ); then echo lol; fi23:46
vi___to determine screenlock state23:46
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vi___so if (orientation changed AND orientation lock = false); then23:47
vi___do my script;23:47
vi___job done23:47
vi___get your coat23:47
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vi___who here knows sed?23:58

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